KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon : KTVU : June 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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weather is expected to stick around, and the danger that comes with it. plus the verdict is in. hunter biden has become the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a felony. the decision handed down by the jury today that many people consider pandas cute. and in san francisco, they have become controversial. the board of supervisors set for a crucial vote this afternoon on why bringing one to the city is being met by opposition and support. the news at noon starts now. this is ktvu fox two news at noon. good afternoon and thank you for joining us. i'm andre senior and i'm cristina rendon. >> our big story today is the heat triple digit temperatures in some parts of the bay area.

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ktvu meteorologist rosemary roscoe joining us now with how long this weather is going to stick around. hi, rosemary. hi, christina. >> andrea, the temperatures out there at this hour? five. even ten degrees warmer than just yesterday. so already beginning to see that trend we were expecting that will arrive a little bit later this afternoon when temperatures peak right around 4 or 5:00 for our inland cities. i'd be remiss if i did not say not everybody with that heat advisory. take a look at what's happening near the golden gate bridge, socked in by the fog. there and temperatures along the coastline in the 50s and low 60s. meanwhile, our inland cities a 5 to 10 degrees above where we were yesterday during the lunch hour. san jose, you are up by 11 degrees right now. 83 for you there. as we take a look to the north bay, 84 in santa rosa and the inner east bay, where again, some of us will touch near 100 degrees for the afternoon. 88 right now in livermore, let's go to the east bay, where we've got the hotter temperatures for today, 86 reported right now in walnut creek, 89 in alamo. this time of year, temperatures could, you

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know, come up by five, even ten degrees over what we're seeing out there right now before we are all said and done. so the heat advisory already underway. it goes until 8:00 this evening for north bay interior, east bay interior and for the santa clara valley. it does not include the coast, nor san francisco peninsula or east bay shore. just a reminder there to drink plenty of fluids for folks that do not need to be outdoors during the afternoon hours. don't wait. stay inside with the ac. and just a reminder here never leave your children or your pets in unattended vehicles for any amount of time. i'll have a better look at the current conditions. what we can expect for the afternoon, and the drop in temperatures that begin tomorrow. coming up. >> solid advice there, rosemary. thank you. meantime, people across the bay area are looking to cool down. it also has firefighters on alert. ktvu james thor spent the morning in brentwood and has advised on what you can do during days like this to triple digit heat. take a look. >> summer might have finally given itself a warm welcome to the bay area. i love the hot

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weather, but now that i've gotten older that hot, i stay in the house in brentwood and in much of the east bay. a heat advisory is now in effect. that means the national weather service is warning you temperatures could hit 100 degrees over the next few hours. use that warning as a way to adjust. >> if i don't have to go out, i'm not going out. so even if i was working, you know, at a job, i still, if i don't have to be outside, then stay inside, you know, stay in the air condition and drink a lot of water. >> it's days like today that put fire departments on high alert. not only are they keeping an eye on wildfire risk and drying vegetation, but they respond to more heat related emergencies. >> human nature. we overestimate our limitations and what we can do, we think that that the weather and the heat aren't going to control us or can't really affect us in negative ways, but it absolutely can. and it does. so we see an uptick there. >> advice. drink more than

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enough water. stay indoors as much as possible, and if you must be outside, take advantage of shade as often as you can. that heat advisory will stay in effect until about 8:00 tonight, but the national weather service says it is looking into whether it needs to extend that advisory until some parts of the day. tomorrow we'll let you know if that happens. reporting from brentwood. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. meantime a grass fire near livermore shutting down parts of interstate 580 this morning. >> flames scorched about 50 acres of grass near north flynn road along the altamont pass. now, the eastbound lanes were shut down while crews worked to put out the flames. traffic is now slowly moving through the area. crews say they are making forward progress on that fire. the cause now under investigation. >> police in oakland are trying to determine what led up to a deadly shooting tied to ae invasion. it happened shortly before 6:00 yesterday evening, near the intersection of 98th avenue and burr streets, not far from the oakland zoo. a van from the alameda county coroner's

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office arrived on scene a short time later. witnesses tell ktvu news the gunfire followed a home invasion, and they believe the homeowner shot and killed one of the robbery suspects. those witnesses spotted three people pull up to the home in a white infiniti. they then say they heard the sound of at least two gunshots. neighbors say criminals often target the area. >> we just tend to see a lot of bad things happening. >> yeah, i wouldn't say the neighborhood is too bad, but i can say a lot of people come from outside the neighborhood. and yeah, just kind of leave stuff bad. because just the other day, somebody stole a car and left it right in front of our driveway, so we couldn't even get out of our driveway. >> we have reached out to oakland police to get more information on last night's deadly shooting. new at noon. governor newsom released new figures today showing crime is down in oakland. the governor's office says since february, the highway patrol has recovered 887 stolen vehicles, seized 47 firearms linked to crimes and arrested 440 people. this report comes as the city of oakland

