The Vendetta- The Death Cure- Book 3 - MEllenH - The Maze Runner Series (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Adrenaline Junky

Chapter Text

"No! Please! Please no!" He whimpered, "please not again!"

They called themselves doctors, but they never helped when he begged and pleaded or screamed in pain. They would just watch and take notes. He could never see anything other than their eyes, everything was covered in white. Everything was white. The room walls were white the floor was white, their clothing was white, even the lights that glared down at him were white. The only face he could see, always looked in pain. Her once thick shiny black hair now hung lank and dull around her pale tired face. Her bright electric blue eyes were now gaunt, rimmed red with big black bags.

"I sorry!" She struggled. Her neck muscles were straining and her chest was heaving as she tried to form words and get them out.

"I.. can't...fight it...much longer...!" She gasped, her head twitching.

"Tes. Tes...It's not your fault." He whispered sadly. He stopped fighting the other doctors, seeing how hard she was trying to fight the mind control chip. He stopped and held still, he was not giving up, but he stopped to help the only friend he had in this shucked up place. He didn't want her to get into any more trouble or hurt because he was fighting. Her trembling hands finished strapping him down to the reclining chair bed. He saw a single tear leak over her eyelashes. He couldn't move now, only his head. As she stepped away her hand brushed his. He grabbed her fingers. And gave them a squeeze.

"Min...ho...I'm..sorry!" She panted.

"It's not you." He repeated. Dread was filling him even as he tried to reassure her. He knew it wasn't her. It was THEM. It was WICKED. And their relentless pursuit in the name of science.

For 5 months he was dragged out of bed, strapped to this chair, needles were inserted, pain inflicted and his mind tampered with. Lately he couldn't figure out what was real or not real. Some evenings when he was deposited back into his cell he couldn't figure out who was a friend or enemy, his memories were being played with.

He did know WICKED was still evil, the "doctors" in white were the ones doing this to him and Teresa was being controlled. He wasn't sure if his friends were coming for him. Week after week his hope diminished. If they were, why would it take so long? Didn't Alex love him enough? Maybe not. His memories kept telling him she wasn't actually in love with him. She was working for WICKED, she was still a soldier who believed in everything WICKED was doing...that's why she wasn't there to save him.

His head was held down and strapped so he couldn't move. A doctor with cold latex gloves approached, holding a long needle, his eyes were even colder. Minho whimpered involuntarily. He knew the pain that would follow. The needle was inserted into his neck, he could feel the ice cold fluid entering his body, and spreading through his veins. Instantly all his muscles tensed and he arched his back letting out a scream of pain, struggling against the restraints. He screamed until his voice was gone. Every nerve and fiber of his being felt like it was set on fire, being ripped apart. And then the sharp stabbing pain in his mind hit. He closed his eyes, succumbing to the pain and the memories or dreams.

Alex was running the maze with him. She was laughing at him. She was faster. She was always faster. He watched her red gold hair fan out behind her. He loved watching her hair.

"Alex! Wait!" He called to her, she looked over her shoulder at him and smiled, throwing her head back, laughing.

"Come on slowpoke!" She teased.

She took a turn and he lost sight of her. When he turned the same corner she was nowhere. He slowed to a stop, looking around, calling for her.

Pain exploded in his head and he fell to the stone ground. A hand grabbed his runners vest and picked him up and tossed him at the wall, pinning him, his feet weren't touching the ground. Alex was holding him. Alex and her superhuman strength. Her face was twisted with rage. She had veins wrapping around her, her eyes were red and her red hair looked like it was on fire. She screamed at him. She pulled out a knife and stabbed him, twisting the blade. As he slid down the wall, Alex stepped back and laughed. She licked one of her blood covered fingers. She crouched down in front of him, grabbed his face and whispered in his ear "WICKED is good, Minho." And smiled at him in a manic twisted way.

He let out another scream of pain, his mind felt like it was going to break, but after long last it finally took him to the black emptiness.


"Good morning!" Newt called from the table.

"HERE WE f*ckING GO AGAIN" Alex ragged, throwing her hands into the air, "oh I mean good morning." She grumbled. There were some snickers at the table.

"ALEX! LANGUAGE! Seriously, that bloody mouth, is getting worse." Newt scolded.

Fry handed her a plate of bacon and pancakes and a mug of coffee, she took it with a smile and kissed his cheek.

"How come you're nice to Fry?" Newt pouted.

Alex sat down at the table with everyone and pointed her fork at him, "because he doesn't wake me up at the crack of bloody dawn. And he gives me bacon. And coffee."

She hummed contently picking up the steaming cup, wrapping her cold hands, feeling the heat seep through. Captain Ronin snickered, but tried to hide it with a cough when Newt glared at him. Fry sat down too with his own plate of breakfast.

"Dude, you need to stay on her good side these days, and I find it's with coffee and bacon." He also pointed his fork at Newt, who just rolled his eyes.

"I'm a simple girl, Newton. Coffee and bacon...and sleep." Alex nodded, raising an eyebrow at her brother's scowling face. She took a sip, looking around the table, everyone looked tense and a little pale.

"Hey, where's Chloe?" Alex asked, checking the table again.

"Well since she's not on the mission team, and you know..she's a CHILD. She didn't need to be up so early." Vince answered, sipping his coffee.

"Uh, what are we? We aint adults!" Brenda cut in. Vince huffed rolled his eyes and continued eating breakfast.

"Lucky Shanket." Alex grumbled again, she sighed. "Fry, you'll look after her, ya?"

He nodded. "Of course Lil Lady-Bean! I'll keep her snug as a bug!" He smiled at her. Fry always made her feel better. He was always so good natured and soft, it was hard to be angry with him around. Chloe and him really got along. And it was nice to see her relaxing.

It has been a long 5 months. Being on the run constantly, never staying in one place for too long. It had been a long strenuous couple months getting little pieces of information from different WICKED employees, intercepting supply trucks from some big city on their way to the smaller outlying WICKED compounds. Long frustrating planning and strategy meetings for each mission, always meticulously detailed, making sure they could get the information needed and slip away. It's taken a long time. Too long for Alex's liking. She was growing very impatient, this should, hopefully be the last piece of information and then they could finally plan the real rescue mission. If not, she was going to storm WICKED complexes and burn it to the ground until she found Sonya, Aris and Minho. She made a promise and she was going to keep it. A set of fingers snapped in front of her face. Alex looked up to see everyone looking at her.

"What?' she snapped.

Captain Ronin cleared his throat and motioned to the fork in her hand. While she was thinking about WICKED and considering arson she had unintentionally bent her fork until it was a ball of twisted metal. She dropped it to the table, stood up and fled the room. Her anger was always at the surface these days, a constant simmer. The first few weeks was easy to have hope, but the longer it took, the longer she knew her loved ones were being used and abused by WICKED the worse she became. When her mind wandered and she wasn't carful, not paying attention, adrenaline would flush her system. If she was holding anything it would break, shatter or bend. That wasn't the first time she mangled a fork because she was frustrated and not paying attention. Alex had asked Dr Prior about it when she first noticed, and all he could say was there wasn't anything other than learning to control it, there was no proper records of what she was injected with during her time in the Herculean Trials. And because she was the only one, there was nothing to compare her to. She had stormed out of the room, accidentally shattering the little glass window on the door.

Alex climbed to the roof of the building and sat at the edge with her legs dangling. They were leaving soon, but she was ready and didn't want to be around people. So she stayed. Happier being alone. She closed her eyes and let the wind play with her hair.

I'm coming, Minho. Sonya hold on! Tes...Please guys, we're coming! Slowly...too slowly. But we're coming! Min...I hope you still love me...I feel like I'm turning into a monster. I'm so angry. All the time. And this super's awful! I can't control it sometimes. I feel like a freak. People are always expecting me to do things. Everyone has had a break from the missions...except me. I'm always the one to save everyone. I'm tired Min. I don't want to be the hero. I never chose to be.

She heard the escape ladder clanging. She didn't bother turning around. Obviously they came looking for her, and they found her. The person plopped down beside her and pumped her shoulder.

"We're leaving in 5." Brenda said, looking out over their temporary settlement. People were starting to wake up. It was still really early though. Alex nodded.

"You and Kenzie, my snippers?" Alex asked. She never really stayed for the details of each planning meeting anymore. She would get frustrated with Thomas and his questions, Vince and his OCD planning each little detail, none of their plans ever stayed true to the plans.

Brenda nodded, leaning back on her hands, "Ya, and Vince, Cap, Finn and Newt will have eyes on ground. Thomas and Harriet will be on the coms with Jorge in the sky. You'll be covered."

"I'm not worried about being covered, that's just all stupid extra klunk that gets in the way. If I could take you, Kenzie and Cap I'd be fine." Alex huffed. "Vince always overdoses it."

"And yet...somehow you're always sneaking away for a few minutes at the end of each intel mission." Brenda gave her a side eye with a smirk. Alex said nothing, keeping her eyes forwards, clenching her jaw.

"Don't think I didn't notice!"

"Huh, not as dumb as you look!" Alex sassed.

"Very original. Did you come up with that all on your own?" Brenda asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alex just rolled her eyes. "Ya, spent all night thinking about it. Anyone else noticed?"

"Just me, Cap an' Jorge. Your secret's safe with us. We haven't blabbed yet. Now come on. We're gonna get in...klunk ..if we're late. Vince is already cranky you left." Brenda said getting up and heading to the ladder.

Alex chucked, "Bren, Glader slang still sounds weird coming from you."

The girls joined the group going on the mission. Vince glared at them.

"Nice of you to show up!" He chidded them. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Have you done your 'this isn't just for one or two people, it's for everyone. We are counting on each and every one of you to do your part and get this mission done quickly and effectively. Get in and out ' speech cuz if you haven't done that yet, I'll be waiting by the vehicles." Alex interrupted, annoyed. She could feel her anger again, her chest felt tight and her hands were tingly. Vince, if it was possible, glared even more.

"If you don't want to come don't, we can do this without you." He snapped.

"Please." She rolled her eyes in annoyance, crossing her arms, "you wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for me." She spun on her heel, she knew she was toeing the line, but she couldn't help it, she was just so...angry. "I'll meet you later."

She stormed off to the vehicle garage to try and calm down before they left. 10 minutes later, Alex had her helmet on, her black leather jacket she found in a raid a few months ago, riding full speed down the highway on a black motorcycle she had claimed as hers. Another thing she had found in the raid, just abandoned in a garage. Jorge surprisingly knew how it worked and taught her how to ride. Riding was an adrenaline rush for Alex. In the Maze running was her escape, now it was riding. It made her feel free, and feeling free made her feel safe. And safe is something she never felt anymore. WICKED's attack haunted her in her dreams, she could hear Minho screaming in her head. She blamed herself. If only she was faster, if she knew how to use her strength, if she hadn't hesitated watching the electricity jump around her body. If she rode fast enough, she could out run her fears. Right? She revved her bike engine and took a turn faster than she ever had before. She could feel the angry hopeless tears threatening to fall, she felt the burning prickling, she ground her teeth. She refused to cry. She hadn't cried since the early morning on the mountain ledge after They took Minho. Her face was heating up, her lungs were burning.

No. Don't do this now. Keep it together, shuck face.

Thomas had shown Alex the map and where they were going. A small town half a day's ride through the mountains. They were supposed to get there before their target. A voice crackled in her helmet.

"Alex! Slow the shuck down! You're going to get yourself killed! And I'm going to stand at your funeral and laugh!" Thomas scolded in her ear.

Alex smiled and revved her engine again.

"Challenge accepted, Tommy."

"I'm going to stand at your funeral and tell you 'I told you so' " he cried exasperated.

Alex took another turn so sharp she was only a few inches from the asphalt, and whispered into her com, "Promise Tommy?"

She could hear another exasperated sigh, and Harriet laughing in the background. Alex was the first to arrive at their rondevu point. She got herself ready while she waited for the rest of her team. She pulled out her knives one by one and double checked them, twirling each in her hands. She pulled her hand gun out, ejected the magazine, made sure it was good and put it back together. She saw the trucks finally pull up. And the little personal Berg they hijacked last month, overhead. Brenda, Newt, Kenzie and Finn climbed out.

Kenzie and Finn were siblings. They had rescued them 3 months ago, along with about 20 other children. During a raid, The Right Arm had stopped a few WICKED trucks full of supplies. When they were checking the backs, Alex swung open the last truck's cover and found that WICKED had all all 20 kids gagged and bound. The youngest child being only about five, gagged and tide, with a black eye starting to form. Alex had stormed back to the driver and shot him and the other guy. Without blinking, with no regrets, Vince had flipped out. Alex didn't care, seeing that WICKED was rounding up even more kids made Alex sick to her stomach.

Kenzie was 17 and Finn was 15, they were in a settlement of about 50 people, many of the children already orphaned. WICKED had come storming into their little village in the mountain, killing the adults and taking the children. Kenzie was the oldest of the children, she was kept alive because she was immune. Kenzie and Finn were both good with guns, fast learners, and quick thinkers. Finn got along with Newt, Fry and Tommy. Brenda and Alex became quick friends with Kenzie. She was a blond little firecracker. Her temper was short, and she was a mouthy little sarcastic thing, but she was loyal and trustworthy. Finn was quiet, but always had your back especially in a fight.

The girls swung their guns over their shoulders. Determined looks on their faces. Last mission went a little sideways, but no one was lost. So it was considered a win. Brenda tossed the bow and arrows at Alex.

"Change of plans. Newt and Finn will cover the girls. Vince and I will be the only eyes on the ground." Captain Ronin informed Alex as he stomped over. Alex just nodded.

"Let's get going." Vince called, "everyone knows their part? Everyone's coms working? Alex?" He gave her a pointed look, "somehow your com never works."

Alex shrugged. "Not my fault the equipment is faulty."

She caught Brenda's eye who smirked at her from behind Vince's back. Alex walked straight down the street. Vince rolled his eyes and followed.

"Would you get over here to the shadows and at least try to be stealthy?"

"Vince. Have any of our plans gone according to your plan? Have they all succeeded? Okay. Then stop." Alex snapped.

Vince opened his mouth to respond, but Ronin put a huge hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Vince shut his mouth with a huff. The rest of the walk was quiet. The group came to an old abandoned warehouse at the edge of town. Alex turned to the group.

"Anyone want to give a pep talk?" Newt asked.

"Ya. Be careful. Don't die." Alex said dryly, for old times sake, remembering Minho saying that right before they ran into the maze for the last time.

"Great. We're all bloody inspired." Newt said sadly, giving Alex a half hearted smile. Alex's face didn't change from the emotionless mask she always wore.

He sighed, "come on Kenz, we better find a bloody hiding spot up top."

Newt followed Kenzie one direction and Finn went with Brenda in the other, to set up and wait for the trucks. Alex knew Jorge, Thomas and Harriet had air support if snippers weren't enough, but it had never come to that. Vince had gone back down the street to be the eyes. Captain waited behind the warehouse door, for his cue. Alex on the other hand waited in the middle of the street, all alone. She pulled her hood and mask up, she stood covered in black, standing alone in the middle of an abandoned street in front of an abandoned warehouse at the edge of an abandoned town. They found in previous missions this tactic unnerved WICKED employees the most.

Alex smiled vindictively, awaiting her next victims.

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Adrenaline Junky

Chapter Text

Recap/ Notes

***I loved writing about Alex her journey in The Maze and Scorch. She is a mix of bad ass and broken- this book she is definitely broken. But her story isn't over ... her best friend Tes, and sister Sonya and of course her other half, her soul mate, her love, Minho are in the clutches of WICKED. She would walk through hell to get them back...and she just might!

**She is a broken kid, who is just doing her best. She's a bad ass, a soldier, but also just a kid who was used and abused, finding out what makes her special is just a shucked up science experiment. So she will have struggles, she's real and raw with flaws. She's strong and very capable, but like anyone she deals with grief, depression, anxiety, a loss of self.She struggles and I hope I make it real, I don't want to glamourize or romanticize these struggles.(If anyone ever needs someone to talk to- my in box is always open! No judgment, I am willing to be a listening ear!)

***Alex is my own character creation, her story arche and the twists I add are my own. However I want to give all credits to the One and Only James Dashner, and his amazing story: The Maze Runner, Scorch Trials and Death Cure. I also want to give all copyrights to the director of the movies Wes Ball.

*** I take inspiration mostly from the movie for book 3 (book ideas are thrown in), and I twist Alex's own story into the mix. (You also get some behind the scenes with Minho in this book!) I really hope it all makes sense! I appreciate any and all feedback! Just be kind about it!

Interacting with other readers/writers would be amazing! Please leave comments!

So 2 new characters in this book;KenzieandFinn.

** Kenzie is based/named after my 2nd daughter who is a mouthy little firecracker! (Just like Kenzie's story character!)

** Finn is based/named after my youngest son (He's not as big in the story, but he's there.) A quiet goofy kid but is loyal to a fault.

**Chloe (from book 2) is based/named after my oldest girl. (The one who kept bugging me to write)

** Zach (from book 2- Chloe's crank brother) is named after my 3rd (Don't worry he's not a crank, he's the sweetest kindest brother ever, always making sure his little brother and older sisters are okay and taken care of! He was very mad when he found out his character was killed off!)

Like I said earlier, in this one there will be small snippets from Minho's POV. I also take a little inspiration from Catching Fire/Mockingjay. Enough said there....

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the last instalment of these books...I need a serious name. I was throwing around: "Her Anchor" Serious name? I don't know..seems to lovey dovey for this serious. My daughter though maybe "Sunshine" because Minho always called her Sunshine. Your thoughts?



She didn't say anything, or stop. She just kept walking. She walked out of the destroyed camp. She followed the path up the mountain. She came to a stop on the ledge where she last felt truly happy. She stepped right up to the edge. She watched the sun rise. She stood still, arms wrapped around herself, letting the tears fall. She let them fall one last time. She wouldn't cry again, she promised herself. Tears and crying did nothing but waste time. Crying also meant she felt something...she didn't want to feel anymore. She was tired of feeling. The sun had risen, sending happy bright sunshine beams into the world, mocking her pain and heartbreak.

He used to call her sunshine.

One more tear slid down her cheek. No more sunsets. No more sunrises. She wiped her tears, sniffling. She turned to leave, something white caught her eye. She picked it up. Uncrumpling it, it was the paper Minho wrote his song on. A cry caught in her throat. She held the paper in her hand, staring at it, blinking her tears away. The last piece of him. She had her necklace and his song.

"Hey..." a quiet voice spoke.

"Hey Tommy." Her voice was raspy and quiet.

"I'm going to go get him back."

Alex's head snapped up, her eyes searching his face.

"And before you ask, yes. I came here to tell you, knowing you would come with me." Thomas said.

Alex set her jaw, and nodded her head, wiped the last of her tears.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing at the paper.

Alex smiled sadly. Without looking at him, memorizing the paper and his handwriting.

"My last good memory."


Alex crossed her arms and glared at Vince. "We're not asking anyone to come with us."

"Thomas. Alex..listen to me. I've known Minho for...Well, as long as I can remember." Newt started, "So, if there was any way that we could help me, I would be up there standing next to you."

"Then get your shuck bloody butt up here." Alex snapped, "it's not just Minho! They have Sonya. And Tes. and Aris..."

"This, what you're talking's impossible. More like suicide." Vince said skeptically.

"Maybe." Thomas shrugged. "But I know what I'm supposed to do now."-

"What WE are supposed to do" Alex injected.

Thomas nodded, "It's not just about Minho or Sonya...or Tes. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken, everyone they will take."

"They'll never stop. They'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them. I'm going to take them down, brick by brick, person by person. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige. And Janson." Alex concluded. Her voice was growling now. It was a vow. A promise. She would take them down or die trying. She caught Captain Ronin's gaze, and gave her a nod.

"I have to admit...I'd like some revenge." Harriet called from the back of the group, as she co*cked her shotgun.

"Well, that's a good speech, kids. So, what's your plan?" Vince asked, crossing his arms.

Alex looked at Thomas, and they both smiled deviously.

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The mission

Chapter Text

The sun started to sink behind the mountains, even though it was still mid afternoon. It wasn't long before Alex heard the rumble of trucks.

"Alex. Heads up, they are on route." Thomas spoke in her ear.

"Yes Tommy, even with one good ear I can hear them." She muttered back, "If you're going to keep stating the obvious I'm taking my com out. And Vince won't like that."

"No. No I wont! Keep that thing in! We need tabs on you! If WICKED gets a hold of you...everything is compromised! You know too much and your a high valued target right now! I still think this is a bad idea!" Vince's voice crackled back.

"See Tommy? Also Vince?" Alex muttered.


"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate." She replied.

The rumble got louder. Alex's stomach danced with excitement. She used to hate these missions, she thought them a waste of time. She would rather just storm WICKED compounds and burn them down, ripping them apart, brick by brick. She still thought they were a waste of time, but she got to at least tick off WICKED and take a few of their soldiers out. It gave her a rush. Maybe she was losing it, drifting too far away, but there was nothing like the thrill, the rush of an impending fight, firing a gun, shooting a few arrows. She smiled as the first truck came into view.

Here we go. One step closer, Minho. Hold on a little longer!

Alex pulled her bow off her back and nocked an arrow, brought it up and held it, the string pulled tight. Waiting. The truck slowed down. She could see the driver look at his buddy. The truck stopped a few meters back, the engines still idling. Alex smiled, these fools stopped right where they wanted them to. It would make Brenda and Kenzie's job easier. She knew the extra back up was unnecessary. The soldiers sat there for a moment unsure what to do. Alex could see the second truck pulling up and stop behind the first. Alex stood there, bow pulled tight. Waiting. They slowly pulled their guns out and opened the truck doors.

Perfect. Keep coming, you idiots.

They took another cautious step towards her, unsure if they should raise their guns or not. They kept glancing at each other and around them.

Maybe their aren't as dumb..but you wont find anyone, you shouldn't be looking at the doorways.

The second truck doors opened and the soldiers from that truck also hoped out.

Her ear com buzzed, "They are coming towards you." Vince stated.

"Shut up." Alex hissed.

"What?" A soldier yelled, they had all stopped guns pointing at her.

They couldn't see her full face, because of her hood pulled over, shadowing her face, but Alex smiled evilly at them, her bow still pulled taut, her eyes never leaving them.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the voice in my head."

The soldiers visibly leaned away. Alex smiled again.

"Drop your weapon!" One brave guy finally called.

"How about No." Alex responded.

"Look kid, there are 4 of us and only one of you. Not good odds."

"You should be more worried about yourselves." Alex sassed. She still hasn't moved or lowered her bow. Her arm had started to shake, not a lot but enough to know her muscles were working.

"Hey, kid, looks like you need some help from above!" One soldier sassed her at her, he had a co*cky smirk on his face. He thought he was so witty. He was from the second truck, this guy had no idea what he had walked into.

"Oh I already have help from above, you idiot." She smiled again at them. She could hear her girls chuckle in her crackly com.

"Ready?" She asked.

The soldiers looked at each other confused.

"Again. I was talking to the voices in my head" Alex said calmly.

"Loose." She whispered as she let go of the string. The arrow streaked across the short distance and sunk into the front soldier's chest. A split second after the arrow left her hand shots were fired from above her. Two more soldiers dropped. Alex had another arrow aimed at the last soldier. The last guy spun around in a confused circle. He looked back at Alex, absolutely dumbfounded.

"I told you I had help from above. Now take me to the second truck where the fool who calls herself a doctor is." Alex growled. His face twisted in horror.

" do you know about...?" He stuttered.

"Oh you poor fool of a man, I know quite a bit. I'm not going to ask you again. I'm not opposed to shooting a knee or two. Or a shoulder." Alex threatened.

He still didn't move. Whether he was stupid or stubborn, Alex didn't care. She let the arrow fly. It pierced his shoulder. He screamed in pain, dropping to his knees, holding his bloody shoulder. Alex shouldered her bow and brought her gun out. She clicked the safety off and pointed it at the solider withering in pain on the ground.

"Get up and bring me to your fool of a doctor." Alex raised her voice. Her patience wearing thin. He struggled to his feet and staggered forwards, clutching his shoulder.

"You won't get away with this!" He hissed through the pain.

"Oh my poor stupid friend. I already have. I have for 5 months." She pushed him forward again.

"Wait...the supplies disappearing...disappearing WICKED employees... that was you? We...we thought it was cranks getting bolder!" He stuttered, the realization on his face made Alex laugh at him. Her laugh was flat and without any actual humor. She pulled her hood off, revealing who she really was, though you would think the bow would give it away, she was the only one who preferred to use a bow and arrow over a gun. His face went from horrified understanding to anger when he realized who had been undermining WICKED.

"WICKED really is stupid. Or your bosses are lying to you. Which, is true for both. You should know by now, all WICKED does is lie. Come on move."

He stumbled to the second truck. It was a half armored truck with the back tarped and covering supplies.


Alex shoved him again up to the back door.

"Open it. Do anything else an' I'll shoot you." Alex demanded.

He did as he was told, took his blood soaked hand and opened the door, he stumbled back and sunk to the ground. Alex stepped up to the open door, gun raised.

"Get out."

2 soldiers and a lady in a pressed white suit climbed out. To Alex's delight she looked terrified. Alex turned her attention to the soldiers. The shorter one took a step forward, hands raised.

"Hello Alex." He smiled, with a nod.

"Hello Jack." She said, nodding back at the man. "The Cap will be happy to see you. Thanks for all your help the last few months. This truck load of supplies will be welcomed gratefully, since last raid we acquired another 15 kids." Alex nodded at him.

He stepped to the side and over to stand beside her, a snug smile on his face as he turned to look at the other two. The lady's face slipped into anger, shock and frustration and back into terror as Alex co*cked her gun.

" passing information to her..? Loyalty means nothing to you!" She spat. But the quiver in her voice gave away how scared she really was.

"Oh, loyalty means everything. why do you think I'm working with Captain Ronin? I'm just not loyal to YOU, an organization who tortures kids. And ignores the needs of the people you abandon." Jack scoffed at her.

"'Aint that the truth." Alex agreed. "Now to business. Jack, this idiot over there?" Alex asked, nodding her head towards the other soldier.

"Nah, he's unfortunately one of their brainwashed morons." He shrugged and shook his head.

Alex had taken her eyes off them while Jack was talking when there was a gunshot and a blue ball of electricity hit Alex in the side. Alex took a step sideways staggering. Alex regained her balance and turned to look back at the Doctor who had taken the soldier's gun from his holster and shot Alex.

"Bad move there, Doc." Alex looked at her, with a manic smile. Alex took a step towards her, the Doctor scrambled backwards hitting the truck. Blue electricity jumped over Alex's body. Alex could feel her heart racing, and a flood of adrenaline rushed through her. Alex's pupils dilated. She threw her head back and laughed.

This is such an evil villain move. Ahh I love it! I feel so alive!

"What..? .?" The soldier stammered.

"Becuse WICKED turned me into some kind of shucken science experiment. And now...I'm like Thor, the God of Thunder.." Alex looked at him, raised her gun and shot him. He hit the truck with a splatter of blood up the door. The soldier on the ground with an arrow in his arm was squirming, reaching for something.

"I wouldn't do that." Alex warned.

Electricity was still jumping over her body. It made her feel alive. It was an instant adrenaline hit. This was better than her bike. She still wasn't sure how she was immune to the electricity, Dr. Prior tried explaining it, but it never made sense to her. All she knew was that it was whatever concoction of Herculean trial serum they injected her with. Her heart and brain didn't shut down, it came alive, making her adrenalin. A shucken science experiment. A human gunnie pig, turned freak.

The guy didn't listen. There was a bang. Alex looked over her shoulder. Jack had shot him before her, a look of disgust on his face.

"I hate WICKED." He muttered.

"That makes two of us. Thanks Jack. Captain is back there. Waiting for you." Jack nodded.

"You good here?" He asked, indicating to the doctor who was now cowering on the ground, getting her white suit dirty. Alex just nodded. Jack nodded back, handing her a small backpack and spun around and left. Alex lent down and grabbed the collar of the Doctor's pristine suit and hulled her to her feet. Alex still had some electricity jumping over her arms and hands when she made contact with the doctor she sent a shock wave through her, she shrieked in pain.

"Doesn't feel good, does it Doc?" Alex mocked. She let go of her collar and pushed her. "walk to the warehouse or I'll drag you. Choice is yours."

Alex shoved the Doctor forwards. As they walked down the street, Alex took her earpiece out and shoved it into her pocket. No more listening to her conversations. Vince, Newt and Thomas were too can't have good morals when dealing with WICKED elites.

Alex shoved the Doctor again, making her turn down a dark side street, instead of the warehouse. Alex kicked open a door and looked inside. She shook her head and pushed the Doctor further down the street. Alex kicked another door open.

"What..what are you looking for?" The Doctor whimpered.

"The perfect place." Alex replied, "And I found it."

Alex pushed the Doctor inside and closed the door. Inside was an abandoned dining room table and a few chairs and only a small window. No real threat of anyone seeing them. It was dark and dusty. Alex indicated for the doctor to sit. She stiffened.

"Sit. Or I shoot a knee cap." Alex growled.

The doctor sat. Alex took the small bag off her shoulders and dug out a rope and tied the doctor to the chair. She was glad Captain Ronin listened to her request with no questions asked, he relayed the information to his inside man, Jack, which he would provide at the meeting. She couldn't take it with her from the Right Arm base camp, Vince was strict with supplies and he was already suspicious of her. Inside the backpack was a rope, knife, gauze, painkillers and a bottle of any kind of alcohol, Alex didn't care. She stood in front of the terrified doctor. Alex dropped her gun onto the table and slowly slid her knife out of her belt. Spinning it in her hand.

"This is simple. You tell me what I want to know. And you live." Alex whispered calmly. The doctor trembled.

"When are the kids being transported?"

The shock on her face was priceless, " do you know about that?"

"Oh. I know quite a bit, Doctor" she sneered at that last word. "Now answer my question. My patience is thin." Alex answered quietly, still watching the knife spin. "When are they being transported?" She demanded, looking the Doctor in the eye.

"Thursday." She whispered. Alex stopped spinning her knife and in a swift movement had it pressed against her neck.

"Not good enough." She whispered.

"Next month. June... The 3rd week. Thursday." The Doctor cried.

Alex slowly lowered the knife. "Good. Now what time?"

The doctor clenched her jaw, a little defiance in her eyes. "How do you know I actually know that information?" She challenged, but Alex heard the wobble in her voice.

"Oh I know a lot of things about you Doctor Anna Smith." Alex smiled sweetly.

The doctor's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

"Oh Anna, I know you work directly under that ugly sewer rat, Janson. I know you are in the inner circle of WICKED elites. I know you are the head doctor for a new research project. And I also know...." Alex dropped the sweetness in her voice, and slowly brought her knife up to the doctor's cheek and slowly dragged it down, making a thin red cut. The Doctor flinched and whimpered.

"...I also know you are using Minho as your shucken guinea pig. So you better bloody talk. Cause I don't like when my friends and family are used as shucken lab rats." She paused, "You're losing my interest, Doctor Anna Smith. And that is very dangerous." She whispered.

Alex had to work really hard to keep her anger under control, she knew Minho was being used, and it hurt her so much that she couldn't get to him sooner. She could feel a slow twisting knife in her heart. Alex was furious and could probably kill a whole army, but right now, she was under control, barley.

"Tell me the time, Doctor Anna Smith." Alex stood up straight.

"Noon." She whimpered.

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" Alex co*cked an eyebrow at her, "I've been lied to many many times before. Especially from WICKED."

The doctor's lower lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears. Alex saw her chest heaved, stifling a sob.

"Because you said I could live if I told you what you wanted to know." She choked out.

Alex paced in front of her.

"Interesting. So you value your life? ...but not the lives of all the kids you are testing and draining? Your life is more important than a 12 year old child who you shot and stood by, watching as his sweet innocent life was drained out of him. Your shucking life is more important than the 5 year old little girl I rescued from a WICKED truck last month? Your one single twisted life is more important than an entire generation of children you are sacrificing?" Alex asked evenly. An unnatural calmness in her voice.

The doctor trembled, her eyes wide, her mouth opening and closing.

"Hmm. I thought so. And for the record Doctor Anna...I do believe you. I just needed to know the truth about the value of your own life. You killed so many people. It's best to put a stop to that, don't you?"

"Wait!' she screamed, "I thought you said I could live if I told you what you wanted to know!" She was crying now, tears ran down her face, ruining her perfect makeup.

"I lied. You should be used to that. WICKED lies all the time." Alex replied, very bored of this conversation. The electricity rush had worn off, and she was craving another rush. She got the information, the doctor wasn't needed anymore. Alex clenched the handle of her knife, she stood over the doctor tied to the chair. She tried to plead and beg for her miserable life.

"Doctor." Alex cut her off, "I don't care."

Alex slit her throat. The bright red blood flowed over her crisp white suit, staining it. She choked on her own blood, her head slumped forwards. She was dead. Alex stepped back and watched, not blinking.

Another Monster gone.

Alex wiped her blade on the doctor's suit, and sheathed it. She turned to the small bag on the table and pulled out the small knife, pushed her jacket sleeve up. All along her wrist were little white scar lines. A line for every life she took. She was a horrible person and she knew it. She was a failure, a screw up, a promise breaker and a murderer. She could feel the emotions trying to claw their way out of the stone box she kept them locked in and she hated it. Feeling numbness was better, feeling a sharp sting of pain, a rush of adrenaline from something dangerous, anything but the bitter hurt and anguish of losing everyone in the Glade, scorch and Teresa, Sonya and Minho. She needed Minho. She needed his comfort and support. She wasn't just drifting out to see anymore. She was drowning in a storm, being pulled under and she couldn't find her way back to the surface. She could feel the knife in her heart twisting again. Before she could let a sob out she made a quick line across her wrist for the soldier she shot with an arrow. She hissed at the sting. She made another cut across her forearm above the last one, for the soldier she shot. She took in a deep breath, she could feel the stinging numbness, the release of emotions. She watched her blood trickle down her wrist over her hand.

What's so special about my blood? It looks the same as the doctor's, as the soldiers, as anyone's. Why am I special? Why do I have abilities others don't?

"Because you are a mistake!" Said a cackling deranged voice.

"Shut up." Alex whispered. The voice crackled even louder.

"You know there's nothing special about you. You were a mistake! A science experiment. A joke! Everything about you is a mistake!" The voice was louder now, almost screaming, in her head.

She screamed as she made the last cut. She made it deeper and did it slower, for the doctor she just killed. Three dead WICKED employees. Three bloody cuts along her wrist, adding to her long line of scars and dead bodies. The sting of pain downed out the crank voice in her head. She watched the blood drop for a second. Alex pulled the gauze out and wrapped her forearm up. Pulled her jacket sleeve down, angry with herself. Grabbed the pain meds and swallowed them down with a swig of the alcohol. It burnt her throat on the way down. She put everything back into the backpack and swung it onto her shoulders.

Alex pulled the com out of her pocket, stuck it back into her ear.

"I got the information. June. Next month, 3rd Thursday at Noon."

"ALEX! We have been trying to reach you for 10 minutes! Where are you? We lost eyes on you!" Vince yelled in her ear, "WHERE ARE YOU? THAT WAS NOT THE PLAN!"

"ALEX?! What happened?? Are you okay?" Thomas's concerned voice crackled into her ear too.

"Vince. You have your information now, I did you're dirty work, again. Your welcome by the way. The trucks are drivable. You can drive 'em back, they're full of supplies. I'll meet you back at camp."

She pulled the com out of her ear, she could hear Vince cursing and yelling at her, she ignored it and put it back into her pocket. She took one last scathing look at the dead Doctor, blood still seeped out of the gaping wound in her throat. The bright red was quite the contrast on her crisp white suit.

"That was for Minho." Alex choked back a sob.

Alex spun on her heel and left. She closed the door and walked down the empty streets, alone. She wasn't scared. Nothing scared her anymore. Except her nightmares and the voice of the deranged crank in her head. Those terrified her. But she found a way to keep them silent...well quieter. She got back to their vehicles, and threw her bow and arrows into the driver's seat of the Right Arm truck. Jammed her helmet on, slapping the tinted visor closed, and left the abandoned mountain city with a squeal of her tires.

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Internal Demons

Chapter Text

Minho was thrown into his cell, and immediately collapsed to the floor. He had no strength left, his body was exhausted, beaten and bruised and his mind was sore and broken. Every muscle in his body hurt, he was covered in bruises and needle pokes and his head was pounding. The headache was now a constant in his life. The cold tile floor felt soothing on his head. He lay on the floor with his eyes closed, unable to harness the energy to crawl to his bed.

Maybe if I just die now I won't have to go back tomorrow. I can just die right now. It would be so easy, my heart could stop...and I could die.... didn't that already happen? What happened? Did I die? How did it stop...heart stopped beating...

**He gasped. Everything was black, but he felt a rush of air in his lungs. And then he gasped again. He didn't open his eyes, but feeling came back into his body, his hearing kicked in, he felt something heavy slid off him, he felt cold all of a sudden, the warmth from whatever was on top of him was gone. He let out a quiet moan. Everything was sore. He heard a loud sob. His fuzzy brain was confused.

Who was crying? Why? They sound distraught.

The sob sounded familiar. There was a sudden weight on his chest. It was warm, and comforting. It made the pain in his muscles go away. It made him feel safe, that things could be okay.

"Minho! Shuck Minho! You died! Minho! Your heart stopped! It stopped! You died!"

He knew that voice. It was his favorite voice. Alex. She was crying. I died? My...heart stopped? He didn't like it when she cried, it took a lot of effort, but he raised a sore arm and laid his hand on the back of her head. She lifted her head and he met the most beautiful hazel eyes. Her brown eyes with flecks of green and gold. Eyes that look sad and desperate, pleading for his life.

"Minho?" She whimpered.

"Ya...ya ..I'm okay."

"No! No! Your heart stopped! It stopped! You died!" She choked on the last part. Ugly tears running down her beautiful dirty face.

"It's's working now." He said quietly, his voice was tired. Everything was tired. He lifted an arm and pulled her close. She let him hold her for a moment.

"What happened?"

"You were struck by lightning." Newt answered, awe in his voice. "And Alex bloody brought you back from the dead!"

"Struck by lightning? Oh." He was quiet for a moment. "Did I get any super powers?" He asked.

Alex couldn't help it, she laughed. My favorite sounds.

"Ya Love. And I'll call you Flash from now on!" Minho laughed.

Her cheekiness and quick wit always made him smile. Alex raised her head from his chest. And kissed him, making his heart beat faster. Yup, definitely working! She pulled away, "don't you ever shuckin do that to me again!"

He smirked at her and lifted a finger and drew an X over his heart. ****

That memory was different. It didn't have a shininess to it. And it didn't seem...stiff and jerky. His mind was so confused. He couldn't figure out what was real and what was not. Did his heart really stop? Did Alex really bring him back? His memory then made it seem like she loved him. But in other memories she was a monster, a WICKED spy and supporter, meant to kill and betray them...right?

He was too tired to figure it out now. He let the coolness of the floor ease his headache and he fell into a restless sleep, too exhausted to climb into bed.


Alex stood in the shower letting the water wash away the last of the Doctor's blood. She knew she was due for a lecture from Vince. He didn't like how she defied his meticulous plans. But she always got the information. She never risked anyone's life but her own, she didn't see what his problem was.

She sighed in frustration as she turned the water off. She dried off, rewrapped her forearm, it was still really tender. She didn't mean to cut s deep, but that voice needed to be silenced. She got dressed and grabbed the bottle of whatever alcohol Jack had packed and went to climb to her spot.

Sitting with her back to the ocean she sipped from the bottle. She refused to go to the beach, or even sit and look at the ocean. It was something she and Minho planned to do together. It was their dream. She wasn't going to do it alone, not until he was beside her. The Right Arm had set up camp a week ago, in an abandoned fishing village right on the coast. Alex had spent the week curled up in bed, refusing to eat. Frypan and to her surprise Jorge were the ones bringing her food and making her eat, making sure she drank enough water.

Today was the only reason she got out of bed, mission day. She hated listening to the ocean at night. It mocked her, reminding her of what was ripped from her hands. Her spot was a little ways away from the village, up the mountain, on a small ledge. There were two ways to her look-out spot, one from the sandy beach, which she refused to use and another straight from the village.

She was facing away from the ocean and the setting sun. Stubbornly not looking. She took another long drink. It burnt on the way down but it made her feel warm and tingly. It made her head spin and most importantly it made the voice be quiet, it made it easier to sleep. She had just finished her drink when she heard footsteps.

They sat down beside her and bumped her shoulder. They didn't say anything, just sat quiet beside her. And she appreciated the silence.

"Alex...are.. you okay?" Newt asked. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. He wasn't looking at her, instead looking straight ahead, over the village.

She thought about how to answer that.

Do I tell him about the voice? Do I tell him it's harder and harder to keep calm? The longer it takes to rescue Sonya and Minho the more reckless I get? Do I tell him about the new scars on my arm? My body count?

She settled with, "No Newt. I'm not Okay."

She sighed quietly. She heard him humm. He gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Alex's body stiffened. She didn't like being touched lately either. It brought back bad memories. Newt didn't take his arm away. Instead he pulled her closer. She was forced to lean into him.

"Relax. I'm your brother, I'm not going to bloody strangle you." He didn't move after that. Held her close but didn't let go. Alex's body slowly relaxed. Eventually she laid her head on his shoulder. She took a big shaking breath in.

"Now. Explain." He stared. He didn't say anything else. Waiting patiently for her to speak.

"Dr. Prior says it's all trauma response... a coping mechanism. Or defense mechanism. Also...symptoms of that crank bite, maybe. But it's been almost 6 months, I don't think it's the crank. And Brenda seems fine, she doesn't lose her klunk, or..or ...I'm just..." Alex trailed off.

Alex could hear Newt hum again. He went to grab and hold her hand but grabbed her wrist instead and she sat up straight with a hiss, clutched her arm to her chest.

"What? What happened? What did I do?" He yelled, jumping up. Worry washed across his face. Alex sat breathing deep clutching her arm. It was throbbing now, sending sharp stinging pain through her whole arm. Her last cut was a little too deep. And she could feel it bleeding again.

Shuck. He's going to find out.

Newt slowly sat back down, but facing her now.

"What happened?" He asked, it was gentle but left no room for arguments.

Alex looked away from his gaze, his big chocolate brown eyes full of concern and love. Maybe it was because he was her older brother, or it was just his personality or something else ...but she couldn't hide a secret from him. He would eventually find out. He never judged her...disapproved, sure. Scolded her, ya. But he was always there for her. Always. Alex sighed, and looked back at Newt. His chocolate brown eyes never left hers.

"Sibling code?" She whispered, looking down.

"Sibling code." He repeated quietly, he held out his hand waiting. Alex stretched out her arm, wrist up. He gently pulled her jacket sleeve up, making her wince. There was now fresh blood slowly seeping through her gauze. He looked up into her guilty face. He knew. He knew exactly what happened. His eyes went back down to her forearm and gently unwrapped it. His sharp intake of breath was worse than yelling at her. She closed her eyes, ashamed. From her wrist to the crock of her elbow were thin white scars from all the cuts she made.

"These three fresh ones..? From today?" he asked quietly. She nodded.

"The three are for..?"

It was quiet between them.

"I think you know exactly what, Newt." She mumbled. He sighed sadly.

"Every mission?" He asked cautiously. She nodded again.

"Vince says he'll ban me from going, but he won't. He knows what happens to all his "targets". But he just lets me do it's easier on his conscience, to just ignore what I do." She said bitterly, "He could easily interrogate them himself, or Cap...but no, he appoints me...makes it easier to rid WICKED of another monster, because I'm shucken willing to do what needs to be done. The kid with no morals. Vince never steps up for any of the dirty work, sends in the WICKED trained soldier, the kid with her personal vendetta. He knows what I do, and yet, every shucken time Newt, it's on me. I didn't ask for any of this...But, whatever. I'll do it, cause he's a shuck coward! I'd do it again, every time. If it means we can get Minho and Sonya back. I'd walk through hell...I'd kill every single WICKED employee..." she rambled angrly.

"How long have you been doing this?" He asked, the sorrow in his voice just about made her cry.

"The day after they took him...them. One line for each life I've been responsible for. Starting with Adam." She whispered, barely audible.

"Alex....Adam and the boys in the Glade were not your fault. Chuck, Alby, Matt, Zart, Pedro, Winston, Clint, A.J and Leo even Bark were not your fault. None of that was your fault! Why...why would you do this?" His voice broke at the end.

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO FEEL ANYTHING NEWT!" She screamed. She looked away again when his face sagged, and she could see his eyes getting glassy. She took a shaky inhale, "Feelings hurt. Feeling just ends up breaking my heart over and over. And...and it makes the voice stop." She could feel the tears rising and she could feel her chest getting tight.

No. I won't cry. Crying doesn't help. It just wastes time and energy. And it means I feel something.

"Voice?" He asked as he gently wrapped her arm back up. He didn't let go though, holding her hand.

"Ya..ever since the underneath, in the scorch I've had a voice...she's me..but not. It''s..self destructive and...she shucken scares me!" Alex shifted uncomfortably. This was the most she talked about what was going on with her in months. She didn't like it. He was making all the emotions she shoved inside her stone box come leaking out.

"I'm not saying I approve, but... I understand." He said quietly. Alex looked desperately into his gentle eyes.

"I was so lost in the maze. I was the opposite, I was numb and wanted to feel something. And that's why I jumped..." He trailed off, he had subconsciously rubbed his leg.

"I guess we're both pretty shucked up." Alex smiled sadly at him. He reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Ya...I guess so. But I found a better way to deal with my issues than dangerous motorbike driving and self harming and self medicating." He indicated the empty bottle beside her. "I finally realized there were people who loved me, cared for me and genuinely wanted what was best for me. My friends became my family. I leaned on them when I couldn't stand on my own..literally and figuratively."

"But...they took my family Newt...they killed my family... and every time I open's ripped away." She said miserably. Alex blinked rapidly, holding back her tears. Newt pulled her into a hug, she finally gave up fighting the touching and she laid her head on his shoulder, he rubbed her arm.

"I know... But we still have people around us right now who love us. I know you and Vince clash heads..but think of him like a...a clueless step dad, he cares, he does! Just doesn't understand how you operate. Yet. You have brothers and sisters all around you, Brenda, Frypan, Tommy, Harriet, Finn and Kenzie, Chloe, have Captain Ronin and Jorge.. Who is the real father figure in your life. We all care about you."

Alex shifted uncomfortably, he was right...Newt is always right. Doesn't mean it's always easy. Tell him about her demons was one thing, but the others? She just shrugged.

"Will you come down to the beach with the rest of us? Thomas just finished his meeting with Vince, Jorge and Cap." Newt asked hopefully.

"No." She said flatly, pulling away. He sighed again.

"Okay. It was worth a try. Just more. We need you alive. Minho and Sonya need you. I need you Alex." He said sternly, but gently. She just nodded. He got up, kissed the top of her head and left her in the quiet. A few minutes later she heard footsteps again. A bottle was dangled in front of her face. Alex took it and opened it.

"Looks like you needed another." Brenda stated. Harriet and Brenda plunked down and Kenzie sat down with a moan.

"You getting old there Kenz?" Brenda teased.

"I hate laying on a hard roof all day!" She complained. She moaned again as she shifted, then threw an arm over Alex, Brenda doing the same. Alex was sandwiched between the girls. Brenda held her drink out in front of her. Kenzie copied her, with a goofy grin on her face.

"A toast. The last bit of information was expertly extracted today, by our Ace. We can finally get Minho back so Alex can finally have another mood other than angry and sarcastic!" She hollered. The Brenda, Kenzie and Harriet clinked their bottles together. Behind them there were loud "HERE HERE!" and "CHEERS TO THAT!".

Alex looked behind her, Newt was leading the guys up to her ledge. She glared at him. He just smiled gently back at her, and quietly said, "You need company right now, love. Trust me."

Everyone had their own bottle, and Frypan passed out some snacks. The guys sat down on the edge of the ledge too. It was quiet for a few minutes, until Thomas held his drink out.

"To getting Sonya, Aris, Tes and Minho back!"

Everyone cheered.

Alex actually let a corner of her lip lift into a smile, a small spark of hope flared inside her chest, it was small, but it was there.. She caught Newt's eye.

"Thank you." she mouthed. He nodded at her and took a sip of his drink.

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: A change in Routine

Chapter Text

Something different was happening today. There wasn't a group of white masked doctors following behind the soldiers. They didn't go to the normal testing room. Minho was dragged, shoved and mostly carried down a few hallways and then into an elevator and down to the main floor. Down a few more halls. He could hardly keep his head up, but he was aware enough to know today was a change. A change in his routine of pain and torture.

A door was opened and he was shoved inside. There was nothing in the room, no windows or cameras, or chairs. It was plain white. He stumbled to the wall and slid down. He sat waiting for whatever was going to happen. He didn't have to wait long. The door swung open again. Teresa was shoved inside. The door swung shut again. She looked around, taking in the room, and jumped when she saw Minho slumped against the wall. She came over and slid down the wall, sitting beside him. He glanced at her, she didn't look in pain today.

"Hey." he said softly, even his voice was tired. She smiled at him.

"Hey yourself. How are you feeling?" She asked, taking his hand gently, her eyes instantly filling up with tears. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall.

"They aren't stabbing me with anything, and you seem to be in control of I'm great." He said dryly. He heard her snort.

"Any idea what's going on?" He asked, "We actually get the luxury of being left alone." he peeked an eye open.

"I think...I think they are moving us somewhere else. They don't really keep me around. Just when they need their dirty work done...but what I've gathered..."

She paused, took a shaky breath, glancing nervously at him.

"The Right Arm has taken out a few of their big wigs, WICKEDs higher ups. And intercepted their supplies from the City to here... So they think this facility is the next target." Teresa explained, he heard the hope in her voice, mixed with nervousness. She squeezed his hand gently.

But let go when all his muscles stiffened and clenched his jaw.

His emotions and thoughts instantly swirled into a tempest.

The Right Arm...where my friends were supposed to be. My friends...Newt, Frypan and Thomas. Friends were taking out WICKED workers and supplies? Why? Why... would they do that? Are they trying to help us? What about...Alex..?

When he thought about her, he was even more confused. Half of him wanted to scream and hurt her...

She worked with WICKED..she believed in what they were doing. That's what some of my memories are...everything from the Glade..Jorge's warehouse...she was the one to call WICKED...she blew up the building.

The other half battled those emotions and thoughts and tried to convince him his mind was messed with and it was a lie. Memories and feelings.. especially relief when he found out she was still alive and horrified when he saw her chained to a wall...his heart bursting with feeling when he watched her on the ledge while she watched the sunset...

My memories of her are so real...She was the reason Chris and Ben were banished. She was the reason Adam died. And Alby...and Jeff and Chuck. Shuck this. Shuck my life. Shuck Alex. She's the reason I'm here. She got me captured...right? I tried to help Sonya... Was it Alex's fault? could that be her fault..? Did I save her? Uhg, I don't know. My head shucken hurts.

He hadn't seen Sonya since they hulled him off the Berg, six months ago. Nothing made sense anymore, maybe Sonya was a figment of his imagination. He was so confused and when he tried to sort it out he always got a pounding headache. Some of his memories and feelings were horrible and painful. But others were full of tenderness and this weird warm tingling feeling in his chest and pit of his stomach.

He banged the back of his head on the wall, he let out a frustrated growl. He must have scared Teresa because she flinched, and shifted a little further away.


He tried not to snap, but he knew it came out harsher than he intended. She just smiled sadly at him. She was looking him over, scrutinizing him.

"I know she loves you." She said cautiously but firmly. She seemed to know his mind was battling itself. She was right.

"I think that's why they're messing with your memories of her. Only of her, why not Newt or Thomas? They want to hurt her...her and the Right Arm are causing all sorts of disruptions. People seem to think she's leading them now. WICKED is scared of her."

Teresa paused. Minho was watching her. Listening to what she had to say, his jaw was still clenched and everything was tense, but he listened. She went on.

"I haven't seen Dr Smith in a month...she was the one who told me what to you." She got quieter on the last part. She looked away, furiously swatting at the tears.

"That's not your fault Tes." He grumbled. He was still angry but not at Tes. She was the only person he trusted right now. Maybe that's why he actually listened to her theory.

"She was the head doctor...or researcher for whatever stupid experiments they were doing on you. I haven't seen her in a month. Every day for 5 months...and then nothing. I...I think Alex got her." Teresa whispered.

Minho had stiffened again, all his muscles tense, the veins popping in his arms and neck. His tired fuzzy brain working overtime.

Was that true? They're just shucking using me to hurt Alex because she was hurting them? That would mean she actually love me... Is she really trying to find us... me..? Would she do all that for me..? Does she love me so much that they think what they do to me will hurt her?

The door swung open again, causing his swirling thoughts to stop. A few guards walked in holding tasers, handcuffs and a contraption that looked like some kind of medieval torture device. Minho's stomach instantly twisted. Nothing good could come of this. His eyes went straight to the taser in the guard's hand. He instantly started to sweat, his breathing became shallow, and his mouth went dry.

"On your feet, Subject A7. A1." a guard barked.

Teresa scrambled to her feet, but Minho couldn't. He was still in a lot of pain, everything was too sore..he was so tired.


Minho closed his eyes and laid his head back against the wall. He knew a taser was coming. He hated them. His stomach heaved and his heart was now racing. It reminded him of being struck by lightning and they used it on him for months now. He knew the pain. And he hated it. He also hated how scared he actually was.

But he couldn't get up. These guys wouldn't even listen if he tried to explain. The taser hit him in the neck. He felt his body tense. He fell sideways onto the floor, everything twitching and white hot pain shot through his body, into every muscle. He could vaguely hear Teresa screaming which came to an abrupt halt. Maybe it was him that was screaming. Maybe both. The white hot pain died away, leaving him feeling even more tired, and sore. He was hulled to his feet, his hands were cuffed, and the medieval contraption was placed around his neck, it clamped over his mouth, like a mask.

"If you try to make a sound above a whisper, it will taser you." The guard explained, sounding bored.

Teresa met his eyes, hers were huge and shining with tears, she had the same contraption over her mouth.

Shuck our miserable lives.

They marched Teresa in front, the guards had to drag Minho. The group went down the hall to a set of bay doors. Once through the card lock doors, there was a huge crowd of kids being herded into a train car, like cattle. This was the first time Minho had seen other kids. His eyes were huge, head swiveling as best he could, his body rushed with adrenaline, giving him enough energy to be able to walk more or less on his own and look around. None of the other kids had taser masks or handcuffs. They all look beaten and bruised and exhausted. His eyes caught sight of a blond haired girl. She seemed familiar. He stared at her. She turned around and his surprised eyes met her very familiar hazel ones. Her mouth dropped and eyes went wide.

"MINHO?! TERESA?!" She screamed. She was instantly hit with the back of a gun in the face, causing her to stumble.


His heart rate picked up, and his breathing became shallow again. He wanted to make sure she was okay, but he also wanted to be angry at her...she was Alex's sister...and he was angry with Alex...wasn't he?

The guard pushed him and Teresa past the crowd of kids, that's when he caught sight of Aris. Sonya and now Aris never broke her eye contact, her eye swelling and lip bleeding. Minho lost sight of her when he was shoved into a separate train car. Him and Teresa were forced into a seat. Their hands and feet chained to the top and bottom of the train car.

They were the only ones in this compartment.

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Hope

Chapter Text

“They're late.” Thomas whined. He had been watching his watch for the last fifteen minutes, it was making Alex’s anxiety increase.

Thomas, Alex and Vince had been waiting in a truck, hiding in a mountain ruble that was beside the train tracks. They had been waiting for a few hours. It was hot in the truck, with the sun beating down on them. It was a long few hours, waiting with these two. Alex was just going to tell Thomas off again, about being annoying, when she heard a whistle.

This was it!

The train was finally here, bringing with it Sonya, Aris, Teresa and Minho! This was the closest she had been to them in six months! That spark of hope she felt a few weeks ago on the ledge with her friends had fanned into a small flame.

The train came around the corner.

“Brenda! Kenzie! Jorge! Here it comes!!” Alex called into their walkie talkie.

“Rodger that!” came the crackling voice of Kenzie.

Alex could hear the train whipping past their hiding spot.

“Okay, here we go guys!” Vince yelled, he floored the accelerator and the truck shot out from their hiding spot, following the train. Alex tossed the walkie talkie to Thomas in the back seat. She reached down and pulled out the rope and hook.

“Keep 'em busy. We're coming up behind.” Thomas yelled into the combs.

“Hang on!” Came a voice, over the combs.

They could hear the echo of gunshots. She knew Kenzie and Brenda were shooting at the train drivers and guards in the front, Jorge and his expert driving distracting them so Vince and their team could do their thing without trouble.

“This is crazy, Alex! Thomas!” Vince yelled as their truck sped up, and jumped onto the rails behind the train. Alex unbuckled, crouching in her seat. As the truck got closer she climbed out the window.

Now this was an adrenaline rush.

She could feel it flowing, she felt alive and awake, her heart was beating widely. She was crouched on the hood of the truck, the wind slapping her in the face, she was glad she braided her hair into two tight braids, her leather jacket zipped up tight, she had her throwing knives in a belt around her thigh, a sheath of arrows and her bow on her back and her gun in its holster on her other thigh.

She inched closer to the edge when the truck lurched and she lost her balance, falling onto her stomach.

A tire had blown.

Thomas was right there to grab hold of her, making sure she didn't fall off the truck hood. He had crawled into the front seat leaning out the window, to make sure she didn’t fall off.

“WHOA!” He yelled

“THANKS!” Alex yelled back over the wind, and the train.

“Hang on kid!” Vince yelled, getting the truck back under control.

“GET ME CLOSER!!” She screamed over the wind.

She felt the truck speed up again, it was a lot more wobbly than before with a blown tire. She edged closer with the hook in hand, with the truck wobbling going at breakneck speed she got ready and jumped. She grabbed onto the back of the train car ladder, just as another tire blew.

“SHUCK!” She screamed, yet she had a huge smile on her face. She attacked the hook to the ladder. While holding onto the ladder with one hand she turned. The truck was now being pulled by the train, all Vince had to do was steer.

“TOMMY! COME ON SHUCK FACE!” She screamed. He had crawled onto the hood of the truck now, ready to jump. He was white as a ghost, but he had a look of determination in his eyes, his jaw clenched. He sprung from the truck towards the ladder. His hands grabbed on, and Alex grabbed onto his jacket, making sure he didn’t fall.

“GO! UP THE LADDER!” She yelled, he nodded and climbed up. Making room for Vince.

“COME ON, VINCE!” Alex shouted at him. He had let go of the steering wheel, and was trying to climb out the window, with no one driving. The truck was slowing down now, with two blown tires it wasn’t going to hold out much longer. Alex had offered to do this part, but Vince insisted on driving and to be the last one to jump.

“VINCE! JUMP!” She screamed, the distance was getting bigger. The truck lurched, making him lose his balance.

“SHUCK!” She cursed, reaching a hand out to him. They butted heads constantly, sure he tried to shoot her and Brenda on their first meeting, but he was a good guy and she didn’t want to lose him.


He steadied himself, she could see him take a deep breath. He jumped with a loud yell. He just made it, Alex had to reach down and grab onto him, pulling with all her might so he wouldn’t be dragged off and under the truck, which was now swerving wildly with no one steering. The truck hit the side of the train rail. At the speed it was going, the truck flipped over. It caused a huge explosion, sending debris and earth in every direction. Alex tried to duck, but a piece of metal sliced her cheek. It stung, but she didn’t have time to stop, Alex had just seen a berg in the sky.

“Let's go!” Vince huffed. He climbed up the ladder. Alex followed him to the roof of the train car.

“Hey, Brenda, you got company!” Thomas yelled into the walkie talkie, he was eyeing the Berg as well.

The berg swooped over the train, Alex could see the outline of the pilot and his partner. They open fire on Jorge and the girls, Jorge swerving to avoid being hit.

“WATCH OUT!” Vince yelled, pulling Thomas and Alex down.

“Holly Shuck!” Thomas yelped.

“Thomas, you're on your own.” Kenzie screamed into the comb. Alex could see the girls firing back at the berg, but their shotguns didn’t do anything to the huge berg.

“BE SAFE! DON’T DIE!” Alex yelled, she wasn’t sure if they could hear her, but she needed to say it. It was tradition now, every mission, to repeat Minho’s wise words.

“We gotta move. Come on!” Alex called to the other two.

“Go, go! You heard her!” Vince called, Thomas followed Alex as they crawled their way over the roof. The wind was doing a very good job to try to stop them. They got to the edge of the one car, Alex stood back up and jumped to the next car, got back down and continued on. She trusted Thomas and Vince would follow. She hopped one more car, and then waited for Thomas and Vince.

Vince crawled down the ladder, standing on the little ledge, “Give me the bag!”

Thomas took off the backpack he was wearing and dropped it to Vince. A loud crack and something whizzed by Alex’s head. Alex had been distracted by watching Vince she didn’t see WICKED soldiers on the roof of the train car in front of them.

“Shoot!” Thomas yelled.

“BANG!” Alex yelled back as she pulled her gun out.

“WHAT?” Thomas yelled back, his face scrunched in confusion, he also pulled his gun out.

“YOU SAID SHOOT AND I SAID BANG…THE SOUND OF A GUNSHOT…” Alex called, a goofy smile on her face as she took aim and shot a soldier in the chest, causing him to fall off the train with a scream.

“THAT WAS THE WORST JOKE EVER, ALEX! LIKE SO SO BAD!” Thomas shook his head. Aiming his gun.

“Get down!” Alex ordered, grabbing Thomas and pulling him flat onto the roof.

“Vince?” She called down, “NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME!”

“We're set! Cover your ass!” He hollered, climbing back up the ladder.

“Go, go, go!” He yelled, the three of them moved away from the connecting cars. There was a loud explosion. The train cars were separated, the explosives Jorge and Captain got ready worked quite well! Their section of the train started to slow down, while the front section kept going. The soldiers were getting further away. As the train car came to a stop Alex, Thomas and Vince scrambled down the ladder.

"NEWT! FINN!" Thomas yelled.

Out from behind some rocks and bush came Newt, Finn and Captain Ronin.

"All right, come on, let's go. Come on!" Finn exclaimed, the boys snapped on some protective giggles. Alex's stomach was now in knots, and her hands were sweating. This was it. Six months leading up to this rescue. All the planning and detains, the missions and information gathering…all lead to this one moment.

"MINHO? SONYA? TES? ARIS?" Thomas screamed banging on the train car, going to the next one and screamed again. Calling for them. There was an instant uproar from inside the train cars. All the voices meshed into one.

"MINHO? SONYA?" Alex cried, running along the other side, trying to hear, but her one good ear couldn’t distinguish between the voices. Her ear from the lightning strike last year had never fully recovered.

"This one. This one!" Thomas yelled, banging on the side.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked, they had to be sure. There was no room for mistakes.

"75% sure." He said with a nod.

Newt rolled his eyes, his mouth pressed into a tight line. He set his bag down and pulled out a blow torch. She pulled her bow out and knocked an arrow, standing in front of Newt. Ready to defend him as he concentrated on removing the car from the trail wheels. Captain doing the same for Finn on the other side. The boys set to work.

"Not great odds, but when have they ever been in our favor?!" Finn yelled over the noise of the touches.

Movement caught her eye, WICKED soldiers were running towards them. They didn't have electricity guns this time. I guess they finally learned.

"Oh, shuck! It's gonna be close." She called. "Newt, how ya doing?" She called over her shoulder.

"Don't rush me." He snapped. Sparks flying everywhere. The soldiers were now within shooting range. Alex let her arrow go. Captain Ronin, Vince and Thomas also started shooting. Covering Newt and Finn. Alex let another arrow fly. A bullet flew by grazing her already stinging cheek.

"Shuck it!" She hissed. She pulled back on the string again letting a third arrow go with a scream. A third soldier dropped with an arrow in his chest.

"Thomas, Vince, get up on top." Captain Ronin barked. They did as told. They knelt down and continued to shoot. Covering everyone.

"Newt, Finn, Alex, get up there!" The captain barked. The soldiers were getting even closer. The gun fire was getting worse, bullets were definitely getting closer.

"Almost there." Newt called, never taking his eyes off what he was doing.

"I'm not leaving until Newt's done!" Alex yelled back, stubbornly. She fired another arrow, dropping another soldier. Alex saw out of the corner of her eye Finn scramble up the ladder. Followed by the Captain.

"Newt, go!" Alex yelled, another bullet just missed her, ringing into the mettle train car.

"Done!" He threw the blow torch into the bag and ran back to the ladder. Alex backed up, shooting a few more arrows.

"Where the hell are they?" Vince screamed.

"I don't know!' Thomas answered, looking around.

"There's too many of them!" Alex called and she shot her last arrow, grabbing her gun.

"All right, boys, we're here!" Called Frypan's voice. Alex didn't get a chance to watch, but she glanced up for a second and saw Frypan, Harriet, Brenda and Kenzie peeking down at them from the open doors in the Berg, a hook and chain was being lowered.

Ha! We actually succeded in getting their Berg!

"Come on!" Thomas yelled.

The soldiers were only a few yards away, Alex could hear them yelling orders now.

"Lower!" Newt called.

"Cover me!" Finn demanded, he jumped up and grabbed onto the hook, pulling it down making it unravel quicker. Alex was flat against the rail car, firing her gun. Every time she pulled the trigger a soldier would drop.

"All right, we're clear!" Captain Ronin bellowed up to the Berg.

"Okay, we're going up!"

"ALEX! GET UP HERE!" Thomas screamed.

"YA!" She called back, shooting another WICKED employee down.

"Now, Alex! We can't take them all out!" Newt screamed at her, panic in his voice. The train car was now a few feet in the air. Alex jammed her gun into her holster, it was hot and she felt the barrel burn her leg. She had to run and jump. Wrapping her sweaty hands on the last rung of the ladder. She had to use all her strength to pull herself up. Her arms were shaking, and her palms were sweating. She had made it up 4 rungs, when her hand slipped. She screamed. A huge hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. She looked up and saw Captain Ronin, he was leaning over the edge, holding onto her. He pulled her up with a grunt.

"YEAH!" Thomas whooped, standing up, holding onto the chain that was hooked onto the train car that held her whole world.

"WHOOP WHOOP!" Finn called, a huge goofy grin on his face. "This Minho guy better be worth it! And, if Sonya is as hot as Alex…absolutely worth it!"

"We're going home, baby!" Newt had a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

Alex had the same smile. She actually let a few tears leak out. Happy tears.

They succeeded! They actually shucken pulled it off! In an hour or two, she would finally see them! Teresa. Aris. Sonya. Minho. It had been too long. She would get to hug her sister. She could kiss the person she loved the most. The one she would do anything for, the person she would and had walked through hell to find again.

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Worthless

Chapter Text

The berg lowered and the train car, landed with a thump, Thomas and Newt unhooked everything, Alex didn't even bother to wait for the ladder, she swung down and landed on the ground, like a cat.

"Pass me the blow torch!" She called up. It was chucked down along with the goggles. Alex snapped on the goggles and got to work on breaking open the train car door. Newt grabbed the other one and helped Alex. It took longer than Alex wanted, her stomach was in knots and butterflies. She felt nervous and excited, hope and dread. Would he look the same, with the same sly sexy smirk or would he look like an entirely different person? Alex felt like a different person. She struggled with a lot of silent demons. Her anxiety was worse. There were some days she couldn't get out of bed, and when she did she was angry and snapping at everyone around her. She also had an addiction to adrenaline. She knew she did a lot of dangerous klunk. She knew Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Captain Ronin and Jorge worried about her constantly. She had even longer hair, she had more scars, and she added some tattoos to herself. One one mission into a crumbling struggling city she stumbled across a shady tattoo shop still in business, she couldn't pass up the opportunity.

She had a big arrow with an anchor and compass going down her spine. That one was for Minho. She always shot straight, but Minho was her anchor, keeping her balanced and her head above water, he was her way home. She had another big one of winged dragon over her collar bone. That one was just cool...but reminded her of her demons, the things she still struggles with, what she has overcome to get here, she had the strength. And like dragons, she was powerful, free, willing to fight for what she believed in and she was loyal.

The train car door finally cracked, Alex and Newt jumped away as it swung down, creating a ramp. Alex ripped the goggles off, and she dropped the blow torch. The spark of hope was a huge wildfire in the pit of her stomach now. She scrambled as fast as she could inside. Her jaw dropped. Inside the car were rows of kids. They were all chained, wrapped around their wrists and ankles, all chained to the ceiling and floor. Each kid looked beaten and bruised, pale and gaunt, looks of apprehension and fear on all their faces. Alex scanned the first row of kids, then the next, each row slowly walking forward.

"Aris." Thomas cried, he rushed forward. Alex ignored that for the moment. She continued scanning faces. She was half way through the rows, the wildfire in her chest started to sputter. All the eyes that met hers weren't familiar, they all looked at her with hope and expectation.

The last 2 rows of faces.

She closed her eyes and took a shuddering shallow breath. Alex opened her eyes and slowly scanned the last two rows of faces. He wasn't here. Maybe she missed him. She spun around and went back up the rows. She stopped when her eyes met familiar hazel ones.

"Sonya!" Alex and Newt shrieked at the same time.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Alex heard Thomas ask.

"Yeah, we're fine." Aris replied, shakily.

"Shuck" Newt muttered, as he studied Sonya's face. He was crouched down in front of her, face in his hands.

"It's okay. You guys are safe." He whispered to Sonya, who had tears in her eyes, "Just hang on."

"We need the bolt cutters!" Frypan called out the door, Jorge handed him a pair and he got to work, cutting the chains away from the kids hands.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked Alex, she was standing away from the group, her eyes wide and glossed over.

"He's not here." She whispered, she wouldn't meet his eyes.

"We need medical attention!" Someone called back out the door, "Call Dr Prior!"

"He's not here..." She repeated. Thomas was holding onto her arms, she was staring straight ahead, eyes unfocused. The fire of hope was snuffed out, leaving behind black burnt and charred remnants of anything good. Yes..they rescued Sonya, and Aris..but Minho wasn't here. He isn't here.

She ripped her arms from Thomas's hands. She stepped forwards, shoving all her feelings back down. She squatted down in front of Sonya.

"It's okay, you're safe now sis. And Dr. Prior will be here right away. That black eye looks painful. You'll be okay now. Everything will be okay." Alex whispered.

"Alex-" Newt started.

"Newt. Our sister needs medical attention." She cut him off, rather loudly, "And all these kids need food and a proper rest. I'll go inform Vince and Captain Ronin. Sonya, I'll meet you in the medical tent, Okay? You're okay. Everything will be okay now." Alex stood up and kissed her sister's head, spun on her heel and walked out of the train car. She walked away from the car. She bumped into something solid. She stumbled backwards, hands caught her shoulders.

"Careful." Said a fatherly voice.

Alex looked up, her eyes glassy and unfocused, but the accent was hard to miss

"The kids are being cut free from their chains. Some need medical attention. They all need food and proper rest. That's all...Will you pass that along to Captain and Vince?" She stated, all her emotion was controlled, pushed down, and unallowed to show, right now. Jorge studied her face.

"He wasn't there." He asked, his voice softening. It wasn't a question. He knew, he could see her just holding it together. Her chest heaved.

"No." Her response was monitored, her eyes focusing and unfocusing on the man in front of her. She felt his hand squeeze on her shoulder.

" Hija..." He said quietly, she could here the sympathy in his voice.

"I...I need to go do...something..." She stammered. She couldn't hold it together much longer, her hands were shaking and her heart was beating so loudly in her own ears. It was hard to breathe, her lungs were struggling.

"Hmmm." Was all he said.

He watched as Alex walked away, her head held high, her shoulders stiff and tense. She had turned a corner, away from everyone and leaned on a wall, doubled over, taking short gasping breaths. Her chest hurt. It hurt a lot, lie a knife slowly twisting its way into her heart. She heard footsteps, she straightened up, trying to cover up her short gasping breaths. Vince rounded the corner.

"Oh good, there you are. The kids have been cut free and are waiting for us. Will you talk to them? They don't seem to uhh trust at this time. You were the first face they saw." Vince rambled. "When we rescue kids...they seem to trust you and then Newt and Fry. Not so much the adults.. you also seem to rally them."

"Ya." She choked out, hoping he didn't hear the crack in her voice. Vince paused for a moment, taking in her pale face, her chest rising quickly, she saw him looking at her shaking hands, she balled them up and shoved them into her jacket pockets. His face softened he cleared his throat "Alex...I'm sorry he wasn't the-"

Alex cut him off by pushing off the wall and brushed past him, "Come on Vince. I can't leave my fans waiting. I have a speech to give and troops to rally."

He sighed and shook his head. He was never going to understand her, but followed behind her.

Vince and Alex had climbed up on top of the now empty train car. They stood with their backs to the ocean, facing the kids. The waves were crashing along the shore. Mocking Alex, ripping her heart apart with each wave. Minho was supposed to be here. They were finally going to sit on the beach at sunset. She could feel her resolve diminishing. She didn't want to be in public much longer.

"All right, listen up!" Vince called to the kids, "I know you've all been through hell. And I wish I could say our troubles are over. But we're not through this yet." Vince called to the crowd of kids. He looked at Alex, and he took a step back, nodding at her to take over. Her hands were numb and shaking, and her chest felt tight, making breathing hard, and her head spin. She stepped forwards anyways. She shoved her hands further into her pockets, she felt the stone Minho had given her back in the slammer. She had taken it off for the rescue mission, scared it would get caught on something, so she had put it in her zipped pocket of her jacket. She always had it with her. She held on his promise and addressed the kids, but she felt shame wash over her, she broke her promise to him, she left him behind.

"WICKED's still out there." Alex called, "They're not giving up. 'Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a disease that's wiping out the human race."

She got more angry the more she talked about what WICKED was doing to these kids. She HATED them, she hated the organization, the people, the fact that they called themselves doctors and claimed they were helping. Everything about them, she despised them. She wanted to rip them apart.

"And they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well. I don't! Welcome to The Right Arm! My name is Alex. WICKED used and abused me too. I was a shuck guinea pig poked and abused then throwing into a maze to be tested and observed. I'm not a test subject! I'm not cattle and NEITHER ARE YOU! You are human, and you deserve to be treated like a the kids you shucken are! So in two days, when this tub of rust is seaworthy," Alex indicated to a huge shipping boat behind her, "you're getting the hell here. You're go to a place where WICKED will NEVER find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home!" She yelled, throwing a fist into the air.

The kids on the ground all roared in agreement. They were done being test subjects and guinea pigs. Getting away from everything, having a home and a place that was safe, never having to fight for your life or be on the run sounded amazing. Alex used to think that way. She used to want to go away and grow old, laughing on the beach at sunset with Minho. Having a home, maybe kids one day. But he wasn't there. Her chest heaved again. She turned around.

"All yours Vince."

She nodded, avoiding eye contact and jumped off the train car, landing like a cat, and fled. She needed a place to fall apart. She didn't make it far, when a hand grabbed her shoulder. She jumped and out of reflex, she twisted, grabbed the hand and flung them over her shoulder. They landed with a thud on their back on the ground they let out a loud moan.

"Ouch. Seriously?" Thomas whined, "why?"

"Oh. Tommy.. sor...sorry." Alex mumbled, not meeting his eyes either, she stepped back and ran a shaking hand through her hair. Thomas lay on the ground for a minute trying to regain his breathing.

"Sonya and Aris are done with Dr Prior. Thought you would want to come with me, Newt, Fry and Harriet ... we were gonna go talk to them" Thomas moaned, getting to his feet, rubbing his lower back. "Jeeze girl, you gotta chill. That hurt!" He added.

Alex just shrugged, her eyes downcast, her chest was still really hurting, it was traveling down her arms, into her back. Her legs felt numb, but she followed Thomas towards the med room.

"Here, drink this." Harriet offered Sonya some warm tea. She took it gratefully. Her face was pretty bruised and she looked pale and tired, her eyes were hollow and haunted.

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris joked half heartedly. Newt hummed with a half hearted chuckle, and a sad smile.

"It's good to see you, too, bud." Thomas added, clapping him on the shoulder as he sat down.

"So what happened?" Newt asked Sonya, indicating her bruised face. Aris didn't look much better.

"I fought back. Tried to, anyway." Aris answered.

"And I was dumb enough to call out to Minho and Teresa as they loaded us...the guards didn't like that." Sonya muttered, but she looked up and caught Alex's eye. Alex was standing in the back of the group, trying to keep herself together a little bit longer, but her head snapped up when Sonya mentioned Minho, her heart racing and her eyes wide.

"You're lucky you found us at all. It felt like something big was happening." Aris went on.

"Any idea where they were heading?" Thomas questioned.

No no, go back to the Minho one cares where they were going Thomas!

"All I know is they kept talking about a city." Aris shrugged.

"I didn't think there were any cities left." Frypan asked, his eyebrows knitted together, and a small frown.

"That's because there aren't." Brenda interrupted, she had just walked into the room, holding a big pot of coffee, followed by Kenzie and Finn holding cups.

"Not still standing, anyway." Kenzie added, passing the cups out. Alex accepted just to give her shaking hands something to do. Her stomach was in twisting knots, she wouldn't be able to actually hold it down, but the warmth from the cup was nice.

"Okay, wait. What about Minho?" Thomas asked, glancing quickly at Alex. All eyes flicked to her, her knuckles turned white clenching the cup, she started into her coffee cup. She saw a crack forming in the thick ceramic.

Coffee eyes were the color..NO. His eyes ARE the color of coffee...

She had to stifle a sob, she turned it into a cough.

"Why wasn't he on the train?" Thomas asked desperately, he had scootched a little closer, needing the answer as badly as Alex. But her feet were frozen in place. Her eyes never leaving Sonya's face.

I'm sorry, Alex...Thomas. He was." She whispered. Sonya's eyes filled with tears.

Alex shook her head, her bad ear wasn't working, she heard wrong. Minho couldn't have been on the train...she would have got him too...she would have heard him.

"I saw him being dragged by guards, he was handcuffed and had some kind of muzzle on. Same with Teresa. We were all kept in the same dorm, except them. We never saw them, except when they loaded us." Sonya desperately explained. "Alex...I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault." Alex whispered.

She felt a hand on her back. Alex spun around and fled the room, dropping her coffee cup. She ran and didn't look back when they called her. She broke into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest bottle of alcohol she could find. Alex was feeling everything and she didn't want to. It hurt too much, she was drowned. She needed to make it stop. Alex climbed up the ladder to the roof, crawled into the corner. She was finally alone. She could finally release all her heart break. She screamed, and she sobbed. For the first time in six months. She finally broke. She finally released all the emotions and feelings she shoved down and ignored for six months. The hope she had foolishly allowed herself to have, was stomped out. She screamed until her throat hurt, and her chest was heaving, hot angry and broken tears streamed down her face, soaking the gravel on the roof.

She opened the bottle and took a few huge swings. The burning sensation filled her. Another huge swig, and she felt the numbing tingly sensation alcohol provided when she drank enough. Her head was already fuzzy, and her movements were sluggish and sloppy. She reached for one of the many knives strapped to her thigh, she fumbled with it, but got it out eventually. She took another long drink, almost chugging the liquid inside. Alex pushed her jacket sleeve up.

How many did I kill today?

"Does it matter? You're a murderer and a failure. You couldn't even manage to get him back." The crank voice whispered, "you won't ever see him, and he probably doesn't ever want to see you now. He's still with WICKED. He's probably dead now. He would never want to be with you now. You left him behind. You're a murder, a liar, you're mean, rude and break every promise you make."

Alex let out another sob.

She's right. You're worthless. You're only good at killing and mouthing off. What's the point?

"Yes. What is the point of you?" The crank sneered.

Alex drank the rest of the bottle in one go. Her knife clutched in her hand and she sliced her forearm. Once, twice, three times. She kept cutting, screaming every time. Her cuts were sloppy, her mind was fuzzy and her vision was going dark, but she kept cutting, screaming louder and louder with each slice. The feelings weren't going away like they always did. Her anguish and despair spilling over.


A hand grabbed her wrist, pulling the bloody knife out of her shaking hand.

Someone was pressing something to her blood soaked shredded arm.

Someone pulled her into their chest holding her.

She sobbed.

"He's not here... Heeee's nowwattt hereee. It's worthless...I'mmm woorthlessss...heee's"

"Oh, Alex...mi Hija! My dear, you are so worth it." A voice whispered gently. The last thing she heard before the alcohol took over was, "Captain! Thomas! Alex needs Dr Prior, right now! The bleeding won't stop!"

Alex passed out, her head flopped backwards, blood soaking the ground, Jorge's shirt and herself.

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Abandoned

Chapter Text

He jerked awake. He had heard an explosion. Or maybe it was a dream. couldn't have been a dream. If it was a dream, why was the train slowing down?


He recognized that voice.


Thomas was screaming.

And then he heard HER voice. A voice he had only heard in his dreams. And nightmares.

Her voice was urgent, despite...pleading.

"MINHO?!? TES?!?"

He heard banging on the wall beside him. They were here!

He tried. He tried to move. But his wrists were bound, if he made a noise he would be shocked. He tried out the shock collars before the train left the WICKED facility; he only came too once they were moving full speed. He didn't want to try it again. His head twisted to see Teresa. Who was already staring at him, mirroring the same look of horror and desperation. Neither of them could move much or call back. But they both tried.

Gunshots. Yelling.

Inside the train car was confusion. Minho had no idea what was going on outside. Yelling, gunshots, and now a loud thumping of a Berg engine.

Then it was quiet. Everything was still.

What is going on?

Minho and Teresa kept staring at each other, trying to have a silent conversation. They sat chained in the train car for a long time. It got colder and darker. Minho dozed off a few times, his exhausted body and mind couldn't stay awake. There was a quiet thump that got steadily louder. There was a loud creek and the door to their train car slid open.

A WICKED guard walked in.

Minho's stomach clenched. He physically sagged, his head dropped and he blinked rapidly. He would not let those tears fall. He was left behind.

They unchained them and pulled them out and into the cool fresh night air. They were made to kneel with the rest of the kids. There were still about 40/50 kids kneeling in lines. Surrounded by WICKED guards and soldiers, pointing guns at them.. Minho looked around him, trying to figure out what was going on. Guards set up huge flood lights, lighting up their area. He didn't see Sonya or Aris in the lines. What he did see were many soldiers clad in WICKED gear lying dead on the desert ground. A handful of them had arrows sticking out of them. Minho's stomach twisted with glee. He only knew one person who would choose a bow over anything else. And if she was using a bow on WICKED, then she was working with the Right Arm! He smiled in satisfaction.

...But why would she leave me behind...?

His smile faded, and his doubts and twisted and confusing memories of Alex came flooding back.

A berg door opened and a ramp was let down. Janson strutted down and came to stand in front of the kneeling kids.

"Report captain!" He barked.

"They got 40, maybe 50 kids. We're still compiling an official count, but the pilot got a good look,

He thinks it was them." The new captain replied, scanning another kid's neck.

"Of course it was them!" Janson snapped. His beady eyes sweeping the lines of kids

"What about the Berg?" A soldier asked, he was cradling a bloody shoulder.

Minho smiled behind his metal gage.

"We tracked it a few miles. But someone must have known about the locator. They're totally off the grid." The captain said, his forehead wrinkled in confusion.

Jorge...he was a WICKED Berg pilot...well a defective WICKED Berg pilot.

He felt a spark of pride in his chest. His friends took out soldiers, and took a full train car of immune prisoners.

"Move it, Immunes!" A guard called, leading another row of kids and made them kneel.




"We're searching the area, but they're probably long gone by now." The captain informed Janson

The new captain was the complete opposite of Captain Ronin. Ronin was tall, broad and muscular. This new captain was short, out of shape and flabby. Ronin was quiet, intelligent and commanding without needing to show it. This new captain was loud and arrogant, didn't seem to think things through and was cruel. Minho knew first hand.

Janson's eyes fell onto Minho and then flicked to Teresa next to him, then back to Minho. His face twisted into a cruel smile, his dark dangerous eyes lighting up.

"Oh, no, they're not going anywhere. She didn't get what she really wanted!" He whispered maliciously. He slowly walked towards him, a twisted smile on his face. He stopped right in front of Minho, and looked down at him.

Minho wouldn't back down, he raised his head and glared at the Rat Man. He growled in the back of his throat.

Janson let out an amused chuckle, "Oh, she definitely did not get what she wanted. She'll come back. Guaranteed. And we will use this!"

Janson and Minho glared at each other for another moment. Janson snapped his eyes away, he spun on his heel back towards the Berg.

"Load them up, Captain. We can't take any more chances. We go straight to the city, in the Berg. They will all fit in the cargo hold." He yelled.

Minho was hulled to his feet and shoved towards the Berg, a gun digging into his back.

So close. So close to freedom. Did they get the wrong car? Or did they choose the other one? She picked Sonya over me? No...that's not fair! Maybe she didn't get to pick...Family A sister over..a..a..what? A boyfriend? Were we really in love though..?

He took a shuddering breath, as he was pushed up the ramp. His throat felt tight, with the sting of tears. He was left behind. Still in the clutches of evil. He was forced to sit on the cold metal floor in a cargo room full of kids. And he never felt so alone. He felt abandoned by his friends, his family and the horrible realization that the girl in his memories might not actually love him. And his nightmares of her were true.

A single tear slipped over his eyelashes and ran down his cheek.

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Suicide Squad

Chapter Text

Alex sat bolt upright shaking and covered in sweat. Her nightmares were getting worse. It took a few seconds of wild flailing and gasping to figure out she was in the med room in one of the beds. She was alone, except for a small silhouette of a child. The child was standing over the bed, hands out trying to calm Alex down.

"Chloe?!" Alex huffed, "what the shuck?" She lay back down with a moan. A hand on her forehead, her head was pounding and her stomach felt really sick. "What the actual bloody shuck?" She asked again.

Chloe had sat back down on her chair beside the bed. "1. You're a complete idiot." She held up a finger, "2. That was the stupidest idiotic thing you could have done!" She held up a second finger, "And 3. YOU'RE A MORON!!" Chloe scolded, now holding up three fingers. She huffed and crossed her arms, and pressing her lips together, glared at Alex.

"You've been hanging out with Brenda too much! She's a bad influence!" Alex mumbled.

"No!" Spat Chloe. "You drank so much Dr Prior had to pump your stomach! And your lucky Jorge, Captain and Thomas found you before you chopped your wrist off! Or bleed to death!" Her small voice broke. Tears spilt over her bottom lashes.

Everything came flooding back. The bottle from the kitchen cupboards, her break down, the horrible voice, the knife and the footsteps and hands.

"Chloe..."Alex muttered.

"What?" she snapped her arms still crossed.

"Pass me that bucket! I'm going to be sick!" She pointed to the bucket sitting beside the table. Chloe sprang up grabbed it and chucked it at Alex. Alex let her stomach do its thing, wishing Minho was here to hold her hair, last time she had a hangover was in Marcus's club, Minho was so sweet and gentle. Once her stomach was empty Chloe took the bucket to the bathroom while Alex lay back down with a moan. Chloe came storming back into the room.

"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! EVER! I ALREADY LOST MY MOM AND DAD! AND THEN MY BROTHER! I CAN'T-" Chloe screamed. Her voice broke, "..I can't..please don't leave me too!" She sobbed.

Shame filled Alex. She curled into a ball, her head hidden under her good arm. Silent tears fell onto the scratchy white sheets. She felt the mattress dip. And then she felt a small warm body snuggle up beside her. Both girls cried, once the tears turned to sniffles it was quiet.

"Chloe, what happened?" Alex's voice was barely above a whisper.

Chloe propped her head on her hand. "Let me wait, there was too much, let me sum up: you left the med building, I saw you looking really upset. I talked to Newt, everyone knew you weren't doing good...everyone was worried. Everyone broke off into groups to find you. Jorge, Captain and Thomas heard you screaming, found you on top of one of the roofs. Brought you to Dr Prior and nurse Amy. They had to use some weird skin healing contraption on your arm and then wrapped it and had to make you throw up...pumped your stomach I think I heard when I listened in on the conversation between Dr Prior and everyone. I don't know, no one tells me anything cuz I'm 'just a child'. Then they had a meeting. Thomas got really mad at Vince. A WICKED Berg got really close; we had to have a black out drill...except it wasn't a drill. And that's all I know, I snuck back here during the black out."

"That's a lot to take in." Alex muttered. Her head was pounding and her stomach felt sick.

"Ya, especially with that hangover!" Teased Chloe.

Alex pulled the blanket over both of them. Her eyes were getting heavy again. She needed this headache to go away. They both feel asleep.

Alex slowly woke up and she felt something warm and solid beside her.


She didn't want to open her eyes. She was back in the Glade, in her bed, with Minho safe and sound beside her. They had to wake up and go running.

She opened her eyes. And disappointment hit like a herd of Grievers. It wasn't Minho. And she wasn't in the Glad. She blinked back tears of disappointment.

Her head wasn't pounding as hard and her insides didn't want to immediately vacate her body, she slowly sat up, not wanting to disturb the child sleeping beside her. It was still dark outside. Her watch from the Glad said 430am. Alex tried to slip out of bed, but when she put weight on her arm she gasped in pain, and brought her arm up to her chest, holding it, protecting it.

Holding her arm to her chest, she slid out of the bed. Quietly slipped her boots on and tip toed out the door. She needed Newt. She needed her brother and his advice..she didn't want to admit it, but she really wanted one of his hugs.

She made her way to the house the boys slept in. She opened the door.

"Newt?" She whispered

No answer. She silently tiptoed to his bed.


It was empty.

Alex checked each bed. Frypan, Newt, Thomas and Finn. They were all empty. Puzzled, Alex flicked the light on. Empty. And all of them looked like they weren't slept in. Their packs and weapons were gone too.

"The shuck?" She whispered to herself.

She turned the light off, closed the door and went to the girls house. She thomased her way into their sleeping area, and made her way to Brenda.

"Bren?" She whispered, shaking her friend.

"Piss off," she grumbled.

"Nah, pissing YOU off is more fun" Alex sassed back

"Alex?" She asked sleepily.

"No, it's the shucken tooth fairy, shuck face" Alex rolled her eyes.

Brenda slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"So, she's back from the dead." She yawned, eyeing her, taking in her appearance.

"What can I say? I'm an immortal goddess." Alex sassed.

Brenda snorted. "Not looking like that you 'aint! So, what's the reason for a middle of the night wake up?"

"Where are the boys? They aren't in their beds." Alex asked, getting right to it, sitting in the edge of Brenda's bed

"They aren't?" She asked, sitting up.

"Nope. Beds empty, and backpacks gone." Alex confirmed.

"Something's up...come on let's go take a look around. Thomas was pretty upset at the meeting yesterday...Wake Kenz." Brenda leaned over and pulled her boots on. While Alex woke Kenzie up.

"Waaa? Waasgoin' on?" She asked sleepily.

"Boys are gone. Were gonin' on a wild goose chase, they probably did something stupid. You coming?" Brenda called from the other side of the room. Kenzie shot out of bed, already pulling her cargo pants and boots on.

"Shut it sticks!" Grumbled Harriet, "people are trying to sleep."

Kenzie snorted and chucked a pillow at her. Harriet just grabbed it, rolled over and went back to sleep hugging it. Alex and Brenda rolled their eyes.

"Newt's gone?" A small voice from the corner asked. Alex spun around, she didn't realize Sonya was sleeping in their dorm, but it made sense. Alex cautiously made her way over. She hesitantly sat on the edge of the bed, Alex didn't make eye contact, she grabbed a piece of hair and spun it between her fingers.

"Look...Sonya...I'm sorry about earlier.. I didn't mean to ditch you in the med wing. I just...just...I don't know. I couldn't keep it together anymore." She whispered to her knees.

A warm hand grabbed hers, holding it tight. "I get it. You were hoping Minho was there. I know you love him, remember? For a little while our chips were linked and I could feel your emotions. I know how much he means to you." She paused, and took a slow breath, "And I know you remember and know him better."

"Son-" Alex started, but her sister cut her off.

"No. It's true. You got to know him in the maze, you lived together for months and then in the Safe Haven and then the scorch. You were together. We only had a few brief conversations and then like a few hours before I was taken. It's not your fault. And I don't blame you at all for being disappointed. Everyone was. It's just harder on you. The guys don't love him in the same way. So don't feel bad."

She turned Alex's hand over so Alex's forearm was face up. Alex looked away again. Shame and guilt washed over her. Brenda and Kenzie came over and also sat down around her.

"Please don't do that again. Okay? We can't lose you too. We all lost too much. We know the pain and struggle-" Sonya started.

"No. You don't." Alex snapped, pulling her wrist free and holding it up against her chest.

"Then tell us. Let us in. There is zero judgment." Kenzie pleaded, her big brown eyes begging.

"You'd be surprised Stick, we all have been through some sh*t." Harriet called from her bed. Obviously she wasn't sleeping.

Do I tell them everything? The only one who knows everything is Newt...and even then he had to pray it out.

"Go on..tell them! And watch them leave you too! Who would want to be friends with a murder and lier, you worthless excuse of a human!" The crank voice cackled in her head. Alex's chest heaved, she tried to stifle a sob. But the girls were too close, they heard, and they could see her body shake. Sonya, Brenda and Kenzie wrapped her in a group hug, even Harriet got out of bed and came over to pat her knee. She was never one for touching.

"Are you...sure? If ...if I tell you guys won't want to be around me. Never mind friends..." Alex mumbled.

"Ha! I like living dangerously!" Brenda scoffed.

Alex let out another sob.

Minho had told me that after I told him!

"Way to go you twat waffle!" Kenzie scolded and smacked Brenda's head.

"What? What did I say?" looking at the girls in confusion.

"Minho said that same thing when...when..." Alex choked, "when I told him of my past with WICKED."

"Oh." Brenda rubbed the back of her neck, "uh..sorry."

Alex sniffed and wiped her eyes. "You really want to know?" Alex looked up at the girls around her. They all nodded. Sonya reached out and grabbed her bandaged hand, pulling it down gently, Kenzie was sitting beside her, her hand rubbing her back. Harriet and Brenda sat on the bed opposite.

"Losing my boys when the Grievers attacked The Glade, loosing even more of my family in the fight out of the maze, Jeff sacrificing himself for Minho and me, losing Bark, Chuck dying in my arms..." Her chest heaved a few times. The girls were patient.

"Everything that happened in the WICKED facility; apparently I was dying, the chip in my brain was killing me, then in the Scorch watching friends be eaten...dying, deciding suicide was better... getting separated, the.. underneath." Everyone shuddered. They all heard stories of what it was like. Brenda was down there for a time too, but with Thomas as company.

"I had to fight for Chloe and my life against gone cranks and her brother...who turned. He made me promise to shoot him...and called me... screamed at me , calling me a coward...I shot him, point blank in the head. Getting kidnapped. Sold...and then.." her chest was rising rapidly, her throat tightened. This was the main reason she drank until she was numb.

"I was...was..drugged, chained to a wall, and cranks paid to... I was assaulted by guys who paid for it! They ripped my clothes, touched me, licked me, kissed me in places no one...they did things to me I will never ever forget."

The girls gasped, eyes wide in horror, mouths wide but nothing came out.

She doubled over and cried, her chest hurt and her stomach felt sick. She had never actually told anyone, everyone just assumed...and they were right.

"I killed the 3 that sold and bought me. And I had no regrets." Alex growled. Anger flooding her veins. Tears still leaked out of her eyes. "Then I found out I was a mistake, some shucked up science experiment from WICKED. A friend was used to betray us with a mind control chip. I tried to save you, Sonya...I did. But I failed. I wasn't fast enough." She had turned to her sister. She also had tears falling down her beaten and bruised face.

"Minho shoved me away, into the Captain, yelling he would do it and then he was caught by them..." It was Sonya's turn to hold back a cry.

"And guys were gone. For six months we had to plan and get information. Every time I was sent out...I was reckless and stupid. Seeking an adrenaline rush that got worse and worse. I killed every target and anyone who claimed to work with WICKED ..Vince wanted them alive. I didn't. I killed them...and then...I would take painkillers, and...and ..try take any feelings away with a knife ... and then drink until I was numb.." When she finished she couldn't look at the girls around her. She expected them to get up and leave. Except they wrapped her up in a big hug again.

"Ya, okay, you win for most shucked up." Brenda said.

That made Alex laugh softly. "Thanks. A title I was going for."

"I could make you a crown?" she teased.

Alex smiled at her friend. All her friends. They still sat beside her, as she spilt all her dirty secrets, laying everything out, and yet they stayed, they held her hand and supported her. Sonya squeezed her hand.

"Please..don't do this anymore" She lifted Alex's wrapped arm up, "Please. Come find me..or one of us or Newt..someone! Yesterday after you left...we couldn't find you and then we heard..we heard you screaming...and we couldn't find you! And when we saw Jorge and that huge Captain guy rush you to the were covered in blood! Alex, that was so scary!" Sonya pleaded, her eyes welling up with tears again.

Alex didn't think about her actions and how they affected the people around her, and shame washed over her again, she dropped her head.

"I'm...I'm sorry." Alex whispered, "I..I didn't mean to scare you. I just not feel anymore. It hurts so shucken much."

"We get it. WICKED screwed us all over. We just don't want them to take you too." Brenda said gently, but firmly.

"Lets go get some revenge...lets go get him back!" Kenzie cried with gusto, hopping off the bed, "That's probably where those idiots go get him back!"

She is shucken right! Tommy would 100% think he could do it on his own..and Newt, Fry and Finn would go with him. Shucken bloody idiots!

Alex looked up at them in disbelief . They were still willing to help her after what she told them. They were willing to walk into the lion's den with her. She then looked at Harriet who was watching Sonya, concern on her face. Alex glanced at her sister beside her. Who was trembling, but her jaw set.

"Sonya. You stay here. You get better. Harriet? Will you stay here with her? I think Aris will also need someone he trusts to stay back here...and will you look after Chloe?" Alex asked.

She knew Sonya would come if she asked, but the look of fear in her eyes and how exhausted she looked, she couldn't ask her sister to go right back into the mouths of the lions. Harriet nodded. "You still have the coms from the last mission?" Alex asked.

"Uhh I gave it always, didn't you?" Harriet asked confused.

Brenda and Alex glanced guiltily at each other. "Uhh no. No we didn't. We keep do you think we know everything that's going on?" Alex smiled evilly. Brenda laughed with her.

"And you wonder why Vince doesn't like you?!" Harriet shook her head, with a small smile.

"Hey, Vince loves me! I do his shucken dirty work. He loves me deep down...very deep down!" Alex responded.

"Okay...we'll probably have to steal a truck. Can you keep Vince busy for at least a few hours.. please? If we need anything I'll get a hold of you, through a com. Somehow." Alex directed. Her confidence growing, her leadership qualities shining through.