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says overall crime including robbery, burglary, car theft and homicide are all down 33% since the same time last year. >> hunter biden found guilty on all three counts in his federal gun case. president biden, reacting to the conviction in a statement, saying he will, quote, accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. as hunter considers an appeal. rebecca castor has more from wilmington, delaware. >> some protests erupting outside of the courthouse after the verdict was read inside. hunter biden showed little emotion when that verdict came down, but it appears his family is staying united. hunter biden leaving the courthouse hand in hand with his wife melissa, and the first lady of the united states after becoming the first son of a president to be convicted of a felony. >> in the end, justice was done here. the verdict came quick, with a 12 member panel deliberating for a total of three hours. >> following emotional closing arguments on monday. >> this jury and this judge, were they were not going to

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waste any time. >> prosecutor leo wise said in his summation that text messages, bank records, end quote, personal, ugly and overwhelming testimony prove hunter was a drug user when he bought a gun in 2018. but defense attorneys argued there is no way to prove the president's son was actually using drugs during the 11 days he had the gun. the defense tried to sow a seed of doubt in the jury's mind, playing not only to the hometown crowd, but also to the jury's emotions, hoping to tap into their personal experiences with addiction and possibly create sympathy for hunter. but in the end, it didn't work. >> when you hear his account of his struggle with drugs, you can't be anything but empathetic. but there was also an unavoidable series of criminal acts in all of this. >> hunter biden now faces up to 25 years in prison, but as a first time offender, it's unlikely that he'll serve any serious jail time in wilmington, delaware. rebecca castor, fox news. >> an appeal for disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes was heard this morning in

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san francisco federal court. holmes herself was not in the courtroom. she's one year into an 11 year sentence at a federal prison in texas for defrauding investors with false claims about her company's blood testing technology. legal experts have described holmes's appeal as a long shot. her attorneys say the prosecution failed to prove that holmes hoodwinked investors while knowing full well the deficiencies of her product. the appeals court judge this morning submitted the matter for a later decision, well before announcing $400 million more in humanitarian aid for palestinian . >> secretary of state antony blinken called out hamas and said it is time to accept a cease fire deal to save palestinian lives while the fighting in gaza rages on. fox's caroline shively reports now from washington. berm now. >> families of the remaining israeli hostages demanding action on tuesday after four of those kidnaped were freed in this daring rescue in gaza saturday. secretary of state antony blinken is now in the middle east pressuring hamas leaders in hiding to accept a

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ceasefire deal that would release the last of the hostages today. >> as we gather, one and only one thing stands in the way of this deal happening, and that's from us. >> on monday, the united nations security council approved a resolution endorsing the ceasefire plan. a senior hamas leader released a statement saying the resolution contains points we do not accept, but its main aspects are positive. there are also reports that the u.s. is considering bypassing israel and negotiating directly with hamas for the release of american hostages. >> we have to be very concerned, though, that if the united states is going to negotiate separately with hamas, whether it's going to increase the price of the release of the rest of the hostages, it's creating a different category of hostages. those who have american passports, those who don't have american passports, u.s. officials would not comment on whether there are separate negotiations. >> but parents of those americans say they welcome any talks that bring their loved ones home in washington. caroline shively, ktvu, fox two news and the new round of clashes between pro-palestinian

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protesters and police at ucla. >> demonstrators tried to set up a new tent encampment on campus last night, but hundreds of law enforcement were called in to break up the crowd. about 25 protesters were arrested. others were issued citations and ordered to stay away from the school for two weeks. last night's confrontation followed tense times at ucla in late april and early may, when dozens of protesters were arrested and their tents were dismantled. first, breaking news to tell you about right now out of atlanta, where we're learning for people have been shot. this is happening at a food court in downtown atlanta, near the hard rock cafe in downtown. police say one of the four people believed shot here is believed to be the suspect. this happened at the peachtree center food court. that building is now on lockdown. right now, and the mayor sending out information on social media that the four people were shot at the building, the mayor, andre dickens, says that he is at the public safety headquarters with the chief of police right now,

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as they try to work through exactly what is happening here. but this breaking news includes this. four people shot at a food court in downtown atlanta, and one of the people shot we're understanding here is said to be the gunman himself. it's not clear how, though. all of that happened, but we continue to gather the latest information. we'll have more information throughout this new newscast. and of course, on ktvu you.com. >> well, the san francisco board of supervisors are set to vote this afternoon on a plan to bring two giant pandas from china to the san francisco zoo. they'll be voting on a funding resolution, which was unanimously passed last week by supervisors committee. it authorizes city agencies to solicit donations to support the city in hosting the pandas. supporters say the pandas will draw thousands of visitors to the zoo. critics, though, of the effort in defense of animals and sf zoo watch plan to attend today's supervisors meeting. they say the zoo is not capable of properly caring for the pandas. >> well, the cameras rolling as a man is viciously attacked by a dog on a san francisco street.

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>> he shares his emotional story and the video showing what he had to do to escape the clutch of a canine. plus, safety in schools are the top priorities for parents when it comes to raising a family. but a new report is revealing abou the best city to i'm not gonna do anything flashy to announce... ...my munchies under $4— the items you crave like tiny tacos or french toast sticks for less than four bucks! but i will do something explosive. [fireworks and car alarms] at jack, every bite's a big deal! welcome to jack in the box!

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to escape being mauled to death. ktvu. betty. you talk to him and shows us what he said. >> and i just felt something doing like this when i walked back. when i look back, i saw two pit bulls. >> a short walk home from the gym near alameda and vermont streets took a terrifying, nearly fatal turn for pablo. russia surveillance video shows russia taken down by two dogs. he tries to get up but is attacked again and again. another camera captures his escape. bloodied and battered, he climbs a nearby fence before the dogs eventually run off. it happened just after 6 p.m. on may 25th, so this is my blood. >> this is my blood. >> he underwent surgery and received 30 stitches. >> in that moment, i thought i would die. the only thing i was like, i don't believe i'm going to die like this. i just thought i would die, you know? i saw my friend was trying to help me,

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but the dogs were just ignoring him. this gate saved my life. >> his friend eduardo pachu tried to fight off the dogs with the water bottle and ran to get help. meanwhile russia was stuck in an enclosed space pleading for help from passing drivers. >> the cars just stopped and left, russia said. >> police later told him the majority of the 911 calls received at the time described him as a burglary suspect. >> the bites of the dog hurt a lot, but you know the reason they didn't stop to help me there was very painful. >> sfpd said it arrested two suspects, 39 year old hillary flynn and 31 year old jesse ali of san francisco. the woman is facing charges including failure to control a dangerous dog, resisting arrest, and also had outstanding warrants. it's been the better part of seven years that we've been fighting to get our neighborhood cleaned up, and it gets cleaned up, it comes back, it gets cleaned up, it comes back.

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>> we call 311 constantly. >> russia's husband, robert fountain, has lived in the neighborhood for 15 years. in that time, he's witnessed its degradation. >> i'm on high alert from the time i leave the gym door until the time i get inside my door, and that's not right. >> fountain has spent three decades as an event designer who has produced several of the city's high profile marquee galas. >> had pablo not been six six and 220 pounds and healthy, i would be planning a funeral today and the city that i love so much and has given me so much would have taken. and i'm getting emotion would have taken the thing that meant the most to me away. >> it's not like removing one dog. we have more situations. >> betty yu, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, out of this, fremont has been ranked the top city in the united states to raise a family that's according to a new report by wallethub. it compared more than 180 u.s. cities based

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on 45 key metrics such as cost of housing, the quality of schools, safety and recreation. fremont is home to 225,000 people. it has one of the highest median family incomes. after adjusting for the cost of living at close to $122,000, and it has the fourth lowest share of families living in poverty, as well as the third lowest share receiving food stamps. it also has a high percentage of public schools, rated at least seven out of ten, and many summer camp opportunities per capita. san jose took the number seven spot, followed by san francisco, which ranked 12th and coming in at number two, was overland park, kansas. >> wow. pretty cool. also fremont. >> it's going to be very hot today. yeah, one of the many places across the bay area experiencing the sea. meteorologist rosemary oroczo joining us now with more. >> yes, this summer-like pattern definitely microclimates involved in this for today along the coastline going to remain foggy and cool. meanwhile our inland cities baking. here's a look over again the golden gate

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bridge where the fog is swallowed up. the towers they're tough to see and temperatures right along the coastline expected to remain in the upper 50s to low 60s, right around half moon bay and pacifica. the heat advisory once again already underway and will go until 8:00 this evening. it is for our inland cities north bay, east bay and the santa clara valley, where some areas will get close to 100 degrees for the afternoon. that fog is just backed up right against the coastline and just there near the golden gate, not seeing much any place else, and the onshore breeze is nearly nonexistent, seeing just a localized breeze right along the coastline. everybody else has generally light winds and in many cases a variable wind out there, meaning coming from multiple directions. this ridge has strengthened over the bay area over the last 24 hours. the temperatures are expected to peak today. we do begin to see changes tomorrow, so if you just can't stand the heat, it is going to go away. if you enjoy the heat, i would say, well, get outdoors and enjoy