"YES! POWER SQUAD IS BACK!" Kenzie pumped her fist in the air, "Sonya? You in for the power squad? You and Harriet are base operations. Eagle 1 and Eagle 2. Sonya you are now known as Sharp Shooter Sonya, Harriet your now Hitman Harriet. Ammunition Alex" Sonya gave a small smile and Harriet just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Nope!" Alex said, popping the p, and crossing her arms. Kenzie bit her lip and scrunched her forehead,

"Got it! Alex the Ace!"

Alex smiled, wickedly, "now we're talking!"

"Brenda you can be Bombs away Brenda-"

"Absolutely not!" She scoffed.

"Fine. Umm Bloodthirsty Brenda?" She raised an eyebrow.


"And I'll be...Krazy Killer Kenzie! And we need a new team name, if we're going after those dumbasses...and after Minho...hmmm. GOT IT! Suicide Squad." She pointed at each person, and crossed her arms like it was settled.

"Kenzie, you need your head checked." Brenda shook her head, she stood up and walked over to her bunk.

"Dr Prior said I wasn't crazy! Just possibly the ADHD!" Kenzie said defensively. The girls just laughed and rolled their eyes. "Okay, come on squad, we have these runaway idiots to find, remember? Suicide mission accepted?" Kenzie asked, standing up. "And I need to smack my brother upside the head!"

"Mission accepted." Alex nodded with a devious smile. Brenda grabbing her bag. Alex also stood up, taking another look at the girls around her. Her broken and black heart mending a little, she found some true friends. She would do anything for these sisters. Family by choice. Sister squad.

"Guys...Thank you." Everyone nodded with a small smile. Alex grabbed her backpack, and her leather jacket, stuffed her thigh holster with her knives and her gun. Before she left the room she looked back to Sonya. She was already looking, they smiled at each other. It seems like as soon as we get together we are ripped apart again. One day we will have more than a few hours.

If I live.

Alex followed Brenda and Kenzie. They decided to split up, check the garage and weapons room and supply room, see if there was something missing. And meet back at the garage door. Alex made her way silently to the garage, she didn't need to turn the lights on to see a jeep missing.

"Shuck you Tommy! Shuck you too, Newt!" Alex hissed. She was angry they left her behind. She knew exactly what they were doing. She made her way over to one of the trucks, opened the door and threw her bag onto the seat, and went to wait for the girls by the door. She only had to wait for a few minutes before Kenzie and Brenda showed up holding extra guns and ammo, and trailing behind them was Jorge.

"You're alive." He stopped in front of Alex, his arms crossed, and his forehead creased as he looked down at her. Alex looked away but nodded. "Yes...Thank you Jorge. Not my smartest moment...and I owe you. Thank you." Alex admitted, as she looked back up at him.

Jorge's face softened. "Mi Hija...That was most definitely the stupidest thing you have done. And I've seen you do some stupid sh*t. Don't do that again. You are still needed around here." He said gently, firmly laying his hands on her shoulders giving them a little squeeze. Alex gazed at him for a moment. His worry lines, his graying hair, his kind stern eyes, she leaned forwards and hugged him. He froze, unsure what to do, Alex didn't hug people. After a beat he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a squeeze. She let Newt and Tommy give her hugs, those were brotherly, sometimes stiff and awkward. Minho's hugs, that she could remember, were very different. This hug from Jorge felt entirely unique. It had no strings attached, not brotherly, it wasn't awkward. It was strong, protective and full of care. She felt safe, like everything would be okay. It felt like a hug from a father ...

Alex smiled sadly to herself, she didn't remember hugs from her father, but imagined they would feel like this. Jorge gave her another squeeze. He pulled back and lifted her chin. He had a stern look on his face.

"Do we understand each other Mi Hija? You do that again and I'll kill you myself." He said sternly.

"Yes Papi Jorge." She smiled at him. He smiled back down at her, the wrinkles around his eyes creasing.

"Good." He pulled her back for another hug. She immediately felt more arms wrap around her.

"Group hug!" Kenzie cried.

"Squad snuggle!" Brenda giggled.

"Nice!" Kenzie giggled back, "Papi Jorge, you love us too right?" Kenzie asked, making big puppy dog eyes at him, Brenda doing the same. Jorge chuckled, and moved so he could hug all three of his girls.

"Si, mi Hijas. My 3 girls. Don't tell the others, but you're my favorites." He winked at them. The girls giggled and hugged him tight. He kissed the top of each of their heads.

"Now, apparently those boys...seems like they went after Minho. Without the Power Squad."

"Were the Suicide Squad now." Kenzie corrected as she loaded the extra guns into the back seat, "Oh, and you are now Jugular Jorge."

"What?" Jorge looked at Brenda and Alex.

Alex walked over to the jeep "Don't even ask." She rolled her eyes and climbed in beside Kenzie. Brenda climbed into the front seat, Jorge shrugged. He spun the keys around his finger,

"Looks like I'm driving!"

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: What plan?

Chapter Text

Minho was woken by hands grabbing him and dragging him from his bed, he wasn't even fully awake and they were pushing him down a cold bright white hall. He passed a big lab where more people in white lab coats and masks worked, he saw a few past gone cranks strapped to beds, thrashing and screaming, straining against bindings holding them. They had wires and monitors coming out of everywhere. Even Past Gone cranks didn't deserve to be poked and prodded and used as science experiments, they were once people. The guards shoved him down the hall.

Teresa was standing beside a chair with metal cuffs, and a monitoring machine beside it. She had tears running down her cheeks, her hands were shaking but she stood perfectly straight. Minho knew exactly what was going to happen. And his body went cold and he tried to back up. The guards grabbed him, and called for backup. Minho struggled, he managed to knock one guard down, he was about to turn and hit a doctor when he felt a sharp pinch in his neck. He felt the icy liquid enter his veins, his knees went weak, and his vision blurred. He tried to fight back, but his movements were slow and sluggish now.

"Just wait. The drugs will take effect. He won't be hostile anymore" A doctor said.

"I'll…always be..hostile. I will always…" he slurred trying to swing a punch, the guard had grabbed him and pinned him to the chair. Teresa jerked forwards and began to strap him down with shaking hands and a jerking head.

"I'm…sorry. Minho. I'm sorry!" She cried.

"Izzzz not your faaaault." He slurred, his head swung to the side looking at her. She placed electrodes on his temples, neck, forehead and chest. Even drugged he started to pant. His body was shaking already, knowing what was coming.

"Hey, it's okay! Hey!" Teresa tried to reassure him, but was cut off and jerked backwards like someone pulled her. Her muscles strained like she was fighting an invisible person.

A doctor turned a switch on the monitor. Minho's heart and brain activity appeared. Another doctor had a long injection containing something purple. He gave it to Teresa who was jerked forwards again, she was forced to insert it into Minho's neck, and Minho's body went limp. The doctor at the monitors turned a dial. Minho let out a scream. And then another one. He grunted and moaned and screamed. Teresa had retreated to the corner where she cowered shaking and crying but no one paid her any attention.

"How's he doing?" Ava Paige demanded as she walked into the room.

"Breathing levels look strong." The doctor informed Ava, as he checked the monitors.

"No! No!" Minho whimpered, his eyes were closed, but his body shook violently.

"It's not as effective as the maze, but it seems to be working." Another doctor said, checking her notes.

"It's promising. But without Dr Smith and her expertise, we're just doing our best." The doctor at the monitors added, as he took another note down, "But we'll need a larger sample to work with."

"All right." Ava sighed, "Carry on."

Minho let out another loud terrified scream, riddled with pain.


"Jorge…you can't be serious?" Alex asked in disbelief, "you want us to go…in there?" As she pointed. The girls and Jorge were standing in front of a tunnel cut into the mountains. It was dark. Abandoned cars littered the street and parking lot beside the little ticket booth. The map Jorge had taken and the only road took them here, so the boys must have come through here at some point before them. There was a large sign hanging off the chain link fence that read "LAST CHECKPOINT". The sign was faded and broken, and the fence looked like it was torn down in places, Kenzie and Brenda were staring at it with apprehension.

Jorge nodded, "that's where the road leads and the only way to get to the Last City, Mi Hija."

"Well that's…encouraging." Kenzie whispered, pointing to the sign, Jorge's lips pressed into a tight line.

"Why are you whispering" Brenda whispered back, "we are the only ones here…"

"I dunno. Seems like a spooky zombie apocalypse movie scene. Ya know, we're all standing here staring into the creepy black tunnel where we all know cranks are definitely living-”

“"Kenzie. You're shucked up. But yes, absolutely, I 100% agree with you!” Alex cut in.

“…with no way around…the abandoned broken last hope for humanity beside us…feels like we need to whisper." She whispered dramatically.

“I agree. Seems…like the perfect opportunity for a zombie ambush." Brenda agreed, looking into the dark creepy tunnel.

"Yep." Jorge agreed.

"Well. I call shotgun!" Alex called, racing back to the truck.

"Hey! No fare!" Kenzie pouted.

"Snooze ya loose, sucker!" Alex laughed climbing into the front seat.

"All right, Mi Hijas, top open and we get the spotlight and big guns. Si?" Jorge called as he climbed into the truck.

All three girls co*cked their guns in unison and nodded, evil grins on their faces.

"Suicide Squad." Kenzie whispered with glee.

“Shuck ya!” Alex nodded, "we keeping track again? Who's turn is it to buy drinks? I think Brenda, you won last mission out...?"

Brenda grind, "yep I won by 1 crank."

The side windows were done up and the doors locked. The three girls were standing on their seats, guns loaded and ready. Alex braced herself by putting one foot onto the dashboard, leaning into the back of the seat. Jorge turned the ignition on and the lights flaired to life. He slowly pulled up to the tunnel.

“You girls rightly named yourself…this is suicide.” Jorge muttered.

"Alex the Ace, Bloodthirsty Brenda and Krazy Killer Kenzie reporting for duty!” Kenzie smiled evilly. Alex and Brenda saluted. Jorge looked at them, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh sorry. Jugular Jorge, our fearless expert Motor Transportation operator!" Kenzie added. Jorge revved the engine, just as they heard a crash from deep inside the tunnel.

"That sounds like our idiots.” Alex muttered.

"FLOOR IT!” Brenda yelled.

The truck shot forwards, Jorge swerved around debris on the road. They couldn’t see much past their flood lights, but it was enough. The girls got their guns up and ready, taking aim. Jorge slowed down, there was a crowd of rowdy cranks blocking the road.

“I GOT MIDDLE” Alex yelled over the screaming of the crowd and the engine. She pulled the trigger and the crank dropped.

“RIGHT!” Kenzie yelled, the crank on their right dropped.

“LEFT!” Brenda yelled at the same time, dropping the left crank in a spray of blood.

"FIRE AT WILL!” Alex ordered.

The cranks charged the truck. The girls cleared a path for the truck to speed through. Jorge still ended up hitting a few of them. The truck slammed the last crank out of the way and the road was clear again. Just up ahead was another crowd of cranks. Something ahead of them had their attention, they were screaming and making their way forwards. Their truck flew past another Right Arm truck, that was still smoking, flipped upside down, glass shattered all over the road.

"IT'S A RIGHT ARM TRUCK!" Brenda yelled.

“WE FOUND OUR IDIOTS!” Alex screamed, “I GOT MIDDLE!” Alex shot a crank in the back, drawing the attention of a few of them. Brenda and Kenzie took them out. Jorge slammed the accelerator down.

"10 POINTS IF YOU CAN LEAVE THE SHOES WHERE THEY ARE!” Alex yelled down at Jorge, co*cking an eyebrow at him. He just shook his head and chuckled. The girls continued to shoot cranks that got too close to the truck.

“I SEE THEM!” Brenda yelled.

The truck smashed through the last line of cranks. Jorge had to slam on the brakes, they came skidding to a halt, Brenda and Kenzie kicked the doors open.

“GET IN.” Brenda yelled at the boys.

Newt, Frypan and Finn scrambled inside.

"HERE THEY COME!” Kenzie screamed.

Alex spun around, the crowd of cranks were gaining on them now that they had stopped moving. They were also very mad. The downside of the bright light, is that it brought cranks like moths to a flame. Alex had her gun aimed and took out a few more cranks.

"HURRY THE SHUCK UP!” She screamed as she shot another crank.

Thomas was the last one to scramble into the truck.

"GO JORGE GO!” Alex screamed.

"Hang on!” Jorge stomped on the gas and the truck took off. Brenda and Kenzie sat down. Alex stayed standing for a little longer, just making sure the cranks were left behind. She then dropped down into her seat. “I'm impressed! You guys almost lasted a whole day.” Alex snapped at them, a scowl on her face.

“I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this.” Thomas muttered, looking guilty. Alex didn’t say anything, she was too mad at them, especially Newt and Thomas.

“I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us.” Newt sighed, as he smacked Thomas on the back of the head.

“You're welcome.” Jorge said dryly looking into the rear view mirror. The boys had enough scenes to look away sheepishly. The tunnel came to an end. Jorge slowed down, and continued on the road that twisted and turned through the mountain.

“Ya Suicide Squad saved your asses, and we are all alive. So, mission was a success.” Kenzie said brightly as she checked Finn for any injury.

“I’m fine! Kenzie stop!” He whined. Trying to pull his face away from her hands.

“How come you don’t check me for injuries?” Newt asked.

“Cuz you're a slint head and went off on your own, to rescue Minho WITHOUT me. And how did that work out for you?” Alex snapped. Newt huffed.

“What’s the Suicide Squad, that doesn’t sound good.” Fry questioned.

“Well, we renamed ourselves. Used to be the Power squad. Since we had to come after your dumb asses and then after Minho, we called ourselves Suicide Scad.” Kenzie explained, finally satisfied Finn was unharmed.

“Ah. Makes sense, I guess. Not very encouraging...but makes sense.” He nodded.

“Well we're all good, and now we have you girls and Jorge with it’ll be better!” Thomas said hopefully.

“Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too.” Jorge said.

“Way to be a positive voice in this group, Jugular Jorge.” Alex chuckled darkly.

“Any time Mi Hija.” He smiled fondly at her, before glancing out the window again.

He came to a stop by the side of the road.

"Yeah, unless WICKED figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out." Alex scoffed, also looking out the window. She opened the truck door and got out. She crossed her arms glaring at the city at the bottom of the mountain. The city was huge, the inner city was built up, tall skyscrapers that looked brand new and shiny. Buildings with all sorts of new architectural designs. And surrounding all this was a wall. Huge stone walls hundreds of feet into the air. On the other side of the massive walls, was the rest of the city. Outside the walls looked like another Crank City. Buildings were old and falling apart, they were close together, everything looked old and dirty. Such a stark contrast from inside the walls.

Newt, Frypan and Thomas came to stand beside her.

"Funny...Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt said dryly, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket

"Yeah. It's hilarious." Thomas rolled his eyes, he sighed and turned to Jorge.

"Jorge, how do we get in?" He asked.

"Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new." He also came to stand at the edge of the road. Their rescue mission just got a thousand times harder.

"I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything." Frypan said wearily. He rubbed a hand down his face, "Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here." He spun around and went back to the truck with Jorge, where Brenda Kenzie and Finn were waiting.

"You really think he's in there?" Alex asked quietly, glancing at Newt and Thomas, scared to know their answer.

"I guess we'll find out." Thomas shrugged, he turned away from the view as well.

It was just Newt and Alex standing side by side staring down the mountain. She saw him glance at her out of the corner of her eye. But she kept her head forward.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked softly.

Alex was quiet for a moment thinking.

"Honestly? I don't know…just..tired." She finally looked up at Newt. He didn't say anything, just absentmindedly rubbed his forearm.

"Okay, how about physically. How are you feeling physically?" He asked.

"Tired. Better? Hangovers are the worst." She joked, but his expressionless face made her drop her half smile. She studied his face; his narrowed eyes, creased forehead, pursed lips and deep frown.

"Is that why you shucken left me behind? You didn't think I was capable of handling a rescue mission?" She demanded turning to face him now, arms crossed and a frown on her face.

He sighed, and ran a shaking hand through his hair, his face looked pained.

"Alex…you couldn't even make it through Sonya's debrief…you drank until you blacked out, and if Jorge, Cap and Thomas hadn't found you…you would have killed yourself. Tommy felt so bad he tried to do it on his own..the stupid shank. He blames himself, he was the one who ultimately picked which train car to take...And you were still out, recovering…" he explained, she could hear the frustration in his voice. He sighed, crossing his arms. "So, no. I don't think you were stable. I still question it now." he snapped, venom behind his words, his eyes grew dark.

"Ha. Who just saved your shank ass back there? Oh! Yeah…the mentally unstable one." She hissed at him, poking him in the chest. His eyebrows were now touching and his frown deepening. "Listen here Newton, just because…I have trouble controlling… how I deal with the klunk in my life…doesn't mean you shucken leave me behind when you go on a rescue mission into WICKED to save the person I love the most in this shucked up world!" She fumed.

"SLIM IT ALEX!" he screamed at her. She flinched, and took a step backwards. Her eyes wide. Jorge had been watching the siblings argue, but when Newt looked like he was losing his cool he stepped closer and now he stepped between them, his hand on Newt's chest.

"NO YOU SLIM IT CRANKY PANTS! YOU CAN'T EVEN GET THROUGH ONE DAY WITHOUT ME SAVING YOUR SORRY ASS!" Alex screamed right back, Jorge's other hand on her shoulder.


Alex had never seen him loose his cool like this. And it scared her. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears, her face was turning red, her hands were shaking.

Way below the belt! I told him those things in private, after he forced it out and now he screams them in front of everyone? Shucken slint head!

"Alex." Jorge warned. "Go cool off."

"Only cause I like you, Jorge." She glared at Newt, trying to hide her hurt, she spun around and stormed away towards the truck. Hastily wiping the few tears that escaped. She got to the truck and threw her fist into the side of the door. Leaving a dent. She climbed into the front seat slamming the door. Everyone was standing around awkwardly, they had seen Alex get mad before, but never Newt, and they never fought like that. No one was sure what to do. Jorge turned back to Newt, who was rooted to the spot, his eyes wide in surprise, his face paling. Jorge gave him a disapproving look.

"That's not how we talk to our family, Hermano. And you know she has been through more than you will ever know. That was some below the belt sh*t you just said. And sounds like some of what you brought up was said in confidence, breaking your sister's trust, Muchacho. What's going through that head?" He asked, his voice was calm, but Newt could hear the disappointment.

Newt's shoulders slumped and he hung his head.

"I honestly don't know! I…I just got so angry all of a sudden, and it just came out! And..shuck! I need to apologize!" Newt tried to get past Jorge.

"Not now Hermano, you cut open some nasty wounds. Let her cool down. You need to cool down, get yourself under control, then when there isn't a group watching, apologize." He said firmly.

Newt sighed and nodded. Jorge also nodded and clapped his shoulder.

"You're a good young man. Sometimes we lose sight of ourselves when we worry or are angry. Just gotta think before we speak. " Jorge said.

He turned back towards the truck.

"Last stop, City of Doom, everyone in!" Jorge called.

As they all climbed in, Kenzie thought out loud, "we need to think of nicknames or code names for the guys!"

Everyone groaned.

They had to park their truck on the outskirts of the city. There were just too many people, and there weren't many vehicles around, they didn't want to draw attention to themselves. The people spilled from the sidewalks onto the roads. There were shops and vendors set up along the sidewalks as well. Everywhere Alex looked, people looked dirty and worn, worried and frightened. The rescue mission group parked the truck and climbed out, leaving the big guns hidden under the seats, taking only the hand guns they could conceal.

Everyone was looking around, unsure of what to do next.

"Well..what now?" Frypan asked, looking at Jorge.

"Hey, don't look at me! This is all new." He held his hands up, "I'm just the driver "

Alex and Thomas glanced at each other.

"Well we started this together, might as well finish it together. Come on Tommy. We have some stolen individuals to get back." Alex hooked arms with Thomas. And they set off in the lead, down the street.

Thomas leaned in and whispered, "do you have a plan?"

Alex whispered back, "No. I was hoping you had a plan!"

"Looks like we're winging it." Thomas muttered with a small smile.

"Don't we always? The four steps in doing anything with the two of us" she pointed to Thomas and then back at herself

"Step one, make a plan." She held up a finger, "Step two, execute the plan," she held up another finger, "step three, expect the plan to go off the rails. And then lastly, step four. Throw away the plan." She held up a third and fourth finger.

Thomas actually laughed, threw an arm around her shoulders, "Why do we bother making a plan then?"

"That. Tommy Boy, is a very very good question."

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Kidnapped. Again.

Chapter Text

"You were right, sir!" A guard sat at a security desk, computer screens from wall to wall. He stood up calling for Director Janson, pointing to one of the middle screens. "The drone sweep picked her up outside the walls, along with Thomas!"

Janson hurried over, his beady eyes alight with excitement.

"Get the guns online!" He barked.

Two other guards sitting at the desk punched a few buttons on their keyboard. The view of Beyond the Wall showed up. The screens showed a massive crowd of angry people. Some were holding signs stating their displeasure with what WICKED was doing. A few people in the front were throwing rocks at the walls. Janson snorted in derision.

"When will these people learn? WICKED has the might and power." He muttered to himself in amusem*nt.

The guard who called him over pointed to a screen, "sir!"

There on screen was the girl who had thwarted him over and over. The girl who started this whole mess all because she had some feelings for a boy. She was the nail in the coughing, the straw that finally broke the camel's back. Ya sure some cowards defected, but they always went quietly, too scared of what WICKED would do to them if they were ever found. Not this girl, no, she had to go and ruin everything, steal information and cause others to think it was okay to defy them. He hated her. She was the symbol of hope that the people on the outside wanted. She stood against WICKED, which gave others the idea they could too. And Janson wanted to break her. Did they not realize WICKED was doing all this to help humanity, he was trying to save the world..or at least those he believed deserved to be saved.

And then there was Thomas, her little sidekick. Just as troublesome. Them together was always trouble for him. He recognized a few of the others with her, they were standing at the front of the crowd, pointing at the walls and talking amongst themselves.

"Sir. Guns are ready!"

"Fire. Fire at will!" He breathed, a manic smile on his face.

The guards hesitated for a second.

"Sir? The civilians?" One questioned.

"I SAID FIRE!" Janson screamed.

"Yes sir." He mumbled, glancing at his partner quickly.

They pressed the button for the guns mounted in the walls. The guns shot into the crowd. They couldn't hear it, but it was chaos to watch. People falling dead in the streets, with a spray of blood and guts, people running and screaming, parts of buildings nearby blowing apart, the road blasting apart, leaving huge craters. Janson lost sight of her in the crowd. He growled in frustration. Those guns in the wall were effective in destruction but not accurate in precision.

"Sir…?" The guard asked timidly, "we uh…lost them, in the crowd. Orders?"

There was a creek behind him, he spun around and saw the control room door stood agar. He narrowed his eyes, but shrugged it off, turning back to the screen.

"Send out a patrol. Tell them not to come back until she's found!" He snarled.

He spun on his heel and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Teresa POV

Teresa was left to her own devices. Now that they had moved the rest of the kids to this new building, they hadn't used her much. She was allowed to wander, but had to stay in the locked sector of the labs, levels 2 and 3, and they didn't seem to use the control chip much anymore, they seemed to have forgotten about her. She wasn't complaining at all, they sent her into a room after they were done with Minho to 'talk to him' and tell him WICKED was trying to save the world, they threatened to use the chip…she just read the questions in a monitond voice, that seemed to satisfy them.

She was wandering down a hall when she heard loud voices. She heard Janson's voice, and she shuddered. She was going to turn around and leave when she heard a name that made her freeze. She was terrified to get caught.

I should go…I don't want to be caught! Especially by Janson! I'm not the reckless kid I used to be…I'm not good at sneaking around for information anymore! I've seen what they would do…but if Alex and Tom are here…

She heard someone say "drone sweep picked them up".

What would Alex do? She would kick in the door say something sarcastic and shoot the screens… I am not Alex, but…

With her hands shaking, and lower lip trembling, she slowly and quietly tiptoed to the door, it was mostly closed, but she could peek through the narrow crack.

She saw Janson standing behind some guards at a desk, he was pointing at one screen. Teresa's eyes went wide, and she had to slap a hand over her own mouth.

There on the screen was Alex, Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda and Jorge, and two other kids she didn't recognize. But they were here! They were all facing the walls, Thomas and Alex were leaning towards each other, Alex was pointing at something and Thomas was nodding.

They didn't come here to rescue us, did they? That's suicide! Especially trying to get in here! But…Thomas and Alex always find a way…

Teresa's blood went cold when Janson said fire at will. She watched frozen to the spot, horrified when they shot the huge artillery guns into the crowd of civilians. She searched desperately for Alex or Thomas or Newt…anyone. She saw a flash of red hair. She let out the breath she had been holding, feeling dizzy she placed her hand on the door. The door creaked. She let out a gasp. Spun on her heel and fled down the hall. She had to tell Minho! They couldn't give up hope!

Alex POV

They were fleeing the massive guns that fired into the crowd. She lost sight of Newt, Fry, Finn and Jorge, Brenda and Kenzie. Thomas had grabbed her hand as they fled. They ducked under a door frame for a moment, "do you see anyone?" Alex planted.

"No! I lost them! Shuck!" Thomas cried. He poked his head around the frame. "Okay, those guys in gas masks are coming this way again. We need to run, find the others later."

Alex nodded in agreement. Thomas gripped her hand and they sprinted out from hiding. Alex saw a few of the masked men blocking their way ahead, she pulled Thomas sideways towards an ally. They ran down the alley, being chased by a few of the masked men, only to be blocked in by a truck that pulled up and stopped. They had to skid to a stop, the men were fast and gained on them quickly.

"SHUCK!" Alex screamed.

The men grabbed Thomas. And threw a bag over his head, hulling him towards the truck, Alex was grabbed as well, from behind. She screamed in anger and frustration. She heard Captain Ronin in her head, his gruff voice giving instructions "what do you do soldier if you're attacked from behind?"

Alex went limp. The deadweight caught the guy off guard, Alex slid down to the ground, twisting on her back so her feet faced the guy she kicked him in the crotch. He collapsed to his knees with a loud yell. Alex kicked his face with her heel, breaking his nose. She scrambled to her feet, there were still four more guys and 3 others had already taken Thomas.

All four guys lunged at the same time. Alex drove her knee up into one guys chest and an elbow into another guy. Something heavy slammed into the back of her head, making her drop. Her world went fuzzy, her eyes wouldn't focus. Black spots danced in her eyes. She felt hands grab her and drag her to the back of the truck. She was tossed in and her world went black.

She came too with her head pounding. Her head was in someone's lap, and she felt the sway of a moving vehicle.

Shuck. Kidnapped. Again. I tend to have a habit of being kidnapped...why does everyone want me so bad? Where am I? Where's everyone else? Shuck shuck shuck.

She sat bolt upright, causing Thomas to jump and gasp at her sudden movement. And it made her feel dizzy causing her head to pound. She lifted a hand to the back of her head. She felt a large bump, but no blood. She peered around. She were sitting in the back of some kind of armored vehicle, Brenda, Kenzie and Thomas were with her. She sighed in relief, at least she knew where some of her friends were. Across from them sat four masked men, all holding huge automatic guns.

Aww shuck they took my weapons. Not cool.

"Well this is cozy." Alex said, looking around the truck, she looked back at the masked men, "you guys come here often?"

They didn't respond.

"We tried talking to them, they won't say anything." Thomas huffed.

"Ooh. The strong and silent type. I'm sure I can break them." Alex lifted an eyebrow.

"It wasn't a challenge." Thomas sighed exasperated.

"Challenge accepted!" Alex cheered

"I just said it's NOT-"

"I SAID CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!' Alex hollard over Thomas. "It's going to be LEGEN- wait for iiiit- DARY! It's gonna be Legendary when they crack!"

The girls chuckled.

"Or maybe…they are just too stupid to talk?" Alex asked seriously, tapping her chin, thoughtfully.

"Alex!" Thomas warned.

"Or maybe they're not real!" Kenzie whispered leaning over Thomas, "maybe this is all a dream! Maybe we were all hit in the head and we're all in a coma?!"

"A coma? Really? Were all in a coma together?" Brenda snorted.

"Hey, I've seen some weird klunk." Alex shrugged, "could happen." Alex said knowingly, tapping her chin again, for dramatic effect.

It was silent for a second, then Alex snorted, and giggled to herself.

"Hey…guys!" She looked at each of the masked guys, "You have the right to remain silent." She paused and giggled. "Anything you say and do…will probably be stupid anyways!"

Thomas groaned, rubbing his forehead. Brenda and Kenzie giggled.

"So where are we going guys?" Alex asked with fake enthusiasm, "Like if you really wanted a date…all you had to do was ask, ya know, use the word please... No need to kidnap us. These two beautiful ladies are single. This strapping Young lad is also single, if that's more your jam." She said, clapping Thomas on the shoulder.

One masked guy snorted but managed to turn it into a cough. Alex smirked. She knew they would eventually crack.

"I mean I prefer to be wined and dined, but Tommy might like this whole rough kidnaping situation. Who knows this guy's kinks. He might not know himself, either. You can discover them together! Won't that be fun, eh Tommy Boy?"

Brenda and Kenzie were doubled over trying very hard to contain their giggles. It sounded like two masked guys were coughing, also trying to cover up chuckles.

Thomas face palmed. "Seriously? I hate you Alex…I hate you so much! Do you ever take anything seriously" Thomas grumbled.

Alex thought for a moment, "Yes. My coffee. I take that VERY seriously."

A few more coughs.

"Why are you like this? Where did it come from? Sarcasm? That smart mouth? Also…remind me why we're friends?" Thomas groaned.

"Sarcasm is my religion!" Alex stated, "and you love me! Remember, you love me so much you took a bullet for me!"

Thomas just looked at her. She sighed.

"Ya…remind me why I did that?" He huffed.

"You told me I was like your annoying little sister…Deep down you just love me, so shucken much! Aaaannd! Sarcasm… is like punching people in the face…but with words. So you should just appreciate how hard I work to not become a mass murderer!" Alex shrugged.

"Truth sister." Kenzie nodded, high fiving Alex.

The one masked man was shaking, and had an unexpected coughing fit. Alex watched the guy with amusem*nt, she felt the truck slow down and come to a halt.

"I bet we're in their secret layer. Don't all bad guys have a headquarters?" Kenzie asked.

The back door opened and a guy pulled everyone out. Alex had just made it out of the truck when another truck pulled up. She heard quite the commotion from the back. She made eye contact with Brenda and Kenzie and tried to suppress a smile.

They heard bangs and yells, and Jorge's district voice. "WHERE ARE THEY? BRENDA? ALEX? KENZIE?" The truck door burst open and a masked guy flew out, la ding with a thud on the ground.

"How come I'm always named last?" Kenzie huffed in annoyance.

"Cuz Papi loves us more." Alex smirked at her, "you're also the youngest!"

Kenzie huffed and crossed her arms, and turned to watch too.

"Where are they? Huh? Where are my girls you Son of-"

"JORGE!" Newt yelled, "LANGUAGE!" as he climbed out of the truck with Frypan, and Finn.

"FINN!" Kenzie screamed running to her brother. Alex and Brenda rushed over to Jorge, before he took out anyone else.

"I'm right here." Alex called,

"Right here!" Brenda yelled at the same time.

Jorge threw another punch, obviously not hearing them. Alex and Brenda grabbed his arms, Kenzie came over too, dragging Finn, the three girls all yelling at Jorge to stop.

"We're right here. We're right here!"

The masked men had formed a circle around them, guns out. If Jorge didn't stop they would be shot.

"Jorge! We're okay! Promise!" Alex said gently now that his fists stopped. He finally looked up, looking between the three. He scrambled to his feet, pulling the three into a hug.

"Oh Mi Hijas!"

"Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here." One guy said, stepping forward, his gun was on his back, hands up in defense.

"What do you mean 'same side'?" Newt asked. He had side stepped over to Alex, when he was talking and tried to wrap her up in a hug. She shoved him off, still pissed at his behavior earlier. Though deep down she was glad he was safe beside her.

"Who the hell are you?" Thomas asked at the same time as Alex asked "Who the shuck are you?"

There was a dramatic pause when he half turned away, and pulled his mask off.

As he turned back around, "Hey, Greenie... She-Bean…"

"Gally?" Newt questioned.

"No shucken way!" Frypan cried

"The bloody shuck?" Alex breathed.

She had watched him die. She saw life leave his eyes. No…he was dead! Gally was dead on a WICKED facility floor. She saw it! She left two dead bodies back in that WICKED lab! Minho had thrown a spear right into his chest! How….how is that…Her racing thoughts was interrupted by Thomas. Who had lunged at Gally and threw a punch, getting him in the cheek. Gally dropped, Thomas scrambling to get on top of him.

"No, wait!" Gally called. The guys around them had taken a step forward, raising their guns again.

"HOLD!" Gally called again.

"Stop! It's all right!" Newt had sprung forward and grabbed Thomas and pulled him backwards. Thomas tried to push him off. Alex could see the veins popping in Thomas' neck, his face was red and he was breathing hard.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop! Stop it!" Newt tried to calm him.

So he's calm with Thomas when he flies off the rocker…but is a slint head towards me… I see how things are.

"Stop." Newt said firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He killed Chuck!" Thomas panted.

That hit Alex in the gut hard. Her baby shank. Her little buddy. She hadn't thought of him in a while, too ashamed to think what Chuck would say about who she had become and what she had done to be here. And here stood Gally, alive and well, when he was the one who pulled the trigger. Alex could feel her throat closing and her eyes burning, she opened and closed her fists a few times, trying to keep them from shaking and going numb.

"Yeah, I know. I remember. I was there too, all right?" Newt tried to soothe, "But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind."

He glanced up at Alex, like he knew she also needed the reminder. Which she did. Gally was a pain in the ass, a real bully and a jerk, but he wasn't the real enemy. WICKED had used him, just like they used everyone else around them.

"Just calm down. All right?" Newt had his hand on Thomas's shoulder, but was now talking to Alex, too. "Come on." He helped Thomas to his feet.

"Kind of had that coming." Gally chuckled half heartedly. He was rubbing the side of his face.

"Anybody else? Fry? Newt?" He turned his head and looked at Alex, "She-Bean? Wanna have a-" he didn't finish. Alex had punched him across the jaw, sending him back to the floor.

"ALEX!" Newt yelled, rushing forwards and grabbing Alex around the waist and pulling her backwards.

Frypan had rushed forward and helped Gally to his feet.

"What the shuck was that for?" Newt yelled at her.

"Don't take that tone with me, Newton! He asked. I couldn't pass on the opportunity to punch the jerk! Do you remember the klunk he said to me and if I remember correctly, that was payback for his punch first." Alex snapped, shrugging Newt off her.

"Same girl! I'd hit that!" Kenzie called.

Alex pointed at her, "See Newton? But I think we have different ideas of what hittin' that!"

Kenzie smirked and Finn ground, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's true…I did ask. It was fair game." Gally replied holding his jaw.

"Jeeze Shanket, you definitely got stronger since we wrestled! What the shuck have you been up to?" Gally whined.

"Do you know this guy?" Jorge asked.

"He was an old friend." Newt answered, never taking his eyes off Gally.

"How? How is this possible?" He asked in awe.

"We watched you die!" Alex added.

"No, you left me to die." He had turned to Alex. That was a punch in the gut. She watched him stop breathing, she watched his eyes fade, she kicked and screamed to get back to them…well mostly Chuck…but still.

"And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now." He added. There was a little commotion by the trucks when a guy stumbled out of the truck, supported by one of his buddies.

"What the hell happened to him? Why's he bleeding?" Gally asked bewildered.

"Because he's an idiot!" Alex answered, crossing her arms. Gally looked at her amused, he raised one of his ridiculous eyebrows.

"I didn't know idiocy caused people to just spontaneously bleed out of a broken nose." He said with mock surprise.

"Huh. Must be a new phenomenon." Alex shrugged. Gally just chuckled, and shook his head.

"Bring him to sick bay, and John, I told you not to grab from behind. She knows what she's doing! Now next time…" Gally looked at Alex, "use your shuck brain!"

"...Use your shuck brain…" She whispered, at the same time as Gally.

"I told you if you had just said please." Alex called after them.

Gally snorted and shook his head, "What the hell are you doing here?" He turned back to the group.

"A continuum of poor choices and shucked events." Alex replied drily Gally raised his ridiculous eyebrows again, while Frypan and Brenda snorted, Newt sighed heavily and face palmed. Thomas looked like he was seriously considering her sarcastic comment.

"Minho." Alex stated, and Gally's face made an "oh" and then clamped his jaw shut, furrowing his eyebrows.

"WICKED has him and Teresa here. We're looking for a way in." Thomas added, crossing his arms, narrowing his eyes.

"I can help with that."

Alex's eyes light up. There was an instant fire in her chest.

"Follow me." Gally turned on his heel and started to march away.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas stamped his foot, with his arms crossed. He looked like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

"Suit yourself. But I can get you through those walls." Gally shrugged.

He didn't even stop to look. Alex followed without hesitation. Gally was a bully in the maze, but he always stayed true to his word. And she trusted that. The death of Chuck still hurt, almost a year later, but she had to remind herself it wasn't really Gally. It was WICKED. It's always WICKED.

"So…what happened?" Alex asked. They were climbing up a metal staircase at the end of a huge wearhouse. Gally looked over his shoulder at her.

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up, and they brought me here to Lawrence."

They were only halfway up the steps but Alex noticed he was a little winded. Alex also noticed now that they were close together, Newt also looked a little winded, and pale.

"This group's been at war with WICKED ever since they took control of the city."

They made it to the top of the staircase, Gally led them down a bleak hallway.

"But WICKED can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done."

He sounded like his old self, full of drive and determination. But there was something else, and Alex couldn't tell what it was. But he didn't have that chip on his shoulder amore. They had stopped at a door at the end of the hall. He hesitated.

"Listen, uh, he doesn't get a lot of visitors. So, let me do the talking." He made a point of looking at Thomas and Alex. "All right? And try not to stare."

He opened the door and led them into a dimly lit room.

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: A Way In

Chapter Text

Alex was immediately hit with a horrible rank smell. Like a mixture of something damp and molding, dirt, dust and something rotten. Gally led them further into the room, and down a few steps. Half the room was covered in all sorts of plants. That covered the damp and dirt smell…

There was someone at the end of a lush green aisle, he was standing at a workbench, with an IV bag hooked up to a stand. He was muttering something to himself. Alex caught a few of his rambling mutterings and it made her blood freeze.

"Roses are red…violets are blue…red roses…roses are red. Roses.."

It was too similar to the gone crank she had encountered in the underground tunnels back in the scorch.

"No no no no…" she muttered to herself, she took a step backwards, her chest feeling tight and heavy. Her palms started to get sweaty. Gally eyed her suspiciously. But she didn't care. She knew this guy was a crank and you can't ever trust a crank! She took another step backwards, her chest was rising rapidly but not filling with oxygen, she bumped into something solid.

"You okay Lil Lady?" Frypan asked quietly. All Alex could do was shake her head wildly. Frypan placed his large hands on her shoulders, he spun her around and pulled her close. He wrapped her up protectively.

"It's okay, Alex. We're all here, you're not alone. He's not the same one." He said gently to her. She had wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tight, and buried her face in his chest, trying to get herself under control. Frypan didn't let go and didn't mind she was clutching his jacket tight in her fists. He glared back at Gally and shook his head and when he gave him an inquisitive look.

"Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened." The man at the desk called.

Gally turned around and gave the man his attention. "It was a slaughter. There's nothing we could do against those guns!" Gally replied frustrated.

"No, but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long before they get stung." He snipped a few branches off his plant.

"Now, who are these people? Why are they here?" He asked, still not turning around.

"We need to get into WICKED." Thomas jumped in, cutting Gally off before he even started. Gally threw his hands in the air, he had specifically told Thomas to let him talk. Gally glanced at Newt who just shrugged his shoulders and put his face in his hands and shook it

"Gally said you can get us through the walls."

The man put his clippers down, "Gally should know better than to make promises that he can't keep. Besides, that wall is only half your problem. Getting inside WICKED is impossible." He was looking out the dirty window in front of his work desk.

"There might be a way now." Gally said, glaring at Thomas. "But it doesn't work without Thomas and Alex." He nodded at Alex, but furrowed his forehead when he glanced at her being bear hugged by Frypan, he shot Fry another questioning look. Frypan squeezed her protectively.

"Is that so?" The man finally turned around to face the group. Alex still hadn't moved. She had her face firmly pressed into Frypan's shoulder, her eyes clamped shut, focusing on her breathing.

"Do you know what I am… Thomas?" His voice sounded gargled, and wet.

Breath in. Breath out. He's not the same crank. Breath in…breath out.

"I am a businessman. Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks. Why should I trust you?" He had taken a step towards Thomas. Alex sensied danger, her adrenaline rushing through her veins, she ripped herself from Fry's grip.

"'Cause I can help you. You see, if you can get me through those walls… I can get you what you need." Thomas answered, not backing down when the crank was only a foot away from him.

"What is it that you think I need?" The crank asked, challenging Thomas.

"Time." He answered, looking at the IV bag, "Every last drop." Alex had taken a step forward, she was ready to strangle this crank with his IV tube if he took another step closer to her Tommy. Her stomach was still turning but she swallowed her stomach bile back down with a shudder.

"Is that what I need?"

"WICKED has something we both want." Alex hissed at him.

Lawrence, The crank glanced at her. A twisted smile spread on his face. Alex grimminced, but turned it into a sneer, this crank was just like any other, twisted, evil and untrustworthy.

"I'll tell you what. Two can go for now. The rest stay here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you find your way back." His eyes narrowed at Alex, who had her hands clenched into fists. Then turned back to Thomas, if he was nervous or upset he didn't show it. He had a mask of indifference on.

"We have a deal?"

Thomas nodded. Alex growled.

"Gally, show them the way."

Gally led them out of the room and back down the hall and back down the stairs. He turned a corner and led them down another hall. He opened a door and stood back for them to file in. Gally led them to what looked like a dorm. Bunk beds lined the walls, and there was a bathroom leading off one side and a small kitchenette on the other. Gally stepped in and closed the door.

"We just have to wait until sundown. So…I guess have a nap, rest, shower, eat .. whatever I'll grab some extra clothes and stuff. Also, you need to figure out which two goes with me."

Gally turned to leave, but saw Alex leaning on the wall by the door, pale and still quietly shaking. Everyone had jumped into conversation, Gally walked over to her.

"I know it's shocking to see a crank-"

"I'm fine." She snapped, cutting him off.

Gally scoffed, "clearly, the pale face, terrified eyes, shaking hands, nervously rubbing your one forearm…definitely fine."

She immediately dropped her hands and shoved her fists into her pockets, clutching desperately onto Minho's promise stone in one hand and Chuck's wood statue in the other. She looked away, grinding her teeth.

"Look Alex, you told me once, a long time ago, it's okay to not be okay. And I'm going to tell you now; it's okay to not be okay. And…I know we were never…on the best of terms."

Alex snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Okay" he held his hands up, "I was never very nice, and I'll take the blame for that…" he smiled awkwardly at her, but it wasn't the leering one she was used to. His eyes seemed different, calmer. He continued in a softer tone, "Alex, I want to apologize. Nearly dying changed the way I look at things. I have a rare opportunity to change things..maybe starting with us." He looked at her hopefully.

Alex wanted to stay mad, but she couldn't, she knew that before they went into the maze they were friends, and WICKED changed him and used him. WICKED had changed her, too. She met his eyes, and she sighed, running a hand through her long tangled hair.

"Ya Gal. It's in the past." She looked at the floor, kicking it gently with the toe of her boot.

"And no Gal, I'm not alright. I'm pretty shucked. Ha, scratch that, VERY shucked. Ever since the escape from the maze. My life has been a continuum of poor choices and shucked events. To be honest…" she trailed off.

Unsure how to continue, if she wanted to continue. She surprised herself for opening up so fast..and especially to Gally of all people. Gally didn't say anything, just stood patiently, quietly. She could feel her eyes prickling, and her throat felt tight. Alex felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Gally was surprisingly gentle.

"Alex, I don't need the full story. Maybe one day. But I know you guys have gone through some shucked up stuff to get here. And I'm going to assume you more than the others. And now your on a suicide mission to get Minho back…I know how much he means to you, same with Tes."

"Ya?" She whispered.

He nodded, "I was loud and harsh in the Maze..but I could see how much those two ment to you. I wasn't dumb."

Alex snorted, but she couldn't say anything, scared to trust her voice. So she just nodded her head and glanced up at him, a few tears leaked over her lashes. Alex wiped them with the heel of her hand, frustrated with herself. She went 7 months without breaking down, and now, they kept leaking out. He just gave her a small sad smile, understanding in his eyes. He patted her shoulder, and left the room. Alex wrapped her arms around herself; she felt weirdly lonely without Gally. He really did change a lot since the maze.

Alex knew her change was not for the good. She was more reckless and unstable, angrier and short tempered. She was drowning and she knew it, she was drowning in grief, anger and her despair. She was too far out alone in turbulent waters without her anchor. She needed him back. She was so deep in thought she didn't notice the tall person in front of her.

"What was that about?" A British voice cut into her thoughts.

"Huh?" She muttered, blinking, shaking her melancholy thoughts away for now.

She looked up and saw Newt standing in front of her, a frown on his face, and a crease in his forehead. His hair had grown quite long, it was well past his ears, close to his shoulders and hung in his eyes, he had a habit of running his fingers through it, pushing it back. Alex hadn't had the chance to really look at him up close. His eyes looked dark and tiered, black bags under his eyes, and he was pale. He didn't look very healthy. He was so busy keeping everyone else together, sometimes he forgot to look after himself. Alex felt a stab of guilt. She was so wrapped up in her self pity and anger she forgot to notice how much not getting Minho back has hurt Newt. He is his best friend.

"I asked what that was about." Newt repeated, a sharpness to his voice.

"What what was about?" Alex asked again, confused.

"Gally." He hissed.

"What Gally was about? Nothing...he just asked how I was doing…" Alex replied, her shoulders stuffing.

Newt snorted and rolled his eyes. "Looked like he was getting a little cozy with you. You moved on from Minho? Decided he wasn't worth the trouble and going for someone who is easier to get?" Newt snapped.

Alex was at a loss for words. What happened to her kind caring level headed big brother? His words hurt. Like a slow twisting blade to the heart. More than what he said back on the highway. This was uncalled for. It was a punch to the gut. And the tears burnt her eyes again. She didn't bother to hide them, this time. Let him see how hurt she was. Her hand came back and slapped him. Leaving a red hand print. The slap echoed around the room. It went deadly quiet, all eyes on the siblings.

She hissed "Don't you dare say that again. You know I would die to save him! You know I would walk through hell...I HAVE walked through hell to get him back." She blinked a few more tears back "So.Don't.You.Dare." she screamed at him.

Newt blinked. A hand on his cheek, he opened and closed his mouth a few times. Finally he managed to choke out "Alex…"


"I'm…I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to hear it." Alex screamed at him.

She pushed past him and into the bathroom slamming the door.

She slid down the wall, her head in her hands and she let the tears fall, she let herself fall apart. Again. She had curled up on the cold floor. There was a knock on the door. She didn't answer.

"Alex?" It was Thomas. "Alex? I'm going with Gally…"

She was staring at the opposite wall, not bothering to listen. It was quiet for a while then there was another knock on the door, this time it opened and closed. Someone crouched down beside her.

"Come on Mi Hija. Sit up." Jorge said gently, lifting her up. He handed her a glass of water. Then lifted her arm until Alex took a sip.

"Things will all work themselves out. I'm sure Newt is stressed and is just taking it out on you."

"No." She breathed, "I've seen him stressed. He's never mean..or says things to purposely hurt someone. It's something else, something is wrong." She was quiet. She lay her head back on the wall, closing her eyes, more hot tears leaked out and ran down into her hair. Her heart still felt like a knife was slowly twisting deeper.

"He would never ever say anything like that to me…he knows I love Minho. He KNOWS… He's not himself. He's different, he's acting like…like…" her head snapped up her eyes wide. She dropped the cup, smashing on the ground.

"Jorge!" Alex gasped. Jorge was looking at her with a mix of confusion and concern.

"Jorge, he's acting like a crank! He's tired, snappy and mean, he is really pale…and now that I think of it he kept grabbing at his forearm! Jorge, he must have become infected in the tunnel or something! Shuck shuck shuck!"

Alex's breathing became fast, she ran a hand through her hair.

"What do we do? Jorge! I can't…I can't lose him too!"

"Alex! Alex, shhh. Hey. Take a breath." Jorge gently grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him.

"Alex, you're immune, why would he not be, it's rare to have siblings be different. But.." he said slowly, "we can get onto the coms, and I can try to get a hold of Dr Prior. He has that proto type formula, remember? Take a breath kiddo."

Alex searched his eyes. He was serious, he would try calling for help.

"Thank you Papi!" She whispered.

"Any time mi Hijas. Now are you going to be okay?"

Alex wiped her tears. "I'm always okay." She forced an emotionless smile at the man in front of her. He looked at her with such a gentle fatherly gaze she had a hard time not breaking down. She tried. But with his steady concerned gaze, it was like he could see right into her soul, she broke.

She put her head in her hands and cried. Jorge pulled her close.

"Why? Why does it always have to be me? The world has enough people, it can pick on someone else!" She cried.

"I don't know. But you're not alone. We will get Minho and Teresa. Dr Prior can help Newt. We will eventually be all right. Have faith Mi Hija." He whispered gently.

Alex pulled away and wiped her tears again.

"Faith." Alex spat. "every time I have 'faith' it's ripped away and I'm drowning again…have faith. Faith and hope ..Brenda said it best. They have killed more of my friends than the Flare." She sneered. Jorge was quiet. Alex lay her head back against the wall, closing her tired eyes.

"Shuck. My life bloody sucks." She muttered.