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today, maybe some outdoor dining for you. here's a look at the futurecast model. there's a look at the ridge. you can see it there. we also have a low just spinning off the coastline of southern california, providing some cloud cover there that is going to pull away, allowing southern california to get a little bit of a warm up for the afternoon today and tomorrow. for us. this ridge is going to pull back just a little bit. has to do with what is going on over the pacific northwest. as i put this into motion for you by tomorrow. notice that little dip right in there. so it's managing to again push that ridge a little bit farther west and allow us to bring our temperatures down just a little bit. meanwhile, for the afternoon today, 10 to 20 degrees above average, we've got 94 expected in santa rosa, 70 for san francisco, 76 in oakland, upper 90s in livermore, and 90 degrees over san jose. better look at some of the afternoon highs for today, remaining fairly cool at the coast. we've got pacifica at 64 in the north bay, 90 degrees for you, san rafael for the inner east bay, 98 in antioch and our south bay 90 for morgan hill. we

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have the a's playing a little bit later today. i'll have that forecast for you. and in the extended forecast, the cooler weather that begins tomorrow and what you can expect for the weekend coming up. >> rosemary. >> thank you. san francisco police say they have made progress fighting crime in the city. up next, what the chiefs saying about h eff

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a spokesperson for the foreign ministry, calls the attacks and isolated incident. the foreign instructors are from iowa's cornell college. police say the 55 year old suspect had bumped into one of the teacrs i a public park and tn atcked all of them. they're being treated in a hospital, but non of the injuries are believedo be life threatening. a cnese tourist was also injured while trying to help stop the attack. a motive for the attack isn't yet known. the san francisco police department is touting new numbers which show that crime is down dramatically comes after a series of weekend sideshows, renewed safety concerns for many. now, earlier, i spoke to san francisco police chief bill scott on mornings on two about how police breaking up and cracking down on these events is helping. >> our primary focus when we respond to these sideshows is to stop them, break them up, flush people out because the safety of the public is really our our concern when we, we and the officers, when we go to these things. >> chief scott says an investigation, seizures and

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arrests happen in the following days as a result of this weekend's sideshows. sfpd towed two cars. so far, though, no arrests have been made. >> today, on the same day, president biden's son, hunter was found guilty on gun charges and president himself spoke at a major gun violence prevention conference in washington, d.c. the president did not make mention of his son's conviction during the address. this is the everytown for gun safety action fund's annual conference. mr. biden's address to the conference comes nearly two years after he signed the bipartisan safer communities act, which enhanced gun background checks and increased money for mental health programs. >> you're changing the nation when it builds upon the dozens of executive actions my administration has taken to reduce gun violence more than any of my predecessors, and i suspect more than all of them combined. everything from cracking down on ghost guns, gun trafficking, and so much more. folks, we're not stopping there. it's time once again to do what i did when i was a senator to ban assault weapons.

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>> the president is heading to wilmington, delaware this afternoon to be with his family, including his son, hunter. a white house news briefing set for today, where comments were expected about his son's conviction, has now been canceled. singapore airlines is offering compensation to passengers on board a flight that hit severe turbulence. last month, the carrier announced that it sent an offer to passengers on board the may 21st flight that left one person dead. the airline says passengers who suffered minor injuries will get $10,000. those who had more serious injuries can negotiate higher payments. the flight from london to singapore was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok after encountering severe turbulence. a 73 year old passenger died of a suspected heart attack and several others were injured in this incident. san francisco is looking to make significant changes to the controversial bike lanes on valencia street, the city's municipal transportation agency plans to seek approval to design a new side running bike lane to replace the current center running lane. right now, that

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lane spans eight blocks between 15th and 23rd street. for months now, the center lane has been criticized by business owners and neighbors in the area. if approved, we will likely not see any changes until 2025. a new spain theater company devastated after its supplies were destroyed in a fire. how the company is looking to bounce back just four days before opening night for one of its performances. plus be aware how fast things can change because it caught me off guard and it could catch someone else off guard, too. a warning to others from an alameda county firefighter seriously injured on the front lines . we'll have the latest

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caught in the downtown area. this shooting happened at the peachtree center food court, which is near numerous large hotels and office high rises in the downtown atlanta area. atlanta police said in a post that all four people who were shot or alert and conscious, one of the four believed to be the suspect. no other details are being released at this time about exactly what happened there, but the scene, as you might imagine, still very active here. we will continue to follow the story and bring you updates as more information becomes

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available to us. >> we are also tracking the heat today, triple digits in some parts of the bay area, and ktvu meteorologist rosemary oroczo joining us again with how long this weather is going to stick around. hi rosemary. >> yes, christina andre spiking for one day. thankfully temperatures will begin to cool as early as tomorrow and close to the coast. temperatures are expected to remain cool for today, so it is really our interior bay area that is seeing this for the afternoon. a live look there out towards san francisco, san francisco will be above average, but expected to go to about 70 degrees 74 for the afternoon, depending on what part of san francisco we're talking about. we are not the only ones baking under the june sun without some no surprise temperatures in the northern end of the sacramento valley and redding expected to go to 105 today. city of sacramento, 102 and over towards bakersfield 104. and you'll see the shade of orange, as well as a pink to red. that the advisory is pretty much for the entire interior of northern, central and going towards southern california. meanwhile over towards nevada as

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well as arizona, we've got advisories there for las vegas expected to go to 107 today. phoenix 110. let's come back home. take a look at our heat advisory. it will expire at 8 p.m. this evening. last week we saw that heat arrive, and it lasted at least a few days. where we had the advisories from tuesday to thursday. but for today, it will expire by tonight. and a look at the temperatures right now where we are already in the upper 80s in brentwood, livermore, and in the north bay, 84 over a santa rosa last half hour we went east. this time we'll go north where healdsburg is reporting 90, cloverdale 93 and rohnert park already reporting 95. a better look at the afternoon highs and what we can expect for the rest of the week. coming up. all right, mary, thank you. >> an alameda county firefighter now sharing his story after he suffered serious injuries battling the corral fire near tracy, ktvu amberleigh spoke with the firefighter about the extent of his injuries as he is still in the hospital. >> i have some, full thickness burns on my left arm, alameda

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county firefighter brandon franco is recovering from the second and third degree burns. >> he suffered mainly to the left side of his body. his face and leg when fighting the corral fire near tracy on june 1st. he was airlifted here to santa clara valley medical center for treatment in the burn unit. >> i'm alive, i can walk, my airway is good. i can talk. my eyesight didn't get damaged. i'm able to see and i'm able to recover. >> the 22 year veteran firefighter says he cannot talk about the fire because it is under investigation. it took five days for crews to fully contain the 14,000 plus acre fire. franco says this is the first time he suffered serious injuries while fighting a fire. he has this advice for other firefighters. >> just be aware how fast things can change because it caught me off guard and it could catch someone else off guard too. >> franco has already undergone one skin graft surgery and is scheduled to undergo a second

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surgery thursday. but before that, he tells me he's looking forward to seeing his four year old daughter, who will be visiting him at the hospital for the first time wednesday. the 43 year old says he's deeply grateful for the outpouring of support he's received from hospital staff and firefighters, not only from his own department. i'm just gracious for all the, you know, fellow firefighters here in the bay area that have come, come by my side and helped me through all this. >> and like i said, a lot of them i've never even met before. and they've just, you know, they're here for me. >> do you plan to go back to firefighting? >> absolutely. there's a half i'm going back for sure. i want to be back before the end of the fire season. but we'll we'll see. we'll see how everything heals up. franco tells me he'll be in the hospital for at least another seven days. >> then there will be rehab. his union, the alameda county firefighters local 55, is raising money to help franco and his family as he operates a small ranch part time, and he

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plans to use some of the money to keep the operation running. franco tells me the rest of the money he'll donate to the san jose firefighters burn foundation in san jose. amber lee ktvu, fox two news another fire also in pittsburg, causing devastating damage for a bay area theater group. >> the fire starting sunday afternoon in a warehouse on john henry johnson parkway. the pittsburg theater company says all of its supplies and its lightings, costumes and props were burned just four days before the theater's opening night performance of the sunshine boys. the theater also losing precious memories going back to its founding back in 1979, we had all of our archives in here for more than 40 years of shows, programs, photographs, newspaper clippings. >> they were all stored in here. >> the team has been scrambling to get the set ready for opening night with help from donations, board members say the fire has

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impacted the broader east bay theater community as well. >> what we lost also affects other theater companies, and we work closely with clayton theater company and on stage and pinole community players. so it's kind of like our loss is their loss to contra costa county. >> fire says the wind blew the flames into the nearby hillside of a park, the cause of the fire being investigated. >> now, a group of people who live in their vehicles are calling on san francisco city leaders to help them find a new place to park and stay long term. sfmta wants to enforce a four hour time limit on parking in the area, but as ktvu lee rasmus explains, the residents say that would break up their community and would feel like an eviction. >> sandwiched between lake merced and san francisco state is winston drive. rvs are parked on both sides of the street. an unofficial mobile home community. >> we have about 100 families here right now party town, party town. >> today, some of those rv residents held a rally and spoke