"Ah, you're just being dramatic." Jorge chuckled, patting her knee.

Alex snapped her head back up, and gave him a withering look. He raised his hands in defense.

"Okay okay, you're right. Your life is the worst and you win for the amount of sh*t the world throws at one person. Better?" Jorge asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. And I expect my crown and trophy." She snarked.

"And she's back." He smiled at her, a few wrinkles showed around his gentle eyes.

Alex smiled. "Where's Newt, I should…probably go talk to him." She had accepted Jorge's hand, and stood up. She stepped to the door, and turned the handle.

"Alex? Newt and Thomas went with Gally into the city."

Alex spun around, "WHAT?" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls, "Jorge he's turning into a crank, and he went into the city? Oh shuck no!"

She spun back around and raced out of the bathroom, "someone show me where they left from!" She demanded. All heads swiveled in her direction. Brenda and Frypan stood up and came over.

"Hey…everything alright?" Fry asked, "also Gally brought us our weapons. Here." Handing Alex her belt of throwing knives.

"Shuck no. When is anything ever alright?

Fry sighed with a nod, "true. My Lil lady Bean, you be careful! I know your going to do something recless. safe."

Alex nodded with a small smile, "hey, Fry? Can you do me a favour?" He nodded. "Can you hold onto these for me?" She pulled out her two most treasured items. "If...Min is here and I'm not..can you give this to him?" She placed the stone in his hand, and then the little statue from Chuck, "can you give that to Tommy, if I'm not here?"

Frypan looked at her sadly. "I will hold onto them, and I'll give them back to you after." He said firmly.

"Thank you. You were always such a good friend. I love you Fry." Alex said quietly. She raised up onto her toes and kissed his check., "I'll kiss the chef anytime."

She turned to Brenda, "Do you know where they left from? And how long ago?"

"Ya follow me." Brenda stated, "they left maybe 20..30 minutes ago?"

Brenda and Alex sat at the tunnel entrance. They didn't say anything, they sat side by side. Alex was staring down the hole. This group Gally had joined, had made a man made tunnel down into the sewer pipes that connected with the city. It was such an easy simple idea, and yet WICKED never thought about being attacked by the sewers.

Brenda sat back leaning on her hands. Alex was fidgeting, she couldn't sit still. Alex stood up again and paced back and forth. Brenda watched Alex walk back and forth.

"Ya know…" Brenda said lightly, swinging her feet that dangled in the hole, "I'm surprised you're still here."

Alex stopped pacing and turned to face Brenda, her eyebrows raised.

Brenda shrugged, "just saying." She paused, and looked down into the hole. "You would have been down there without question about a week ago. What's up?"

Alex came and crouched down beside her. Looking down the hole, the ladder was still leaning there.

"Honestly? No shucken clue." Alex answered, she hesitated "...Except you know…dark tunnels aren't my favorite thing…" she shivered, Brenda doing the same. Both thinking of The Underneath.

"Hey knock knock!" Kenzie said walking into the room. She stopped, putting one hand on her hip and pointed at Alex with a confused look. She addressed Brenda, "What the heck is this one still doing here?"

Brenda just hummed. She slid a hand gun out from under her shirt and held it out for her.

"Ha. You guys knew, didn't you." Alex smiled at her.

"Of course. You're Alex. And you do your own thing. And it's usually right." Brenda shrugged, Kenzie nodded, handing her a flashlight and another knife with a wink.

Alex took the gun, knife and flashlight and stood up, Brenda stood up as well, with a grin.

"Go. We'll cover for you as long as we can." Brenda encouraged, "Go find your boy."

Alex gave her girls quick hug. "Thank you."

"Ya. Ya. I know, I'm the best. Now go!" Brenda chuckled, giving her a small push towards the hole and tunnel.

"Uh no! I'm the best!" Kenzie called as Alex lowered herself into the hole.

Alex climbed down the ladder into the darkness, reminding her of her horrible 48 hours in the underneath.

Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Interrogation

Chapter Text

He was running as fast as his exhausted legs would take him. He took another corner when the monster screamed at him. The scream made his heart beat faster with fear, and his brain wild with panic. It sounded like Alex, like she was in pain, it sounded like she was being attacked again, but it was coming from the monster chasing him. He had a glimpse of the monster, and it made him stumble. He had to blink and shake his head. No. It couldn't be! Grievers always looked the same, why would this one be different? His stumble and hesitation was his downfall, the monster gained on him.

Minho tried to lose it, but the monster was faster, he had sprinted for too long, his chest was heaving, lungs were burning, sweat poured off him, making everything stick to himself. His shaking exhausted legs stumbled around a corner, he fell and skidded down the Maze corridor. Ripping the skin off his elbows and hands. His head slammed into the ground with a crack. He could hear the monster approaching. It was still screaming in Alex's desperate heart breaking screams. The Grievers' sharp legs stabbing into the ground. Minho rolled over, wiped the blood out of his eyes. He froze, his burning lungs forgetting how to breathe. He was looking into the eyes of Alex!

The Griever had Alex's voice and now it had her eyes. It was towering over him. He was too exhausted and dizzy to get back up. A tear slipped down the side of his face. The Griever slowly crawled its way, it stopped directly over him. The Griever lowered its head, Alex's eyes looking at him. It opened its mouth showing off rows of razor sharp teeth.

"Good bye Minho." it said with Alex's voice. Minho choked back a sob. The Griever laughed at him, it sounded like Alex's laugh. The Griever sank its teeth into him making him scream in pain. The Griever ripped him apart.

His body strained against the straps holding him down and he threshed around. His screaming ripped his throat. The WICKED employees could hear the screaming down the hall. All the Doctors in the room did was make a few notes on their clipboards. One doctor standing by the chair double checked the IV that was inserted earlier into Minho's arm. A clear liquid was being extracted slowly from him. It would drip faster with every scream. The small vile finally filled up. The doctor nodded to the assistant at the dials of the computer screen. She turned it off.


The laboratory was quiet, the med wing was quiet, the human test subjects were sleeping peacefully. Teresa was standing by a table full of papers filled with notes and formulas, but nothing made sense. Not that she was trying, her mind was still racing from what she overheard that morning.

Alex and Thomas and the others are here! Janson is going to kill them. can I help them without drawing attention? I still need to warn Minho!

She heard some rustling behind her. She turned away from the papers and walked over to the bed where a small child lay. She reminded Teresa of Chloe. Big bright eyes, and smile.

WICKED had allowed her to work in the lab here ever so often, uncontrolled, but closely monitored. It was easy to understand how doctors and nurses were swayed by what WICKED preached, how they were helping save the world. Especially when they were only ever in this section, and never knew the dark and dirty ways the "test serums" were extracted.

Teresa knew though. She would love to save humanity, but not at the expense of so many children, a whole generation if Ava and Janson had their way. There were rumors that The Flair was made and distributed by WICKED, though she would never know. Janson liked to brag that she had her memories restored, but that was a lie. She was only given a few back, and they were very controlled memories, and they seemed fuzzy. She actually had no idea what happened before she woke up in The Glade. Anger wasn't a strong enough word, but she was angry with them. They were the reason the world was dying and they had no way to control or contain this, they also didn't seem to actually care about civilians. Why was it so important to see if they could change Minho's memories and feelings towards one person? If they cared, why wouldn't they distribute aid to those who needed it? Was it really necessary for each board member to have their own personal Berg? She was certain many of the WICKED elites had caught The Flair, but everything was hush hush.

The little girl in the lab had woken up and was trying to get out of bed. Teresa came over to sit with her. She was one of WICKED's human test trials with this new serum they extracted recently. The medical chart sitting beside her bed stated her serum was extracted from subject A7.


Teresa's heart broke, and her chest heaved with a stuffed sob. They needed to get out! Her mind knew this child didn't stand a chance, if you were not immune, but her heart wanted to protest and save everyone.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Teresa forced a smile, for the child's sake.

On the other side of the sound proof glass, Janson and Ava were having a discussion, watching the two.

"How soon can you administer to the infected?" Jason asked, watching the child talk animatedly with Teresa. He had a greedy glint in his eye.

"You show a lot of compassion for someone who just opened fire on a crowd." Ava stated, her tone was flat.

"You told me to do my job. I had a shot. I took it." Janson replied with a shrug.

"And missed, apparently." Ava cut in, frustration in her voice. She finally turned her head to look at him, her bright red lips pressed into a thin line.

"The patrols never found a body. Alex and Thomas are still out there." She stated.

"What about her? Does she know?" Janson asked, motioning with his head to Teresa.

"No." Snapped Ava.

"She can't. We need her to finish Dr Smith's work with Subject A7. She is vital. Disposable. But vital in this stage. And knowing that would throw off all our work so far. She is starting to do our work without the need of the chip, in the lab anyways..."

Ava was silent for a moment. She turned to Janson, "Elevate security levels throughout the city. We can't have any setbacks."

Janson nodded with a wicked grin. He turned and left Ava standing at the glass window. Ava sighed and rubbed her temples for a moment. She sighed again, straightened up, composing herself and walked into the lab.

"Teresa. Come with me, you are wanted in interrogation room C." Ava said crisply.

Teresa jumped, startled by the sharp voice behind her.

"Yes ma'am." She squeaked. She scrambled away from the girl's bed and grabbed her clip board of notes and pen and followed Ava out of the lab.

Teresa knew what was going to happen. Whenever she was "needed" in the interrogation room, it was always right after Minho went through more testing torture and mind manipulation. As far as she could determine, the project was called MindJacking. They would take one of his memories, somehow twist it into something fake and implant it back in his mind. Always making Alex the evil one. And as best as she could understand, they were just using Minho to get to Alex. Janson saw her as the threat that could bring WICKED down.

The one thing they could agree on. Alex would be the one to finally topple this place.

But she still didn't understand why. Were they hoping Minho would hate her enough, they would let him loose and kill her? Nothing made sense anymore, Janson's decision making seemed rash and wild lately.

Wouldn't put it past them. But...maybe if I could let him know...we're being rescued...I have to give him some hope! I have to try..but how? They are always watching!

Ava stopped in front of the door, and turned to Teresa. Her cold gaze drilling into Teresa's, making her shrink, holding the clipboard to her chest.

"You know what to do. If you don't cooperate we will just use the chip."

Teresa gulped and nodded.

What would Alex do?

Teresa slowly opened the door with a trembling hand. She had no idea what she was going to do. Sitting at the cold metal table was Minho. She hadn't seen him in a week. He looked awful. Fresh bruises and poke marks from injections and IV's, his eyes were hollow and sunk, with bags underneath, even his once perfect hair was flopped. He didn't move or blink. He sat hunched over leaning on the table for support.


He heard the door open and close. This was routine now. After a torture session, being poked and prodded, drained of blood and having his mind and memories messed with he was dragged into this room. Someone would come in and try to talk to him. Usually it was Teresa, sounding like a robot. So when the door opened he didn't move. He didn't want to move, even if he could. His body still felt like it was on fire. His mind felt like it had been broken open over and over. His head was pounding.

"Minho." Teresa whispered, she sounded different. She didn't sound like a robot.

"Can you hear me?" She asked timidly.

Why is she timid? That's not the forced robot voice...what's going on. What game is WICKED playing?

"There's a little girl here. Her name is Shai Lun." Teresa said quietly, it was rushed, sounding rehearsed, or reading a script.

There it is. WICKED's script.

"She's been infected for three weeks now. But, Minho..." she faulted.

"you're going to save her. And you can save so many others. Everything we're doing here... it's working." But her voice had an edge to it today, something was definitely off.

WICKED's "I'm saving the world" klunk. SO done with this klunk. I need a shucken nap....and some food. But definitely a long shucken nap. Just let me sleep! Please...

He was so tired of hearing the same lines over and over.

"Minho. WICKED IS good." Teresa said with such gusto it caught him off guard. He finally glanced up at her. Her eyes looked different. They were tired, but there was a spark, something he hadn't seen in a long time. Something was different about this meeting.

"Teresa?" He said it so quietly she almost missed it.

"Minho?" She took a step forwards, she glanced up to a corner. Minho's eyes followed hers. He saw a camera in the corner, and scowled.

"Minho? Can you hear me?"

When he didn't say anything but his eyes met hers. She was staring so intently at him he felt like she was trying to look into his soul. Or she was trying to speak telepathically. He furrowed his eyebrows.

Didn't she used to be able to...speak telepathically with Thomas...and Alex?

"Hmmm." She flipped a page and wrote something down on her notepad. She looked back up at him. He could have sworn she winked at him.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked, her voice sounded unusually high. Minho didn't say anything.

"Hmm." Again she wrote something down.

"Did you know the little girl you're helping reminds me of Chloe." Teresa said softly. Minho's breath stuck in his throat. He remembered Chloe. She was the Glader's little sister who found them in the crank city. He lifted his head a little more. Teresa took another step forward and shifted sideways.

"It's true. Remember Chloe? She helped you find Alex when we thought she died." Teresa said quietly, cautiously.

Minho's face twisted in confusion. He remembered, but wasn't sure if it was a real memory or a fake planted one.

Teresa laid her clipboard down and twisted it, so it was facing him. She then leaned over the table.

"See? Doesn't she? Doesn't she look like her?" Teresa urged. Minho looked down, there was a medical chart, and a small picture of a dark haired child in the corner. But what caught his attention was Teresa's finger, it was tapping on the paper, at the bottom. In tiny writing there were a few short sentences.

Gladers in city. Save us. Don’t trust WICKED. Attack me. Take hair pin. Wait. Have Hope. She luvs you

Minho looked up at her, his eyes wide. Teresa matched his expression. A small smile in her lips.

Is that true? They came back for me? For us? How does she know?

His face must have given something away, because Teresa nodded and said, "Trust me Minho. I saw it. I saw the help. Do you see now? We can have hope, there IS help. And it's GOOD." Teresa said with gusto again. She sighed, she tilted her head and gave her temple a quick rub. Minho caught a quick glimpse of something shiny in her black hair.

Hair pin..."take hair pin...wait." She's never lied to me before. The only friend I have in this shucked up hell hole. But...why would Alex come for me if she works for Them? "Have hope, she loves you" She loves me? Nothing makes sense. But...I trust Tes...I have to trust her, I don't trust any of these Slint heads.

Teresa gave him a small nod. Her face was set, fire behind her eyes. She picked up her clipboard. And wrote something down. Minho's surprised and confused face morphed back into a cold stone expression, laced with exhaustion.

"Teresa..." he breathed out. Even talking hurt. His throat was dry and raw from screaming. She turned to look at him, leaning in to hear.

"YOU'RE A TRAITOR!" he screamed, making her jump. He jumped up from his chair, grabbing onto her lab coat.

"YOU'RE A TRAITOR!" he screamed again, and slammed her as gently as possible into the table. He winced when she flinched.

"WE TRUSTED YOU!" He yelled, making it look like he was trying to grab her, he flexed all his muscles, but he wasn't actually holding her down, if she wanted to sit up she could easily. But she stayed, her face morphed into one of fear.

"Get off!" She cried, but he saw the small smile lift the corner of her mouth. He yelled in her face. She struggled and scrambled. He tried his best to grab her hair. The door to the interrogation room opened and two guards rushed in.

"Hey, let her go!" One yelled as he ripped Minho away. Teresa's hair was now disheveled and down. He dove to the table just as a guard grabbed him and slammed him down. His hand wrapped around the hair pin. He held it tight.

"Get off me!" He screamed at the guards. Really fighting and angry this time. "Get off me!"

He looked back up to see Teresa standing in the corner, he saw her mouth "I'm sorry." when a guard grabbed his taser. He knew what was coming. He braces for the pain, but he knew it wasn't her fault. She had warned him, and gave him a weapon. They were friends and she wouldn't do this on purpose. She also planted the small seed of hope.

"I'll kill you! You traitor! You killed them all!" He screamed as the pain shot through his body. His exhausted mind let him slowly black out, taking him away from the pain and brokenness he felt.

As the sweet relief of the blackness took hold, a memory resurfaced.

*** Alex was screaming for him, being held back by Captain Ronin. She was reaching for him, calling for him. But he couldn't move. His body was in pain and his limbs wouldn't work, he saw her fighting, still trying to get to him as he was dragged up the Berg ramp. The last thing he saw, the last time he saw her she had crossed her heart, sobbing, calling his name.

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: Tunnels

Chapter Text

Alex reached the bottom of the ladder, hopped off the last rung with a small splash of dark water. She looked up and could only see a small circle of light above her. She was glad Kenzie gave her a flashlight. She clicked it on and took in her surroundings. It was a tunnel, with damp brick walls, an inch or two of dark water on the ground. And it was cold, smelt of mold and rusty pipes. There was only one way to go, so without a backwards glance, she headed off down the sewer tunnel. While she walked she pulled her hood up. And pulled the sleeves of her hoodie and jacket down. Being alone in a dark dank tunnel reminded Alex of being alone in the Underneath back in the Scorch. It made her shiver. Being alone never bothered her anymore. But being in tight spaces, with smells that reminded her of her time alone, made her heart beat just a little faster. She pulled the knife Kenzie gave her out and spun it nervously in her hand.

Alex glanced behind her, she kept getting a creepy feeling. Just like in the Underneath tunnels.

I can’t be followed now..Gally and his men use this all the time. If it was full of cranks, they wouldn't have built a permanent ladder you shuck faced idiot! Get a bloody grip!

There was a tiny splash behind her. Alex jumped and gasped, spinning around. Flashlight and knife held up ready to use. Her little beam of light swung back and forth. There was nothing but moldy damp brick walls and water. Just as Alex was ready to turn around there was another tiny splash. Alex's heart jumped into her throat, making it hard to swallow. Her hands gripped tighter, knuckles turning white. And her palms started to sweat. Her legs felt like jello and her feet were frozen. She hadn't felt this scared since back in the tunnels when she heard the light bulbs breaking and the echoing footsteps. Except this time it was splashes. She knew she was being followed.

Coming down here was a stupid idea! Why did I let Brenda and Kenzie talk me into this? I can't…I can't…. I need him. I need him with me! I can't…I can't…

Every time her brain said she couldn't, her lungs stopped working. Her body wasn't responding, it wasn't working. There was another tiny splash. Alex tried to stifle a cry. She was going to fail at rescuing Minho and Tes because she was going to die in these tunnels, like she should have back in the Scorch. Her chest hurt. And her stomach felt sick. She was going to die in a dark tunnel and never get to see a sunset on the beach. Her head felt dizzy. She dropped the flashlight into the puddle, and stumbled backwards. Her back hit the damp wall, and she slid down into a crouch. She pressed her head to her knees and her hands to her head. Her lungs had forgotten how to work and her chest felt like it was on fire. She tried to cry, but nothing would come out. Her voice was choked by her hyperventilating lungs. She squeezed her eyes shut tight.

" patient with me." Alex whispered, another tear slipped through her lashes.

Minho reached up and gently wiped it away and left his hand cupping her check with his now bandaged knuckles. Alex had stiffened when he first reached up, but slowly leaned into his touch. His hand was warm and gentle. She closed her eyes, enjoying a physical touch that wasn't greedy or hurting. She felt little butterflies in her tummy. She let out a small quiet sigh. She reached her hands up and hesitantly put them up around the back of his neck, sliding them up into his hair. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Alex's heart was racing, her breathing tried to come in shallow gasps, but Minho's steady breathing helped anchor her mind, and her fight or flight slowly calmed down. He gave her something to focus on. She closed her eyes again, focusing on her breathing until it came back in steady slow breaths. She felt Minho's other hand cup the other cheek, and his forehead on hers, she stiffened for a second, her breath caught in her throat. When he didn't move anymore she relaxed into his touch.

Her tensed shoulders finally sagged. She could feel his breath fanning her face, and the warmth radiating off his body. She smiled, despite her fight or flight trying to take over again. She finally tilted her head, and slowly and timidly brushed her lips on his. It was quick and barley there. Nevertheless, his eyes shot open, she saw the familiar warm coffee eyes, dancing all over her face. She smiled shyly up at him. An actually genuine smile.

"I love you shuck face." She whispered. She slowly pulled him back for another kiss. He was still hesitant and gentle with her, his hands hadn't moved from her checks and that made her feel safe, loved, cherished and respected. She smiled into the kiss. "Thank you. I trust you." she murmured, his lips still pressed to hers.

"I love you too shuck face" he muttered right back. He slid a hand from her check into her hair, he slid off the hood of the truck, and finally wrapped her up into a tight proper hug, she slipped her hands from his hair and wrapped them around his shoulders, squeezing like she would lose him, again. She held him close, burying her face in his neck. The damn inside her finally broke, she had shoved her emotions down, letting anger slip out. All those other feelings finally exploded in a sob. She felt safe enough to be vulnerable.

Alex's knees gave out, Minho slowly lowered down onto the grass, holding her tight as she cried. Big sobs racked her body. All the fear and terror, all the shame and disgust, the relief of being found, the regret of Zach...everything came out in loud gut wrenching sobs and cries. Minho sat on the grass, slowly rocking side to side, Alex in his lap. He let her cry until she had nothing left, she was hiccupping and taking shuddering breaths when he finally spoke.

"You're safe now Alex. You had to do so much on your own. You're so strong...I'm proud of you. My badass warrior Queen." He whispered into her hair.

Her body was exhausted. Her mind and heart were also exhausted. She could feel her eyelids closing. "Minho..will you stay with me?"


Alex let out a sob into her knees

What a lie. Stay with me? Always? Really? He was ripped away the next day. Why would I remember that now? In this dark awful place?

She glanced at him, he had a big goofy grin on his face, his eyes glassy, watching the sunset.

"You would make a great dad!" She blurted. She instantly felt the heat rising in her face, the blush was strong, she looked away sheepishly, swinging her feet.

"Ya think so?"

She looked back at him, a shocked expression on her face.

"Of course!'re patient when you teach someone something new. If you can handle all Tommy's bloody questions, you can handle kids' constant questions. You're gentle and kind. You're fun, make me laugh all the time, but know when to be serious and strict. You love the people around you, care for them and keep them safe. You have a stubborn streak but that keeps your determination and drive alive. You're curious about the things around you, and I think our kids would have a lot of fun with you, you big drama queen! And I know they would always be safe, 'cause I'm always safe with you. I trust you. You take care of me, so I know you would take care of our family..." She finished rambling.

He had sat listening to her, a smile on his beautiful face, showing off his white teeth, his eyes squinted into half moons, his dimple showing. His thumb gently and absent mindedly rubbing her thigh.

"Jeeze there Shanket, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you fell for me pretty hard!" He teased, and gently placed a kiss on her temple.

Tears continued to fall down her face, which was still pressed into her knees. Her chest was heaving, but for an entirely different reason. She wasn't scared of dying alone in a dark creepy tunnel, she was terrified of not being able to see Minho again, of losing him to WICKED. She wanted everything they talked about, a home and getting married and a family. She wanted to go on a date for cheeseburgers and sunsets.

She couldn't control the giddiness, the feeling of finally being safe. Being free. She could actually breathe. She could dream. She flung herself into Minho's arms. He toppled backwards, with a deep laugh, right from his gut.

"Whoa there Sunshine! Maybe not tackling me by the edge of a cliff!"

He wrapped her up in his arms, Alex laughed as he rolled them away from the cliff edge.

He was hovering over her, in a push up position, his arms locked, all the muscle in his arms and shoulders defined.

"Hmm. Now where were we?" He smirked down at her, with that good old sly sexy smirk, he bent his arms and kissed her lips quickly, pushing back up. She smiled shyly up at him. He did it again, the kisses were quick, gently barely there, brushes of his lips, but he was just showing off now, doing push ups overtop of her. She hummed.

"We were here. Where I feel safe." Alex whispered. She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, and smiled. She wrapped her hands around his waist and pulled him closer, he bent his arms, still hovering over her, all his muscles tense. She kissed him, slowly. She could feel his arms tremble when she brushed her lips against his. He slowly lowered onto the ground, beside her, but still kind of on top of her and pulled her close, so their faces were only a few centimeters from each other.

She ran her fingers through his thick soft hair. She pulled his head, closing the gap and kissed him. The self doubting abusive voice had gone silent. She loved him. And he loved her. That's all that mattered at the moment.

Why? Why am I doing this to myself?! Why are we remembering this now? I can't do this! I can't! Please stop! I can't do this!

Her body was shaking and her sobs were loud and heart wrenching. She wasn't panicking anymore, but she was definitely not in control anymore. She sobbed for a long time. Wrapped in her own arms, remembering all the times Minho had wrapped her up in his arms, making her feel safe and loved. She needed those arms back. She could remember the hugs and sweet kisses, but she was forgetting what they felt like. She couldn't really remember what his lips tasted like. Or what his soft warm callused hands felt like on her cheeks. She needed him back. She was drowning and he was her only hope. Her body ran out of tears. Her breathing went from ragged and shuttering to heavy and broken, slowing down. Slowly regaining control over herself. She finally lifted her head out of her hands. Leaning her head back against the damp wall.

The flashlight was facing the other way, casting shadows onto the wall. There was a tiny little squeak. Alex's head whipped to the side. Sniffing the flashlight was a tiny little mouse. When Alex had moved her head it squeaked and scurried away, causing a little splash.

You shuck faced baby. You had a panic attack because of a shucken bloody mouse! Some badass you are.

Alex shook her head, angry and embarrassed with herself. Her heart hurt, that slow twisting knife was still there, if she didn't get Minho soon, it would end up killing her. She hated feeling anything. Everyone kept telling her she needed to be around, that other people needed her, wanted her around. But…she got scared into an attack from a little mouse. All she was good for was hurting other people. Feeling anything but numb indifference was awful.

Alex grabbed the knife off the floor, dropping it when she sank to her knees. Without thinking anymore she pulled the sleeve of her jacket and sweater up and took the knife to her arm again and again and again. It wasn't until she felt the sting of pain and the red dripping slowly down her wrist did she remember her promise to Newt and Sonya and Jorge.

You shucken idiot!

She broke another promise. And now she was bleeding and had nothing to stop it. She ripped a strip of her t shirt and did her best. Alex stood up, wiped the stubborn tears away. Picked up the flashlight and her knife. Having a mental breakdown gives you clarity, she knew now she NEEDED him, she was on a mission to find Minho. And if she died trying, she didn't care. She would find him. She was certain.

Alex came to the end of the tunnel, it was a couple foot drop to the tracks below. Tracks…it looked like train tracks. She looked both ways, she felt something rumbling, the walls were shaking.

The shuck?

Alex didn't move, waiting, eyes wide. A train came flying around the corner blasting its horn. It was only a few inches from Alex's hiding place. If she was caught in those tracks then she was squished Griever food.

Ok, Gally is smart, and he wouldn't just take them down here to be run over by a train, there has to be another exit. But where.

The train finally passed. She poked her head back out looking both ways. One way, the way the train had come was dark. The other way, the way it was going…

If the train is going in that direction, then there must be a train stop or Station that way…or a maintenance exit…so best bet is that direction.

Alex could feel the rumblings again, she shrank back into her tunnel. That was about 3-4 minutes total between those trains. To make sure Alex stayed in her spot waiting, and counting.

Yep. 3 and a half minutes between trains. That doesn't give me a lot of exploring time…but I can't just sit here. Sooooo….ready….

The train was passing by


The train was almost gone. She got up into a crouch, shoved her flashlight into her pocket, she had her knife in her pants pocket and her gun in her belt. The train passed.


She jumped out of the tunnel, counting down the time until the next train. She sprinted, as fast as she could. Running on a train track was difficult, if you weren't careful the uneven planks would make you trip, which she did. Her foot got caught and she went down hard, slamming her head into the mettle track. Alex scrambled to her feet and kept going, her head fuzzy. She smacked it hard, she could feel something warm trickle down into her eyebrow. Wiping it away, she kept her eyes open for anything that would resemble an exit. Behind her she heard the blare of a horn.

Shuck! I'm running out of time! Where is this bloody excited?!

Just up ahead, she saw a little ladder. It led up to a doorway in the wall.


She pushed her legs even harder. The train horn blasting. The louder thundering of the train was now behind her and the lights from the front car were blasting her back. She needed to make it or she was going to be run over. The vibrations of the train on the tracks made it harder to run. Only a few more feet. The horn blasted again, yelling at her to move. The train was just about on top of her. She reached out a hand and lunged with everything left in her legs, she wrapped her arms around the rungs of the ladder and held on, flattening herself as best she could. The one time Alex was grateful she was small. She hung on as the train flew past her at break neck speed. It was so close to her she could feel the tip of her long ponytail smack the train. The wind from the train ripped at her clothes trying to pull her away. Alex held on tighter, trying to push her head as close to the wall as possible.

The train finally passed. Alex scrambled up the ladder and sat inside the tunnel entrance for a moment, catching her breath. She leaned her head against the brick wall, closed her eyes and laughed. She laughed so loud and long tears ran down her face. She really was losing it. Once she was back in control and her breathing was regulated, she stood up. Realizing she didn't have her flashlight or gun anymore.

Shuck sakes. They must have fallen when I tripped. Shuck it! At least I still have a knife or two.. well here I go, storm WICKED with a tiny knife…. wouldn't be the dumbest idea you came up with…remember that time you and Tommy stormed that one WICKED truck during a raid and realized none of you had weapons…you took out the driver with a rock! And your hoodie string. Mental high five Alex. That was some nice improv skills. Captain was impressed.

Alex followed the tunnel. This one has lights and didn't seem so dark and damp…probably because this was a maintenance entrance. She came to another door. She turned the handle slowly and pushed the door open just a crack. She peered through the crack, and what she saw made her jaw drop. Alex pushed the door a little bit more, getting a better view. There were so many people. But unlike all the people she had encountered so far these people were clean! They looked healthy, not starved or fighting for their lives. There were people in business suits carrying computer bags chatting away on cell phones. Women in pressed business clothes with a coffee in hand, young adults. But what really made Alex gasp was all the buildings with bright light up signs and screens with advertisem*nts. Everything from the latest fashion to coffee to the signs of the Flair and what to do if you suspect you have it. Alex was watching one screen from the crack in the door when she did a double take. There on the screen was a picture of her, and it flashed to Tommy's face. Underneath their pictures in big red letters "wanted. If seen, contact WICKED immediately."

Well …they didn't even get my good side.

She watched for a few more minutes.

Well you aren't going to find Minho here. Move your arse Shuck face.

She slipped from the door, as discreetly as possible.

Totally thomased the door! Hah.

Alex leaned against the closed door for a second. Looking both ways. She recognized the giant towering building in the center of the city…it was hard to miss. Especially with the giant letters WICKED along the side of the building. Alex snorted.

They’re that dumb they had to label their building? They all forget what the name of their company was or where they worked? Ha. Idiots.

Alex set off towards WICKED alone, and only armed with a few small knives. But she was determined to bring them down, and nothing was going to stop her.

Chapter 15: Chapter 14: Don’t shoot

Chapter Text

Alex kept a steady pace walking down the sidewalk. Her head down and her hood up. She didn't realize WICKED hated her so much, on every other electronic billboard was a wanted picture of herself. She knew she had ticked off Janson when they tried to capture them at the Right Arm camp, and then kept intercepting their supplies and then finally out smarter them by stealing a whole train car of kids...but dang, WICKED was quite obsessed with her.

Quite flattering, really. That would actually be a really easy way in...just marching up to the front door...hmmm...

It was hard to blend in and pretend she lived here when every few feet was something new she hadn't seen before. The bright flashing lights, and loud noise of the billboards, cars and all the people. It was so busy and loud and flashy. It made Alex flinch a few times.

Man I miss the quiet of the Glade. Life was simple, quite... easy.. ya we were surrounded by jail stone walls and death monsters..but I think I want a house away from the city. This is too much.

Alex flinched again when a car with a wailing siren and flashing red and blue lights blasted past her. Alex tried to pull her hood down more. Her face was already in the shadow, but the security it made her feel helped her not freak out more. Alex stuffed her fists into the pockets of her jacket. Someone was walking towards her on the street, she tried to slink into the shadows and avoid the man. There were enough people on the sidewalk, but he had singled her out and kept glancing at her. Alex avoided eye contact, quickly crossing the street, but she could feel his eyes on her back. She sped up, and slipped down an alley.

Shuck shuck. He recognized me! I gotta get to WICKED before they call it in.

She peeked around the alley corner, saw the direction she needed to go, spun on her heel and ran back down the alley. Keeping to the shadows and back alleys. It was like running in The Maze. All the streets and back alleys making up the maze corridors, with that in mind she put her head down and ran even faster, taking corners with little thought. The closer she got to the building the more crowded the main streets became. She had to slow down to a brisk walk when she crossed these intersections.

She slowed down to a stop, staying in the shadows of a building. In front of her stood WICKED'S main facility. It was huge. Made of all glass and shiny metal. There were guards and soldiers everywhere, in their black tactical gear and guns. WICKED employees in their pressed white outfits. Through the glass Alex could see all the security.

Shuck. This is going to be a challenge. Parking garage or the back door might be easier to get through ...

Alex crept down the street in front of the building, thankful it was still night, meaning the streets were mostly empty of WICKED workers, sneaking around was definitely easier in the dark. Alex flattened herself against the wall and peeked around the corner. She had made it to the parking garage entrance. She only saw one guy working, and he looked pretty bored, and she only saw two security cameras. And they seemed easy enough to avoid.

For a WICKED headquarters they have some lame security...

Slipping around the corner, Alex crept to the next building. Alex ducked under a half wall that ran the length of the garage. In a crouch she ran down the length. She was as quiet as a shadow.

Thanks Cap for the training in sneakery and stealth.

When she came to the end of the wall she peered around the corner. The little guard house by the garage gate was only a few feet away. He had his head down scrolling through his phone. Staying in her crouch she snuck up to the building. With her back to the wall, the window was directly over her head. She took a slow steadying breath. And slipped her knife out of her pocket. She reached a hand up and tapped on the glass.

She waited. Nothing. She reached up and tapped the window again, harder this time. She waited, holding her breath. This time there was the noise of a window opening.

"Hello?" The guard called, confused.

Alex waited.

"Hello? Is someone there?" He called again.

"Ya. Down here you twat faced bafoon" Alex whispered.

The guard leaned out the window, confusion on his face

"What the-"

He didn't finish his sentence, because Alex had stabbed her knife up into his throat, and twisted. Alex yanked the knife out, the guard flopped down hanging half out the window.

"I'll be taking this, thank you." She said, grabbing his gun, from his holster, his swipe card and his earpiece.

"WICKED ...You are the embodiment of stupid." She whispered as she stuck the earpiece in.

Now she had the ability to hear what was going on. Alex walked into the garage and towards the back door. She reached a hand to twist the door handle when it twisted first. She flatted herself on the wall, bringing her borrowed gun up. The door swung open and 2 guards walked out, laughing with each other. Alex stayed quiet, they didn't notice her at first. She was wearing black, hiding in the shadows and she wasn't very big. One guy still caught sight of her and did a double take. He came to an abrupt stop, his eyes went wide while his buddy walked into him.

Alex raised the gun, the guy who first spotted her raised his hands in surrender. The other guy had spun around and went for his gun, Alex shot him first. He fell to the floor, his body twitching with electricity. Alex pointed the gun to the other one, the one who spotted her. He still had his hands up, not bothering to go for his weapon.

"No way?! Alex?" He whispered in disbelief.

"Do I know you?" Alex spat

"Wait don't remember me?" He asked sadly, his shoulders sagged.

"Uhh, should I?"

"I can't believe you don't remember me! It hasn't been THAT long!" The guy muttered.

"Well, I guess you're not that memorable." Alex snapped.

"Ouch. Still as sharp and sarcastic as ever .." The guy chuckled, his hands still raised. He hadn't moved, but his bright blue eyes were trying to pierce her soul and read her thoughts. She had some kind of feeling like she should know him, but her chip was removed and she didn't get any more memory flashes. So she was stuck with the few memory fragments she had.

"Okay...who the shuck are you and why are we supposed to know each other? Also you can thank WICKED for my memory lapses." Alex said cautiously but her curiosity peaked.

He sighed. "We were in the same squad, Squad One. Captain Ronin was our squad leader..." he said hopefully. Alex hadn't lowered the gun, her finger still on the trigger, her face didn't change.

"Uhh what else, we were always partnered together...OH! I was there when you found your dog. I helped you rescue her ..I think you named her Bark, because she was so quiet."

Alex's hands started to shake. Her face of stone broke into shock.

" know about Bark..?" She stuttered. She was definitely not expecting that.

"Ya. Ya I do. We got her out from under a flipped car, you brought her to Cap and demanded water and his help to keep the pup hidden from Janson...and somehow he caved and let you have your own dog! You always got whatever from Cap. All you had to do was bat your eyelashes and say please and he would cave. It was quite funny actually. The rest of us in the squad would place bets every time he told us to do something and you didn't want to, betting how long it would take to break him."

Alex opened and closed her mouth a few times.

Definitely sounded like something I would do.

She had lowered her gun, but she was still suspicious of him. He still worked for WICKED.

"What's your name?" She demanded.

"Felix. Can I lower my arms? It was a long day and I'm tired, can I lower them? Promise I won't try anything. You always kicked my ass in training. I ain't dumb enough to try anything."

Alex nodded and pulled her hood back, revealing her face. Felix took a sharp breath in, his eyes wide again, finally seeing her face. Alex narrowed her eyes, and clenched her jaw.

"Gotta a problem?" She hissed.

He blinked and shook his head. Then shrugged his shoulders.

"Nah. I knew they sent you into the maze after you were caught, didn't hear anything after that for a while. Cap gave us a few details, but not much. I knew you were uhh...attacked, and then escaped the're a soldier Alex, soldiers have scars. Just...haven't seen you in like a year and a bit. It's good to see you!"

"Hmmm." Was all she said.

"Okay..well, are you going to shoot me or what's happening here? Also why are you here...alone? Oh never mind. I heard rumors they had him here." Felix nodded.

Alex perked up. He knows? Minho?

"How can I trust you?" She whispered suspiciously.

"Umm..well what else can I tell you? Umm I know you were captured by Janson's goonies after you stole WICKED's top secret information, I know you were punished for having a continued relationship with Minho, and I know they hated you for being a constant pain in Janson's ass, constantly defying orders and not complying to their rules and doing your own thing. Umm I know you have a twin sister and an older brother..."

"Okay okay...I get it. Well...ya, that was the plan. Shoot whoever was in my way. The garage guard was in my way and at the time I didn't have this fancy gun...sooo...he's permanently asleep."

"Ah. Well. I definitely would like to stay permanently awake... And I ain't gonna stop you. Wish Cap had taken me with him when he left. But I was in a different part of the I was left behind. It's sucked without you and Cap around. Not sure how much help I'll be..but...willing to help."

That was definitely something she wasn't expecting, an ally. But it was definitely welcome.

"Okay. I don't have a lot of time. Like you said, They have Minho and Tes here. I'm going to get them back. There are a few more of us, waiting behind the walls, we snuck in through the train tunnels. I'll give you details on how to get there. But uh..maybe showing up through a secret tunnel probably isn't the best. So. This is how they know your on my side..." she was quite for a second, narrowed her eyes and whipped her knife out twirled her still bloody knife in her hand, and clutched it tight, so now she had her gun raised in one hand and the bloody knife in the other, and eyes narrowed at the guy in front of her.

"You better be on my side!" She threatened.

Felix yelped and stumbled backwards at the sudden mood change and appearance of weapons.

"Jeezes Alex! If I wasn't on your side I would have alerted the rest of WICKED that there is an intruder, and I would have tried to disarm you...though that would be a freaking mistake. Oh also, the electricity is wearing off. Might want to shoot him again...or how did you put it? Make him permanently asleep? Dude is a jerk, never liked him. He's too "wicked is good crap." But ya. Definitely on your side. I wanted out a long time ago."

Alex growled and lowered her weapons, and took Felix's advice and shot the guy on the ground again. He instantly started twitching.

"Like I said, I'm willing to help. I'm never allowed into the upper levels, Janson grew suspicious of me after Cap left- everyone in his squad was uh...unalived after he defected. I was the exception because I was nowhere near him during that week. Anyway. I know level 3 and 4 are the testing Labs, probably where they are being held. We can stay in the stairwells there's no cameras. In about 20 minutes Janson will be on break on floor 1. Okay, let's go!" he rambled.

"That's really helpful. Thank you Felix. But you're not coming!" Alex answered, and she was honest. It was very helpful, more information she had then before...IF he was being honest.

He smiled at her, a big toothy grin, "I also know your stupid stubborn, but we were squad partners a long time ago, and at the time your Mr Muscles of a boyfriend threatened my life if I let anything happen to you, and I do believe this is another mission, and if it's to extract Mr Muscly boyfriend, I 'aint leaving you alone! Also, I know the building better than you. So. I'm coming. End of story." He crossed his arms.

Alex huffed in frustration. She then glanced at the guy on the ground. She bent over the guy on the ground and ended his life. The electricity transferred to her, giving her a jolt of adrenaline.

"How..? What the heck? That didn't hurt you? It's still jumping all over your hands and arms!"

"I'm a shucken miraculous science experiment, Felix. Again. Thank WICKED." Alex rolled her eyes.

He held his hands up in defeat and shook his head. "All right there Thor, let's go get Mr Muscly Boyfriend." He turned and opened the door.

Weird how life will throw things at you...but shuck you world for taking Minho from me!

Alex crept up the abandoned staircase, behind Felix. It was obvious no one ever used these stairs. There was a thick layer of dust on the stairs. The hand rails were rusted and the paint was peeling. But like Felix said, it was empty and there were no cameras. They climbed another flight. Every landing they would pause and listen. Nothing. Then continue up the next section, they made it to level three. There was a giant white painted number 3 on the wall beside the door. Alex peered through the tiny window, she saw nothing. But her range of vision wasn't very good.

Not sure how to avoid cameras here...there aren't any shadows. But at this point ..shuck it. I guess I'm against the clock.

Felix checked his watch, they had 10 minutes until Janson went on break, according to Felix. She leaned against the wall and waited. Felix sat on the step, twirling his gun around his finger. It was a long ten minutes, watching the minutes tick by. Half way through waiting there were a few guards that walked passed. But nothing else. Possibly a patrol. Once the 10 minutes were up Alex opened the door and totally thomased the door, Felix right behind her. There was no one in either direction. She also didn't know which way to go, but Felix took the lead, following the guards from earlier. Bright white lights, bright white tiled floors and bright white walls, it burnt her eyes.

What the shuck is with these guys and white?! Uhg, my eyeballs are burning!

They kept creeping. It was just like back in the sanctuary, everything was white, there was no distinction between this hall and the next, this door and the next. Everything looked the same, it's disorienting. And maybe that's what they were going for. Because it would be hard to escape if everything looked the shucken same.

Aaahh, WICKED I see what you've done! Except you also trained us. When we were in the maze everything was the same in the maze. This is no shucken different.

Felix tried his swipe card. Nothing. She tried the garage guard swipe card...

"Access denied. Clearance level denied."

Shuck sakes.

"Damn it!" he whispered.

He wasn't allowed in these higher levels, but they kept going, trying the next door. Same response. They kept going room after room. Nothing. The main hall, Alex noticed, curved, making a circle. They checked the next door and were denied access again. Alex heard footsteps behind her, she spun around towards the noise. Felix's eyes flew around the hall, trying to think of something. On the opposite side there was a maintenance closet, she lunged for it, dragging Felix with her, thankfully this door opened and she thomased inside, Felix behind her. She left it open just a crack, just enough for her to peer out. Alex was sure they would find them, her heart was beating so loud. And Felix was breathing really loud. The footsteps grew louder, they came into view. It was a bunch of guards, they were dragging someone between them. Alex let out a gasp. Felix slapped his hand over her mouth.

"Shhh!" He whispered in her ear.

But she was frozen, her eyes drunk in everything about Minho. This was not how she imagined her first sight of Minho would be. He was barely conscious, his once perfect hair was limp and without his gel. His once sparkling mischievous happy eyes were swollen and rolling in his head. He was covered in red marks, bruises and puncture marks, his wrists looked red and raw. He was also a little thinner. Behind the guards and Minho was Janson. Alex shivered. But she was also shaking with anger and anguish. Minho looked absolutely awful.

But at least I know he's here.

Alex pushed Felix's hand away and waited until the sound of the footsteps passed and she thomased back out the door into the hall.

"Where are you going?" He whisper yelled at her.

She had taken a step when a small voice whispered behind her.


Alex whipped around so fast she stumbled. But she had her gun and knife in her hands, by the time she turned to face the voice.

"TES?" Alex breathed, she was so shocked she didn't move. She stood there with her mouth open. Teresa was the one who moved first. She flew to her and wrapped her in a hug. Alex immediately hugged her back, and squeezed tight.

"I can't believe I've seen you both! They have Minho! What have they been doing to him? He looks awful! Oh Tes, I can't believe you're here! Tes, we need to get out of here! We're all here, I snuck in. Obviously, but Tommy and Newt and everyone is here. Well not here here, they are with Gally- oh ya, he lived! Long story, but they are here in the city! We are going to get you guys out!" Alex rambled. Tes furrowed her eyebrows, trying to follow everything Alex just blurted out.

Alex grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the maintenance closet, she pushed Teresa inside and closed the door behind her. It was tight with the three of them inside.
"Okay. Listen Tes." Alex whispered urgently. Teresa was looking between Felix and Alex. Alex was holding her hands, and squeezed.

"Tes. He's with me. He's good. He is going to help you get out. We snuck in through the stairwell, and he's going to take you out and back to the guys behind the wall."

"I am?" Felix asked, confused.

"Yes. She needs to get out. You can help. She has a control chip and will probably need your help to get out. I'll go after Min. If I'm caught it's better to have you tell the others what's going on. Please Felix!"

"She's right. They have ignored me and the chip for a little, since we have been here, but I'm sure if they can't find me they will try and use it. I'll need help. And if Alex has your trust, then I trust you too." She nodded, eyes narrowed and her face determined.

"Tes! You've changed!" Alex gave her best friend a smile, "You're turning into a little badass!"

"You have no idea! I eavesdropped on Rat Man, found out you and Tom were in the city, and I snuck a warning to Minho already. He also has a weapon, one of my hair pins, it's pretty sharp." Tes replied, pride in her voice.

Alex pretended to wipe a tear. "My little girl is all grown up!"

"But Alex..." Tes's voice changed to one of urgency, "They have messed with his mind, I don't really know the extent of it, but it's only memories of you. They are trying to make him doubt your relationship and your love."

"What?" Alex asked, shocked. The knife in her heart twisted again.

Would Minho doubt his love? We found each other in the Glade...they couldn't take it away could they? Maybe that's why they are messin' with him! They took memories and we still found each other because they couldn't take our feelings..?

Alex swatted at the tear that leaked over her lashes. "Shuck you WICKED. Shuck you, you ugly sewer rat." Alex whispered livid with this place.

Teresa was also crying silent tears. "I'm sorry Alex, they forced me to help! I tried fighting, I did!"

Alex pulled her into a hug, "It's not your fault love. It's not!"

"Dude, that's messed up!" Felix shook his head.

Alex pulled away, giving Teresa a determined smile.

"Okay, where were they taking him? I'm going to shucken kill Janson and Ava."

Teresa explained quickly where they were taking him, and where the cameras were, so Alex could avoid them. Alex told Felix and Teresa how to get to the train tunnels and back into Gally's secret tunnel.

"Also, if you two just show up, it'll be kinda here are some things to tell the guys there, they will know it's from me, and you're with me! Tell Tommy none of his plans ever work out, and if he doesn't promise to stand at my funeral and say I told ya so we can't be friends anymore. Tell Newt, I know his anger isn't his fault and it's ok, I forgive him and love him. He's just CRANKy. And Brenda: she's shucken ugly, like something I drew with my left hand. And tell Jorge, mi Papi, that I still expect my tiara and trophy for the most shucked up life. Tell Gally, it's good to see him, he's still got ugly eyebrows and I'm definitely not shucken okay. Oh and tell Kenzie I took her nickname seriously as Alex the Ace. I'm the single player and Imma kill all enemy players by my shucken self. And tell Finn he's cute. Got it? Oh and tell Frypan I love him, and still has to keep those things safe for me.."

Felix blinked a few times.

"That was a lot, kinda like word vomit. But ya. I got it." He turned to Teresa, he smiled, his cheeks turned a dusty pink, "I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Felix, and I was on the same squad as Alex, under Captain Ronin...though I don't know if you know who that is.." Teresa smiled shyly at him, and shook his hand.

"Okay, good. Now...this is where we part ways. Felix just make it look like you're escorting Tes, and get shuck out of here! I love you Tes. It's so good to see you!"

Felix nodded. They slipped out and went back down the hall. Alex slipped out, closing the door.

I'm coming Min!

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: Torture

Chapter Text

He was left in his room for a long time, which was unusual, but he didn’t complain. Sleep was a luxury in this place, when he wasn't being poked prodded or tested on. Especially when he didn’t dream. His dreams were always twisted in some way, so when he woke up he wasn't sure what was real or not, what was implanted and what was truth. And he hated it, he always woke with a pounding headache and a sick feeling in his gut. Every time he was ripped from his bed, it was with a little less hope. It had been so long and there was no light at the end of this tunnel, none that he could see anyway. Janson was getting more desperate, and was becoming more aggressive.

He rolled his aching body over and fell back asleep. This time though his mind had wandered back to Alex. Ever since Teresa had slipped him that message in the interrogation room yesterday, all he could think about was her…and tried to figure out what he felt or thought about her. His exhausted mind gave him flashes of memories while he slept.

*** He looked down at her nervous face, looking for his reassurance. He stepped forward, so he was standing in between her legs, "I'll be right here." he smiled at her.

Dr. Prior nodded at him. "Okay Alex, this will sting. And I'm sorry in advance."