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about their housing situation. for the past year, the sfmta has been trying to implement a plan to enforce a four hour time limit for parking here and tow away vehicles that violate it. enforcement of the plan has been delayed several times, but now the group says they were told july 2nd is their move out date when work is planned to repave the street. residents are calling on city leaders to help them find another place to park. >> aqui mantenemos limpio. >> we keep our streets clean, we're not dirty, and our main task is to have a safe parking site. my mom and my dad had to work a lot for getting all the stuff that we needed. >> 11 year old hazel has lived here with her siblings and parents since she was seven years old. she's very aware of the uncertainty of their situation, and people from the college, from this college here, they think that we are bad persons because we live in arby's. >> there is funding for it, but there just doesn't seem to be the political will, to move forward on a site, an sfmta

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spokesperson told ktvu. >> july 2nd is not a set date. in a statement, she explained the timeline depends on repaving. quote the pavement contractor will post temporary tow away notices on winston in advance of the roadwork, necessitating removal of any vehicles that aren't moved voluntarily. of course, we want to and will give everyone as much advance notice of that action as we can. end quote sfmta says when that repaving work starts is yet to be determined, but the folks who live in the rvs here say they're worried it'll happen sooner rather than later, and they're worried about where they will be able to go when they have to move their homes in san francisco. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> police in oakland are investigating the deaths of three teenagers who were killed in separate, unrelated shootings . investigators say the first shooting happened shortly after 130 yesterday morning near 10th and filbert in west oakland. gunfire then erupted a half hour later near 102nd avenue in international boulevard in east oakland. police say two

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teenagers were killed in that second shooting to lose three young men just getting started on life, i think is tragic. >> we all need to get together and solve this problem of how we get the guns off the street. >> oakland police have not yet released any information about suspects or possible motive in these shootings. >> well, a review by the state attorney general has found the san francisco da's office did not abuse its power when it declined to file charges in the killing of a shoplifting suspect by security guard banco brown was shot and killed last year during an altercation with a walgreens security guard. brown was not armed. san francisco da brooke jenkins declined to file charges in the case because prosecutors did not think they could disprove claims. the guard acted in self defense. now, according to the review, prosecutors did not abuse their discretion when they opted not to file charges. >> the city of san francisco is honoring immigrants rights leaders and their work in the community. last night at city

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hall, san francisco held the seventh annual immigrant leadership awards. the honorees include a nurse, a labor leader, a judge, and organizers of popular events including carnival san francisco and the italian heritage parade. the event recognizes how immigrants helped build the city and continue to serve their communities. one honoree established soccer fridays for kids in the tenderloin. >> as a soccer player, dad, and coach, i understood that soccer was an international language that connects all of us in the spirit of play. >> another honoree is a nurse who helps to provide meals to people in need, as well as acting as a community educator and activist. >> thank you for showing up. let's continue to show up for each other, for the immigrant community, and let's amplify the voices for those who can't. >> the san francisco immigrants rights commission was launched in 2017 by the late mayor ed lee. the 15 members advised the mayor and board of supervisors

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on policies that impact san francisco's immigrant community. >> the u.s. department of education alerting borrowers across the country and here in california about an important deadline. now they have until june 30th to take advantage of a one time offer involving the federal student loan program. it provides faster loan forgiveness, lower monthly payments, and outright forgiven fees for federal loans borrowed before 2010. this offer could affect as many as 300,000 people in california, new figures show. california homeowners are spending a lot more money just to maintain their homes, bloomberg reports. the cost of owning a home in the state rose 32% since 2020. nationally, that number is 26. the report took into account increases in property taxes, insurance and energy bills, among other factors. other states saw even bigger jumps. utah surging 44, idaho 39% and hawaii 38. >> elon musk is threatening to ban apple devices from all of his companies after apple announced a partnership with

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openai. apple's new operating system will include an update to siri to let users tap into openai's chatgpt. musk went on his x platform to express his concerns. he posted that if apple integrates with openai, it would lead to, quote, an unacceptable security violation. >> well, a plan to transform one of san francisco's most well known streets. how one group hopes to make it more welcoming for residents and visitors, and why could come at a high os

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that started today. and while it's not expected interest rates will change at this round of meetings, analysts say it could give clues about what the fed's plan to do at its next meeting in september. rates have been held at 23 year high for almost a year, in an effort to bring down inflation. let's take a look at the markets now. this is the dow. the dow is down about 152 points down about 0.4. at this point. the s&p it edged up higher today mostly driven by apple which was up 6. it hit another record now. and the tech heavy nasdaq also adding about 0.6% as well. >> well, it is one of san francisco's most famous streets. and now some business leaders are hoping to give it a major makeover. ktvu christian captain shows us this group believes their plan would make powell street more welcoming to residents and visitors. >> powell street is one of san