She took a deep breath and hissed when the device touched her back. She grabbed a handful of Minho's t shirt and leaned her head onto his broad, strong chest. His stomach clenched when she gasped and hissed in pain. She let out a whimper. Minho cupped the back of her head, and held her. He couldn’t take the pain away, but he could hold her..he could be there for her.

*** Minho had seen her walk towards the cafeteria line, she didn’t see them at the back.

“Guys I’ll be right back, Alex is here!” He hopped up and wove through the tables, as he got closer, he could hear her snapping at the guy behind her. He saw the guy step closer into her personal space.

"I said I'm fine. Back off." She snarled, her fist clenching around her butter knife.

Oh shuck..she’s gonna stab him!

The guy slid closer again "Oh come on. I can-"

"Dude. She said back off. Take the hint!" He snarled at the guy

"Minho!" Alex smiled brightly, as she turned to see him. Minho came beside her and laid his big muscular arm over her shoulders, pulling her in close, claiming her.

He looked down, and she looked up at him with her bright beautiful hazel eyes. She raised up onto her tip toes and kissed his lips in a long slow kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth, he kissed her back, loving the sweet taste of her lips. Then she lowered back down and they both looked at the guy standing there with his mouth open, looking back and forth between them.

"Like I said, ya bloody slint head. I have my own friends and if I need anyone 'showing me the ropes', it will be him" Alex nodded at Minho, "My boyfriend."

I love that word.

Minho didn't smile, his face stone cold, glaring at the guy trying to hit on his girlfriend. He removed his arm from Alex's shoulders and crossed them across his chest, making his muscles bulge out of his tight black t shirt. He shifted his stance so he was slightly in front of Alex.

She’s totally checking me out again. ha

The creepy guy gulped and slunk backwards. Minho turned to look at her, "You okay?" he asked, gently, his hard expression melted into one of concern and care.

Alex smiled, "Babe, you know I can handle creeps like him. I'm fine."

"Oh I know you can, but maybe punching his ugly face or stabbing him," he gestured to the knife still clenched in hand, "on our first day isn't exactly a good first impression." He smirked at her.

"True. But where's the fun in that?" She twirled the knife in her hand, smirking at him.

He just chuckled, "Come on. We weren't the only maze!"

"Yes, clearly.." Alex said drily, rolling her eyes.

**** He had his arms wrapped around her, he was staring into her eyes, he saw all her self doubt and it hurt him, he wished she could see herself through his eyes.

"Alex. I will repeat myself until the day I die- and that better be a shuckin long time by the way- I. Love. You. All of you. Everything about you."

She looked at the ground and spoke quietly, blinking rapidly.

"...some of those other girls without-"

Minho interrupted her by lifting her chin and kissing her again, a little more roughly.

"I don't want them. I want you. I don't love them. I love you. I love this" he kissed the scar on her temple from the box. "And this one" he kissed the almost healed cut on the other side of her head from their escape from the Grievers.

"And this one too" he kissed her neck, where Chris's knife sliced.

"And this one" He brushed his lips on the bite mark scar. His heart was starting to beat faster. His lips were tingling.

"And all of these" He kissed each thin white line on her shoulders and collarbone. He knelt down and moved her arms that were wrapped around herself, "And especially these" he whispered, looking up at her.

He saw her eyes were full of tears, but he smiled up at her. She really was beautiful, not just physically.

She WAS beautiful, but her strength and resolve, her determination, her kindness and compassion…

He kept leaving little soft kisses over her stomach, kissing each claw mark and knife cut left by a monster. Kissing everything better, he hoped. He could feel her shivering when he left a kiss. And he loved that he could make her feel good. He could feel his face heating up, when he glanced up her face also had a pink ting across her cheeks. He rose back to his feet.

"There. I kissed them all better," He whispered, running his hand from her shoulder, up her neck and into her long red hair.

"I love you shuck face" She whispered "Thank you make me feel...whole."

He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, he was gazing into her eyes, when she raised up and closed the gap between them. He kissed her back hungrily. That’s all he wanted, was to kiss her and never stop. They kissed until they had to break for air. His eyes fluttered open, He could feel the tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach, and burning in his chest. He loved her so much, he wanted to feel the electricity her lips left, the heat and desire she made him feel. He watched her blush, and look slyly up at him.

Shuck me I want her!

*** "Come on. Follow me." The new girl started walking back through the chained up screaming cranks. The Gladers didn't move. The girl got to the door and looked over her shoulder,

"Unless you want to stay here with them." She indicated to the monsters.

I'm willing to take my chances. I don't trust someone who tells me what to do! Shuck that!

However Thomas followed, which meant the rest of the Gladers followed. Minho heard Alex grumble. Minho and Alex followed at the back, he held her hand tightly.

The girl pushed open a big sliding door, into a big warehouse.

"Well shuck me." Alex breathed when she looked around. Minho smiled slyly at her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. His stomach doing a little backflip.

"Love to." Alex rolled her eyes, but Minho saw her face flush in a very deep blush. And he smiled satisfied, he could still make her blush like that.

*** Minho stood up and held a hand out to help her up. Alex slowly reached a trembling hand up, Minho pulled her up. Once she was standing they were only a few inches away. She was looking up at him, her eyes looked so broken and lost, it broke his heart. It made him angry that people would do anything like that to another person. He smiled gently down at her, she was still beautiful. He was still head over heels for her.

He could see the emotional Tempest behind her brown and green eyes, he squeezed her hand gently, "Alex. I love you. And I always will. No matter what."

"How can you be so sure?" Alex questioned.

"Because I'm Minho." He simply said, "And your Alex."

He shrugged his shoulders. He closed his eyes for a second. He was tired of running, he was tired of being scared-even though he never showed anyone. He was just plain shucken exhausted, but he had Alex. She was alive when he thought his world came crashing down. He had her back. He opened his eyes and looked at her beaten and bruised face, searching begging for acceptance and love. He slowly and cautiously reached a hand up towards her cheek, he wanted to touch her so bad… he froze when he saw she had stiffened, her jaw clenched, her pupils dilated in fear. He didn't move. It took a little for Alex to slowly relax her jaw. He waited patiently for her to relax, he didn't rush her. He wanted to hug her and kiss her, but he wasn't going to push it. She had enough guys pushing…he needed to show her what love and respect was again. When her eyes went back to their normal size did he gently brush a thump over her bruised cheekbone, wiping a stray tear. He was scared to hurt her or have her flinch away, so he hardly touched, but enough to feel her warm soft skin. She didn't take her scared hazel eyes off his.

"Sunshine, before the maze we fought for each other. You risked everything to take WICKED down, to get us out. Then we found each other in the maze. We found our way back to each other when we were stripped of our shucken memories. That, to me, means we're shucken soul mates. I love you for who you are. I'm not going to abandon you because you were forced to go through hell. You're a badass with a kind heart for others. You're strong and determined. You stand up for others, and for what's right. You always try to do the right thing even if it means you get hurt along the way. What's thrown into your path makes you stronger, smarter, more determined.. Also I love how you get mouthy when you're nervous or scared. I'll be right beside you the whole time, I'll help you heal, sunshine. You mean so much to me."

Alex took a shuddering breath and slowly and cautiously leaned her head into his strong chest. She could probably hear his heart, it was beating loud in his ears. His heart beat that helped calm her down when she was scared, and seemed to help her come out of her anxiety...the heart she somehow shucken restarted. He missed having her head on his chest. Her beautiful red hair sprawled over him. She clenched his shirt in her hands and let a quiet whimper out.

"Don't ever leave me! Please! Don't ever do it again!" He cupped the back of her head, and gently pulled her close with his other arm, and held her tight. He was so thankful she was alive and back in his arms. He closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment.

"Never again."

***Minho's heart broke with each sob and cry that came from Alex. He felt her body shaking, all he could do was hold her. He rubbed her back and held her head to his chest, letting her spill everything out. Once her sobs turned into hiccups did he dare speak,

"You're safe now Alex. You had to do so much on your own. You're so strong...and I'm proud of you. My badass warrior Queen." He whispered into her hair.

He felt the tension in her body slowly relax, and her breathing got slower, he heard her whisper so quietly, he had to strain to hear.

"Minho, will you stay with me?" She sounded so small and scared, so vulnerable.

"Always." He whispered. "I'll keep you safe until my last breath."

He felt her fall asleep.

Minho woke up with a start, he was covered in sweat, but with a smile on his face. Those dreams or memories weren't shiny or jerky, they were real, he was positive. WICKED was no where near them during those times, well except that Cafeteria...and the bathroom.

If they have cameras in the bathroom....uhg

He knew it deep down, he knew they were real. He closed his eyes again, trying to recall what she looked like. It had been so long. He could almost hear her actual laugh.

His door banged open ripping Minho from his happy thoughts, four guards stormed in, ripping the blankets from him, two guys grabbed his arms and he was hulled up and out of bed. He was held firmly between the two of them. They had grim looks, and didn't look him in the eye.

One of those

Janson came sauntering in.

"What do you want, you ugly sewer rat?" Minho mumbled, then snorted.

Pretty sure Alex called him that.

Janson didn't say anything, but Minho saw him clench his jaw. He stepped up to Minho and threw a fist into Minho's face. His head whipped sideways. He could feel his mouth full with blood. He looked back to Janson and spat the blood at him.

"Your friends were spotted just outside the wall yesterday." Janson sneered, he paused waiting for Minho's reaction.

His eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything, his face didn't give anything away. He knew he couldn't let them know Teresa warned him. They would definitely hurt her. Janson smirked at him.

"Don't get your hopes up Subject A7" he emphasized the subject part. "They are as good as dead! Now…we have some fun planned for today!"

Janson spun on his heel and left the room, the guards pulling Minho behind. They were half way down the hall when Janson's walki talki buzzed. He picked it up.

"What?" He snapped. "I'm busy."

"Sir. She was spotted on the grounds, heading towards the North side. We lost sight of her, and the Garage won't answer. She may have breached the building already. We still don't have eyes!" The voice crackled.

"Dammit!" He screamed. He spun around and glared at Minho like it was his fault. A small laugh escaped Minho's exhausted body. Janson didn't like that and punched him again. Minho groaned. His body was so sore already. Physical aggression sucks when your body and mind have been tormented for 7 months. But it was still funny.

Alex.. one small girl makes this man so pissed. I'm pretty sure she said she would take WICKED down, this client with it. Ninja assassin!


Minho's head was heavy and sore, so it dropped, but he smiled to himself.

Those memories are true…she's coming for me…

There was a weird feeling in his chest. It was small…but it was a change from the despair and confusion he usually felt.

Janson called Ava and informed her of the situation. Janson turned and stormed down the hall, the guards pulling Minho. They meet with Ava at the elevator. Where they whispered quietly to each other. They were heading to level 3.

Shuck! Not three! Please not three!

"We need to speed this up! It's not working as fast or as well as we hoped!" Janson whispered urgently, as Ava glanced back at Minho slumped between the guards.

"Yes. I know that Director. But what do you expect when our head researcher has disappeared without a trace?" She snapped at him. "What are you suggesting? She was spotted on OUR grounds. That means she is on her way for him. We have half a day at most. You still do hit have eyes on her!"

Minho could see an evil smile curl on Janson's lips.

"Don't worry Chancellor. Leave the details to me." He whispered back.

The elevator beeped. The guards pulled him out and down the hall. Ava and Janson followed, still whispering.

What kind of fresh hell does he have planned?

He closed his eyes, trying to get himself back in control. He was actually terrified of Janson, the man was twisted and malicious. Minho thought he heard a small gasp, as he was pulled down the hall he tried to turn his head to see, but the guards were marching him too fast and they had a death grip on him.

They reached the door, Janson swiped his card and opened it, ushering them inside. Ava nodded and turned on her heel.

"Inform me when you're ready for me to observe." She said crisply. And left.

The guards pulled Minho towards the chair in the middle of the room. His heart was beating so fast now, his mouth went dry, and he started sweating.

Not the chair! Please…please not the chair! No no no.

He struggled, trying to pull his arms free. He fought with what little strength he had left. He was yelling now, the guards were also yelling. Janson threw another punch into his stomach. Minho double over, trying to get his breath back, and the guards took that pause in his fighting to throw him onto the chair. A doctor entered the room from a different door with a long menacing needle.

"NOOO!" Minho screamed. He flailed his arms and legs. He kicked the doctor's arm and knocked the needle out of his hand, it rolled across the floor. The doctor scrambled over to pick it up. The guards succeeded in strapping him down.

"JUST GET IT IN HIM!" Janson screamed.

The doctor just jabbed it anywhere. It stabbed through Minho's thin white pants, into his thigh. The liquid in the needle was burning hot, he felt it run through his body. This was new, a mystery concoction. And that scared him even more.

He could feel the tightness in his muscles beginning, like an ache, like he ran too hard and too fast in the maze. The ache built until he was uncomfortable. Minho tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but he was strapped down. The cuffs chaffing his already sore raw wrists. They had also strapped his legs down. He winced. He grabbed the arm rests, gripping it tightly. The ache was getting worse. He had his eyes and jaw clamped shut. He tried to ignore everything. He tried to go into himself. Focusing on anything but the pain in his already aching body.

Janson pressed a button on a little remote and a screen popped up, flashing images of their time in the Glade and a few places in The Sanctuary, all video footage of Alex, but it was all different then he remembered.

A low sound of pain escaped his clamped jaw. The pain was escalating. His body was now tensing and jerking with sharp pains. Minho was panting, the pain was bad. For six months he was tortured, but this was different, this was slow and deliberate. They weren't even using anything on his mind, just the pain and the TV. The doctor just stood there making notes. Janson beside him with a twisted smile. Janson was watching, waiting for the pain to escape his clamped jaw. Minho tried to stay quiet, keep the pain internal, he hated giving Janson the satisfaction of hearing him scream in pain.

His muscles were burning, the mystery concoction made it feel as if liquid fire flowed through his veins. He tried to crumple in on himself, to curl up, but he was strapped down, keeping him from moving. He strained against the restraints. He let a groan and growl escape. His panting became heavy gasping. Minho felt tears running down his face, from the pain and the confusing video feed. His head was thrashing back and forth. The pain built to a point where Minho's vision was spotty, that's all he could focus on, was the burning ache in his body. His growls turned into a whimper. The whimper rapidly turned into a broken yell of pain.

Through his panting and cries, he managed to spit words out, ""

"Too late Subject A7. It's already in your system." Janson whispered with glee. Janson nodded at the doctor who picked up another injection. Minho was too focused on the pain to notice the doctor approach cautiously. Minho's body was tense and straining, everything twitching and trying to thrash against the restraints. He didn't feel the sharp prick of another injection until it was too late.

"No.please…" he whimpered. "Not.." he gasped "again."

He felt the familiar shock in his mind. The electric sparking, the sharp splitting pain in his mind. With his eyes clamped shut he saw his memories of Alex flash. Her smile, her laugh, her red hair streaming behind her, her long eyelashes fluttering open, how her body moved with ease when she was fighting, her scowl when she stood up in the council room. Everything he could remember about her. But it was getting fuzzy, fog was clouding her. Janson clucked off the video.

Was her hair really that red? Were her eyes green or brown? What was she fitting? Who was she yelling at? …Who was she to me?

The bright vivid pictures behind his clamped eyelids turned to fog, it was harder and harder to grasp onto them, slipping through his fingers. All he could focus on was the intense burning pain in his mind and body.

"No" he whimpered. "Alex …"

He gave in to the pain. And with his mind full of fog and a confused blurred image of someone who may have once possibly been important to him. He was alone at the mercy of a twisted evil man.

Minho let out a deep broken sob.

The door flew open.


Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Alex the Ace

Chapter Text

Alex watched Felix and Tes walk down the hallway, towards the back stairs.

I hope they shucken make it!

Alex took a deep breath, and cracked open the door again, she slipped out and crept down the hall. She came to an intersection, she pressed her back to the wall and peered around the corner quickly. She pulled her head back sharply. Coming towards her was none other than Chancellor Ava Page herself. Alex smiled at her luck. She was also alone.

Alex pulled out two knives, one in each hand and slid quietly down the wall into a crouch. Ave walked straight past her, she didn't look in any direction, just straight ahead. She had no reason to look for the small threat waiting behind her with deadly weapons. Alex stood up and sprung at Ava. She wrapped her arms around Ava, holding a knife to her throat and another one right under her ribs. Ava gasped, but didn't have a chance to say anything else, Alex cut her off.

"Scream and I'll kill you right now." Alex threatened in her ear, as she pressed the knives even closer. She felt Ava gulp.

"Do anything and I WILL kill you like every employee we intercepted in the last 7 months. Move. Down the hall." Alex ordered, lowering her knives, holding the tip at the nape of her neck, and the other one under her armpit, pressing into her ribs. Ava did as she was told, walking slowly down the hall. They came back to Alex's supply closet.

"Open the door and inside, Chancellor." Alex mocked her by emphasizing her title. Ava reached a shaking hand out and opened the door. She stepped inside, Alex followed and she lowered a hand and quickly closed the door, never taking her eyes of Ava.

Alex could feel the rage flowing through her veins, mixing with the rush of adrenaline. White hot anger made her feel calm, a scary kind of calm. She was ready to take her vengeance. End her vendetta with this organization that took everything from her.

"I know you have him here. Which room?" Alex hissed, holding both her knives up at Ava's throat, one above the other so she could slice in both directions. Ava gulped.

"You won't get away with this. We know you're here."

"Shocking. Here I thought you were all incompetent bumbling idiots. Alex hissed. "Which room Ava Page?"

"How do you think you're going to get out of here when everyone knows?"

"I'm not an evil villain, I'm not going to monologue for you. And I have zero patience. You won't talk, I'll just kill you now." Alex whispered, her face inches from Ava's. Ava's face was stone, but Alex could see the unsettled worry in her eyes. Alex pressed the knives into her throat. Red trickled down her neck, over the sharp steel.

"Room 6." Ava choked.

"Good. Now you aren't needed."

"What-" Ava gasped. She didn't finish. Alex ripped her blades across her throat, with a yell. Ava slid down the wall. Alex crouched down and took Ava's swipe card. She stood up and gave her one last scathing look.

"You didn't deserve a quick death, you evil witch. One rat exterminated." She hissed and left the closet, closing the door. Alex headed back down the hall. Looking for room 6. She heard footsteps behind her.

Shuck my luck.

Alex sped up, at the hall intersection she flattened herself against the wall, waiting. The footsteps grew louder.

"Ya, they didn't say anything other than they wanted extra security outside A7's door."

Alex smiled to herself. She really was a threat to them.

Three guards walked down the hall, they crossed the intersection, Alex stood still as a statue, her still bloody knives clutched in her hands, silent as a shadow she threw one knife at the left guard, her second knife at the right guard. Both of them dropped, not knowing what happened, knives sticking out of the back of their necks. The third guard spun around with a scream. He was hit with a third knife, Alex grabbed with lightning speed from her stash strapped to her thigh. It was buried deep in his throat. Alex was breathing heavily. A manic calm had settled over her. Her vision seemed sharper, her hearing came clearer, even her damaged one. She felt the adrenaline and the warmth of the superhuman strength mixed with it.

Alex pulled her knives out, quickly wiped them off, placing them back in her holster. She relieved the guards of their guns, adding them to her arsenal. Alex stood up and continued down the hall. It was weird how empty this level was. Empty and silent, especially with Alex's loose in their building.

A cry filled the silent hall. It was muffled, but it was riddled with pain. Even blocked by the doors Alex could tell it was rooted in deep unimaginable pain. Alex could feel it inside her. She stumbled to a stop. She had to grab her chest and fell to her knees, it hurt her. It drove the knife in her heart so deep she didn't think it would ever come out.

"Minho." She breathed. She scrambled to her feet.

"MINHO!" Alex screamed. She didn't care if they heard her. She had never heard a more broken anguished cry.

She found room 6. The door was locked. She heard Minho sob again. Alex fumbled with Ava's swipe card, it buzzed green and Alex kicked the door open.


She had her knives back in her hands. She took a quick second to take in the room. Minho was strapped to a chair, he was twitching and thrashing. Letting out whimpers of pain in between sobs. Alex just about buckled and crumpled to the ground. There was a man in all white cowering in the corner. And then there was Janson, who stood towering over Minho. He looked sick, he was pale and thinner then Alex remembered, his beady eyes were big and dark, black almost. With a manic smile in his thin rat like face. His head whipped around at the sudden interruption.

Alex drew her arm back and threw her knife. The doctor slammed into the wall, buried up to the hilt in the middle of his chest. He slid down the wall, leaving a red smudge.

Alex took another step into the room. Janson slid so he was standing behind Minho, using him as a human shield.

"COWARD!" Alex screamed.

Janson smiled. "Welcome to WICKED, my dear." Janson whispered sinisterly.

"Shuck you Janson."

Minho stopped moving, he had slumped forward, unable to fall out of the chair because of the restraints.

"What did you do to him?" Alex demanded.

He just smiled.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Alex screamed. She took another menacing step. Janson, though his face was twisted he took a step back. Alex was seething with rage, she could feel every muscle was tense, her eyes narrowed and her chest heaving.

"JANSON! I SWEAR!" Alex started, Minho made a small groaning noise. Alex's eyes snapped down to him. He didn't move but moaned again.

"Minho?" Alex breathed.

She heard Janson cackling. Alex looked back at him, he had his walkie talkie out.

Shuck. I should have killed him.

He had pressed something on it. Alex heard a blaring beep in her ear, from her stolen com. Without much thought or aim she chucked her knife at Rat Man. She heard it hit, heard him scream in pain, but she didn't care, she had dropped to her knees in front of Minho. She knew she didn't have much time. With the blaring siren, alerting all the guards where the intruder was.

"Min? Minho?" Alex pleaded, she gently reached a hand to his face, cupping his bruised cheek. Her anger broke, and dispare washed over her. She was looking into the face of a tortured broken young man who once had joy and life in his face.

"Come on Love, wake up." She whispered desperately. Both hands were now holding his face.

His eyes fluttered open for a brief second, but closed again. Alex brushed her thumbs over his cheeks.

"Come on Babe! Minho, it's me. I'm here. I'm here! Wake up!" Her voice broke.

His eyes fluttered open again, and stayed open this time. Alex could see his beautiful coffee brown eyes. But they looked confused, angry and scared almost.

"Minho!" Alex breathed in relief, and a smile broke on her face.

"Who ..." he muttered, his voice was raw and scratchy.

"Who?" Alex asked, "Min, it's me! It's Alex!" Now Alex was confused. Minho's eyebrows scrunched together.

"Alex?" He muttered again. And then let a groan out.

"Min, what's wrong?" She was still kneeling in front of him, holding his face in her hands. Janson had managed to crawl into the corner holding his shoulder where Alex's knife was still embedded.

"I...I don't...know you... I think...maybe? Get..away...." He groaned and then let out a whimper.

Alex felt like she was stabbed in the heart and her veins turned to ice.

Minho doesn't remember me? What did they do to him?

"Minho! It's me! It's Alex! You don't remember me? Remember us? Anything?" Alex asked desperately, she had fumbled for one of her knives, Minho flinched when she brought it out. He tried fighting the restraints, his pupils dilating and his breathing stopped. Alex cut one of the bonds around his wrists, and then the other one. Both his hands were free. He slumped forwards, with nothing holding him up, Alex dropped her knife and caught him helping him sit back up.

"Minho, Love, it's okay. I got you. I'm here-" she was cut off by Minho wrapping his hands around her neck, and he squeezed.

She could hear Janson cackling in the back. She also heard the pounding of footsteps from the hall. However her main focus was on the young man she loved, who was trying to strangle her. His face was twisted with confusion, and anger and fear. He squeezed her neck, cutting off her air. Alex couldn't breathe.

Why? Why is this happening? What did they do to him? Why doesn't he remember?

Alex let out a sob, but it was more like a gasp. She had grabbed onto his wrists. She needed to break this hold, but she didn't want to hurt him. This wasn't him. Not really. Her Minho was still there, she could see it in the confusion.

She tucked her chin, still holding his wrists, and she dropped, using her dead weight. Catching Minho off guard, loosening his grip, she twisted her body and broke the hold all together, twisting away, on her knees, she scooped up her knife again. He fell panting. His legs were still strapped to the chair, Alex backed up enough that she was out of his reach. She heard the door from the hall open. Guards came pouring into the small room. Alex pulled out a second knife and her stolen gun. She opened fire. She didn't care. The blue electricity hitting anything that moved, she dropped 2 guards. Someone shot back at her, Alex leapt in front of Minho, making sure he wouldn't get hit. The first few missed, but one hit her in the chest, making her drop her gun. She instantly felt alive. Her eyes sprang open, her pupils dilating, her heart rate picked up and a surge of pure energy hit her. She could hear Janson screaming from the corner.

Alex lept forwards with a feral scream, another knife in her hand. She swung her knives, stabbing, slashing and cutting. She kicked one guard in the back of the knee and he crumpled, slashing down his face and neck. He didn't get up. The guards couldn't get close enough because she was still jumping with the blue electricity. She grabbed one of the guards by the wrist, he screamed, when she electricity him. She twisted around, and used her knee to slam down into his elbow braking his arm. She kicked him away. Someone tried to grab her, but she ducked and spun on her knee, holding her knives out, and cut another guard across his calves, making him crumple in a scream of pain. She stabbed him in the ribs, as she yanked her knife out his screaming turned to a garbled grunt and then stopped. The electricity had started to disappear, she could feel the surge of adrenaline and power wearing off.

Another guard had grabbed her from behind, Alex lifted her legs up and with all her momentum coming down with the depleting energy and power she bent forwards and tossed him over her shoulder with a yell, he slammed into the wall, slamming his head. She heard more footsteps pounding the hall.

Shuck. I can't take all of them on my own.

She glanced over at Minho. He had managed to right himself in the chair and was staring at her mouth open, eyes huge. There was a flicker of recognition in his eyes.

"Minho?" Alex called. His eyes snapped to hers. "MINHO! IT'S ME! PLEASE! MIN! IT'S ME!" She screamed, desperately trying to make him remember.

More guards came pouring into the room. It was crowded now with all the body's scattered on the floor. Janson had also clawed his way to stand. Alex tried to fight the fresh wave of soldiers, but these new guys had more protection, and she was already tired from having already fought, they backed her into a corner and overpowered her, just by sheer numbers.

"A squadron of grown men against one small girl with 2 knives." Alex laughed at them, as they grabbed hold of her finally. She let out a wild laughed. That's all she could do, was laugh. Or she was going to break down and cry. She finally made it here, finally made it to Minho and he didn't know who she was.

She was hit over the head with the back of a gun, her world went black.

Her mind woke up. But her eyes remained closed. Her head hurt.

Why does it hurt? Where am I ..?

She let out a small groan. She tried to lift her hand to rub her head, but her arm wouldn't move.

The shuck?

Alex tried her other arm. Also stuck. Alex tried opening her eyes, but they were heavy. She groaned again, she moved her head. It swung to the side. She finally forced her eyes open. She had to blink a few times, the lights were bright. Alex was sitting in a chair, her wrists and arms strapped. The chair was similar to a dentist chair, her ankles were also strapped down, the cold metal biting into her. She moved her head back to the middle, her head felt heavy so her chin touched her chest . She groaned again lifting her head. Standing in front of her was Janson, his arm in a sling. And sitting behind him chained to a metal desk was Minho.

"Uhg, you didn't die?" Alex said, her voice was raspy, "I should have killed you better."

"Sorry to disappoint you my dear."

"Oh shuck you!" Alex spat at him.

"Hmm. Nasty temper." He clucked his tongue and shook his head. He was quiet for a moment, both of them glaring at each other.

"So. Why am I strapped to a chair?" Alex asked, slamming her wrists against the restraints for dramatic effect. "scared of one little girl? You should be I killed Ava Page and a whole squad all with two small knives!"

Janson narrowed his eyes. But she could see his eye twitching, he wasn't sure if she was lying about Ava. He shook his head quickly and with his good arm he motioned to her chair, "Ahhh yes. I'm conducting a science experiment. See we have been trying out this new theory. Using this wonderful specimen here." He gestured to Minho.

"I have a name." Minho spat.

Janson went on, "we took your memories, but yet somehow you two managed to somehow work around that, or so we thought. Dr Smith had a theory that if we took one's memories and altered them enough with the help of physical pain, we could change how you felt about each other."

"What? We...we had feelings for each other ..?" Minho whispered, scrunching his face. Janson completely ignored him.

"Yes Minho. We did. I loved you! Still do very much! Why do you think I stormed this place alone? I came to find you!" Alex said softly, looking him in the eye. He blinked a few times and looked back at the table, Alex snapped her eyes to Janson, "sorry to disappoint you. No wait. Actually no, I'm not sorry! But I killed your Dr. Anna Smith over a month ago. Her body is rotting away in an abandoned house, who the shuck knows where. Oh, I also killed your precious Chancellor Doctor Ava Page. She's rotting in a janitor's cupboard somewhere." Alex spat.

She was horrified at what Janson had just said about what they were trying to do. Did they manipulate Minho's feelings towards her work, trying to make him hate or fear her?

Minho looked back up at her, his eyes wide. "You killed her? Teresa thought the Right Arm did..."

"I am the Right Arm, love. I killed her." Alex said softly to Minho.

"But I want to test a few things first." Janson cut in. Janson pulled something thin and black out of his pocket. He pointed it at the wall. A screen came to life. It flicked through some images of the Glade. All the images were of her, but they were fuzzy, and definitely altered. She definitely fought Gally in the sand pit, but didn't punch him out cold and then laugh, and yell WICKED is good. She was at the banishing of Chris, but she was beaten up and terrified of him, not standing and laughing. She definitely slapped Minho, but that was after he started rumors of her and he ignored her for 3 weeks. Absolutely no way she pushed Alby, Minho and Thomas into the maze when the doors closed, trying to kill them. And there was no way in shuck she pushed Chuck in front of a gun. She didn't stand at the maze wall entrance calling Grievers in to attack! She also wasn't the one to call WICKED at Jorge's wearhouse! She definitely didn't blow up the building!

"Minho!" She gasped. "none of that is true!" She called, desperately, "how could I have done any of that? They changed the footage!"

Minho sat with a slight frown and furrowed eyebrows. Janson nodded to something or someone behind her chair. Alex couldn't see so she tried to twist, but she was strapped tight. A person in all white stepped forward. She couldn't see anything but their eyes. They unceremoniously stabbed a needle into her arm, Alex hissed at the pinch. She felt the liquid flow through her body. It felt like fire. It burnt her body from the inside. Alex gasped from the sensation.

"Before it takes full effect. Alex. Where is the Right Arm?" Janson asked.

"No shucken clue." Alex spat back.

"Tell me where the Right Arm is!" He asked again louder.

"You deaf? No idea!" Alex yelled back. She could feel the heat intensify.

"Hmm. Well. That's too bad. Because if you were working with them, you would know where they would be. Isn't that right Subject A7?" He had turned to Minho. Alex snapped her head towards him.

"Janson, are you this stupid? They move around a lot, and they don't tell us klunk! So I HAVE NO SHUCKEN CLUE! You also took care of all my memories of the geography of the world. You twat waffle! Alex yelled, her frustration with him was at its peek, the hot ace in her muscles made it harder to keep her voice even.

She heard Janson's sleazy voice continue. "If Alex claims to be with the Right Arm resistance group, shouldn't she know where her army is? That would mean she works for WICKED. She knows where we are."

"The shuck? Everyone knows where you are! You literally have the name in giant flashing letters outside your building, you idiot!" Alex hissed. Her muscles burnt and they were starting to hurt.

"Prove it." Janson smiled at her. "You claim to love subject A7."

"His name is Minho!" Alex yelled.

"I have a shucken name!" Minho said in a horse whisper at the same time. His eyes lifted to hers, wide with what looked like surprise.

"You claim to love him, yet you left him here. Alone. For 7 long months. That's not love. You abandoned him." Janson snarled.

Alex opened and closed her mouth a few times, utterly confused at what game Janson was playing. She glanced back at Minho who was hunched over the table, but he was watching her, his eyes narrowed, his face void of emotion. A wave of burning hot pain seared through her body, making her twist and strain against the restraints.

"Minho!" She gasped through the pain, "whatever he's trying to do, he's a lying twisted snake!" She had to clamp her jaw shut, the pain building. Her body was straining against the restraints.

Minho's forehead furrowed. He was looking at Janson and then back at Alex who was hissing and twitching. "I think...maybe I remember.." he said quietly, but you could hear the confusion and doubt behind it.

She cried in pain again. The straps holding her, cut into her skin. "Minho...I love you..." she whispered. Her eyes fluttered open, watching him. "I love you...shuck face." His eyes softened for a moment, he sat up.

"Min..use that shuck brain.." she cried through clenched teeth.

His eyes flicked with recognition "and come back to me!" He whispered to himself.

"Cross-" Alex cried as pain ripped through her body. Every fiber of her body felt like it was being ripped apart. "-My.heart"

She threw herself backwards against the chair and screamed in pain.

Minho sat at the table, hands chained, eyes glassy, his mouth hung open, he raised his hand as much as the chains and cuffs would allow and made the symbol of an X.

"BUT SHE DIDN'T COME BACK FOR YOU! SHE LEFT YOU!" Janson screamed, rounding on Minho. He ignored Alex while she screamed and thrashed in pain.

"Then...then why is she here now?" Minho asked slowly. "If...if she was what you're claiming and...and...if she was your agent....why..why are you torturing her?" Minho sat up straighter, his eyes narrowing at Janson. "You've always been a lying twisted slint head. Why would I believe you now?"

Alex screamed again, trying desperately to get out of the restraints, to leave her pain riddled body behind. Janson screamed in frustration and anger. Minho screamed at Janson, and tried to lunge at him, but the chains held him.

Chapter 18: Chapter 17: Look what the cat dragged in!

Chapter Text

Felix and Teresa made it through the city without any issues, Felix knew the city and followed the back alleys avoiding busy streets. They slipped through the door into the maintenance tunnel. They barely made it through the train tunnel, Teresa was a pretty fast runner, but that train was definitely faster. Felix had to flatten himself over her, pressing her into the railing, protecting her body with his own. Once the train passed, Teresa scrambled the rest of the way up the ladder and waited for Felix. They both had light pink tinges to their cheeks.

"Thank you..for saving me." Teresa said quietly, looking at the ground.

"No problem…just .uh call it soldier training…" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "So. I guess we follow this dark creepy tunnel until we find the ladder Alex told us about."

"Uh, ya…I guess. It doesn't look inviting, does it." Teresa whispered, with a shiver.

Felix nodded in agreement, he held out a hand to her, she gratefully took it, holding it tight. She wasn't a fan of the dark. The tunnel wasn't very long, only took about 10 minutes to make it to the ladder. They both peered up, seeing the light from the top.

"Do you have something under that jacket?" Teresa asked, turning to Felix.

"You want me to undress?" Felix asked, raising his eyebrows.

"What?" Her eyes went wide, and her cheeks grew hot, "oh! NO! No, that's not what I mean! It just has WICKED stamped in big letters in the front and back…." Teresa rushed out.

"I'm just teasing!" He chuckled, "ya…ya right. Ya I have a shirt on…probably not best to have someone show up through your super secret tunnel with WICKED stamped all over." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling warm. He took off the vest and jacket. Leaving him in a tight back t shirt and his back cargo pants, he tucked his weapons inside the jacket.

"Up we go I guess." Teresa said, she tucked her hair behind her ears, took a deep breath and climbed up the ladder first. Felix right behind. Teresa poked her head out cautiously, looking around. The room was empty. They both climbed out and walked to the door, poking their heads out into the hall. No one was around. They stepped into the hall, unsure what to do. They both stood there, when someone rounded the corner. They all jumped in surprise.



"TERESA!" Frypan cried, rushing forwards.

"FRYPAN!" She squealed, running at him too. They collided, and he wrapped her up in a giant bear hug, spinning her around.

"How the…what the...where the... shuck?" He pulled away, holding her at arm's length, taking her in. He let out a big belly laugh, making Teresa smile even bigger.

"I'll explain everything, but right now, where is everyone? We need to talk and fast!" Teresa said urgently, she glanced behind her, "oh and Fry, this is Felix. Felix this is Frypan." Felix awkwardly walked forward and shook Fry's hand.

"Okay Shanet, this way!" Fry waved them after himself. He lead them down the hall to a door, he knocked and poked his head in.

"Hey uh guys…. Look what the cat dragged in!" He called and flung the door open wide, revealing a grinning Teresa and an awkward Felix. Everyone looked up and froze, eyes wide and mouths open. Teresa was the one who moved first, she ran forwards with tears in her eyes and hugged Thomas and then Newt.

Teresa and Felix were sitting in chairs facing the rest. Teresa still couldn't believe her eyes, "I still can't believe you're alive Gally! I watched Minho throw a spear into your chest!"

Gally chucked, he was sitting backwards on his chair. "Okay, explain. And why is this guy with you? He works for WICKED. We should just kill him and be done. How do we know he didn't kill Alex and trick you?" He narrowed his eyes at Felix, picking up a scalpel, Felix's eyes flicked to Thomas, and the Frypan, who seemed kind and accepting of him.

Gally stood up, picked up his chair and slammed it down right in front of Felix, "why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not going to save you!"

Thomas rolled his eyes and stepped forward, slapping Gally in the back of the head, "Dude. Chill!"

Felix raised his hands in self defense, "I come in peace and with messages from Alex. Okay? Listen before making a rash decision!" He said quickly, eyeing the scalpel in Gally's hand. Everyone froze again. Thomas took the scale out of Gally's hands and put it back on the table.

"Okay, these are straight from Alex herself, so don't shoot the messenger." He closed his eyes and punch the bridge of his nose. Teresa giggled.

"Oh you think this is funny? You were there too, maybe YOU should hand out these messages?!"

Teresa laughed, "nope." She popped her p. "Alex specifically told YOU these messages. They already trust me." She smiled slyly at him.

He sighed, "Fine. Tommy none of your plans ever work out, and if you don't promise to stand at her funeral and say I told ya so you can't be friends anymore."

Thomas opened his mouth, blinked a few times and then closed it.

"Newt," Felix looked around the room until he found Newt leaning against the back wall, "She said: I know his anger isn't his fault and it's ok, I forgive him and love him. He's just CRANKy. She really emphasized the cranky thing…I guess that's supposed to mean something…"

Newt's eyes went wide, his face went pale, he grabbed at his forearm. His eyes went glassy, and he looked down at his feet.

"And uhhh, Brenda….man please don't kill me, remember this is from Alex. And NOT me!" Teresa giggled harder, Felix glared at her, his cheeks going pink. "But she said you are shucken…shucken?" He glanced at Teresa who nodded with a huge grin. "Okay.. you are shucken ugly, like something she drew with her left hand."

Brenda threw her head back and laughed, Kenzie joined in. Thomas cracked a smile too.

"Jorge, mi Papi?….she still expects a tiara for the most shucked life. Gally, it's good to see him, he's still got ugly eyebrows and I'm definitely not shucken okay. Kenzie; she took her nickname seriously as Alex the Ace. She's the single player and gonna kill all enemy players by her shucken self. Finn, you're cute. And Frypan she loves you, and uh…please keep those things safe? Or something like that." He rushed the rest out, his eyes closed rubbing his forehead, trying to remember her word vomit.

He opened his eyes and looked around the room. Everyone sat or stood with their mouths open, looking at him in disbelief.

"Sooo…do you believe me? I ran into her when she was sneaking in. I got her up to floor three and we ran into Teresa…"

It was still silent. Felix was growing uncomfortable with the silence.

"Wait…Felix? As in Captain Ronin, Squad one, Felix, Alex squad partner Felix?" Said an accented voice from the back. He heard a chair scrap and a middle aged man walked forward.

"No way!" Felix breathed, his eyes wide, "JORGE? When she said Jorge I didn't know she meant you, JORGE!" He sprung from his chair and ran towards the man, who had his arms open. They hugged and Jorge patted his back.

"Remember Brenda?" Jorge pulled away and pointed to Brenda at the back who waved with a huge smile.

"WHAT?? HOW ARE YOU GUYS STILL ALIVE?! THIS IS CRAZY! Everyone said you died in the escape attempt!" Felix yelped an even bigger smile on his face.

"Long story ya dork! One we don't have time for right now." Brenda laughed.

"Well, that bloody settles it. Alex, Jorge and Brenda know Felix, so…Felix welcome to this shucked up group of shanks. And Thanx for getting Tes here. I'm Newt." Newt said, pushing off the wall, and walking over with his hand held out. Felix shook it.

"Newt…. Alex's brother." Newt nodded. His face dropped the kind smile into a frown, "What happened? Why did you leave Alex alone?" Newt demanded.

Felix sagged, and looked at the ground, he ran a hand through his curly blond hair. Teresa stood up and walked over, "Newt. I needed help getting out. Felix made it look like I was being escorted, I couldn't leave alone. I have that chip still….and we need to get it out fast! If they find out I'm not in the building they will use it and I can only fight it for a few minutes. So please. Newt. Alex chose to go after Minho. She also knew she probably wouldn't make it alone, so we are here to get you, fill you in. We need to go get them!"

Newt sighed, "she is so shucken stubborn!"

Teresa smiled, "yes. Yes she-" she stopped talking abruptly. Her body went stiff, and her neck muscles strained.

"No!" She gasped. Her eyes were wide in terror, her body jerked backwards.

"They. Know!" She gasped. "Get…it…out! NOW!" Teresa twitched, her arms started to flail, she smacked Felix. Thomas, having seen this before on the mountain ledge, knew she was being controlled. He jumped forward, and tried to grab her. She stumbled to the table and got a hold of a knife laying on top of a bunch of papers.

Teresa spun around holding the knife, "I can't let you do that." Her voice came out robotic and unnatural.

Thomas and Felix lunged towards her, knocking her to the ground. Kenzie leapt forward as well, grabbing hold of Teresa's knife arm. The boys had her body pinned down, but she fought back, and she wasn't going down without a fight. Gally had run from the room. They struggled with Teresa, Gally came charging back in with something in his hand.

"I can't let you do this." Teresa repeated.

Gally slid to a stop beside the struggling group and jabbed the syringe into Teresa. He winced as he did, "I'm sorry!"

As the drugs took hold she smiled and whispered "thank you." She went limp, out cold. The group fell away panting.

"Okay, we obviously need that chip out." Thomas said, panting.

"Obviously." Finn said, rolling his eyes.

Brenda piped up, she turned to Gally, "med bay would be?"

Gally led the group to their Med area. It wasn't much, but it was clean. Felix laid an unconscious Teresa on the table. With the help of a doctor who defected from WICKED, who's name was Hans with the help of Brenda and Jorge. They made quick work of the chip, it wasn't deep, and it took only a few minutes to extract.

Hans turned to the rest of the group, "anyone who was part of WICKED, you all need yours removed."

One by one he removed the boy's chips. There was no need to knock them out like Teresa, they didn't wig out and try to hurt anyone. Just a little numbing cream and it was out.

While Teresa slept the medicine off the rest of the group went back to their meeting room, to plan how to get inside.

"Gally…you had said earlier you had a way in." Thomas said, leaning on the table they stood around, papers and maps scattered.

"I said I had a way in. I didn't say you were gonna like it…. And I didn't know Teresa was being controlled. I thought she was genuinely working for WICKED. But. We can still use her!"

"No. There's gotta be another way!" Thomas said, shaking his head.

"Like what? You've seen the building. She is our only way in." Gally retorted, throwing a hand in the air.

"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas hesitated, rubbing his forehead.

"You have no idea what she's been through. She'll help." Felix said, crossing his arms, "so will I. They don't know I've defected. I can help."

"Are we sure we can trust you?" Kenzie asked, pointing her knife at Felix. "You just showed up, sure you talked to Alex, knew a few things about us…" she narrowed her eyes.

"I like her." Gally said, pointing at her. Kenzie's face flushed pink, but she smirked back at him and winked.

"What's going on?" Newt asked quietly, he was leaning on the table, shaking his head, "What, are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt? Hmm?"

"She's not my giro, but ya, Newt! She just left them, and glitched out here trying to stab us because she was under their control! Ya I'm worried about her! Aren't you?" Thomas asked, looking at Newt in surprise.

"Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?" Newt stood up straight, his shoulders tense and his hands balled into fists.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Thomas asked, glancing at the rest of the group, seeing if they knew what was going on. Everyone was glancing around, unsure what was happening.


"Uhh ya Newt, we knew WICKED had them both…" Thomas answered, his forehead was wrinkled and his eyebrows were scrunched together.

"She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place!" Newt yelled at Thomas, venom behind his words. "Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what? You don't want to because of her? Because you care about her, don't you, can't put her in harm's way, but the rest of us are fine? Just admit it!"

"Newt! He's missing because they weren't in the same train car!" Thomas tried to defend, he took a step back.

"NO! HE'S MISSING BECAUSE SHE CALLED WICKED!" Newt screamed at Thomas who was backing up. The rest of the group were standing around frozen. They had never seen Newt lose control.

Felix leaned over to Frypan who was closest, and whispered "His theory doesn't make sense!" Frypan just nodded, confusion on his face.

"ADMIT IT TOMMY!" Newt had grabbed Thomas's jacket and pushed him into the wall.


"Don't lie to me!" Newt screamed in his face and pushed him back into the wall, "DON'T.LIE.TO ME!"

"Newt?" A small timid voice came from the doorway. All heads rotated in that direction. Teresa was standing there, her eyes big and glassy with unshed tears. “You think I did that on my own?”

"Sorry." Newt said as he let go of Thomas and backed up, his eyes wide, he ran a shaking hand through his hair, he looked around, everyone was staring at him with their mouths open. "I'm sorry." He mumbled again and backed up.

Jorge was the only one who didn't look surprised. Alex was right, he's cranking out, and fast. He needed to call Dr Prior as soon as he could. Newt met his gaze and Jorge looked at him with concern. Newt blinked and fled from the room.

Teresa was still standing in the doorway, blinking tears away. Frypan walked over and gave her a big hug, she hugged him back.

"You know he doesn't mean any of that, right She-Bean? He's been snapping a lot lately. He said some pretty nasty things to Alex before she left without telling anyone," he gave a pointed look at Brenda and Kenzie who smiled and shrugged, "but his best friend and now sister are stuck at WICKED. He's not doing so well."

Teresa sniffed, she looked around the group, "you guys don't think I did that on purpose right? I hate what they do and how they do it! Ya sure I would love to save the human race! Sure, everyone would! But you have no idea how they are doing it now! They…they used me for months, to strap him down…" her voice cracked, "I tried to fight it, I did! They used me to strap him down and sometimes they MADE me inject him with…with..I don't even know what!" She stifled a sob. Her dainty hands balled into fists and she shrugged off Frypan walking further into the room, fire in her eyes, "THEY USED ME TO TORTURE HIM!" She doubled over and cried. Felix was the first to react, having seen some of it first hand, not her and Minho's situation, but some weird injection causing horrible memories to form, and some kind of liquid collected, he crouched down beside her and pulled her into a hug.

"I think we all need a break. Meet back in 15." Gally stated.

"I'll go make us some hot chocolate…Finn, wanna come?" Frypan said. Everyone parted ways to do their own thing.

Thomas headed outside after Newt. He found him sitting on the roof, his feet hanging over the edge. He was fiddling with something in his hands. He didn't look up when Thomas stopped a little ways away, but Newt addressed him.

"Sorry about that. Back there." He sighed, "I guess I can't hide this anymore." He said quietly. He pushed up his jacket sleeve, revealing a few red angry looking claw marks on his wrist and black veins creeping up his arm.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Thomas asked, his heart breaking.

"Didn't think it would make any difference." He shrugged, pulling the sleeve down. "All I know is that WICKED must have put me in that maze for a bloody reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could shucken tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me and Winston." He said bitterly.

"You know we can still fix this, Newt. Okay? We can….Alex and Dr Prior were working on something, a cure…or medicine or something" Thomas said hopefully.

"Don't worry about me." Newt said quietly. "This is about Minho….and now Alex. Now they need us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save them, that we can get them out of there, then we have to take that. No matter what the cost!" Newt said firmly. "Alex has been through hell, and I said some horrible things ..I need to apologize…I need to!"

"Okay. I hear you. Let's go get them!" Thomas affirmed as he stood up. He helped Newt to his feet, clapped his good arm in his and pulled him into a hug.

They were all back and sitting around the table 15 minutes later.

"Okay. Back to business. Teresa." Gally took charge, he turned to her, "where are they holding Minho?"

"Level three. His cell..or sleeping quarters are down hall 2, the rooms they take him to are on level 3."

"Good." Gally nodded, "what about Alex now?"

Teresa furrowed her brows, trying to think. Felix was biting his lip also thinking. He spoke up first. "They might just keep her in one of their stupid torture rooms. She pissed off Janson so many times ..he hates her with a twisted obsession… so probably down hall 3, same hall you would you would find Minho's torture room."

Teresa nodded in agreement. Gally ran a hand down his face while Newt sighed sadly. "I knew she would eventually piss off the wrong person, she never knows when to shut her bloody mouth!"

"Ha! Should have seen her on the squad!" Felix muttered.

"Okay, what about the others?" Gally asked, standing up to pace back and forth.

"They are held in sub level 3. Other side of the building. About 40/50 kids." Teresa answered without hesitation.

Gally glanced at Brenda who was playing cards with Kenzie.

"Ya, we can make that work." Brenda nodded as she lay a card down.

"Easy peasy! Lemon squeeze!" Kenzie added, laying her card down.

"That level is all restricted, you need swipe cards and possible thumb print." Felix said, rubbing his forehead, "but if I come with you, that shouldn't be a problem. I have clearance for that section."