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francisco's most recognized thoroughfares, and now the union square alliance and city leaders are pitching a new plan to transform the street to make it more welcoming to visitors and locals alike. organizers just released an artist's rendering of what powell street could look like. the metal bump out parklets would be replaced by wider sidewalks and cafe style dining, and, at night, new dramatic lighting that can be configured to celebrate everything from the golden state warriors to pride and running right through the center of it all. the city's cable cars. >> what makes powell street so special? look behind me right? this is a life open air museum. those are historic landmarks going back and forth behind me. this is our iconic gateway to san francisco. >> the union square alliance, in coordination with the city, are proposing the changes, trying to reimagine how the area could resume its place as one of the nation's preeminent streets. we want this to look and feel like the community and the city we all love, right? >> we want to put our best foot

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forward. >> the price tag for the new look between 20 and $30 million. 3.5 million of that is already available. but backers are asking san francisco residents to approve a november bond measure that would add the needed funds and allow the project to flourish. >> once that gets approved, ball is going to be rolling because we're already geared up. we're ready to make some changes, and we're really focused. >> john's grill sits just off powell street. john constant junior says the historic restaurant would benefit from a more welcoming powell street. >> there's so much walk in business that this restaurant that john's grill gets from just being right here next to powell street. i know that to be true for every other business here, too, and having a beautiful, beautiful mainstay, powell street, where everybody wants to come and hang and eat lunch, will elevate the city beyond words. >> the public will have their chance to vote for the bond measure to help pay for the proposed improvements. but starting on wednesday, they can also get a preview of what it will look like back as the plan

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are opening a space here at 111 powell street for visitors to see for themselves what it could look like, and even offer some feedback. in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news john rosemary oroczo is back with us this noon. >> time for a look at the forecast, which involves the hottest day of the week today. rosemary. >> yes, definitely a good day to be indoors if you are in our north bay, east bay, south bay, inland areas, temperatures will be from the 90s to perhaps nearing 100 degrees. for some outsider doors at this time. a beautiful view into san francisco, where san francisco is enjoying some nice weather. upper 60s to low 70s across parts of the bay area for the afternoon at least. san francisco, i should say. here's a look at storm tracker two. a ridge of high pressure is in control of our weather pattern for today. it will begin to shift a little bit by tomorrow and that is going to help us out. meanwhile, over southern california, socked in by some cloud cover and some fog there as they have a low spinning right off the coastline coming in a little bit closer. that fog

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is just right along the coast and just inside the bay. as we were taking live shots, of course, of the golden gate bridge, and we really couldn't see a thing into tomorrow morning picking it up for you at 5 a.m, a little bit of fog developing along the coastline here, and then as we get into the second part of the morning and early afternoon, it will continue. but it's not going to go too far inland. we will begin to see changes in the way of a little bit more fog and the onshore breeze is expected to return for tomorrow. here's a look at where we are right now. generally light and a variable wind out there through today the winds don't really increase much, but tomorrow afternoon take a look at what is going on. we do have a little bit more wind over areas of san francisco coming through the bay and in through the delta, and it's coming from this direction giving us that southwesterly breeze that will help to bring the temperatures down. right now, the winds again, very light coming in from the north, fairfield coming in from the southwest over concord, coming in from the north in napa. as we shift over towards the peninsula , sfo reporting a northeast

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breeze at five miles per hour. mountain view north at seven so that north northeast wind, you know, warms things up, dries things out. we need that west southwest breeze to return and bring us that cool pacific air that expected to begin tomorrow for the afternoon today, a 5 to 10 degrees warmer than where we were yesterday and almost 20 degrees above average for many 89 degrees right now for the inner east bay of brentwood, 90 in concord in the north bay, 86 in novato. want to take a look at san francisco here? because we talk about the microclimates. and there it is there on the west edge of san francisco, 64 degrees closer to downtown, 74 degrees reported there. the afternoon highs for today, upper 90s for the inner east bay. low to mid 90s for the north bay. low to mid 90s for the south bay. your extended forecast temperatures begin to drop tomorrow. cooler on thursday, then back up in time for the weekend. but very enjoyable. 60s at the coast, 70s around the bay, low to mid 80s inland. back to you. all right rosemary.

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>> thanks. well, the fda has issued a warning for consumers to avoid shellfish from oregon and washington state. the fda says a shellfish may be contaminated with a toxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, or psp. it can cause gastrointestinal distress, neurological symptoms, and a sensation of floating or disassociate ation. the fda says the shellfish were distributed to restaurants, food retailers and consumers in several states, including here in california. iberia football star making headlines which san francisco 49ers player will be featured on the new cover of madden i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪

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♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.