The plan was set, and everyone knew their part

Chapter 19: Chapter 18: Plans and Nightmares

Chapter Text

The meeting room was full of activity, now that the group had nailed down a rescue plan. Felix scrambled down the ladder to grab his WICKED jacket, vest and weapons, while Gally produced a few more WICKED guard uniforms and weapons.

"Here. See if these fits" Gally handed Thomas and Newt each a WICKED uniform. They took them and pulled on the jacket. As Newt zipped his jacket he started coughing. Thomas stopped and came over, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay man?" Thomas asked, concerned. Newt nodded, coughing a few more times.

"Better get going old man. Long road ahead of you." Brenda called, walking across the room towards Jorge who was zipping his jacket up, and picking up a bag.

Jorge chuckled, he straightened up and gave Brenda a hug.

"Hey meeeee tooooooo!" Kenzie called, running across the room and slamming into Jorge and Brenda, giving them a big hug. "'ll take care of Finn?" Kenzie asked him, seriously.

Jorge nodded, "Of course! We will get back to the Right Arm, and get back here in time." He patted Kenzie's back reassuringly. "Hey Newt?" Jorge called, "can I have a word quick? Finn we leave in 5!" Jorge called. Newt walked over with a questioning look.

"Mi Hijas, give us a moment." Jorge dismissed the girls gently.

"Ooooo someone's is trouble!" Kenzie teased as she skipped away to help Finn pack. Brenda rolled her eyes and went to go talk with Thomas.

Newt stood awkwardly, unsure what Jorge wanted. Jorge laid a hand on his shoulder. "Hermano. Keep yourself safe. I believe Alex was right in her assessment of your health. Keep yourself safe until I can get back. Si?"

Newt pressed his lips together, and absentmindedly rubbed his forearm. He ran a shaking hand through his hair, then shoved his hands into his pockets. "Ya...ya she was. But it's not about me now. It's about getting Minho and Alex back. They need us."

"Yes, they do need you. But you are also important, especially to Alex. Stay safe. I'll be back as soon as I can." Jorge clapped him on the shoulder. Newt frowned but nodded. Jorge nodded as well.

"Finn! Come on! We gotta hustle!" Jorge called. Kenzie gave her little brother one more big hug.

"Pull yourself together woman! I'll be back to save your butt!" Finn's comment was muffled by Kenzie's fussing. He finally pushed her off, grabbed his bag and rushed after Jorge. Brenda, Kenzie and Frypan each grabbed their bags and a gun. Felix, Gally, Thomas and Newt all had WICKED uniforms on.

"Should someone give a pep talk?" Newt asked, his voice hoarse. It was quiet for a minute, everyone knew the next line was always Alex's. Frypan cleared his throat and said sadly, "be careful. Don't die." The room was quiet. Both Minho and Alex were being held and tortured by WICKED, their group leaders, the spirit of their group...the life of their group, both of them were gone.

"Great. We're all bloody inspired." Newt said sadly, he let out another round of bad coughs.

Everyone glanced at each other quickly then at Newt, who finally got his coughing under control.

Gally cleared his throat, "I guess it's time to go. You all know your part."

"Ya, what could go wrong?" Kenzie rolled her eyes.

Gally snorted, "you must have been hanging out with Alex far too long!"

"What can I say? She's like a big sister. Amazing assassin. Hot, hilarious...I definitely want to be her when I grow up!" Kenzie shrugged with a sly smile and batted her eyelashes at Gally, who turned a little pink. He cleared his throat then spun on his heel and led the group out the door towards the secret hole into the city.

At the train station is where the group would go their separate ways. They turned to have one last group meeting.

"Someone should give a pep talk... hopefully for the last time..." Frypan said.

Thomas piped up, "Ya, be careful. Don't die." He kept shifting nervously from foot to foot. Newt leaned away and coughed, it took a minute for him to catch his breath.

"Great. We're all bloody inspired." His voice was ragged and he looked exhausted. Thomas and Gally eyed him with concern and then glanced at each other. Thomas shrugged.

Gally nodded at everyone. "See you Shanks later!" He turned towards the glowing building of WICKED headquarters. The rest of their group went to their designated stations. Frypan went one way to help with the escape, Brenda and Kenzie went with Felix to the parking garage, once they were inside and ready with an escape vehicle Felix would meet up with Gally, Newt, Thomas and Teresa and get them into sublevel three where the kids were being held. This plan had a lot of holes and major room for error, but it was the best they could come up with.

Alex POV

Alex woke up with a quiet whimper. Her body hurt so much. Everything hurt, even her eyelids. She tried to open them. The room was dark and cold, but her body felt feverish. Another whimper escaped her. She heard movement beside her and she flinched, despite her body aching and hurting. Something was placed on her, it was scratchy, but already warm. She blinked a few more times, trying to focus.

"You get used to it." A hoarse voice said right above her.

"Minho...?" She whispered, her vision finally clearing. Minho went and sat down on a bed across from hers. His body was slumped and his eyes looked exhausted, he was looking wearily at her like she might attack.

"That's my name...don't wear it out." His voice was monitored.

Alex tried to sit up, but her arms wouldn't support her weight, so she stayed laying on her side. She realized now he had given her his blanket. Her stomach clenched.

"What...what happened?" Alex asked, looking at him, taking in every detail. She wanted to get up and hug him, hold him, have his strong arms around her, whisper everything would be okay. "The last thing I remember was pain, excruciating pain and screaming."

"Ya...they drugged you, with some new shucked up stuff, you passed out. Wouldn't wake up ... they brought us here. Well you were dragged. While you were out you threw up a few times. Either they gave you something different than what they gave me or you don't handle torture well." Even his voice was tired.

"Oh." She was quiet for a little, trying to regain some strength. She looked up and met his eyes. He was staring at her, a slight frown and his eyebrows knitted together. " you remember me?" She whispered, terrified to know the answer.

"Maybe. They messed with my head a lot. I...I don't know what's real." He sighed in defeat.

Alex finally managed to sit up, she was shivering despite the sweat on her forehead. "Well...what are you confused about?" She asked quietly, "I might be able to help. Janson is an evil twisted slint headed sewer rat. And I don't know what they lied to you about...but I'll tell you the truth about anything. Just ask."

He sat quietly looking at her. Even though he was treating her like a dog who might attack, her stomach back flipped when his coffee eyes met hers. She smiled gently at him. "I never lied to you before Min. I won't now, either."

"Do you work for WICKED?" he blurted.

"No." Alex answered. "I used to. A long time ago. Once I..we..once WE realized what was going on, and they took you and sent you into the maze early, Tes, Tommy and I started stealing information and passing it to The Right Arm. I was caught, and sent to the maze." Alex said evenly, she didn't break her eye contact, but she narrowed her eyes and growled, "and I will burn this place to the ground."

" weren't sent into our maze to hurt us or something?" His face twisted in confusion.

"No. I was sent because they were sick of my disobedience. Tes and Tommy somehow get me sent to our maze. I was supposed to go somewhere else."


Alex's lip trembled, she couldn't believe they were having this conversation, again. She could see the doubt and confusion in his eyes. With her voice cracking and a tear sliding down her cheek she answered his question. "Because. Being in a maze away from everyone I loved...away from my family, my friends...away from you... I couldn't do it, I would have died."

He was quiet again, watching her. He opened his mouth and then closed it. His forehead wrinkled, and he chewed on his lip. He then opened his mouth again but closed it.

"What is it Min? I told you I wouldn't lie." Alex encouraged quietly, her voice soft and tired. She shivered, pulling Minho's blanket closer around her.

" didn't get Chris and Ben banished? You didn't laugh at them, you didn't push me and Alby or Thomas into the maze when the doors closed? Did we kiss? Did you kill Chuck? Did you call WICKED at the warehouse? And did you blow it up after trying to kill us?" He blurted angrily.

Some of what he said sent a knife into her chest. She took a ragged breath, a few more tears leaked out.

"Chris and Ben got themselves banished. They attacked another Glader. Remember rule 3?" Minho nodded. Alex continued, she pulled a piece of her hair over her shoulders and twirled it threw her fingers nervously. She continued, "Chris attacked me like a wild animal, tried to rape me. You, Min, saved me." His eyes went wide. "Ben attacked Thomas. They were both banished by a unanimous decision. Including yours. I would never laugh at that, even though what Christ did to me was horrible and I still have night mares. It was awful." She took another ragged breath. "See these scares, she pulled the neck line of her shirt down, exposing her scars, and the bite marks. That was from him before you saved me." Minho's eye twitched, and his forhear wrinkled more. Alex went on.

"No. I never pushed you into the maze. You and Alby went in, Alby was stung, you tried bringing him back. You weren't going to make it, I tried going in to help. But was held back, Thomas slipped through. You guys made it through the night. And that night...was hell. Absolute shucken hell. I thought you weren't coming back. But you did. And yes...that's when we kissed. Finally. " Her stomach did a backflip when she thought about their first kiss. Or their first kiss she remembered. Minho's face gave nothing away. She sighed, blinking back more tears.

"I did not kill Chuck." Her voice hitched on his name. "He was my buddy. My little brother. And he was shot. WICKED killed Chuck, by using Gally. Just like they used Teresa to call WICKED at the warehouse and at the Right Arm camp." She closed her eyes and lay her head back on the wall. "To answer your last question. No, I did not blow up the building. That was Jorge, trying to blow up WICKED. The building came down on top of me."

There was silence in their room. She opened her eyes. Minho was still sitting on his bed, but he was looking at the floor and muttering to himself. Alex looked around the room for the first time, the only thing in the room were two small cots, and a small bathroom attached. Tiled floors and plain walls. Nothing else inside the room.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Minho questioned, it caught Alex off guard, she wasn't paying attention.

"Because I love you Minho. I died the night they took you, my whole world came crashing down. I spent 6 ...7? long shucken months trying to gain the information to come get you. And the day we came and stopped the train, Thomas and I honestly thought you were also in that train car. So when I found out you weren't there...I just about killed myself." She extended her arm and pulled up her sleeve, unwrapping the gauze and showed him her arm. "I almost killed myself." Alex repeated bitterly.

His eyes went wide, looking at her arm and the thin white and pink lines, with the big red scabs in all directions, plus the angry fresh cuts from her break down in the tunnel. It wasn't a pretty sight. She actually hadn't looked, too scared to see what she actually did to herself.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stand the thought of you still being with WICKED and I had failed. Again." She didn't bother trying to hold back the tears. She was so angry, heart broken, sad, desperate and tired. Shuck, was she tired of her life.

"Believe me because I love you! You trusted me once. Trust me again. Because I know as shuck you don't believe Janson!" Her voice was a hoarse whisper. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. Her eyes stung with tears.

"Minho, one of the first things you said to me was 'don't mess with She-Bean she's a feisty one.' you caught me when I fell down the stairs and said 'careful Shanket you're falling for me already?' You double knotted your boots, before you went on a run you would bounce on your toes 3 times, you take just enough milk in your coffee so you can drink it without burning your mouth. Your favorite food is pancakes, probably because you drown them in syrup. You sleep on your back with an arm under your head. You like playing with my hair, your favorite color is green. You want 2 kids, and wanted a house on the beach so we could watch the sunsets. You chew your cheek when you're deep in thought, when you're nervous you run a hand through your usually meticulously styled hair. When you ran the maze you would only make a note in your notebook every 5 turns, because you relied mainly on that ridiculous memory to make your map."

She was in a roll, every little thing she remembered, every little thing that made him Minho came pouring out, and it made her heart ache.

"You can dance and play the guitar. You wrote and sang a song at the bonfire in the Glade... and then on the mountain ledge you sang a song you wrote when you were in the crank city." From her pocket she pulled out a ragged piece of paper. She kept it with Minho's promise rock, but she couldn't give it to Fry, she needed something of him with her. "Here." She held it out.

He slowly got up and took the paper, and sat back down, reading the words. His fingers tracing the worn letters.

"You make a little loopy tail on your ys and little circles when you dot your i, and sometimes your C's look like e's." He stopped tracing the litters and looked up.

"Why is it spotchy? In some places..." he asked.

"Tears." She whispered quietly, twirling a piece of hair around her fingers.

"Oh." He looked back at the paper.

"You also tell really bad pizza puns." She added as an afterthought.

" matter how you slice it-" he whispered.

"-it's always cheesy." They said in unison, Alex had a small sad smile, while Minho's eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open. He closed his eyes and gasped, grabbing his head with both hands. He doubled over, and cried in pain. Alex scrambled as fast as her sore body would allow, out of bed over to him. She knelt down beside the bed. He was holding his head and rocking back and forth. Alex reached a shaking hand to his face, she gently brushed some hair off his forehead. He groaned then curled up, clutching his head. She ran her fingers slowly and cautiously through his hair.

She remembered a cool cloth on her head helping, back in the Glad. She got unsteadily to her feet and made her way to the attached bathroom. A small cupboard had a few small clothes, she ran it under cold water, rung it out and went back to Minho. She pressed it to his forehead. She wasn't sure what else to do so she started to quietly sing you are my sunshine. He gasped and whimpered a few more times, but the second time she quietly sang her little lullaby, he had relaxed and curled up, his eyes closed, breathing normally. Alex pulled the blanket off her shoulders and laid it over him. She slowly got to her feet and gently brushed her lips against his temple. She picked up the paper, folded it carefully and put it back in her pocket and with her lips tingling she shakily made it back to her cot. She lay down and pulled the thin blanket up to her shoulders, wishing she could just snuggle with Minho in his arms, but she didn't want to push him and scare him away, or have him strangle her again.

"Minho?" She whispered quietly, scared she would wake him up. "Will you stay with me?"

There was no answer. She closed her eyes, tears threatening to fall again. She almost missed it. She hardly heard it.


She buried her face into her pillow and let out a quiet sob. She cried herself to sleep, she finally had him back, they were finally together, but she was alone. She fell asleep feeling empty and alone.

***Alex was at the window, with Sonya, peeking between the curtains, they were little, hardly able to stand on tip toes to peek out the high window. It was dark and desolate outside. The girls were whispering in hushed voices. A little Newt, came scurrying over, "you shouldn't be there! They will see you!" He tried to pull them away from the window.


Something or someone slammed into the window. It resembled a person, but their eyes were solid black pits of anger, all humanity gone. There were big thick black rope like veins wrapped around its neck and face, black goo and phlegm dribbled down their chin, they were a sickly pale colour. Their bloody fists were banging on the window, the monster was screaming at her.

Little Alex jumped back screaming, looking for her sister and brother, but they was gone, she was all alone. And she was standing in the Deadheads, being slammed into a tree over and over by a crank Chris.


Hands clawed at her clothes. More dirty grabbing hands were touching her, but she couldn't move, her wrists were chained, all she could do was wiggle and scream.

A hand clamped over her mouth, "shhhhh sweetheart, I want to have some fun before I kill you!" Chris whispered in her ear. Alex thrashed harder.

"YOU NEVER LOVED HIM! I SAW YOU GETTING COZY WITH SOMEONE WHOS EASIER! GO AHEAD AND KILL ME! GO KILL YOURSELF! YOU'RE WORTHLESS! A MURDERER! THAT'S ALL YOUR GOOD FOR! A KILLING MONSTER MADE BY WICKED! YOU'RE A USELESS WORTHLESS SHUCKED UP SCIENCE EXPERIMENT!" Screamed a voice she knew so well, a voice she came to depend on. Newt screamed at Alex. She was slammed over and over again against a tree in the Deadheads. But this Newt had black lifeless eyes rimmed with red, he was pale and sweating, drooling black, his veins were black and wrapped around his neck, face and arms.

Alex screamed and cried, she tried to fight but her hands were still chained.

Alex sat up, ripped her hands out of the tight grasp, scrambling and backed into the wall, sobbing and hyperventilating. She had no idea where she was. A hand reached out again but she smacked it away and scrambled back now cowering in the corner, she was still twisted in the blanket and covered in sweat. She couldn't get her lungs to work properly.

The hand reached out again, grabbing her wrist roughly and didn't let go no matter how hard she fought and cried. Her hand was placed on something warm and solid. Something warm and rough held her face firmly, not letting her head thrash anymore. Alex gasped for air as a fresh wave of tears spilt over her lashes.

"He was right, he was right! He's always right! I'm worthless!" She sobbed. "I'm good for nothing...worthless!"

"No." A voice said quietly, but firmly, "you're not."

Alex had clenched her fists, holding onto whatever was in her hands. But she felt a hand firmly unclench it and put enough pressure on her hand so she had to keep it flat. She felt something familiar. She tried to quiet the voice of Newt and the too familiar crank cackling in her head so she could figure out why this was familiar. Her eyes still clamped shut, she felt a familiar soft thumb.

Shut up! She screamed at the cackling voice inside her head.

"Oh sweetie, you think he's still going to love you? After everything you have done?" Cackled the voice quietly

"No no no're lying! You're lying!" Alex hiccuped in-between her crying.

"Just feel my heartbeat."

Alex's crying got stuck in her throat, she lifted her tear stained face, and met rich coffee brown colour eyes, framed in long thick eyelashes.

"Minho?" She breathed. She didn't want to believe and get her hopes up...

"Hey Sunshine..." he whispered.

Chapter 20: Chapter 19: Pillow Talk

Chapter Text

"Minho?" Alex whispered again, not believing what was in front of her.

Is he back? Does he have memories again? He must be back, he can bring me back, and he knows I need his heart...

"Were we apart that long? You forgot what this amazing face looked like?" He asked, a small smirk made its way on his tired face.

Alex choked on a fresh sob, and she ungracefully threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face into his neck. When she flung herself, she made them topple backwards on the bed he wrapped his strong arms around her, and laughed quietly.

"Careful Sunshine, don't tackle me so close to the edge or we're going to fall off!" He whispered into her hair.

"Now you're messing with me!" She whispered back, her face pressed into him, "do you remember that's what you said to me on the ledge...? Do you remember?"

"Parts. Some parts are...blurry or fuzzy..." He murmured, he wrapped his arms tighter around her and twisted them so they lay side by side. "Forgetting you was the scariest shucken thing they did to me."

"I'm here now. I fought and clawed and killed to be here. I would rather be tortured beside you then go through another 7 months without you. Min...I lost myself. I...I was scaring everyone..even myself." She closed her eyes in shame.

"Look at me." He demanded.

Alex opened her eyes, which were wet with tears again. Her breathing was ragged again, trying not to cry.

"I missed your eyes. Why'd you scare everyone?" He gently placed a hand on the side of her face, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Alex took a deep breath. She wiggled herself closer to him, threw a leg over his hips and placed her head right by his heart, so she could hear it properly for the first time in 7 long months. Minho pulled her tighter and tangled his fingers into her hair cupping her head. She told him everything; all the planning and strategic missions, moving base camps, finding all the kids, she told him all about Kenzie and Finn. She told him, hesitantly, about her demons; Her need for adrenaline rushes, the drinking and her knife problem. He didn't interrupt her but he pulled her arm so he could see her sliced up arm. His face fell when he saw what she did to herself. His eyes filled with grief. He gently pulled her arm to his chest, so he was holding it like a child holding a teddy bear. Alex had to close her eyes and continue, shame was washing over her, but finally telling Minho, the person she trusted with all her deepest and darkest secrets, felt like the weight of the world was lifted off her soldiers. She told him about the self-destructive voice of the crank in her head. She talked about the night they realized he wasn't on the train car, how she handled it, going after Newt and Tommy, her guessing Newt not being immune, meeting Felix, rescuing Tes, and killing Ava Page and kicking the door down to find him.

He didn't say anything the whole time she talked. When she was done he was still quiet. He squeezed her tight for a moment. Then pulled away so he could look at her properly. She was leery about what he would say or do. He was uncharacteristically silent.

"Thank you." He said seriously, quietly. Alex looked at him in confusion. "Thank you. That Anna Smith didn't do anything to help anyone. She was dangerous, and same with Ava Page. Thank you for saving all those kids in the trucks! They deserve to grow up, to be kids..." he grew quiet again, grinding his teeth together. He took a deep breath. "And...thank you for getting Tes out. She was the only one I trusted, my only friend.. we went through some klunk together."

A little dagger of jealousy hit Alex in the chest. It must have shown on her face because Minho pulled her back into his chest and whispered "I'm sorry it wasn't you here strapping me to a torture chair, I would have preferred you...woulda been a bit kinky." Alex gasped and pushed away from him, and there it was, that sly sexy smirk, making his eyes crease and crinkly. Her stomach exploded with butterflies and her face felt hot. The knife that had slowly twisted its way into her heart was pulled free.


"Shut up and kiss me, you Shuck Face." She whispered softly, as she reached her hands up into his hair, and pulled his head down. His chapped lips met hers, finally after longing to kiss him for 7 months, she finally had him back.

He had his hand tangled in her hair and pulled her face up. They both sighed in relief. The kiss deepened, both desperately trying to make up for lost time that was ripped from them. Alex's leg that was draped over him tried to pull him closer. The hand that wasn't tangled in her hair slid down her back and pressed her lower back, pulling her closer, eliminating all possible space between them. Alex let a hand run down Minho's face, and neck down his shoulder and his side, slipping it under the thin shirt he had on. She ran her hand up and down gently, exploring and remembering every bump and mark, every grove and muscle.

The butterflies in Alex's stomach turned into something huge, pterodactyls or something, and a warm tingling sensation rose up in her, it made her feel hot and her heart picked up speed. Minho's tongue had slid into her mouth and his hand on her lower back slid under her shirt, leaving electric sparks wherever his fingers touched. Alex slid her hand higher and brought Minho's shirt up too, he pulled away to look at her. He rolled them over, so she was on her back, and he was on top, she pulled his shirt up, and off. He pulled her shirt off as well. But stopped on his way down to kiss her.

"That's new." He stated.

"What is?" Alex panted, her chest heaving. Minho lay down beside her, propping his head up with his hand, and ran his other one gently over the dragon tattoo. She smiled shyly at him. It wasn't a very big one, but the wings of the dragon were right near the bite mark left by Chris, where her shoulder met her neck, the head of her dragon sat right at the end of the scar left by his knife and the body wrapped over her collar bone, and the tail went down her chest, and stopped on her cleavage.

She bit her lower lip and looked at him through her lashes, suddenly nervous, worried about what he would think of her ink.

"I like it. Suits you. Dragon Warrior. Better than Glade princess... you are more fierce and protective. More majestic." He trailed his fingers over the dragon again, leaving her skin burning. "MY Dragon Warrior..." his voice was husky, and it made her blush.

"And...and there's this one..." she whispered. She carefully rolled over, so her back was to him. She heard a small gasp followed by a yelp of pain. She flipped over quickly and sat up, pressing her back against the wall, panicking all of a sudden. Minho had his head in his hands, his face scrunched in confusion, and pain. He gasped again and pressed harder on his head.

"Shucken brain!" He muttered, rubbing the palm of his hand against his forehead, he slowly sat up.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Alex whispered urgently. She was still pressed into the corner, her back against the wall. He nodded slowly.

" called me that..." he stammered, his body tense, all his muscles tight, he slowly looked at her for reassurance. Alex nodded. And breathed out a small "yes." His shoulders relaxed, but he continued to rub his head.

"My anchor to reality...when...when I would drift away in my nightmares and anxiety, you're the one who keeps me from bloody drowning... that's ..that's why I got an anchor...and compass..cuz that's what you are to me. Keeping me grounded and pointing me in the right direction." She explained quietly, cautiously, still very nervous with his reaction.

He lowered his hand, and looked at her, his eyes wide, still laying on the bed. "Can I see it again?" He asked, almost like a child asking for something he's not supposed to.

Alex hesitated but moved away from the corner and slowly shifted, so her back was facing him. She hesitantly pulled her sports bra off and quickly pulled the blanket up to her chest, covering herself, and then pulled her knees up to her chest, but allowing Minho to see the full tattoo that ran the length of her spine.

The arrow head sat in the middle, just above her shoulder blades, the compass was just under her shoulder blades and the anchor stopped at the small of her back. She heard Minho sit up and felt him gently move her long red hair out of the way, Minho stared at it for a while, then gently ran his fingers over it, tracing the dark ink lines leaving her skin on fire, and her heart beating wildly.

"You did this for me?" He asked, in disbelief. Alex just nodded, her chin resting on her knees.

"Alex..." she heard his voice crack, he cleared his throat, and ran his fingers over it again. She shivered, his fingers were warm and the room was chilly. She felt him shift on the small bed, then felt warmth from his body, he had moved closer. He leaned down and placed his forehead on her back, between her shoulder blades. Alex could feel his breath on her bare skin, and she could feel the heat rise in her face. She could feel him shuddering, and then something warm and wet on her back.

"Min?" She breathed, scared to move. She heard a sniff, he lifted his head. And still clutching the blanket to herself she twisted to look at him. He had tears running down his face. Shocked, Alex managed to squeak "what's wrong?"

He sniffed again, and hastily wiping the tears, he looked away ashamed to be crying. She reached one hand to his cheek and made him look at her. "Tell me."

"They tried to make me forget, they messed with what little memories I had...they took everything from before the maze and then they messed with what little I did have! And...and for a long time..." he stopped, he choked back a sob, his chest was rising and falling rapidly. Alex was quietly waiting for him to continue.

"For so long...longer than I want to shucken admit...I thought they were right. I thought you tricked me or lied about everything. I doubted you. And only you, I doubted our love, our trust. Tes was the only one who kept trying to convince me it wasn't true, and that they were just messing with me. She said they were shucken screwing with me to hurt you." He let out another shuddering cry. He put his head in his hands and cried.

"I'm sorry Alex! I'm so shucken sorry! I doubted!"

Without thinking, with one hand still clutching the blanket to herself, she used her other hand to pull a hand away from Minho's face, and then climbed into his lap. He instantly wrapped his arms around her, holding her like it was the last time he would get to hold her. They clung to each other, wrapped around each other, crying in relief, shame, guilt, and sadness. After a few minutes, when their tears were spent, and they were both sniffling and Alex was hiccupping, he whispered "I'm sorry!"

"Stop shucken saying that. You have nothing to be bloody sorry about! It wasn't your shucken fault!" Alex said angrily, she pulled away and looked him dead in the eyes, her eyebrows knit together. "Stop with the I'm sorrys. It wasn't your fault. And together we will get through whatever they did to you...and whatever I did to myself... but we do it together! Good that?"

He smiled at her, "good that Sunshine." She nodded. He slowly ran his fingers from her cheek down her neck and bare shoulder. She shivered slightly and bit her lip.

Shuck me....

A sly smirk graced his face. He did it again, running his fingers over her skin but from her bare shoulder up her neck and face. She bit down on her lip harder to keep from moaning. Her face grew warm and she felt a hot tingle spread through her body, but she refused to break eye contact. His smirk grew even bigger. She raised an eyebrow in a challenge. She slowly shifted on his lap so she was now fully facing him, her knees on either side of his hips. She leaned forward pressing up against him, so the only thing holding the blanket was her weight against him, and she let go to tangle her fingers into Minho's hair, and left kisses and little bite marks up his neck, slightly biting and sucking just under his ear. She felt his hands on her bare back and his fingers digging in, he also tipped his head back, and closed his eyes. Alex smirked and did it again. He let out a moan from the back of his throat.

"If I didn't know any better Minny...I'd say you missed me." She whispered seductively in his ear.

"You have no shuckin clue!" He growled, his voice was low and husky. He grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over, so she landed on her back. She let out a small yelp of surprise but ended up giggling as he lay down on top of her, kissing her lips again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. Pulling him closer.

"This was more the reunion meeting I was picturing..." she mumbled against his lips. He just hummed and kissed her harder, slipping his tongue into her mouth again.

Shuck me...

Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Escape

Chapter Text

Alex slowly woke up, she was still tired and sore, still trapped in WICKED, but she woke with a smile. She heard a familiar thump of Minho's heart beat, she felt gentle fingers running through her hair.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Said a husky morning voice that she missed so shucken much.

"5 more minutes" she mumbled snuggling closer. He chuckled.

"Sure. No idea what their plan is. It's always random, and with no clock in here, time is hard to tell. Could have been an hour, could be a full day, but they just badge in and drag me from sleep."

Alex had opened her sleepy eyes, watching his face as he explained. "I'm sorry Min. That's awful. Ya.. I don't know what Rat Man's plan is. Seems weird they would actually put us together. Maybe he was hoping you would strangle me? Or I'd strangle you? Who shucken knows...I'm pretty sure he's turning into a crank."

Minho looked at her thoughtfully, "ya that would make sense. His decisions lately were wild." Alex just hummed.

"Wonder if they'll bring us coffee...?" She yawned, closing her eyes again. There was nowhere to go, and nothing to get up for. Whatever shucked up plans they had for them would happen, she wasn't worried about it, not right now anyways. She snuggled her face into Minho's neck, closing her eyes and falling back asleep, with his arms wrapped around her, and her arms around him.

Their cell door flew open and WICKED guards stormed in, followed by a smug looking Janson. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the two wrapped around each other. His face morphed into a twisted look of anger.

"Get up." He demanded.

"Shuck off Janson, I'm sleeping." Alex groaned, not bothering to open her eyes.

Minho snorted, "I missed your smart ass mouth." Alex finally opened her eyes and smirked at him. She looked up at Janson, who was huffing like a bull.

"What's the matter Rat Man? Hoping we'd hate each other? He'd strangle me? Have me crying in the shuck corner?" She sassed.

"We disappointed him." Minho agreed.

"Like I shucken give a rats ass!" She snarked.

They both laughed. Jason nodded to the guards who stepped forwards and pulled them from bed.

"Jeeze I'm up, I'm up. Aggressive alarm clocks you have here." Alex said as she was pulled from Minho and made to stand. She was glad she put her sports bra back on last night.

"Well, it looks like we need to use more aggressive treatment." He smiled evilly at them.

"Yes. I suggest Rat poison, looks like WICKED has an infestation." Alex nodded seriously. Minho was laughing at her.

"Shuck Alex! That mouth!" He managed between chuckles.

"Yes, I know you would love to kiss it...again." She winked at him, just to annoy Janson, "Oh it's gotten worse, love. So much worse, you should see me, Bren and Kenz together...we're AWFUL."

"Can't wait!" He said gleefully.

They were pushed and shoved out of the room and marched down the hall. Janson led them to a lab with what looked like an MRI machine and a chair with metal cuffs; a few doctors were already standing ready. Alex glanced at Minho. He shrugged not knowing either. The guards held them tight, a doctor stepped forward and injected Alex with something, she stood waiting for something to happen. Everyone was watching, waiting. Janson stepped forward, in front of her.

"Take the syringe and give it to Subject A7." He demanded.

"Why the bloody shuck would I do that?" She asked immediately. Janson spun around to the doctor, "WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?" he screamed. The doctor shook his head, and flipped through his charts.

"I don't know sir! Her chart said the malfunctioning chip was removed and replaced!" Alex threw her head back and laughed. The doctor and Janson looked back at her.

"Nope." She popped the p. Minho was smirking too, because he knew.

"What do you mean No." Janson stormed back to her, and backhanded her.

Alex looked at Janson, narrowed her eyes. "Your organization isn't as locked down as you think, you soggy poptart! Dr. Prior removed the malfunctioning chip, yes. But he never replaced it. I'm chip free, you stupid klunk cannon!" Minho would have doubled over laughing but he was being held by 2 big guards. Alex was grinning as well. Janson was seething with rage, she could swear there was steam coming out of him, and his brain was malfunctioning.

"Yep!" She popped the p again. "Captain Ronin and Dr. Prior hate you as much as I do! Your precious Ol' Captain help Dr Prior with me and then helped us escape...then got Dr Prior out...then saved most of us when you attacked the Right Arm. Ha! You really are stupid! You had no idea!"

Janson stood there for a moment, boiling in his anger. Then his face twisted in a crazed happiness. "Well if you won't comply, we will just reverse this...and it might work even better. Yes...excellent. Doctor! Bring me the sedative."

Minho and Alex dropped their smiles and glanced at each other, worry on their faces. Janson was handed the needle, and he approached Alex. She instantly started to wiggle and fight, she was being held tight by two huge guards, Janson stabbed it into her neck. She could hear Minho fighting too. She felt her body go numb, and her movements got slower. Her head was cloudy, but she was still conscious, but her body wouldn't cooperate. She was dragged to the chair with cuffs. Janson left the room, yelling into his walkie talkie, she saw him walk down the hall. She saw a doctor giving Minho an injection of some sort. She could see him stiffen.

The guards dumped her into the chair and left her, Minho came over to the chair. He was stiff and his muscles were straining, his jaw was grinding, his eyes were huge, a mix of anger, and pain and worry.

"I'm...sorry." His voice was strained. Alex tried to smile. His arms jerked and tried to put her arm in the restraints. But he was jerking too much, and he couldn't do the straps up. His neck muscles were straining so much and he was growling now.

"No." He growled. "No. I won't." His arms jerked, and his head was thrashing. "No. I won't listen." He shook his head violently, "NO!" he screamed as a blaring alarm went off, red lights started to flashing. The doctors started to panic. The guards left the room in a hurry, guns out. Alex shook her head, the sedative Janson gave her was wearing off.

Thank you, you shucked up science experiment of a body, high metabolism, and high functioning immune system for the win!

Minho had slowly stopped jerking. His chest was heaving, he looked at her and winked. She smirked and nodded. At the same time they attacked. Minho produced a long hair pin, he spun around stabbing the closest doctor. Alex sprung from the chair that Minho had failed to strap her to. She tackled a doctor, they went crashing into a cart full of vials and medical equipment. She scrambled on top of the stunned doctor, she grabbed his head and smashed it into the floor. He stopped moving immediately. Alex got up grabbing a scalpel as she stood up leaping with a feral scream at the last doctor who was trying to inject Minho while his back was turned. Alex stabbed the sharp scalpel up into his ribs as she leapt on the Doctor's back. With a scream he crumpled to the floor. Minho spun around in surprise, Alex yanked the little knife out, flipped him over with her foot and sliced his throat. Her face twisted in rage, her chest was rising rapidly.

"Shuck sakes Alex!" Minho whispered, "remind me never to piss you off!" He nodded at the two dead doctors, the one she smashed into the floor was laying in a pool of blood now.

"Sorry." She mumbled in between heavy breaths.

He pulled her into a hug, crushing her into his chest, "Don't be. They tortured me for months. And probably other kids too." He kissed the top of her head. "Come on, now's a good time to scram."

He grabbed her hand and they made it to the door, when a door behind them opened. They spun around facing the new threat. It was a loan guard with his gun raised. Minho's face lost all its colour, eyeing the gun, however Alex's face broke into a grin. She pushed Minho behind her, she was shorter, but still covering most of his body with hers.

"I'll shoot!" The guard yelled.

"Try me Slint head!" She challenged.

Minho tried to grab her, panicking, "Alex! What the shuck are you doing?" His voice was thick with fear.

"Trust me love." She whispered back. She raised her voice, and yelled at the guard "COME ON COWARD! DO IT!" she took a few steps forward and she heard Minho yell for her, the guard pulled the trigger. A ball of blue electricity hit her in the chest.

"SHUCK YA!" She screamed in joy. She took in a deep breath, loving the feeling of this adrenaline, the manic rush of feeling alive, the burst of pure wild energy, her pupils dilating. With the surge of strength she lunged at the guard who shrieked in terror. He tried to get out of the way but tripped over a dead Doctor. She leaped on him, electrocuting him with her hands. He screamed while his body convulsed. Alex picked the guard up and threw him through the window. He landed with a loud crash. Alex leapt after him with a scream, blue electricity jumping over her body still. Minho had finally unfroze and charged after Alex. Alex had the guards head in her hands. Just as she jerked it sideways and up, she heard another loud crash. Alex twisted around, Minho had thrown another guard out the window. She stood up, dropping the limp guard.

"I forgot you have some sweet awesome Thor super powers. It's quite the sight." He said seriously, he looked her up and down, "it's really hot." He smirked at her. She smiled at him.

"My shucked up science experiment body doesn't freak you out?" She asked, holding up a hand while blue electricity danced over her skin.

"Nope!" He popped the p. "I can use you as a human shield now!" He sassed with a huge grin. Alex gasped and smacked his arm, which made him jump and yell an "ouch! You shocked me!"

"You deserved it, shuck face!" She stuck her tongue out at her. He chuckled, still rubbing his arm. "Come on, we gotta go." Alex grabbed the guards gun and then together they sprinted down the hall. She had stopped sparking, so she reached for Minho's hand. Together, hand in hand they rounded a corner and crashed into two guards.







They had run right into Thomas and Newt. Minho froze looking between the guys. "Is this real?" Alex could tell he was shocked they were standing in front of him. They came back, for him.

"Ya it's real man!" Thomas clapped him on the shoulder. Newt also patted his shoulder, then pulled his best friend into a hug, "it's good to see you!" He rounded on Alex. "THAT WAS THE STUPIDEST BLOODY THING EVER! GOING OFF ON YOUR OWN!" he yelled at her, she took a step back, her eyes wide, remembering her nightmare about him. He reached out and pulled her, she stumbled forwards and Newt wrapped his arms around her, "I'm sorry Alex! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! For everything I yelled at you! I'm sorry! And then you were gone when we got back, I thought I lost you! And the awful things I said would have been my last words! Alex! I'm sorry!" He cried into the hair.

"Get a grip on yourself Newtie. It's okay. I knew you guys would come for us. And I forgive you." She pulled away to look at him, he looked awful, and her heart nearly stopped. He was turning fast.

"Let's get the shuck outta dodge!"

The loud sirens stopped, and they heard footsteps storming down the hall.




"Shuck sakes, always ruining the vibe." Alex mumbled, she turned and pushed Newt down the hall, "GO! That way! Run!" She shouted. They ran a little ways when there were more guards in front, rounding the corner.

"YOU FOUR! STOP!" Blue electricity balls were shot at them, Alex pushed Thomas out of the way, he slammed into Newt, they both fell to the ground and Alex was hit instead. That jolt of adrenaline rushed through her body again.

"Come on! Come on!" Minho screamed. He helped Newt to his feet, who was coughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath. Thomas scrambled to his feet, looking around wildly. Alex, who was jumping with electricity still, stood in front of the guys.

"In here!" Thomas shouted, sprinting back down the hall a little, flinging a door open, "IN HERE! COME ON!" Everyone followed and Thomas slammed the door, Minho and Newt pushed a big cart and some huge metal canisters in front of the door. Alex still had the electricity dancing up and down her arms grabbed the handle and lock, melting the metal. There was no getting out. Or in.

There was pounding on the door from the outside, the four in the room backed up.

"Somebody get this door open." Janson screamed in frustration.

"Yes, sir!" It was quiet for a moment, and then there was a loud buzzing sound. They were cutting the door open.

"Oh, shuck this!" Minho mumbled.

"Any ideas?" Newt asked, looking at the other three.

"Maybe." Was the only thing Thomas said. He was standing at the window, looking down. Alex, Newt and Minho came to stand beside him, they glanced out the window and then at each other.

The shuck?!

"And you say I'm the adrenaline junky?!" She scoffed at Thomas, who looked at her with a sheepish smile.

"I guess you're rubbing off on me!" He smirked at her.

"Your tomb stone is gonna read: Well, that didn't work." Alex rolled her eyes.

Minho had gone back to the door and grabbed a canister, Alex and Thomas came to help. They hulled it over to the window and on three they tossed it through the window. They watched it sail down towards the deep pond. It landed with a huge splash.

"Okay, it's doable." Thomas muttered. "Just need a little running start."

"Almost through, sir!" They could see sparks now coming through the door. The four looked at each other and then back out the window. Alex smiled, a wild glee in her eyes.

The biggest adrenaline rush! Let's do this!

"You sure about this?" Newt asked, nervously.

"Not really." Thomas said, honestly.

Minho was bouncing on his toes, getting himself ready. "Nice pep talk." He sassed, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." Newt said dryly, still staring down into the water.

Alex snorted, "guys, Be careful. Don't die."

"Nice. Concise. Sums everything up nicely." He smirked at her.

"Move it! Move it!"

They heard the door crunch.

"SHUCK!" Thomas yelled. "Go! Go!" The door burst open just as the guys ran forward and leaped out the window.

"Thomas!" Janson screamed. His eyes snapped to Alex who was still standing in the room. He smiled, "too scared to jump?" He mocked her.

"Oh no. Just waiting for you." She chucked the scalpel at him. She heard him scream as she ran and jumped out the window.

She could see the boys resurfacing in the water. The wind whipped at her, pulling her pants, her hair streamed behind her. Her stomach twisted, she felt it fall and then fly into her throat. A surge of adrenaline pumped through her. Her body hit the water, she was submerged in freezing cold, her lungs instantly stopped working. She felt her feet hit the bottom. She pushed off, towards the surface. Her head broke out of the water with a huge gasp. Minho grabbed her and pulled her towards the edge. Her teeth were chattering, she didn't expect the water to be so cold. Thomas was helping Newt out of the water. They had just climbed out of the pond when a group of 3 guards stepped up to the edge. All holding guns, pointed at them.

"You three, don't move." One called.

"Oh, you gotta be bloody kidding me." Newt muttered, as he put his hands up.

"Take it easy." The guard called again. "Uh-uh-uh! Don't even think about it." He pointed his gun at Thomas, who was slowly trying to reach for his gun.

"Get on your knees with your hands in the air." Another guard yelled at them. Alex slowly stood up, thinking fast.

How do we get out of this one?

The guard in the middle stepped back and shot the guard on his right and twisted to shoot the guard on his left. These guards had real guns, not electric launchers. The middle guard lifted his mask.

"You son of a bloody Griever!" Alex cried in disbelief. She jumped up and hugged him.

"Gally?" Minho's mouth dropped open.

"Minho." Gally nodded at him. Then back to the group, "You guys are nuts." He looked back up to the window where they had jumped from.

"Attention all personnel. Declare martial law. No one leaves until they're found." A speaker blared projecting Janson's voice from everywhere, announcing the new law.

"Well, they're definitely pissed." Gally chuckled, shaking his head.

"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked, standing up and taking off his wet WICKED jacket.

Gally scratched the back of his head, thinking, "Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here." He paused, "We can make it." He was eyeing Newt, who had doubled over coughing, Alex rushed to his side. He gave up and sat down with the help of Alex.

"Newt, how are you feeling?" Minho asked, as he crouched in front of him, helping him unzip his jacked.

"Terrible." He wheezed, his breathing was ragged. "It's good to see you though." He managed a weak smile. Minho patted his shoulder. Alex watched as he went to talk with Thomas. She focused back on Newt and his breathing, but she could hear what they were saying.

"Hey. How long has he been like this?" Minho asked, crossing his arms, and nodding his head towards Newt, who had started coughing again.

"He'll be okay." Thomas said, trying to reassure everyone, "We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum, and that will hold him until Jorge and Finn get back here with Dr Prior."

Alex's head whipped towards Thomas. "Dr Prior is coming? Jorge got a hold of him? He's bringing everything?" She bombarded Thomas.

"You've been hanging out with Thomas too long, all those questions!" Minho teased.

"Come on, let's go." Thomas said, rolling his eyes at Minho.

"Hey, Newt. Come on, bud." Thomas came over to him and gently helped him up.

"We gotta get you up. Let's go." Alex added as she helped heave Newt to his feet. Together Alex and Thomas put an arm over their shoulders and followed Gally, Minho behind them.

"Why you helping us, Gally?" He called, "I put a spear through your chest."

"Yeah." Gally shrugged, "Nobody's perfect, man."

Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Shuck

Chapter Text

The four Gladers ran in a clump, as fast as Newt could go, out of the WICKED grounds and into the city. They ran down a few back allies. Cop cars, WICKED armor trucks, and every available Guard and soldier were out crawling the streets. As the group rounded a corner and came out onto a main street a building exploded, followed by a second and third one. The buildings rained debris and chunks of stone and metal everywhere. The street was swarming with WICKED soldiers and guards, all firing at what appeared to be armed civilians.

"We're supposed to take down WICKED, not the whole damn city!" Gally stopped dead and looked around in shock. His fists clenched and unclenched.

Something hit the parked car in front of them and it exploded, making the group dive for cover.

'HEY! STAY LOW! STAY LOW!" Thomas called, ducking his head.

"No shuck Sherlock!" Alex called back.

"Gally, come on! We gotta keep going!"

Gally was still staring at the damage done by the resistance group he said he was a part of. Alex was pulling his arm, "Gally! Come on!"

He shook his head in disbelief and turned back to the group, "tunnels are right up ahead."

"Get ready!" Thomas called, peeking over the ledge. "We gotta go. We gotta go!"

"Come on, dear brother, stop sitting around, we got places to go, people to see!" Alex tried teasing. He was trembling, and wouldn't stop coughing, and she could hear how labored his breathing was becoming.

"Let's move!" Gally called. Thomas and Alex hefted Newt up, draping an arm over their shoulders. At this point they were practically dragging him. His head kept rolling. Alex had bit her bottom lip so hard to keep from crying, it was bleeding. Something else exploded in front of them, causing the group to hid again behind a half wall. The city was burning around them. They could hear guns going off and people screaming. The constant explosions of cars and buildings made being on the ground dangerous, and smoke from the burning city didn't help the vision or breathing.

Newt began coughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath. And then the black goo made its appearance. Alex tried to repress a sob, she was gasping as bad as Newt. Thomas spun around on his knees, then scrambled back over to them, "Get him in, get him in there." Gally had to help Thomas because Alex was hyperventilating, Minho grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a little building that hadn't exploded yet. Thomas kicked the door open.

I can't lose you! No. I refuse! No no no.

Alex dropped down beside Newt, who was slouched against the wall. She pulled his head to lean on her chest. She brushed his sweaty tangled hair out of his face. His eyes kept drifting in and out of focus.

"Brenda, are you there?" Thomas called into a walkie talkie.

"THOMAS? I'm here!" Brenda's voice crackled back.

There was another explosion, causing the windows above them to shatter, spraying them with glass shards. Alex leant forward, covering Newt with her body, taking the glass in her back. She hissed with the sting.

"sh*t! You okay? What was that?" Brenda called back.

Thomas paused, he looked at everyone. Newt was coughing up black goo and could hardly stay conscious, Alex was exhausted, and trying hard to keep her hyperventilating under control, cradling her brother's head in her lap. Minho looked like he was ready to pass out, he was slumped against the wall, Gally looked a little worse for wear, but Thomas and Gally were the only ones who were okay.

"We're not gonna make it." He said, closing his eyes. Alex looked up, and at Thomas, tears in her eyes.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Brenda screamed back.

"We got Minho and Alex...but we won't make it back. Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can." Thomas told her, putting on a brave face.

"No!" The walkie talkie crackled.

Minho had reached for Alex's hand, squeezing it, with his other hand he held Newt's shoulder, as he had another coughing fit, coughing up more black phlegm and blood, all over Alex. But she didn't care. Her big brother was dying in her arms, and it felt like part of her was dying with him. She let the tears fall down her cheeks.

"Brenda!" Thomas started but Brenda cut him off.

"I'm not leaving you. Or Alex. I'm not. Okay?" Alex could hear her voice cracking, even threw the coms.

"Even though you should?" Thomas asked. Gally had slid down the wall, his arms on his knees, his head hanging, accepting his defeat.

"Thomas, don't worry. I'm coming to you guys!" Brenda's voice yelled back, she let out a whoop.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas yelled back, it was getting harder to hear, the gun fire was getting closer.

"Our ride's here! Jorge made it! He has the Berg! Just look for us near the tunnels. You can do it! If not, I'm going to kill you myself!"

Thomas looked up at the group. Alex had a new fire in her chest.

Jorge was here...which means Dr Prior was here...which means Newt would be okay...they just had to make it a bunch of blocks..

"Let's go, guys!" Gally got up, holding a hand out for Minho, helping him up.

"Newt...our ride's here! Come on, we're almost there. Come on big bro!" She helped him sit up. She gave him an encouraging smile.

"What" He gasped, his voice was raspy and quiet, it looked like it took so much effort just to say those four words.

"Careful." Thomas cautioned as Gally and Thomas pulled Newt up. They made it to the door, Alex yanked it open, all the smoke and debris assaulted them.

"Move! Move!" Gally yelled, he lead the way, knowing the city. He lead them through the city, one block at a time.

"Watch your step." Thomas called, as Newt stumbled and slipped to the ground.

"NEWT! Newt...we're almost there. Come on!" Alex pleaded as she dropped down beside him.

"Just leave me." He whimpered.

"Back! Back!" Thomas yelled as a group of armed civilians came storming past. They backed up to hide behind a car that was flipped over onto its side. There was a thump in the sky above them. Everyone looked up at the new noise. There was a big black berg flying over them.

Hope flared in Alex's chest. Jorge and Dr. Prior! She could see them! "Thomas!" She called, and pointed, "that's them."

"Yeah!" He yelled back over gun fire that erupted down the street, making them flinch and duck back behind the car.

"We gotta go, come on! Come on Newt!" Thomas encouraged. Newt had fallen back to the ground. Alex crouched down in front on him, she took his pale sweaty face in her hands. The veins had worked up his neck and now onto his face. She choked another sob back.

"Newton! You listen to me, right now!" She demanded, her voice shaking. "I need you to get your bloody arse up and give me everything you got! Dr Prior is here! Just a few more blocks."

"We gotta go." Thomas called again, panicking as he poked his head around the car again.

"Alex...Go without me...just..go." his voice was so wet and crackly with phlegm and the black goo. He coughed again and it just ran down his chin as he gasped for a proper breath. Alex had no shirt to wipe his mouth, so she just used her hand.

"Newt-" she started

"You should just..." he said over top of her. Alex wiped his mouth again with her had, and wiped it on her pants. She looked desperately at Thomas, Gally and Minho. Thomas came and crouched beside Alex.

"Minho. Alex...You gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can!"