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approved by the fda. the agency's advisory panel unanimously recommended full approval for a new antibody drug shown to slow the disease. it's

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made by eli lilly, and it's called donanemab. attacking one type of sticky plaques in the brain that lead to memory loss. if the fda approves the drug this year, it will become the second drug on the market shown to slow down the progression of cognitive decline. >> a new real estate study has found that the number of build to rent homes in the us has now climbed to an all time high. the national association of home builders found these homes have become an attractive option for people who can't afford to buy a home, the research found that these build to rent homes are also popular among people, who often change jobs and move to different cities, but their growing popularity has surprised many long time real estate agents. >> i first was approached with the opportunity as i was absolutely crazy, like, nobody's going to pay that kind of money for renting a home. >> but these studies show new build to rent home construction has tripled in parts of the country over the past three years. >> california is among the dozens of states across the country that allows the recreational use or medical marijuana use. of course, we

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told you that. but the drug is still, of course, illegal on the federal level. and that's created a marijuana shortage in communities like martha's vineyard in massachusetts, where a growing number of dispensaries are now closing up shop. the owners of these businesses in states where marijuana is legal say they can't get enough supply . and that's due to a federal law that bans delivering it across the water by plane or boat to island communities. now, in the past, cannabis sellers on martha's vineyard grew their own supply to sell, and that allowed them to bypass the need to have the drug sent across the ocean. well, the music legend, oakland's own sheila e says she is heartbroken after she was turned away from paisley park. the recording studio at prince's home, where she showed up unannounced trying to record a video. she says she showed up at the museum that was once prince's home and studio. she came to mark what would have been her former collaborator. 66th birthday. in an instagram post, she says when she arrived, she was refused access inside the studio where the two used to

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cook up his classic hits. >> i can't go to the studio where i recorded where i every all those records and songs and everything i did with him, and they're saying no to me, not a nice way to celebrate his birthday, but i'm just being honest and truthful. it ain't going to take away the joy that he and i had together. >> in a statement on monday, sheila e asked the museum to return her old drum kit, which she says prince personally asked to borrow. paisley park responded, saying they would allow filming in the studio in the future if they have advanced notice. >> juneteenth a little more than a week away and the white house is celebrating early with a star studded concert. monday night's event featured performances from charlie wilson, gladys knight, patti labelle and more. this is the fourth year juneteenth is being observed as a federal holiday. it marks a day in 1865 when union soldiers arrived in galveston, texas, one of the last stalwarts of slavery, and told thousands of enslaved people they were free. monday celebration took on a slightly political feel, with the night's

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host naming off the biden administration's accomplishments over the last four years. >> you have legislation now for cheaper prescription drugs. they've invested in black colleges. we're talking about $16 billion, 15 million new jobs under this administration. >> vice president kamala harris has declared this juneteenth as a national day of action on voting. the goal is to promote voter participation and ensure everyone has access to the polls. >> our time is running out to buy advanced tickets for the alameda county fair. the fair begins on friday and runs through july 7th. the deadline to purchase early bird tickets is this thursday. you'll save $2 from the regular admission. the fair is contact less, so you must buy admission and parking tickets online. popular events include horse racing, nightly movies, fireworks or drone shows. of course, the delicious fair food and concerts, which feature bay area rapper e-40 and the 1980s female group exposé, a bay area football star is on the cover of the latest edition of

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the madden video game franchise. >> ea sports just announced that 49ers running back christian mccaffrey will be on the cover of madden nfl 25. mccaffrey was the rushing leader for the nfl this past season, as well as the offensive player of the year. the former stanford star is the first 49ers player in 25 years to grace the cover of the popular football game series. he also, by the way, just signed a two year, $38 million extension with the niners just a week ago. >> check this out. you will not be seeing the bay area's own joey chestnut at this year's famous hot dog eating contest on the 4th of july. espn reporting he's been banned from the event. chestnut has won the nathan's famous hot dog eating contest 16 times. a spokesperson for major league eating mlb says chestnut has decided to represent another hot dog brand, so he's no longer allowed to participate. the san jose native, reportedly now representing plant based company impossible foods. so far, no comment from chestnut or impossible food about this. >> i'm shocked. when we first

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heard this, we said, this is like, wait, what? yeah, you associate joey chestnut with hot dogs with nathan's and the eating contest, and to the fact that now he's gone over the plant based another company, that i don't know what to say. >> i don't know what to say. what are we going to talk about this 4th of july? >> what happens with impossible food? hot dogs. >> they'll launch their own. >> thanks so much for joining us here on ktvu. fox (upbeat music) (audience clapping) - [tammy] can you guess what this is? if you guessed checkered flag, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary"! (audience claps) - [tammy] our first celebrity captain you love on "american auto", let's put the pedal to the metal with jon barinholtz. and with him are friends, javontae and cornell. our other celebrity captain plays a cia agent in "the recruit", your secret is safe with colton dunn. he's joined by friends charlene and loretta. and now, the host of "pictionary", jerry o'connell. - oh yeah!

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