"But-" Alex started again. She really didn't want to leave Newt.

"Minho, go. Alex..." Newt flopped his head to look at her, "go. I'm with Tommy. I'll be okay..."

"He's right. I can cover." Gally said, holding his gun up, "you two are the fastest in the Glade, it would be faster." Alex looked at Minho, he had a set look and nodded at her. She closed her eyes for a moment, tears leaked over her lashes. She leaned her head on Newt's chest gently. She felt his hand hold the back of her head and he gently kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you, Alex." He said softly. Alex pulled away to look at him.

She chuckled sadly, as she wiped a tear away from her chin. "I'm always saving your bloody shuck ass, hey?" Newt gave her a small sad smile.

"I love you Alex." Alex held his face in her hands. She smiled at him, she kissed his forehead.

"Just hang on Newt. I still have years left to torment you! You gotta walk me down the shuck isle!" He struggled with something around his neck, he ripped it off, and with a shaking hand held it out to her.

"Take it...please Alex ..please" he pleaded. His brown eyes were darkening, they weren't as warm as they used to be. She nodded, taking the necklace from him. She tied it around her neck as she stood up.

His head flopped to look at Minho. "Thank you, Minho...look after her... for me."

"Hey, you just hang on." Minho said sternly, clapping his shoulder, he placed his forehead against Newt's they were quiet for a second.

Mixed with tears she chuckled "do I need to give you two a minute?"

The two boys broke away and chuckled softly, remembering almost the same moment back in the Glade when the Grievers attacked.

"There's that mouth." Newt whispered with a smile.

"Hang on okay? Come on Flash. I got a brother to shucken save. Again" Minho stood up, grabbing her hand and nodding at Thomas and Gally, they took off down the street at full speed. Alex looked back one last time, she saw Newt sitting, leaning against the car.

She turned her head back around, put it down and sprinted as fast as her sore legs would allow. Minho right beside her.

"LEFT!" Gally yelled at them, they took the turn easily, like taking a turn in the Maze. They scrambled to a stop. In front of them was a full scale shoot out. One one side was WICKED soldiers and the other side of the street was the resistance group led by Lawrence. They were shooting at each other, one truck had some kind of launcher gun, and it was blowing huge chunks of road apart.

"SHUCKEN BLOODY HELL!" Alex yelped ducking back behind the building, pulling Minho. They crashed into Gally. "WE GOTTA GO AROUND, WE'LL BE BLOWN APART IF WE TRY GO THROUGH!" She screamed over the screaming of dying people and explosions.

"SHUCK!" Minho and Gally screamed at the same time.

"Okay, come on. I know how to get around." Gally took off down a back alley. Alex shrugged and followed Gally, Minho on her heels. Gally led the pair down two more back alleys, and then onto the main road again.


Minho nodded, grabbed Alex's hand and they took off, leaving a huffing Gally behind. Alex and Minho sprinted even faster. The fires weren't as bad over here, the explosions weren't as loud either. Alex could now hear the hum of a berg engine. Hope flared in her chest again.

She pushed herself a little more. Dr Prior was there and he could help Newt. She just needed to be faster. They rounded the last corner and there was the berg, the ramp was down, Brenda, Jorge, Captain Ronin, Frypan, Dr Prior, Kenzie, Finn, Felix, Vince, Harriet, Aris and Sonya all crowded around the base.

"I NEED THE SERUM! NOW!" Alex screamed as she raced down the last stretch. Dr Prior spun around and raced up the ramp.

"COME ON! I NEED IT NOW!" Alex screamed again, panicking. Sonya ran towards them, they scrambled to a stop.

"Newt?" She demanded.

Alex shook her head, her eyes huge, panicking. Sonya gasped, her hand over her mouth. Dr Prior scrambled down the ramp holding a ready loaded syringe. He tossed it to her, Alex caught it easily. She spun on her heel and went back the way she came. Minho copied her, and to her surprise, but not really, Sonya. She was running back with her. Alex heard her name being called, but she didn't care. Newt needed her. Minho, having been tortured for almost 7 months, started to slow down, Sonya surprisingly kept her pace. Maybe it was because their brother needed them, or she was just a born runner like Alex. She reached out and Alex grasped her hand and sprinted back towards where Alex left Thomas and Newt. Sonya took each turn with ease.

"Runner?" Alex yelled, her eyebrow raised.

"We called 'em Mappers!" She yelled back with a half smile.

"Almost there!" Alex yelled.

An alarm sounded, and then Teresa's voice came from every available speaker. "Alex. Thomas. Your blood can save everyone. I need you to come back, you can save Newt. There's still time for him."

"The shuck?" Alex yelped and she scrambled to a stop.

"There doesn't have to be only one cured person, because of you... All you have to do is come back. " Alex shook her head, Teresa's voice didn't sound normal, not sounded terrified. And she stumbled over some words. She didn't do this on her own.


"And this will all finally be over. Please. Just come back." there was a pause and then Teresa yelled "Please..come back FOR me!" The speaker shut off. Minho caught up to them.

"That shank better not listen, that's Rat Man playing!" He huffed. Alex nodded.

"Come on!" She turned and continued running.

Almost there. Come on!

Alex pushed herself even faster. She rounded a corner, and stopped dead, her breathing cut off.

Laying alone in the middle of a deserted intersection was Newt.

"NOOO!" Alex screamed, it ripped from her body. It was so loud the entire city probably heard it. Her world crashed down, her heart ripped apart. "NEWT!" She screamed.

She staggered to him and crumpled, she saw the knife sticking out of his chest.

She let out the most heart wrenching, hopeless anguished sob.

Newt was dead. Her big brother, her glue was gone.

Chapter 23: Chapter 22: Savior

Chapter Text

Newt didn't move when she laid her head on his chest. She sobbed. Sonya dropped down beside her, gently moved his hair out of his face and placed her forehead down on his, crying. Minho stood there, for a moment, then dropped to his knees with a quiet anguished "no!"

The sisters cried, holding onto each other, and onto their big brother, who protected them as children, who missed them so much he knew something was missing in the maze and tried to end it all. The brother who sobbed when he found his little sisters again, the big brother who would do anything to keep his sisters safe and happy. They held his lifeless body and cried.

Alex heard more footsteps but ignored them, something had caught her attention. Alex sat up straight, fully attentive to Newt.

"Sonya...ssh for a second." Alex whispered. Sonya sat up and looked at her funny.

Alex leaned back over his chest. Placing her good ear over his heart. She closed her eyes concentrating hard.

No. It couldn't be! No, that's impossible! There's so much blood!

She sat up and then quickly placed her check right on his mouth. And she felt it! She felt the slightest wisp of breath.

"HE'S STILL SHUCKEN ALIVE!" she screamed. She looked up wildly, seeing who else was around. Frypan, Captain Ronin, Gally, Felix, Brenda and Kenzie were standing around watching.

"HE'S STILL BLOODY BREATHING!' She screamed again. Sonya gasped. Minho was looking back and forth between Newt and Alex. No one else moved.


Alex pulled out the syringe, trying to get it out. To her surprise Felix rushed forward and pulled it out of her shaking hands, Alex met his eyes, and nodded. Felix believed her. It didn't seem like anyone else did, because no one moved.

Minho crawled over, his eyes desperate. "He's alive?" He whispered. Sonya had her hands over her mouth.

Alex nodded, "barley."

Felix got the syringe out and jabbed it down into his chest, pressing his thumb on the release, the serum entering Newt's system. Alex sighed, and then looked at Captain Ronin.

"We need to get him back to the Berg. NOW!" She demanded. He looked skeptical. That made Alex's anger flair wildly. Her fists clenched and she could feel her face getting red. She stood up and stormed over to him.

"LOOK! THE LONGER WE STAND HERE THE LESS TIME WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM. AND IF HE IS DEAD I'M NOT LEAVING HIM THE SHUCK HERE TO ROT! SO HELP." She screamed, anger coursing through her small frame. Captain sighed in defeat. He picked up Newt, one arm under his legs and the other under his back. Newt's head flopped back.

"CAREFUL! WATCH HIS HEAD!" Gally yelled.

Alex spun around and ran, leading the group back to the Berg. It seemed to take forever. Captain Ronin kept pace quite well, considering he was carrying a 19 year old kid. Alex made it to the Berg first, sprinting with every last ounce of energy to get Dr Prior ready, leaving Minho and Sonya to guide the others.

"DOCTOR? DOCTOR PRIOR!" Alex screamed, scrambling up the ramp. "NEWT NEEDS HELP!"

Dr Prior met her at the entrance.

"Okay, breath. What's the matter? Give me the report." He said calmly.

"Gave him the serum. But he's got a knife to the chest. He was just barely breathing. Ronin has him, bringing him. We need to hurry. I can't lose him!" She cried, gasping for air. He nodded and spun back around scrambling to find his medical supplies and equipment. Alex followed.

The rest of the group came storming up the ramp Ronin in front carrying a bloody limp Newt.

"Lay him down over there." Dr Prior ordered, pointing to the medical corner Captain Ronin obeyed and gently laid him down on the Berg floor, near the wall. Dr Prior ripped the shirt away, the knife was stopping most of the blood from leaving, like a plug, but it was still seeping out.

"Okay, Alex I'll need your help. I have to pull this knife out and when I do it's going to bleed. A lot. I'll need you to put pressure on it. Ronin, grab me all the towels and linen, gauze... whatever you can find. Fry go with him." He ordered, everyone jumped to it. "Brenda!" He called. "Come here, help get this oxygen mask on! Alex, heart monitor now."

Brenda and Alex did as they were told. Everyone else backed up, giving them space to work. Alex went into herself. Focusing on her jobs, turning her mind off and letting her training kick in. She placed the last sticky electrode to his chest when clean white cloth appeared in front of her. Dr Prior had got everything else ready. He looked at Alex and Brenda.

"Girls, you ready. On three okay?" He gripped the knife. The girls had packed towels around the knife. He pulled and the knife came out in a shower of bright red. Alex pressed the towels down, leaning with all her body weight, putting pressure on the open wound. Brenda passed her another towel, the one she had was soaked already. Dr Prior was ready to clean and sterilize everything. He was holding what looked like a little sauntering gun.

"A wonderful piece of medical equipment that came with me from WICKED when I left." He smiled, "it will help cauterize the wound inside and slow the bleeding so I can stitch it." He explained. "Remove the towels please." Alex did as she was told. Dr Prior got to work. It was only a few minutes, and the bleeding slowed down considerably. Dr Prior started to stitch the skin together, when Alex noticed the heart rate monitor beep. She tapped it, but it didn't respond. The slow peeks were spreading out, and weren't as high.

"Dr Prior....?" Alex called, still watching the monitor. "DR PRIOR!" She screamed, panicking, "WE'RE LOSING HIM!" Dr Prior dropped the needle and thread and started pushing on his chest, which Alex had learned was called CPR. Dr Prior continued to push on his chest and breath for him. But the heart monitor didn't change from the flat line. Alex swung her head back and forth, thinking.

His heart needs to start! It needs a jump start! How do you jump start something...

Her head was swiveling around trying to think. Her eyes landed on Captain Ronin and traveled down to his belt. Her eyes went huge.

"Shoot me!" Alex whispered. No one moved. Dr Prior continued to try and start Newt's heart.

"Shoot me!" Alex said louder. Still looking at Captain Ronin. His eyes narrowed. Still no one moved.

"I said SHOOT ME! DAMMIT!" Alex screamed.

Minho stepped forward, "Alex, what...what are you-" Alex cut him off.

"His gun! Shoot me!" Her eyes went to his gun and back to Minho, pleading. She was still kneeling on the Berg floor covered in Newt's blood, pleading to be shot.

"Alex!" Screamed Sonya, who was being held back by Frypan.

"SHUCKEN SHOOT ME!" she screamed. Minho had turned and he snapped his eyes back to Alex, they were huge, realization and understanding flashed in his eyes. He lunged for the gun hanging on the Captain's belt, the captain tried to stop him but Minho was too quick. He snatched it and ducked under the attempted grab. Minho dropped to his knees and spun away, he lifted the gun as Sonya and Ronin screamed for him to stop. The blue ball of electricity hit her square in the chest.

Alex's pupils dilated, she felt a surge of energy and power. She spun on her knees, electricity jumping over her body.

"MOVE!" she screamed at the Doctor, who scrambled back quickly. Alex slid closer, and slammed her hands onto Newt's chest. Sending a jolt of electricity through him.

"Someone check his pulse!" She yelled. Dr Prior was back at her side, he checked for a heart beat. He shook his head.

"MOVE!" Alex yelled again. Her jaw set, eyes narrowed. She slapped her hands down onto his chest, his body jumped. Dr Prior checked again, and shook his head. He looked at her sadly.

"Minho!" Alex yelled. "When I say now, shoot me again!" She didn't explain further, she knew Minho would do it. He trusted her. Alex placed both hands on his chest, leaned on them, elbows locked, "NOW!" she felt the ball hit her back and the energy of the electricity courses through her and she closed her eyes, concentrating on moving the power down her arms and into Newt's chest. She felt his body jolt. "LIVE DAMMIT!" She screamed. She removed her hands quickly. She heard a tinny beep, she dared to hope, she looked at the monitor. There were a few little beeps and peeks...

Dr Prior was back, checking his pulse. He looked up at Alex, his mouth open and eyes wide.

"Is he okay?" Sonya whispered, Frypan still had his arms clamped around her waist. But he let go, Sonya dropped down on Newt's other side. Dr Prior just nodded. He checked Newt's breathing. It was ragged but he was alive.

"Pass me that bag behind you please dear." He said to Sonya, pointing to the shelf. Sonya scurried over and brought it over, Dr Prior pulled out some tubes and a canister and some other things. He quickly set it up and got the breathing tube set up, and he inserted a tube into Newt's mouth, and down his throat.

"It will provide proper oxygen for the time being. Once he is stable we can remove it and just have the mask." He explained. He also inserted an IV, and hung the bag of fluid and pain medication. Alex sat back, leaning on her hands the electricity had faded, and she was left with an overwhelming felling of exhaustion. Dr Prior went back to stitching his wound. She felt eyes on her, but she didn't want to talk about it. Some of them had heard rumors but never saw it, and for others it still freaked them out. She felt a hand on her head and it ran down the side of her face. Minho squatted in front of her. He didn't say anything, but his eyes said it all. He was proud of her, but also worried. He pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her, one hand on the back of her head. Her hands clenched onto his shirt. His other hand rubbed her bare back, making her his, the glass shards were still in there.

"Come on, I'll get those few glasses pieces out." Alex turned and with tweezers from Dr Prior, he pulled out a few of the glass slivers, it only took a few minutes.

Still don't have a shucken shirt! Almost tortured, escaped WICKED, ran through an exploding city, saved a life...and all while shirtless.

"Don't suppose there's an extra shirt kicken around..?" She asked, breaking the silence. The tension in the room broke and everyone chuckled. Something was chucked in her direction. Minho picked it up and handed it to her. She gratefully took it.

"Aww too bad. I prefer you without a shirt." He whispered into her ear, smirking at her.

"Hmm you and me both." She smirked back, her tummy doing a huge backflip.

"Shuck.. WICKED better not have cameras in those cells!" She muttered, going red.

Minho snickered at her.

She slipped the shirt over her head, and looked around.

"So..what now?" She asked. She was so busy with Newt she didn't pay attention to anything else. But now, she realized they were flying. There was a knock, everyone looked over.

"Vince?" Alex asked shocked, she slowly stood. Her legs were a little wobbly.

"Hey, it's good to see you, too, Alex." He nodded. A tight smile on his face. "Just came to let everyone know, we're not done yet. We saw Thomas run inside the WICKED compound. And he's still inside."

"Well, let's go get him then." Alex said, like the matter was settled. She marched out of the room and passed Vince.

"Hell yeah!" Brenda called behind her. She marched over to the co*ckpit of the Berg.

"Papi!" Alex squealed. She bounded over and hugged him from behind, and over his shoulder. He reached an arm back and patted her, "Mi Hija! You're back safe!"

She smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I am. But that dumbass is going to be the death of me. He went into WICKED, he went after Tes."

"You would have done the same thing had Newt not been in critical condition." He said.

"Touche." Alex nodded.

Minho, Sonya, Brenda, Kenzie, Fry, Harriet, Aris, Gally and Felix, Vince and Captain Ronin all crowded behind Jorge and Finn while they flew closer to a burning WICKED building.

Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Finish This

Chapter Text

The berg made it to WICKED. Jorge lowered the berg as much as possible. Finn pressed a button and the hatch at the back opened, Alex didn't see anything. They waited a few minutes. But nothing.

How would Thomas know we're here? He's inside the building..were outside with no way to communicate! Shuck this klunk.

She slipped through the group, Felix and Brenda were at the back, she grabbed their wrists and pulled them away from everyone. They willingly followed, giving her questioning looks.

"Bren, where's the coms? I'm taking one and going inside. Find Tommy and Tes." Alex stated, there was no room for arguments. She looked between the two. And sighed. "You two know how I operate. And won't try to stop me. Minho would try to stop me this time. So...I trust you two." They glanced at each other and sighed. It was true. Brenda handed her her ear com. And pulled another one out of her pocket.

"Ha! You have Kenzie's? Slick." Alex chuckled.

"You have my what?" Kenzie asked, sliding onto the group, her eyebrow raised.

"Your com." Alex stated flatly. Crossing her arms.

"Uh huh....let me guess. Your going in to look for Tommy, while these two cover for you, and you're taking an ear com so you can find us and get back out?" Kenzie summed up as she also crossed her arms and stuck a hip out.

Alex grinned evilly.

"Nice. Suicide Squad mission number 3?" She fist pumped into the air. "Oh and your now Firefight Felix, welcome to the Suicide Squad."

"Umm, Thanx?" Felix said unsure as he looked at Brenda and Alex.

"Just ignore her, she's a bit crazy." Brenda said, rolling her eyes.

Kenzie huffed, "I'm NOT crazy! Dr Prior had me tested! It's just the unmedicated ADHD!"

"Ya...okay. Well, here" Felix handed her a knife from his belt and his gun and security pass, "you'll probably need these." Alex took them gratefully. She fit the ear com in and nodded.

" discreet! At least until I'm gone!" Alex whispered. The three nodded and went back to the group.

There was still nothing to see, Alex pushed her way to the very front. The berg was hovering just over the rooftop and she could see a door leading into the building. She didn't think. She leapt off the berg. She flew through the air, at the last second she tucked her body, her feet hit solid ground and rolled a few times on the rough top, she came up running, sprinting towards the door, she slowed down enough to swing the door open. And sprinted down the stairs. Level 5..she kept going...level 4...she continued down the stairs, taking two at a time. Level 3. She had a gut feeling Tommy and Tes were on this level. She yanked the door open and sprinted down the hall. It was just like yesterday she was running through this hall looking for she was searching for Tommy and Tes.

It WAS yesterday you shuck face!

She slowed at an intersection of halls. The building was eerily quiet. Sure there was a blaring siren and explosions in the distance, but there were no people. No soldiers or guards. No doctors or other WICKED personals.

She took a chance and went to the right. Straight in front was where the "sleeping quarters". She knew the labs and testing rooms were to the right. She slowed down, her head swiveled from side to side. She pulled Felix's gun out. Her senses were telling her she was getting close. She heard a scream and something shattering


She took off running again, towards the noise. In one of the testing labs she saw Janson and Teresa struggling. She saw Thomas desperately trying to undo the restraints holding him to a chair. Janson easily pushed Teresa off, and over a table, she slid over the top and landed with another crash she on the ground.

"TES!" Alex screamed, she lunged towards Jason with a wild scream. Janson whirled around and Thomas froze, staring wide eyed at the turn of events. Alex lunged at Janson, smacking him in the jaw with her gun, Jason stabled backwards. Holding his jaw with both hands. Thomas finally got the strap holding him down undone and he scrambled out of the chair and over to Teresa who was moaning, trying to get up. Janson found his footing again and with his own wild scream, he pounced at Alex.

She was quick enough to dodge him and he landed with a crash on a trolley of medical supplies. Thomas had helped Teresa to her feet and was supporting her.

"GO!" Alex screamed. Thomas hesitated, but when Alex screamed again for them to go he listened and dragged Teresa with him out of the room. Janson screamed and scrambled to his feet, facing Alex.

"YOU!" He screamed. His face was twisted in a manic rage. His eyes were black, and Alex could see dark veins peeking from under his high neck sweater.

"Ya. Me. Again. Always causing you trouble." Alex answered. She saw out of the corner of her eye Thomas and Teresa made it down the hall.

"Come on you sewer rat! It's time to exterminate the rodent problem!" Alex taunted. Janson screamed at her, spit flying from his mouth. He jumped towards her, but again she was faster, she ducked under him and slammed the end of the gun into his face. Janson stumbled, with a howl of pain, Alex took the opportunity to run out of the room, following Thomas and Teresa down the hall. Alex paused at the doorway, she spun around, brought her gun up and fired, she hit him in the shoulder. It didn't seem to slow him down, his crazed crank brain had one goal, and that was to kill her. She turned and ran after Thomas and Tes. Janson came stumbling out of the room after them. A shot rang out and a bullet missed her head hitting a light above her, causing glass to explode.


Another shot rang out. Alex felt white hot pain. It ripped through her side. She stumbled and screamed in agony. Thomas slowed and stopped, he turned around, Teresa following, they raced back towards Alex. Alex had dropped to her knees, gasping with the pain.

I was shot! Janson shot me! The SHUCKEN BLOODY SEWER RAT SHOT ME!

"He..shot me!" Alex hissed through clenched teeth.

"Ya Captain Obvious, he sure did." Thomas sassed as he hoisted her up and threw an arm over his shoulder. Alex yelp in pain at the movement. Teresa doing the same.

"In here!" Teresa whispered, they ducked into a lap, and placed Alex onto the floor. Hidden from the big glass windows. Teresa grabbed some gauze from a cart of medical supplies, "Here. Here!" She handed Thomas some, "Just put pressure on it." She directed him and she reached for more.

The pain was so intense. It burnt and stung and throbbed all at the same time. She could feel her hands going numb.

"Hold it." Teresa said again. Alex gasped in pain, when Thomas put pressure on it.

"You gotta go... You gotta go." She tried to push them away, "They are waiting for us on the roof....go!"

"No. Not without you!" Teresa said, there was a fire in her eyes. She was determined, the timid Tes she met in the Glad was gone, replaced by a determined, slightly stubborn, strong capable young woman. Going through almost a year of torture would change someone.

They heard Janson enter the lab, he was cackling, it was wet and riddled with a wet hacking cough.

"I admit, Teresa, you had me fooled. I thought we were friends...." Teresa shivered, a look for disgust on her face.

"I'm not friends with rodents." She yelled.

"Maybe it's just in your nature to betray the people closest to you." He laughed again.

"Only if you force me to, you ugly sewer rat! And we are NOT close!" She called. Anger behind her voice, giving it strength.

"Come on. Let's not prolong this. We both know there's no way outta here." He paused. Thomas was still holding the cloth to Alex's side. She was trying to breathe quietly, but she kept gasping and whimpering every time she moved.

"Let's not make this any more painful than it needs to be." They could hear Janson slowly moving forward. His feet crunching over broken glass.

"You shucken shot me! It's pretty painful you idiot!" Alex called. Thomas took Alex's hand, and placed it over the cloth and gauze. "Hold it." He whispered. Him and Teresa looked at each other and then at Alex.

"We started this together..." Thomas said quietly.

"Let's end it together!" Alex whispered back. With every effort she pulled herself into a crouch, without making noise. She had to clamp her eyes closed as tears threatened to fall, the pain seared through her body again. Thomas crawled to the left while Teresa went to the right.

"Leave them alone." Teresa called from the one end of the room.

"What is it with you three? Huh? You think they're so special? She's a lab rat. A science experiment gone wrong! And somehow she can save the world! She doesn't deserve it! And he was born with a gift! He never had to fight for it, he never earned it! He doesn't deserve it." Janson screamed.

He had walked into the middle of the lab. He was only a desk away from Alex. She bunched up the bottom of her shirt and shoved it into her mouth, knowing it was going to hurt. She moved as quickly as she could. She crawled around the table and slowly around him, towards the door, as he continued to look for them, moving towards the back. She had to stop, the pain flared again, almost blinding her. She moaned into the bunched up shirt. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Maybe. But it's mine!" Thomas called from the other side of the room.

"What about you, Alex? What do you have to say? Don't you have enough blood on your hands already?" He cackled.

Alex struggled to stand up, Thomas and Teresa doing the same when they saw her stand. Alex had to lean on the desk, blood seeped over her hand, as she held her side. With her other hand she clumsily pulled her knife out. Janson turned, a manic glee in his black eyes. A twisted smile on his face. The blood from her gun shot oozed out soaking his white sweater.

"How many times do I have to kill you, so you stay dead?" Alex hissed. She had to bend forward, leaning on the table for support.

"Fine. Have it your way!" He raised his gun but Alex had straightened up and thrown her knife. Thomas had pulled the trigger of his gun, at the same time Teresa threw a desk chair.

Alex's knife hit Janson right in the middle of his chest. Thomas's bullet and Teresa's chair hit the glass wall behind Janson.

"You missed!" Was all he said. Thomas and Teresa looked at each other,

"Did we?"

There was a loud crack, and then another, it sounded like ice breaking. Alex looked over Janson's shoulder, behind the glass wall were three fully gone cranks. Thomas's bullet and Theresa chair had made cracks in the thick glass, the cranks banging on the glass made it worse.

"It's called Karma you Sewer Rat" Alex hissed, "and it's pronounced HAHA SHUCK YOU!" Alex yelled.

Janson had collapsed to his knees, the knife in his chest had hit a vital organ. There was no recovery from this knife wound.

Thomas scrambled away from the wall, Teresa doing the same. The glass cracks were getting bigger. They hurried over to Alex who had sunk to her knees. They each grabbed an arm and pulled her away.

"Time to go!" Thomas yelled. They turned and hurried to the door, pulling it open they finally heard the glass shatter and the unmistakable sounds of cranks screaming. Alex turned her head as Thomas and Teresa pulled her down the hall, she saw Janson on his knees, clutching at the knife sticking out of his chest and the cranks pouncing on him, ripping him apart.

Thomas and Teresa half carried and half supported Alex down the hall.

"Tommy!" Alex panted. "Use the com. Tell them...we're coming." Thomas pulled it out of her pocket. While they scrambled to the back stairs something exploded, the windows around them shattered, the building shook. Alex slipped out of their hands and she slid to the floor, on her one hand and knees, and one hand holding her side. The blood hadn't stopped, she was going to bleed out if she didn't get to the Berg.

"Hey! Anyone there?" Thomas yelled into the coms. Teresa scrambled to her feet and over to Alex. Tears ran down her face. "Come on! Up you get Alex!" She ordered. She pulled Alex to her feet again.

"HEY! ANYONE THERE!" Thomas screamed again into the coms. Thomas rushed after them. They were all unsteady on their feet. The building was rocking.

Something else exploded.

"Up. On the roof...they will...get us..." Alex said quietly. Her vision was fuzzy, her breathing was more labored.

Thomas and Teresa got her up the stairs to level 4.

"Guys....please...just go! It's okay...." Her head flopped back.

Everything shucken hurts! Just make it stop!

"No! Alex, we are NOT leaving anyone behind!" Teresa said firmly, stomping her foot.

"I'm...just guys..down." She whimpered again. The blood was soaking her pants now, it just kept coming, her eyes were fluttering closed.

"SHUCK NO! You hear me Alexandria!" Thomas growled in her face.

Alex opened her eyes, she never heard him use her full name. His face was angry, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, he grabbed her chin, and made her look at him.

"I didn't come all this way to lose you. You stupid shank of a pain in ass little sister! I didn't take a bullet for you, just for you to give up now. Minho is on that shucken berg! Brenda and Kenzie are on the berg! Same with Jorge! So get your shanky ass up! And let's go!"

" need to get...bossy!" Alex panted. Her stomach was feeling really sick.

"Good that!" He huffed. He picked her up, after a failed attempt to get her legs working.

"Tommy..." she whispered, he was carrying her up the stairs now, holding her bride style, soaking him in blood now.

"What?" He huffed.

" alive!" She paused to catch her breath, "he was...when I jumped off the berg..." he didn't say anything, just kept climbing. Teresa right behind him. He kicked the door open. They made it onto the roof. There at the end, still hovering in the same spot was their Berg. The building shook again as another explosion went off, the building shook so much Thomas dropped Alex. She fell to the ground in a scream of pain. They scrambled to help her up. Alex's vision was clouded, and blurry. Her hands and legs were numb. She was hot and cold at the same time.

They pulled and carried, stumbled and fell towards the Berg. The building was shaking and swaying. Alex could just make out Vince in a harness, leaning as far as he could out the back of the Berg. Thomas lay Alex down, and pulled Teresa to the edge.

"ON THREE!" He shouted. Teresa gulped and nodded.

"One. Two...THREE!" Thomas yelled and helped toss her to Vince. He grabbed her and pulled her up, into the arms of everyone behind him. Thomas turned back to Alex. Who was barely conscious, hardly breathing.

"Go Tommy." Her ragged breath caught in her throat as she met beautiful coffee brown eyes. They were wide with terror, he was screaming, but she couldn't hear anything anymore. She smiled, happy she could see something beautiful before she closed her eyes for the last time, forever.

"I'll be okay." She whispered.

"Alex-" Thomas pleased.

"GO DAMMIT! THE BUILDING IS COLLAPSING!" She screamed, which caused her to cough, and the cough brought up a bit of blood. With a wild sob, Thomas turned and ran. Ran away from her, towards the Berg, and he leapt off the roof, his hands out and grabbed onto Vince, who pulled him up. Alex smiled, everyone she loved was safe. She closed her eyes and lay her head back down. Taking a ragged shallow breath.

I love you Minho.

Somewhere over the rainbow, Chuck!

Chapter 25: Chapter 24: The End

Chapter Text

Alex had closed her eyes with a smile on her lips, Minho in her mind she let the blackness take her.

Except there was a surge of energy and adrenaline. She could feel it flowing through her body. Alex's eyes flew open. She pushed herself up onto her elbow. Her eyes focusing, blinking away the black spots and clouds. Minho stood in front of everyone, holding a gun, which was pointed at her.

"GET UP!" He screamed. Alex tried, everything was still numb and shaking, her legs were jello, and the swaying building didn't help.

"COME ON ALEX!" He screamed again, desperately, Frypan and Captain Ronin were holding him so he wouldn't leap out, Felix and Brenda had Sonya. Alex stumbled, falling to her knees. Blood still seeped from her side, her hand was coated, slick with blood. She tried to get to her feet.

"COME ON! ALMOST THERE!" She saw Sonya pleading, yelling for her to come.

Alex knew there wasn't a lot of time left. The building was crumbling. All the supports were gone in the explosions.

"MOVE YOUR ASS SUNSHINE!" Minho yelled again, tears in his eyes.

"COME ON SOLDIER! MOVE IT!" She heard Captain Ronin hollard at her.

"MI HIJA!" Jorge called from the co*ckpit.

Minho pulled the trigger again. A ball of electricity hit her in the stomach. She stumbled, falling onto her hands, she closed her eyes for a second. Feeling the quick release of energy and adrenaline in her veins.

"Come on Shaket! You pinky promised me to get out! No GET OUT!" Whispered the voice of Chuck.

"Alex. You need to get up. You have a job to do! Don't be a lazy Shanket now! You didn't make it all the way here to lay down and die" Alby demanded, "Get your shank ass up and move it!"

"Come on Alex! I know you can do it! You're so close!!" Cheered Matt.

She heard all her boys, everyone she lost over the last year and a half, she could hear Bark too. Everyone cheering for her, screaming for her to keep fighting.

"Alex. You're not done yet! Come on! Get up!" Chuck said, she could see his chubby crooked smile, as he nodded his head, his curls bouncing.

"I know you can do it. I know it hurts, but come on!" Jeff and Clint called.

"Come on Shanket!" Winston encouraged.

"Chloe still needs you. Please Alex…please get up!" Zach pleaded.

"Do it for us, senorita!" Padro smiled.

"Come on! Your running out of time!" Alby demanded, in his grouchy voice.

"Alex." Chuck said again, "I love you…but I don't want you over this rainbow yet. They still need you. NOW MOVE YOUR ASS SHE-BEAN!"

With a scream that came from deep within her, there came a drive and need to live. She wanted a sunset date with Minho. She wanted to see Newt wake up, she wanted to get to know her sister. She wanted to have mini Minho's running around.

Her eyes flew open, she got up on shaking legs, half running and half stumbled towards Vince, who was leaning halfway out the berg. With whatever remaining strength she could muster and a guttural scream, she leapt off the roof as the last of the supports gave way and the building collapsed. She reached both her hands out. Hands grabbed her wrist. She was dangling over a fiery explosion, being held by two sweaty hands, her slick with blood. She felt herself being pulled up. She screamed in pain. She felt more hands grab her, helping Vince pull her. She was now halfway up. They pulled her over the ledge.

She collapsed into someone's arms. All the adrenaline and strength gone. She felt her body being picked up. But she didn't have any strength left, not even to open her eyes.




She felt herself being rushed away, and heard the door of the Berg close.

Before she gave into the sweet seduction of darkness she whispered "Thanks Chuck…Thank you guys…my boys…"

Minho POV

Vince grabbed her, with a wild yell. He strained to pull her up, she was slipping. Captain Ronin dove to help. He could hear her screaming, he was probably screaming too, everything seemed quiet and fuzzy. Then he saw her, being pulled over the ledge. She was so pale, her firey hair matched her red soaked shirt and pants. He collapsed to his knees, as the guys pulled her inside she collapsed, into his arms, he cried. He had her back.

He picked her up and ran down the berg to where Dr Prior was still with an unconscious Newt.

"DR PRIOR! WE NEED YOU!" He screamed.

He looked down and Alex had closed her eyes, but they wouldn't open back up, he shook her.

"NO! SUNSHINE! WAKE UP! PLEASE!" He screamed again as he shook her more, desperately pleading with her.


It was so quiet, like a small exhale of breath. But he heard it! She had said his name. Dr Prior stood up and whipped around, his eyes wide and mouth open. As Minho lay her down beside her brother, she whispered something else, "Thanks Chuck…Thank you guys…my boys…"

Minho didn't care what she was saying, as long as she was still talking. He collapsed to the floor and held her cold hand and Dr Prior, Brenda and now Captain Ronin worked to save Alex's life.

Everyone was crowded around watching, Jorge had got them away from the dangerous part of the city and left Finn to fly them straight ahead, back to their base camp. Jorge came rushing over. He knelt down beside Minho, Sonya had dropped beside him too. She wrapped her arms around Minho's arm, and Jorge had pulled Minho into a side hug. Minho didn't even care. He lay his head down on the man's shoulder and closed his eyes. Praying, pleading she would be ok.

It felt like years. But Dr Prior finally looked up. With a satisfied smile.

"She will be alright. The bullet missed any major organs. It was easy enough to stop the bleeding and stitch her up. She lost a lot of blood. She just needs rest. Her high rate of healing will definitely help. She will make a full recovery…physically."

Minho and Sonya both released the breath they were holding. Minho felt his body sag in relief.

"I suggest everyone rest until we get back. It will be about a 2-3hr flight." Dr Prior suggested, Vince nodded.

No one really wanted to move. The berg was full of kids they rescued and now two of their core group were fighting their lives. Frypan came over and knelt beside him.

"It's good to see ya man!" He said quietly, patting Minho's back. Minho smiled tiredly at him.

"You too man! Shucken good to see you!"

"Hmm. Looks like you could use a few good square meals, beef you back up, ya?" He eyed Minho. "And some more hair gel!"

Minho scoffed, "excuse me? But I think this new tortured look is real IN these days. Everyone is wearing it!"

"Nah, it's a fade, it'll pass. Just like skinny jeans on guys." Frypan teased. They smiled at each other. Fry patted his shoulder again. "It's really good to see ya. Now, get some rest. These two are gonna need you soon." He nodded at Alex and Newt.

"Here, she asked me to hold these for her, but I'll give them to you now." He held out his hand and gave Minho Chuck's statue and the rock he gave her back in the Slammer.

"She still has them?" He asked in disbelief.

Fry nodded. "Never saw her without it, with you gone...Man...we were scared for her, she really went off the deep end!"

He got up and walked away, he sat down beside Sonya who smiled brightly when he turned to talk to her.

There was someone else who tapped him on the shoulder. He turned his head and saw a blond head and bright brown eyes. "So, your Mr McDreamy boyfriend she pinned over for like ever." She stared as she plunked down beside him.

"That would be me! And let me guess. Krazy Killer Kenzie, snipper in the Suicide Squad. Not crazy, just unmedicated ADHD?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

She smiled deviously. And then winked. "She told you?"

"Yep." He popped the p. "We were locked in a cell together after a wonderful date of torture, not much we could do." He leaned back against the berg wall, feeling it vibrating.

Kenzie smirked at him, "oh I could think of a few other things you could have done…you hadn't seen each other in quite a while…left alone…"

Minho threw his head back and laughed, a deep belly laugh. A laugh so loud and strong others turned to look. He hadn't laughed like this since before WICKED.

"You DEFINITELY hung out with Alex. For way too long!" He wheezed.

"I told her I was a bad influence." A quit raspy voice whispered.

Minho and Kenzie turned so fast they probably got whiplash. Minho scrambled to his knees and crawled over. Alex was slowly blinking up at him.

"I'm…sorry." She whispered, closing her eyes again.

Kenzie got up, patting his shoulder, "I'll leave you to do your McDreamy boyfriend duties." She walked away, leaving Minho and Alex alone.

"What do you mean by sorry? Sorry for not telling me your dumbass plan? Sorry for jumping out a shucken berg? Sorry for disappearing for 15 minutes? What are you sorry for Alex?" He asked her, harsher then he intended to be. But what she did scared the klunk out of him. Ya her jump, tuck and roll was smooth and graceful, sliding straight into a sprint…sure it was shucken hot…and a total badass Dragon Warrior move, but, she still scared him. He thought he lost her, again. He definitely wouldn't have let her go!

Maybe that's why she didn't tell me…

"No. I'm not sorry for that." She whispered again. Minho's eyes widened in surprise. He grabbed her cold hand, engulfing it in his. He gently brushed some hair from her feverish forehead.

"Then what are you shucken sorry for Sunshine?"

She took a small ragged breath, and looked at him with tears in her eyes, "...for giving up."

"What?" He stammered. He wasn't expecting that kind of answer.

"I was ready to meet everyone, over the rainbow…I told Tommy to go, and leave me. I made him. And I was ready to leave this shucked up place forever. I'm so tired, Minho. So…tired." A tear slid down her face into her hair.

Minho held back a sob. He couldn't imagine a world without her. She couldn't leave, not now, not when they escaped death again. Not when the WICKED complex was finally ashes and rubble.

"..Alex…" he choked. He didn't know what to say. He leaned down and placed his forehead on her chest gently. "You can't! You can't leave! I won't let you!"

He felt a hand on the back of his head. He sat up, and she wiped a tear from his cheek. She gave him a small smile.

"No. Not yet. Chuck made me pinky promise him, Alby wouldn't let me either…none of them would let me." She paused and let a few tears slid down into her hair again. "You're stuck with me shuck face." She said quietly.

Minho didn't really understand, but he didn't push it. He held her hand tighter, "Good. Cuz I still owe you a date, and we have a none white house to build on the beach, away from the city."

"Hmmm. Good that, Love." She closed her eyes.

A blanket was tossed at his head, he looked over and saw Thomas chucking another one at him, with a nod. He pulled the blanket over Alex, careful of the IV in her arm. He lay down beside her, pulling the blanket over them both, and slid as close to her as he could without hurting her, content to have her beside him.

"Sleep sunshine, I'll protect you."

She hummed contently, and with a smile she whispered, "I know."

The end.

Chapter 26: Chapter 25: Made it


****** EPILOGUE *****

Chapter Text

Alex and Newt were still too unstable to move, so Jorge landed the berg on the huge deck of the ship, and left the hatch wide open. All the kids that the Right Arm had rescued over the year, all piled into the ship, all of the Right Arm, and other civilians they had accumulated over the years, all their equipment and supplies, everything was loaded onto the ship. With a last look at
the main land the ship left. Bringing them further away from the broken sicknesses of the world and closer to freedom and safety. According to Vince the trip should take a few days. They were heading to a place he called The Safehaven. As long as it was far away from WICKED Minho didn't care.

He didn't really do much, same with Teresa. They both had proper medical exams done by Dr Prior, and were told they needed rest and proper food. In a few days physical exercises, once their bodies had a chance to rest. He also talked to them about their mental health. Informing them they would have a longer journey to heal from the trama done to them, especially Minho's.

He was told if he was unsure or confused, take a few deep breaths, find someone he trusts and ask. Ask if what he was remembering or seeing was real or not real. He would also want to see him once a week, to talk things through. Minho agreed reluctantly, he didn't want to admit his nightmares were still bad, and didn't want to admit how shucked up he felt. But surprisingly it was Gally who told him to do it. He was seeing Dr Prior and it was helping him quite a bit, he also mimicked Alex "it's okay to not be okay."

Newt's vitals were getting better, he was off the ventilator, and just a mask. And Alex was now able to sit up and walk around in small increments.

On the third day of their voyage, Alex was sitting beside Newt, holding his hand when she noticed something. She pulled his shirt sleeve up and she gasped.

"DR PRIOR!" She screamed, "DR PRIOR! NOW! PLEASE!"

Dr Prior came racing up the Berg ramp followed by Brenda, Jorge, Minho, Thomas and Sonya.

"What? What's wrong Alex?" He called running.

"Look!" Was all she could get out. There on his wrist where the black veins had originated, were starting to creep its way back up his arm. They had noticed the day following his rescue the veins had lightened back to their original blue and started to disappear. For a full two days he was free of black veins. But they were back, slowly creeping up his arm.

"No no no! This can't happen! Why didn't it work?" Alex asked desperately. The Doctor had knelt down beside Newt, examining his arm and the rest of his vitals.

"Hmmm. Interesting." Was all he said.


She was ready to pounce on him, she was angry. Her hands were clenching and unclenching into fists, and her muscles were stuffing. Minho, reading her body language, wrapped her up in his arms, holding her tight, making sure she wouldn't attack the one doctor they had, who could help.

He didn't flinch away, but calmly opened a syringe, and inserted the pain medicine into Newt's IV.

"What is interesting, Alex, is that I used the serum we were working on, but used Sonya's blood, thinking because you were twins it would be the same, having the same antibodies excreta. But I guess, because of WICKED, they really did make you into the savior of humanity…look at Brenda here. With your blood mixed with just the proto type the Right Arm had she has been crank free for a full year. Newt only had 2 days." He explained it so calmly Alex relaxed into Minho and listened. He paused and turned to her, holding a few empty vials and a needle, "so, with your permission. May I take some of your blood? I promise will not drain you like a human juice box."

Alex snorted, her face broke into a small smile, "you've hung out with me too long."

"That I have my dear" his lip curled into a smile. "Now, do I have your permission?"

Alex nodded. She sat down on the floor, holding an arm out for him. The Doctor tied a rubber band around her arm, and inserted the needle into her arm. Bright red blood flowed out, into the tube, filling up a few big vials. Once they were full, he pressed some gauze over it and slid the needle out.

"There. Thank you. Now I'll mix our serum with your blood and we will see what happens. He's sedated for now. I will be a few minutes."

He got up and left, leaving everyone else behind. Alex pulled her knees gingerly to her chest, placing her chin on her knees. She felt Minho and Sonya scooch closer. Thomas and Brenda, and Jorge. also came and sat beside them, all of them waiting anxiously, quietly.

Dr Prior came back with a satisfied smile. "Okay, a gift of science and a gift of biology, together they make a miracle." He knelt down and gave Newt the new serum, mixed with Alex's blood.

Nothing dramatic happened. But Alex felt a little calmer. Brenda was fine Newt should be too. They just had to wait and see. Newt's body had to fight off a deadly disease and heal from the knife wound. Alex sighed, running a hand through her hair, it was so tangled, still had blood and sweat from their escape.

"Min, I really need a shower. Are there showers here, I haven't left the deck, walking still is exhausting."

"Ya, come on. And then I'll take you to Fry. He's in the mess hall …or whatever it's called." He held out a hand, and helped her to her feet and together they walked down the ramp and he escorted her to the showers.

Sonya leaned in to Thomas, Brenda and Jorge and whispered, "we taking bets on when the engagement will happen?" She raised an eyebrow.

Brenda held out a hand, and shook Sonya's. "You're on Sis. I say more than two years."

"Really? That long?" Thomas asked, surprised, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm with Tommy on this, that's too long. He'll pop the question within a year, for sure. He seems like when he knows what he wants he goes all in." Sonya said with a nod and folded her arms.

Jorge chuckled, "I think I'm with the other two on this Bren. Engaged early ..but wait for the wedding…" The four all shook hands. Brenda and Thomas arguing all the way down the ramp and down to the mess hall.

Sonya leaned in to Jorge, "when will those two admit it and start dating?"

It was another day before the ship made it to The Safehaven. Alex stood on the deck, holding the rail, when she felt someone behind her. She flinched.

"Hey, it's just me." Minho said quietly. "It's just me. It's okay, you're okay."

Alex relaxed, and leaned back into him, he wrapped his arms around her and leaned his chin on top of her head. They stood watching their new home come closer and closer.

"So. This is it, hey. No more running. No more fighting. No more WICKED." Alex said, as she tilted her head up, to look at him. He hummed and kissed her forehead. They both looked back at The Safehaven.

It looked like a huge island, with a huge big beach, it was lush and green, and full of life. Alex could see green rolling hills, a possible valley in between, the hills were surrounded by a big thick forest, trees that thrived with life and health and further back, huge rocky mountains stretching up to the sky. It was beautiful. And this is where they were going to call home. Where they could build a house, watch the sunset, maybe have a family, not have to watch friends and family die. Alex smiled contently for the first time since the mountain ledge on their first night with the Right Arm. She rested her head on Minho's chest, and closed her eyes.

With everyone's help, unloading the ship didn't take long, and getting a few makeshift shelters set up went fast, with Gally and Vince in charge of building, Captain Ronin took a small team to explore the area near by which included Minho, Thomas Alex, Kenzie, Finn, Brenda, Felix and Jorge.

While Frypan and Sonya started to get settled in the kitchen with the help of Chloe. Dr Prior, his assistant Amy, and Teresa stayed to set up the Med Hut, and to monitor Newt. His vitals were strong. The black veins had receded and hadn't come back, so far. Everyone was hopeful, but they couldn't be sure until he woke up. Alex had asked again that morning before they moved him from the berg to the Med hut that evening.

"Not sure. His body is healing from traumatic events. Not everyone was blessed with your ability to heal."

"A blessing! Ha, Doc I'm the embodiment of a shucked up science experiment!" Alex scoffed.

"Mmm. But you have saved 2 lives already with your blood, and countless others with your abilities."

"I wasn't blessed. I was forced."

"Yes. Yes you were. And I'm very sorry."

Minho had been quiet all day and seemed jumpy. The group found out from Thomas after he was flattened. Minho was busy doing something and Thomas tapped his shoulder, Minho yelled, spun around and threw a fist. And then backed into the wall, his chest heaving.

"Slim it man! It's just me!" Thomas groaned as he picked himself up off the floor. "You and Alex both need to slim it ..also don't sneak up on either of you…"

Minho had to blink a few times, and then when he realized he flattened Thomas, he smiled sheepishly, "sorry man.. didn't mean to." He held a hand out to pull him up.

The other kids they had rescued were setting in. Kenzie and Finn, Harriet and Aris sort of took over, setting them up with places to sleep, and possible job stations. By the end of the day, The Safehaven started to feel like The Glad. Everyone had a part and everyone was expected to help.

It was a long day. Everyone turned in early. Hammocks were set up in the trees and Right Arm tents set up. Alex was sitting against a tree just enjoying the peace when something soft was thrown at her. She looked down to see a blanket. She looked up confused, Minho was striding towards her, a small smirk on his face.

"Come on sunshine, I have something to show you." He held a hand out for her, she took it and he pulled her to her feet. When she stood up, they were only a few inches from each other. His eyes crinkled into half moons when he smiled down at her, his little smirk never leaving his lips. Alex's tummy did a few back flips. She still couldn't believe he was standing in front of her.

During the day she would drop what she was doing only to spin in circles trying to find him. Just to see him, make sure he was still there, and it wasn't all just a figment of her imagination. But he was real. And he was looking at her like she was his most prized possession, something beautiful and fragile.

He slowly and gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and then continued to trail his finger down her jaw and neck, his hand slid to the back of her neck and he leaned down, just as Alex pushed up onto her tiptoes. Meeting him in the middle. Both their eyes fluttered closed, savoring the moment. But just as Alex reached up to hold him, he pulled away with a sly smirk and whispered "Come on, and bring the blanket."

With a questioning look, she grabbed the blanket and followed him through the little trail in the forest.

"Where are we going?' she asked.

"Somewhere." He said, he looked over his shoulder at her, she raised an eyebrow and he just winked. She sighed knowing he wasn't going to say anything, so she resigned herself to follow.

The trail was getting dark, she tripped a few times over low branches. She was getting really annoyed now.

Where the shuck are we going?

"Minho!" She whined, as her shines hit another branch.

He stopped, and spun around, and without warning he swooped her up.

"Better?" He asked, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Better." She nodded, "but where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." And he kept walking. It was another 5 minutes before he placed her back down on the ground. He stepped in front of her, and folded his arms.

"Okay, I need you to close your eyes and don't open them until I say so."

"Are you going to kill me? Cuz we're pretty deep in the forest…and no one is around." She teased.

"Nah, that's too much work. I'd have to dig a hole and then bury you, destroy all the evidence. I'm too lazy for all that." He threw his hands into the air. She snickered.

Alex stepped closer, batting her eyelashes, she ran her hand up his chest and she leaned in, dropping her voice a little she whispered seductively in his ear, "I can think of a few other things to do so far away from everyone, alone in a dark forest…" she nibbled his ear, as she heard him hum in the back of his throat.

"Shuck it Sunshine!" He growled. Alex smirked.

Minho shook his head. "Close your eyes." He demanded, but his voice sounded rough. Alex did as he asked. She closed her eyes. Minho grabbed her hands and pulled her forward, he led her a little ways. She felt them round a bend. He then made them stop, she felt him move and stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head,

"Okay. Open them." Alex could hear the smile behind his words.

She opened her eyes and gasped.

Chapter 27: Chapter 26: Time will heal

Chapter Text

Alex opened her eyes to the sweetest surprise. Sitting in a small clearing from the forest around them was a small beach, tucked away from the main beach, Minho had a picnic set up. There were snacks, and drinks, and a little bonfire going already. Alex's mouth dropped.

"I owe you a date, Sunshine." Minho murmured into her hair. Alex spun around to face him, she flung her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. Minho pulled her close, one hand on her back the other on the back of her neck, deepening their kiss. A tingling warmth spread through her body, it made her feel giddy and excited for their future. Who knew what the future held, but they were finally able to be together and in a place to call home.

Minho broke their kiss, panting. He placed his forehead on hers, "so you like it?" He almost seemed shy and unsure.

"Are you kidding? Babe! This is the sweetest most romantic thing I can remember!"

"Well that bar is set pretty low then!" Minho chuckled at her.

"Ha! True. But I doubt we had a lot of romantic moments in WICKED." She chuckled, kissing him quickly. "When did you have time to do this?" She asked while grabbed his hand and walking down to the beach.

He smirked, "I may have had a little help." He sat down and patted the blanket, Alex plunked down beside him, amazed at all the little details he put into this. There were wild flowers, some fresh berries they found in their exploration this morning, a few of Fry's cookies, and two jars of Gally's 'secret recipe', the bonfire was already going with extra fresh cut wood stacked neatly beside. She had a smile from ear to ear.

"I haven't been this happy since our talk on the ledge. Minho, this is perfect!" She still couldn't believe he did all this without her knowing.

"Just wait, look " he nodded to something behind her. She turned her and gasped again. The sun was setting, shooting the last rays of sun through the clouds. Making the sky light up in soft pinks, oranges, purples and blues.

"...Minho...!" She couldn't say anything, her voice got stuck in her throat. A tear slid down her cheek.

"Sunset on the beach. I crossed my heart, and I always keep my promises." He said quietly, pulling her close end kissing her temple.

"I love you, Shuck Face."

"I love you too Sunshine."

They were quiet for a while, enjoying the peacefulness. The wind rustling the leaves behind them, the soft crash of waves on the sand, Minho's strong heartbeat against her good ear. She sighed constantly, as Minho wrapped an arm around her.

He handed her one of the jars, "A toast?" He chuckled, as he raised his jar.

"To those we lost to get us here, and to our future!" Alex said quietly, raising hers. They smiled at each other.

"Huh, Gally really improved his recipe!" She laughed as she took another sip, "doesn't taste like..."

"Pee?" Minho suggested with a snort.

They both laughed.

"Remember my first bonfire and I had to fight Gally? Man. That feels like SO long ago!" Alex smiled at the memory.

"Ya, I remember you kept getting back up, and then you're ridiculous one line! What was it again?"

"I could do this all day!" She giggled.

"Yeah, that was it! That got Gally's respect...and most of the Gladers, that night." He had a dreamy look on his face thinking about that night so long ago.

"Ya..And what about you? When Did I get yours?" She raised a challenging eyebrow at him.

"Hmmm. Probably when you mouthed off to Gal when he called you short and a slopper...though you told us you went looking for a weapon in the box..that was pretty badass ..oh! Or when you sassed Frypan! Oh man, so good!"

They spent the rest of the evening laughing, remembering happy memories, Minho told her stories about before she was there, she told him about her adventures with the Right Arm. She told him about the one time her and Thomas had to stop a supply truck in the middle of the night and they forgot their weapons in the tent and had to use a rock, and her hair band, making a slingshot and her hoodie string as a garrote.

"Shuck sakes girl! Definitely don't piss you off!"

Alex smiled evilly at him, but batted her eyelashes, "I'm so cute and tinny no one sees me coming!"

She told him the time when they got tipsy one night and Thomas and Newt waltzed around the camp, much to the annoyance of Vince. She told him about her predictions of Brenda and Thomas to how Jorge became her father figure.

They just talked and laughed, they got to be kids, teens on a regular date enjoying the first taste of freedom. They fell asleep curled up together, under the blanket, by the fire on the beach, and it was the first time both of them slept without nightmares.

The next morning they woke up to warm sunshine on their face. They just lay still, enjoying the morning. Minho was playing with her hair. They heard a twig snap, Minho lifted his head. Thomas, Brenda, Frypan and Kenzie emerged from the shadows of the forest

"YOU GUYS DECENT?" Thomas yelled. All four of them had their hands over their eyes.

"MORALLY? SHUCK NO. BUT WE'RE WEARING PANTS IF THAT'S WHAT YOU MEAN!" Alex yelled back, rolling her eyes. Minho laughed, a deep laugh making his chest rumble. Alex chuckled to herself.

The others came down and sat down beside the couple as they sat up.

"Morning shuck faces." Alex yawned.

"Sleep well?" Kenzie asked, wiggling her eyebrows, and elbowed Minho in the side.

Alex rolled her eyes and pushed her over, "get your bloody mind out of the shuck gutter! You're too young for that!"

Kenzie fell back laughing.

"What do you Shanks want?" Minho asked, yawning as he flopped back down, pulling Alex with him.

"Vince wants to see everyone, and Dr Prior wants to see you, Alex. Also...there is breakfast!"

"Uhg..what does Vince want? Can I skip the meeting, someone just tell me the Coles notes?" Alex whined.

"You really don't like that man!" Brenda said with amusem*nt, as she shook her head.

Alex sat up and gave her the stink eye. And crossed her arms, "No. For one our first meeting he tried to shoot you and then threatened my life...and I just can't stand all the details and...he's so...stiff! I dunno, we just don't get along..." She shrugged, "we just butt heads, but maybe that'll change when I don't have bloody mission meetings to sit through." She slowly got to feet, holding a hand out for Minho to take.

"Come on shuck face, I need me some coffee!"

Alex knocked on the MedHut door and entered when she heard a soft voice call. Alex opened the door, sitting beside a bed was Teresa, she was holding a pale hand. Alex came and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How's he doing?" She asked quietly, brushing some hair out of Newt's face. He was off the oxygen mask and just had the little air tub under his nose. It was weird seeing high end, high tech medical equipment in a wood hut that was slapped together.

Her face brightened, "Better! And take a look at this!" She flipped Newt's arm over gently. All the thick black veins were gone, and the scratches were gone completely. And then she slowly pulled the blanket down, the huge wound that was starting to look infected was now scabbed and looked almost healed.

"What?!" Alex gasped.

"I told you not everyone was blessed with your ability to heal...well I guess I was wrong." Said a happy voice behind the girls. "It seems that your blood has sped up his recovery." Dr Prior came to stand beside the bed.

"When will he be awake?" Alex asked, her eyes wide, she couldn't believe her blood did that. Maybe...just maybe her shucked human science experiment body wasn't as repulsive as she thought. She still felt like a freak sometimes, but it was kinda cool she could save people.

"That I'm not certain about, should be soon, though." He said as he patted Alex on the back.

"Now Alex, what I really wanted to talk to you about was your future. Would you like to take up an intern role here with Teresa? I'm sure we will eventually need a few more medical personnel around here. It would be myself, Amy, Teresa and yourself. I have heard from a few individuals about your healing abilities and seeing it first hand, you would make you a great asset to the team."

Alex sat with her mouth open.

They actually want me here? Want my help to save people? It's been so long since I was a MedJack!

"So...I would be like... a nurse?!" Alex stammered.

He smiled, "Yes. Yes you would, but more independent eventually. So, what do you think?"

"Yes! Absolutely!" Alex jumped up and hugged Dr Prior. "Do I have to call you Boss now?" He chucked.

Later that afternoon the wind started to pick up and dark clouds started to roll in and it cooled off. A storm was coming. It didn't bother Alex, but when Minho came to visit, he seemed agitated. He couldn't sit still, spacing out or snapping.

"Min?" Alex asked quietly, "I know something is bothering you. I want to help, please tell me what I can do." She knew he was too stubborn to ask for help. She had pulled him to the corner to talk quietly to him, not trying to draw attention to him. His pupils had dilated and his breathing was coming quicker.

"I'm fine." He snapped.

"Clearly." She snapped back, crossing her arms. She didn't move and raised an eyebrow, waiting. The rain started to come, and with it was the distant roll of thunder and he flinched so bad he stumbled back into the wall and fell.

"Yes, clearly you're fine, love." She said quietly, her face filling with compassion, as she knelt down beside his trembling form. He had pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his head in his arms. She twisted around, 'Hey Amy? Can you pass me a few blankets?" She called quietly. Amy's kindness showed on her face when she smiled and nodded in understanding. She pulled a few from a box in the corner and brought them over.

"I'll take you off the clock now. I think you'll have your hands full." She whispered.

Alex draped a blanket over Minho, who had started muttering to himself. She gently pulled him so he was laying down, his head in her lap. When she had first touched him he flinched and tried to shrink back, but Alex gently but firmly pulled him. He relaxed a little at her touch, especially when she started to run her fingers through his hair.

There was another crash of thunder, closer this time and he flinched again, curling tighter into a ball. The lightning that followed made him cower; he turned and buried his face into her stomach, holding her around the waist. Alex's heart broke seeing him so scared. She had never seen him like this before. He wasn't scared of anything in the maze, or he never let anyone see him. Every time the thunder boomed followed by a flash of bright lightning Minho would whimper and shake. Alex leaned back against the wall, her legs out in front of her. He had curled around her, with his head resting in her lap. Alex ran her fingers through his hair, and sang quietly. She shushed him like a small child at times, rubbing his back and whispering that he was okay and safe.

It was a long night, the storm seemed to have settled right over them for a while. Eventually the thunder disappeared and it was just the gentle pitter patter of rain on the canvas roof and Minho's body relaxed and he fell asleep, still tightly wrapped around her. Alex stayed where she was, still playing with his hair.

We are both pretty shucked. WICKED really messed with us. I guess this is what we do now. Try to recover from all the klunk, try to heal and live. No more surviving, but living.

Around day break she finally rested her head back against the wall and fell asleep for a few hours.

Alex woke up in a different spot then where she fell asleep, she sat up confused.

"What the shuck?" She whispered as she climbed out of the bed. Minho was gone and the blankets were folded and stacked on the table. Newt was still in the same spot. Alex turned around, on the little table by the bed was a mug of fresh coffee and a little bouquet of wildflowers with a little handwritten note. Curious she picked it up, she recognized the writing immediately, having memorized the way the i's had circles and the loopy ys. It made her tummy flutter, and a big smile spread across her face as she read the note.

Good morning Sunshine.

Hope I didn't keep you up all night. I'm sorry. Storms are something I don't handle well...clearly.

Thank you for taking care of this shuck faced shank. I have some stuff to do today. I'll see ya later.

Use that shuck brain if yours.

"It's good to finally see you smiling." A quiet dry voice croaked.

Alex gasped, dropping the note and flowers "NEWT!" Alex screamed, she jumped and knocked the table over, still screaming. She practically dove on top of him, wrapping him in a hug.

Dr Prior, Teresa, Amy, Brenda and Kenzie came running in, all panicking.





Everyone was pushing and shoving, yelling over each other.

"HEY! SLIM IT!" Alex yelled. The girls all spun around, and their mouths dropped. Alex was still kneeling on the bed, Newt was quietly chuckling at the chaos he woke up to.

"As you can CLEARLY see, I'm fine and so is Newt! Someone go grab Sonya from Fry's!" Alex demanded, with a huge smile on her face.

Everyone but Dr Prior and Alex left the room with big goofy grins.

"Welcome back." Dr Prior said kindly.

Alex helped him sit up slowly. He groaned loudly, rubbing his chest. "how are you feeling?"

Newt thought for a second, his face scrunched, "confused and very thirsty. Also feels like I lost a fight to a Griever." He paused, "what happened?"

"NEWT!" shrieked another voice and a flash of blond and Newt let out an "OAF" as Sonya tackled him too.

"Girls. You're going to hurt him again. Let him breathe. As soon as I do a quick vital check I'll leave you three." He scolded, but he had a big smile. Sonya and Alex backed up, giving the doctor room to work. Sonya helped clean up the spilt coffee and rolled table while they waited very impatiently.

"Done, he's all your girls. Just be...gentle." Dr Prior called as he left the room.

The girls squealed and scurried over to his bed. They sat on each side of him, each holding his hand tight. This was the first time in a very very long time all three siblings were together. And the first time together, alone.

"So? do you feel?" Alex asked cautiously, gently squeezing his hand.

"Confused. What happened? And where are we?" His voice was still pretty raw.

Alex shifted a little, not meeting his eye, "what do you remember?" She asked quietly. She saw Sonya looking eager for answers too, Alex never really explained anything, everything happened so fast.

"Well, I remember jumping out of a bloody window.-"

"Ahh Tommy's finest moments! An escape plan that had little chance of success...but managed to pull it off!" Alex interrupted Newt, flailing an arm dramatically.

"YOU BLOODY DID WHAT?" Sonya yelled.

"Jumped out WICKED's like top story window. Landed in a pond, weren't you listening?" Alex scoffed at her sister.

"Guys...?" Newt rolled his eyes, already exasperated by his sisters.

"Sorry. Continue. You remember jumping...?" Alex turned back to him. He ran a hand through his long shaggy hair. Taking a deep breath, but then rubbing his chest again, like it was aching.

"I remember lots of explosions, loud noises...I remember your face and Minho's...Thomas's voice, all yelling to run or duck...and then...I remember you crying and saying something like a goodbye..maybe? And I tried to take something off?"

Alex nodded and from under her shirt she pulled out the necklace he had given her, she untied the string and placed it in his hand. "I told you I would hold onto it. Now I can give it back." She said quietly, closing his fist over it.

Tears threatening to fall. Sonya reached for her hand and gave her and Newt's hand a squeeze. Alex's hand remained on Newt's closed fist.

"It was a letter. To both of you." He said finally. Looking up at them, tears in his eyes as well. "I knew I didn't have time, and I knew there was a high chance I wouldn't bloody make it back.."

All three siblings had to let go to wipe tears and sniff.

"Do you remember anything else?" Sonya asked.

"I remember being really bloody confused, watching Alex and Minho and Gally run away. The explosions and all the other loud noises made my head hurt more and made me angry. I remember..." he stopped, his shoulders started to shake, he hung his head silently crying. The girls scooted closer and wrapped him into a hug.

"I remember...asking Tommy to end it. I didn't want to live anymore! I didn't want to be sick anymore! I didn't want to hurt the people I loved!" His voice was choked as he talked between sobs, "That's the last thing I remember! I'm sorry! I'm so bloody sorry!"

"Oh Newt!" Sonya whispered.

It was a few minutes before he sniffed and sat up straight. Rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"So, obviously I'm not shucken dead, so what happened?" He asked, looking between the girls.

"Jorge came speeding into camp, screaming about needing Doctor Prior and an extraction mission with the suicide Squad...within an hour we were ready to go, the berg was equipment with medical equipment and stuff. Vince and Captain Ronin insisted on coming as well. So Jorge and Finn flew us back. We landed at some wearhouse, picked up Brenda, Kenzie Felix and about 45 rescued kids. And Brenda was yelling about meeting Thomas and you guys by the train tunnel...and we waited forever! And then Alex and Minho come sprinting and screaming for the Doctor!" Sonya explained.

Alex picked up her story. "Ya, you weren't going to make it all the way back to the Berg, so Min and Gally and I ran ahead to try get the serum so we could get you back to the Berg and back to The Doc. He chucked it to me and we ran back, Tes was forced to give some dumb speech thing over the city loudspeaker. When we found were..were..." Alex had to breath for a few seconds.

"You were laying in the middle of a deserted intersection, with a knife in your chest ...Newt it was awful! Bloody shucken awful! We thought you were dead!" Newt reach a hand and gently wiped a tear from Alex's face.

"Then Alex noticed you were still breathing! And forced the Cap to carry you back...her and Brenda and the Doc had to do some crazy fast medical work! They yanked the knife out, and had to stop the bleeding! He used some kind of WICKED instrument...started to sew ya up but then, Alex saw your heart had stopped!" Sonya explained all really fast, she was getting quite animated telling the story.

Alex pulled a strand of hair over her shoulder and started twirling it nervously.

"And THEN! Doctor Prior started doing CPR ..but that wasn't working! And THEN! AND THEN! Alex was all like shoot me! And we're all like whaaaat? And she's like SHOOT ME MINHO! Everyone was freakin out! But Minho did some crazy ninja moves, snagged the gun from Captain Ronin's belt and SHOT ALEX IN THE BLOODY CHEST!"

"Hold up ... what?!" Newt said, rubbing his forehead.

"What's not to get? Your heart stopped. CPR wasn't working. Alex was shot in the chest by her boyfriend." Sonya shrugged like it was an everyday occurrence.

"What?" Newt asked again, his forehead was creased and his eyebrows knitted together.

"She means the electricity gun. It doesn't affect me. It does the opposite, gives me an adrenaline rush, which fuels that superhuman strength thing. But...this time, I uh, thought I could use it to restart your heart jump starting a car." Alex explained sheepishly.

"Newt! It was the coolest, freakest awesomest thing I have ever seen! The first two didn't work. But then she's like Minho when I tell you to, and she places both hands on your chest, and yells now, he shoots her in the back and we could SEE the electricity travel down her arms into your chest and BOOM!" Sonya leapt off the bed, flinging her arms wide, yelling by the end of her story. "Back from the dead!" She sat back down beside Newt, "It was blood crazy! Shoulda been there." She added with a tease.

Newt just sat with his mouth and eyes wide open. He tried talking, but nothing came out when he would open it and then close it then open it again.

"I'm always saving your sorry ass, hey?" Alex teased quietly, still playing with her air.

"Okay..that was a crazy story and a lot to bloody take in...also how am I not a bloody crank anymore?"

Alex cleared her throat, and explained, still not meeting his eye, still uncomfortable with what her body can do. "That Serum we gave you in the street? It helped a little, kept you from turning, and it helped repress it for a few days. I noticed the veins coming back while on our way here. And doc said he used Sonya's blood for that serum injection, but this time, he took mine...and cuz I'm a bloody shucked up science experiment, i saved your butt. Just like my blood mixed with the science serum saved Brenda. It worked on you too. And it helped speed up your recovery time...cuz I also have that ability."

"That's why after getting shot by a REAL gun she's up and about and you'd never know!" Sonya cut in.

"WHAT?" he yelped, grabbing Alex's face and twisting it, looking for a gunshot wound.

"Newt, not my face, your shank. Here." she pulled her shirt up, showing him yet another scar. A small white circle a few inches to the left of her belly button.

"Once you were stable we went to save Tommy and Tes. Jumped from the berg, ninjaed my way into WICKED. Took down Janson...but he shot me...almost died on the roof, Minho shot me I gotta talk to him about him shooting me...that could become a problem...anyways, ya gave me enough adrenaline to jump, made it to the Berg and....batta bing batta boom. We're both alive cuz I'm awesome and now you are a tiny bit awesome."

"The shuck? This is what happens when I'm not here to watch you! Shuck sakes Alex!" He threw his hands in the air exasperated. He rounded on Sonya, "why didn't you stop her jumping off a bloody berg?"

"Hey! I had no idea! Only Brenda and apparently Felix knew this secret suicide mission...Minho didn't even know! And he LOST it. Like Captain Ronin had to like strap him to a chair!"

"Ops." Was all Alex said.

"Also, she DID save Thomas and Teresa." Sonya shrugged.

"Ya, Newt! I saved them!" Alex added, crossing her arms, raising her eyebrows.

"You two will be the death of me." He muttered.

"Don't worry. I can restart it for you, dear brother." Alex smiled as she patted his cheek. He just shoved her hand away. Alex's teasing smile fell, "but Newt...I'm glad you're okay. And you're feeling okay?"

He nodded, "ya, just tired and sore, like a muscle ache. And hungry." Alex nodded.

"Well, being hungry is a good thing. Want to go see Fry? Him and Sonya are in charge of the kitchen." Alex smiled.

"Wait...where are we?"

The girls looked at each other and smiled. "Come on, we'll show you." Alex gently took his IV out and the girls helped him stand up, he was a little shaky from laying down for a week.

They slowly made their way over to the door, Newt stepped out and gasped. His head spinning around taking in everything around him.

"Welcome to The Safehaven." Sonya laughed, flinging her arms wide, as she spun around and walked backwards.

"Welcome home Newton." Alex smiled up at him, hooking her arm through his.

They slowly made their way to the makeshift kitchen, Newt leaned towards Alex, " so what were so smiley about before I scared the klunk out of you?" He teased.

"Nonya." Alex smirked.

"Nonya?" Newt asked, frowning.

"Ya. NONE YA BUSINESS!" Alex laughed.

"That was...awful!" Newt groaned, shaking his head.

"Eh, blame Min." The trio made it to the kitchen where most people were eating lunch.

Sonya said goodbye and went to help Frypan.

"So...we bettin' on those two?" Newt leaned in to ask quietly.

"Shuck ya we are! I give it 6 months." Alex giggled back.

She spotted the table of their group and pulled Newt over.


Every head turned to look, Newt stood awkwardly, with a sheepish grin and waved, "hey guys...long bloody time!"

There was an uproar of noise. Everyone sprung from their seats to come give a slap on the back or hand shake. Thomas gave him a good one arm man slap hug. But Minho came pushing through the crowd and hugged him so tight Alex got a little jealous.

"You two need a minute?" Alex teased.

The guys hugged for another second and let go, both awkwardly trying to wipe the tears, because heaven forbid there are tears on a guy's face in public after you watch your best friend die and fight for his life.

"Glad your back man!" Minho said, slapping his back.

Everyone slid back into the benches, Frypan and Sonya came to join them too. The whole group was finally together. Alex, Minho, Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Gally, Teresa, Sonya, Harriet, Aris, Brenda, Kenzie Finn and Felix. Jorge came over to say hi and then went to join Vince and Captain Ronin and Dr Prior and Amy. Chloe also came scurrying over to give Newt a big hug and squeezed her way between him and Frypan. She was slowly turning into their female version of Chuck.

It was the first meal the entire group had together. People were laughing and arguing, talking and just being teenagers for the first time.

Alex leaned in and whispered, "I got your note. It was very sweet."

"Good. I woke up and you looked so uncomfortable, I moved you to one of the beds, cuz we weren't around the first night to pick med bed it was!"

Alex kissed his cheek, "it was sweet. Are you okay now? How are you?" She asked looking for anything out of the ordinary, but he seemed to be his usual self.

"Ya. I'm good. I'll probably have ..uh issues with storms...ya know...death lighting and tasers and electrocution...and..." she could see his face pale, and his hand twitched. She quickly grabbed his hand in hers.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay, you're safe right now. Hey, look at me!" His eyes snapped to hers, she placed a hand on his cheek, looking into her eyes, "you're safe now. And we will get through it together. Ya?"

His eyes grew calm and the shaking in his hand slowed, she gently squeezed it. "Good that." He said quietly. She pulled his head down for a quick kiss.

"EWWWWW GUYS! GET A ROOM!" Gally yelled as he threw a piece of bread at them.

Minho pulled away and slowly turned his head in Gally's direction, he raised an eyebrow. Minho slapped his hands into the table and stood up, turned and leaned down to Alex super slow, placing his hands on her jaw line and tilting her head up, he kissed her roughly, forcing her lips apart and slipping his tounge into her mouth. Everyone groaned and someone yelled EWWW. Frypan covered Chloe's eyes and hollard "there are children's eyes present!"

"You go McDreamy Boyfriend! You kiss your girl!" Kenzie cheered.

Minho broke the kiss to point a finger at her, "I like her. She stays." Kenzie fist pumped. Brenda threw a carrot at her, "SUCK UP!"

Alex escorted Newt back to the med hut, he was exhausted, and needed a good nap, his body was still recovering, but he said he felt better after eating.

After lunch everyone went their separate ways to do their jobs Vince had taken Command, and leadership role, and had adopted a very Glad-like structure to how this place would run. Everyone had a job, everyone pitched in. It would eventually build to a point where they could have proper schooling for the younger ones, their medical hut would turn into a proper building, and the kitchen would become a proper cooking space. But this all takes time.

As the days went on, they turned into weeks and the weeks turned to months. More little huts and buildings were set up, a good size garden was planted and was flourishing, Alex and Teresa had graduated into independent medical staff, Brenda also joined their medical team. Thomas and Minho took on vice leadership roles, Gally was put in charge of building and planning, he had grown and matured a lot since the Glade. He was kinder and patient. His building crew were all respectful and hardworking men and women. And his workmanship was quality now, and not sketchy and crooked. Frypan and Sonya were in charge of the kitchen with the help of Chloe and a few others. Harriet helped out with Vince, Felix, Kenzie and Finn helped Captain Ronin and Jorge with exploring, training, and security, once a month Jorge would fly the berg with a small team back to the mainland a half day's ride, for supplies and anything they could salvage .

Sometimes Alex and Minho would join, just to get away from the bustle of their settlement, but Alex refused to go to the mainland, she stuck to exploring the island. She didn't trust herself yet. Maybe one day.. she still liked to do the "dangerous adrenaline seeking things" as Newt would say, but was glad she never went with Jorge or Cap.

Newt became stronger and was quickly placed with the farmers, and also helped Vince in leadership.

Alex would still have times where she would panic, especially if she was alone, she would wake screaming still wrapped in her nightmares, more often than not she needed Minho and Newt to settle her. She also still had moments where when she was feeling overwhelmed with feelings she would itch to make herself feel numb. Newt had walked into the MedHut once after a busy day and Minho had been so busy all week she hardly saw him, same with Gally, Thomas, Jorge and Newt and a few of the others she trusted, her anxiety got the better of her and she had already made two thin cuts when Newt strold in. He cried and ripped the scalpel away from her and she crumpled to the floor sobbing.

"Why? Why Alex?" He wondered, tears in his eyes.

"I ..I's too much sometimes it's too much! And I haven't seen anyone all week, you're soon busy all the time!" Alex cried into his shoulder. He held her while she cried and then helped her up, sat her down and cleaned her arm and wrapped it.

"Come on, let's go outside, you need some fresh air."

Minho still struggled from time to time with his memories and would become disoriented. Storms were always a hard time, he would curl up with his head in Alex's lap or on her chest and she would hold him and rock him like a small child.

But each month got a little easier, routines were established and life would carry on.

Chapter 28: Chapter 27: Absa-shucken-lutly

Chapter Text

It was 9 months since they stepped foot onto the island they called home. Vince had adopted a Glade Tradition, once a month on a Friday they would hold a big community Bonfire. Snacks and drinks for the older ones and special drinks for the younger ones, marshmallow roasting, music and dancing. Alex always looked forward to these. This evening Vince had something special planned. There was something huge hidden under a big tarp.

"Come on Alex! Just wear the shucken dress!" Sonya fumed.

"I don't wear dresses...they show...too many scars!" Alex protested, folding her arms.

"Wear the damn dress woman!" Brenda yelled from across the room.

"But I don't wanna!" She whinned.

"You will wear it or I'll force you into it!" Kenzie threatened.

"Please Alex? It's one night, and Vince had some big plan. Come on! What's the harm?" Teresa asked, as she brushed her hair.

In the end, Alex wore the dress and reluctantly let Teresa and Sonya brush her hair and clip back part of it. Alex didn't really want to admit it, but she felt pretty.

So once the fire was roaring, drinks were passed out, he climbed up onto a big rock and addressed the community.

"It's been 9 long months of planning, and organizing. We have come a long way together, look what we have accomplished!" He spread his hands wide, looking around at the people. "So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible. Your friends and your family." He raised his jar into the air.

"So here's to the ones who couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this.." he motioned to the huge thing behind him, "this is for them." And he pulled the tarp down, revealing a huge stone that rose into a point in the air. "So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace." He raised a knife and chisel and placed them down beside the rock. "And welcome to the Safe Haven." He raised his jar. The crowd cheered.

Alex raised her jar, and cheered as well. She took a sip of her drink and went to sit at the edge of the crowd, lost in her thoughts. She saw a few Gladers make their way down to carve a name or two.

For you Chuckles…Alby, Matt, Jeff, Clint, Padro, Winston, Zart, Adam, A.J, Leo…this is for you! I'm alive and here because of you. Thank you for your sacrifice.

She was interrupted when a small hand grabbed hers. Alex looked around and saw Chloe holding her hand. She had tears running down her face.

"What's wrong, love?" Alex asked as she knelt down in front of her.

"Can you come with me? I can't do it alone." She sniffed, pointing to the rock. Alex smiled sadly at her.

"Absolutely. Let's go honor a brother who loved you." Alex forced a smile as her stomach clenched, when she thought about what she had to do to her brother.

Hand in hand they walked down to the rock that was embedded into the ground. Chloe picked up the chisel with shaking hands and carved Zach's name. Chloe handed her the chisel and Alex had to take a few deep breaths. She saw Alby's name, Jeff, Clint, Winston and Zart, Pedro, everyone's name written. She hesitated when she felt another hand on her shoulder making her jumped.

"Sorry." Chuckled Minho softly. "We left Chuck and Matt for you." He said softly, he looked at Chloe who smiled. "Hey kiddo. How are ya doing?"

"I'm good FlaMenho." Chloe smiled cheeky back.

"FlaMenho? What the shuck?" He laughed.

"Ya, Flamingo and Minho. Cuz Flamingos are big and bright and flashy. Like you. So combined them."

Minho threw his head back and laughed so loudly people looked over. Alex smiled, feeling content. With Minho and Chloe laughing and teasing each other Alex carved Chuck's name. Chloe really did remind her of Chuck.

You would have really liked her Chuckles. She would have given you a run for your money. Keep Bark and Matt company, and remember don't bug Alby too much. I'll see ya over the rainbow…sometime. Love you Buddy.

She also carved Matt's name. She smiled again, with a few tears in her eyes as she brushed her hand over the names of her fallen brothers.

It grew quiet behind her and she turned to see just Minho standing behind her, staring with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Uh oh…not sure if I like that look. What do you have planned, Minny?" Alex asked cautiously, but she couldn't help but smile at his cheeky look.

He had gained back the weight he lost trapped in WICKED. And with the hard physical work of Savehaven, if it was possible, gained more muscle than he had in the Glade. Also after one trip back to the mainland, he came back with a huge tattoo of a maze mixed with a sun on his shoulder and down his arm, and spread into his chest and back. Everytime he pulled his shirt off Alex couldn't take her eyes off him, it was hot.

His eyes twinkled, "Just come on Sunshine. Let's go sit on the beach." He stretched out a hand, she laced her fingers in his and walked down to the beach. They took off their shoes, and walked down the beach hand in hand. It was a warm evening, with a light breeze. She could hear the party behind them, and the sun was setting. It was a perfect evening.

"Ya know, I don't think I remember ever seeing you in a dress." Minho remarked, looking her up and down.

"The girls made me wear it. It was in a box of clothes from the last scavenge. Not sure how I feel about it…" Alex muttered, trying to readjust it. It was a lower cut then she was used to, showing off many of her scars, and the back was cut deep too, showing off her big tattoo down her spine.

"Stop fidgiting. You look beautiful, babe." He stopped walking and turned to look at her, pulling her close. He gently ran a hand through her hair, then down her arm, then he laced his fingers into hers, and his other hand rested on her lower back, pulling her close. He started to slow dance, slowly turning in circles with her. She hummed contently, laying her head on his chest.

"I shucken love you. Like so shucken much!" He whispered. He gazed down at her his eyes forming little half moons. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

She looked up through her long lashes at the young man she loved with every fiber of her being, she could feel her heart swealing with love. "And I shucken love you to Shuck Face." She whispered back, she reached up as far as her tip toes would go and then pulled his head down to kiss him. He kissed her back hungrily.





Alex pulled away slowly, then looked over, standing a little ways away down the beach stood Frypan, Gally, Felix and Kenzie. All three had their arms crossed and smug looks on their faces.

Minho's face light up, and a mischievous twinkle sprung back into his eyes and a sly smirk graced his handsome tanned face.

"GREAT IDEA GUYS!" He yelled back. He turned on his heel and tugged Alex away towards the forest. She could hear Frypan, Gally, Felix and Kenzie laughing, someone pretended to throw up. Alex's face was burning.

Minho pulled her towards a little path in between the trees. Minho scooped her up, bride style and carried her down the path.

"Min? What the shuck are you up to?" Alex asked him suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at him.

He chuckled, "I'm taking great advice from some smart people. Now shush and enjoy this." He smirked again, raising an eyebrow. All Alex could do was sigh, she wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders.

The path grew wider as the trees thinned, he placed her down, her bare feet in the soft warm sand. Minho turned to face her.

His face was a little pink, and he shifted from foot to foot. He ran a hand through his hair.

Alex crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Minho?" Alex's voice took on a demanding tone. "What the bloody shuck is going on?"

"Well. We have done a lot of talkin' and I've made a lot of promises. Most I'm not sure if I can follow through on. But this one…this uh…one promise I can.. hopefully…if you still want, that is…um.." he stuttered.

"Minho! What the shuck are you talking about?" Alex demanded, though she was very ammused with his nervous studdering. She tried not to smile, but her lip was curling into a smirk.

He sighed. "Okay lemme try again. Okay." He stepped closer and gently brushed his fingers over the stone necklace he had given her back in the Glade. "Remember the promise I made back in the Slammer?" Alex nodded. "Well, I made you a promise and I intend to do my shucken best to follow through. Step one…is this.." he stepped sideways, grabbed her hand and pulled her running the rest of the way down the path. She could see the excitement on his face, she couldn't help but laugh. He stopped at the edge and flung a hand wide.

Alex eyed him suspiciously then her eyes travelled to the beach and the tree line. Her mouth dropped and she gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.

"You didn't?!" She breathed, looking back at him.

"Sure as shuck did, Sunshine." He smirked back at her, "even has a lock, like we said."

Sitting snug in the forest tree line was a small cottage. It had a small front porch facing the beach.

"Minho! This is the little place we had our first picnic!" She gasped again turning in a circle, taking in the surrounding. Big trees towered over the little cottage, wild flowers grew everywhere, there was a big porch swing attacked to the roof which extended over the porch.

"It's all ours." He whispered as he pulled her close.

"Is this where you have been going for months when you say Vince has you doing stuff?" Alex put the pieces together. He just smirked.

"I've had some help."

"Can we go look?" Alex asked, trying hard not to squeal, glancing at the little place.

"Of course! It's yours." He laughed at her. Alex pulled him down and kissed him quickly on the lips, she grabbed his hand and pulled him. She tried to take in every detail of the home Minho built. It reminded Alex of a fairy tail cottage.

Alex laughed and looked over her shoulder, "your Hassel and I'm Gretel, this is our cottage and…who's the witch this time?"

Minho laughed loudly. Alex stepped cautiously up the steps of the porch, trying to see everything at the same time. She spun in circles, Minho stayed on the sand watching her in ammusment. She spun back towards him, her hair flying and dress twirling, a huge smile plastered on her face, and happy tears in her eyes.

"Alex?" Minho asked quietly, almost uncertainly. He shoved a hand in his pocket and ran the other one through his hair, then rubbed the back of his neck.

It was Alex's turn to look at him in amusem*nt.

"Yes Minho?"

"I'd also like to make good on another promise. Alex… Alex of the Glade, previous MedJack, Farmhand, Cook, Runner and My second in command, My Sunshine and my Dragon Warrior, my Ninja assassin, Alex…you have my heart…"

"Minho!" Alex breathed, her hands covering her mouth, and her eyes wide in stunned disbelief.

He cleared his throat, a shy smirk on his face. He had gotten down on one knee at the bottom of the porch steps and pulled out a small little box. "I know we're super young, but.. I've lost you too many times and I've watched you almost die one too many times, my mind was wiped of you twice. I don't want to spend any more time not with you always…I want to make good on my promises. I wanna have a long shanky life with you. Wanna upgrade from girlfriend to fiancee?"

"...Min…" was all she could squeek out. He opened the little box as he stood up and inside sat a small simple ring of white gold and a perfect little cristal clear diamond in the centre

"Absa-shucken-lutly!" She squealed. She jumped down the steps and launched her self into his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him, he held her up, kissing her hungerly.

He pulled away just enough to murmur against her lips, "so that's a yes?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes, you shank! Absolutely!" She held his face in her hands and kissed him again. He gently placed her down on the sand and took her hand and slid the danty simple ring onto her finger.

"Minho, it's beautiful!" She whispered looking at it and then up at his beautiful sparkling coffee brown eyes. "This was all planned out, wasn't it?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Oh shuck ya! Like since day one when we got here! Jorge helped me find the ring on the main land, the girls and Doctor Prior kept you busy all the time…the guys helped me with this," he nodded towards their home.

She gasped putting everything together, she turned towards the home, muttering outloud, "Brenda and Sonya….oh in going to murder them! They made me wear this ridiculous dress…and made me do my hair…they knew!" She turned back to Minho who was chuckling at her flustered frustration. He gently grabbed her shoulders, pulling her forward, he wrapped his arms around her, she hugged him around the waist.

"You look beautiful. And yes, everyone knew, and everyone helped." He kissed her forehead. He raised his voice, "They all seem a little codependent." And peeked over her shoulder towards the cottage.

The door flung open, "WE ARE NOT!" Brenda scoffed.

"We just need to know what you're doing-"

"-when your doing it-"

"-and with who-"

"And where your doing it-"

"NO! I don't want to know when they are doing it! Eww!"

"Eww not like that! Get your mind outta the gutter!"

"It wasn't there until you put it there!"


Everyone came pouring out of the door. Everyone she held dear; Jorge, Captain Ronin, Dr Prior, Amy, (Vince was there…they had slowly started to get along and she was coming to respect him as he started to understand her struggles and what she had to go through.) Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Gally, Teresa, Sonya, Brenda, Harriet, Aris, Kenzie, Finn, Felix and Chloe.

Alex stood frozen, her mouth open, flustered and beat red. How could all of them know about this and keep it hidden from her.

Sonya laughed and pulled her into a hug. "I'm happy for you! You deserve it!"

Newt was beaming from ear to ear as he came limping towards her.

"You slint head! How long have you known?" Alex swatted him. He chucked swatting her hands away and pulled her into a hug too.

"Since day one dear sister. I knew the second he caught you from face planting in the homestead. You should have seen both your faces!" He chuckled. "But Minho talked to me the day after I woke up, and then about a month ago he asked specifically." Newt answered quietly, then added even quieter, "He also asked Jorge, seeing as you look to him as a father."

Alex stood speachless. She knew Minho was kind and thoughtful, but this was next level. And if it was possible, she loved him even more.

"What's the matter Shanket? Do I leave you speachless?" A deep husky voice whispered in her ear.

She didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded. He chuckled again and kissed her temple and then turned to someone who came to clap his back.

"Mi Hija." Jorge said as he walked towards her with his arms open wide. Alex wrapped her arms around his waist. He gave her such a tight fatherly hug a tear slip over her lashes and down her cheek.

"I'm glad to see you happy. You two of all people deserve this! A long happy life. And I will always be there."

"Papi. Thank you. For everything. I honestly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and your kindness. Thank you Jorge." Alex pulled away to look him in the eyes, his eyes crinkled as he smiled, she could see a little more grey in his beard and hair.

"He's a good man. He'll take care of you. And you him. And I will always be right here, for both of you." He kissed the top of her head, giving her one more squeeze, before going to Minho.

Alex didn't get a chance to turn around before she was bombarded by a bunch of squealing girls.

"LEMME SEE!!" Kenzie squealed, she grabbed Alex's wrist pulling her hand up, "he wouldn't let anyone see it!" She pouted.

The ring was perfect, nothing huge or gaudy, it was simple and elegant. Alex smiled from ear to ear. The girls crowded around giggling and squeaking, admiring the ring.

"Brenda! I have a bone to pick with you! This rediculous dress! Why of all the things… this?" Alex huffed, but the smile on her face didn't have the effect she was going for.

"Cuz. Today of all days…look like a put together female, not a nurse in srubs or ninja assassin or something. And besides this greeny blue is beautiful on you, it fits you like it was made for you and…I'm sure Minho loves the cut if it." She winked. Alex's face heated up. The girls all laughed at her.

"Okay, who owns me money? I said before a year was up! You sticks need to pay up!" Sonya yelled.

The group laughed while Alex gasped.

"Guys! A toast!" Gally yelled, he had produced jars of his secret recipe. He passed one out for everyone, except Chloe, she was handed a root beer. Gally raised his jar with a grin that made its way into his eyes, "to Alex and Minho, our Shanket and Shank. May you live a long shank life! May you care for each other as fiercely as you sought after each other! To a long awaited happiness!"

Everyone raised their jars and yelled in agreement. Minho drapped his arm around her, smiling down at her, she wrapped her arm around his waist, and gazed up at him. They met in the middle, and kissed each other, while their their family cheered wildly.

Chapter 29: Chapter 28: Oh, Baby.

Chapter Text

It had been a few years, Alex and Minho had finally tired the knite, Newt and Jorge walked her down the isle, it was a simple beach wedding. As predicted Brenda and Thomas started dating and got married, Felix and Teresa got together. Sonya and Frypan finally started dating a year after Minho popped the question, and also got married quite quickly. Kenzie and Gally also started dating and he asked her to marry him a year later. Newt found a wonderful sweet girl, named Grace, from the group they rescued from WICKED, she was sweet and quiet, but had a mischievous and devious side, but was so sweet no one ever suspected her. She merged with the girls so well, it was like she had always been part of them.

Alex was Chloe's legal guardian, even though she slept with the other girls in a big cabin that was built, and forced her to go to the school that was built. It wasn't much, but there was a lady who used to work in a school, and she took on the rool of teacher with the help of Aris- who had a nack of teaching kids. Chloe grumbled saying she didn't need school. But Alex forced her anyways. "Until you are a legal adult you will shucken go to the bloody school! Now march your shanky little arse over there!"

Life was simple. Everyone had jobs, everyone did their part. Every time there was a trip to the mainland more people were brought in. Meaning the med hut had to expand, they had to check everyone, quarantine them for a week, just to be sure and then they were welcomed into their thriving community. Brenda announced she was expecting. Thomas looked pale and like he was going to pass out. Sonya also announced she was expecting her rainbow baby after a miscarriage.

One evening, after a long shift in the MedHut Alex was curled up on the front porch swing, wrapped in a blanket. She hadn't said much at supper, and retreated to the quiet of the porch. Minho came and sat down beside her, handing her a steaming cup of tea.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked her quietly, pulling her close.

Alex looked down at the steaming cup, and played with the rim. She sniffed. "Min...I got my period again this morning...I don't know if being a mom is in my cards." She whispered, tears threatening to fall. He hummed and kissed her temple.

"It's been over a year. We have been trying for over a year...and like clockwork my heart is crushed every month." Her voice raw with emotion.

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it's physically like for you, I wish I could take your pain away. We should talk to Dr Prior then. Maybe he has some answers, but if it's not in our cards to be parents, that's okay. I will love you always." He said quietly.

He held her close as they watched another beautiful sunset together, feeling quite melancholy.

Two weeks later they meet with Dr Prior, and he did a few tests. The scavenging group had managed to find an ultrasound machine, and with the help of science, Alex and Minho had an answer.

"So it looks like, when you took that gunshot, it damaged this fallopian tube and ovary. So that would cut your chances by half. Meaning your only working with one working ovary. Your body can heal itself incredibly fast, but I guess this was beyond its ability to repair. I'm sorry Alex. The good news is your uterus and everything else is perfect. It will just take a little longer for you guys, because I see no other issues."

Alex and Minho walked back to their little cottage hand in hand, not saying much. Good news and bad news.

That night Minho surprised her after her shift at the MedHut, with a beach side picnic, complete with all her favourite snacks and wildflowers. They ate and chatted, watched the sunset. Minho lit a fire. He told her to close her eyes while he grabbed something. A minute later he was back, she opened her eyes and he had a beautiful acoustic guitar in his lap.

"Look what they found last trip!" He announced excitedly. Alex smiled.

He tuned it quickly and gently and carefully he pulled out a piece of ragged paper.

"Minho! How do you still have that? It's been years!" She gasped.

"Magic babe...magic." He winked at her, "but now...this time I have a guitar to play with it!" He sang and played, the two songs he had previously written.

From his other pocket he pulled out another folded piece of paper. He cleared his throat, and without any further ado, he started a third song. One he had been working on for a while.

I found a love, for me

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it

Darling, you look perfect tonight

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this

Darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

-Ed Sheeran

Alex sat listen with quiet tears running down her face. She loved this man. She loved him so much. She would love to provide him children, see him become a daddy, but if that wasn't in their cards, then so be it. It still hurt though, a lot.

We will be the best Auntie and Uncle ever and I'm content with him as my family. Maybe we could find a dog and be puppy parents.

He lay the guitar down and watched her for a second, he stood up and pulled her up, he slowly started to spin her around, dancing with her, barefoot in the sand, around a fire, her dress twirling gently around her knees.

"I love you, you know that I don't love you any less because of this, right?" He said quietly as they twirled slowly around.

"I know. And I love you too Shuck Face. Just...I wanted to be a mommy...and I wanted to provide you mini Minho's to chase around. You'd be a great father."

He leaned down and kissed her cheeks, kissing the tears away. He slowly made his way to her lips, and hungry kissed her, her stomach backflipped. It had been a few years and he could still make her giddy and flustered with nervous with a flutter tummy. His hand slid into her hair while hers slid down his back and with a quick tug pulled his shirt off.

"Oh it's like that is it?" He muttered against her lips.

"Hmm my dear husband, it's always like that." She smirked back, and ran her tounge over his bottom lip. He slid his hands down to her hips and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around him, and he slid his one hand up her bare leg. He pulled back and kissed her neck. "Say it again. It sounded hot."

"What, My Love, Husband? My hunky piece of Assian muscle HUSBAND?"

He hummed and he kissed her neck again.

The next morning they woke up with a shadow blocking the morning sun.

"Did you kids have fun last night?"

"The shuck do you want Tommy?" Minho groaned, flinging a tattooed muscular arm over his face. Alex squeaked, pulling the blanket higher and tighter around her, she wasn't expecting company this early in the morning.

"I need to snag Alex. I think Brenda is going into labor. She's been having cramps since about 2 this morning...and they wont go away..." he had paled considerably.

"Oh! Well ya! I'll be right there!" Alex said. Thomas didn't move, and neither did Alex. Thomas just stood there staring at her.

"Thomas! I said I'll be right there." Alex said again, a little louder. Again no one moved.

"THOMAS! I am not wearing clothes. Now move your bloody arse outta here and I'll meet you at your place." Alex yelled, her face turning bright red. Minho laughed loudly. Thomas jumped, and his face went from a surprised OH to a smirk.

"Really now. How many times do we gotta tell you two to get a room? Come on you shanks!" He smirked down at the couple, folding his arms.

"Last time I checked, Thomas, this is my house and my beach yard, so shuck off." Alex snapped. Thomas still didn't move, crossing his arms.

Minho sat up, "Well if your not gonna move, I'll just get up." Thomas yelled and slapped a hand over his eyes. Minho threw his head back and laughed.

"Thomas, you shuck face, your wife is in labor and your trying to sneak a peek at another man's wife." Alex raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"Shuck!" He spun around on his heel and ran back down the path.

"I'll be there in 10!" Alex called back, as she sat up, holding the blanket, and shaking her head.

"That got him moving." Minho smirked.

"Ya, and I gotta get moving too. As much as I would love to repeat last night. Duty calls." She sighed. She stood up, and wrapped the blanket around her, Minho did the same and together they walked up the steps of their cottage and into their bedroom. Alex pulled on a pair of leggings and a shirt, through her hair into a pony. Grabbed her medical bag, kissed Minho goodbye and headed towards Thomas and Brenda's.

It was a long hard labor. Almost 24 hours. Alex figured out baby's head was twisted, and as soon as she untwisted baby's head they shot out. Alex, quickly made sure baby was breathing and was okay, and then placed baby down on Brenda's chest and wrapped them in a blanket. While Thomas sat on the bed beside them.

"Congratulations mommy and daddy, you have a beautiful baby boy." Alex said, kissing her best friends sweaty forehead.

"Welcome to Savehaven, Oliver." Whispers Brenda.

She quickly finished attending to Brenda, and then left the new little family to bond. With the promise of coming back in a little to check on them and bring supper from Fry's.

It was a busy three weeks. Brenda was recovering quite well, but the baby had a few set backs. He was having trouble eating, until Teresa discovered a lip tie. Which was easily fixed and then he was a happy little camper.

Sonya also was having some complications, she was now 8 months pregnant, and she was having a hard time standing for too long, which made being in the community kitchen hard. Alex made her stop work early.

"As your shucken doctor, I'm saying for the health of you and baby. You gotta slow down!"

Frypan was 100% supportive. He was so doting, it was really cute. She would sneeze and he would be there with tissues, tea, and a blanket. Alex would rotate between Brenda's and Sonya's to help out, and then the school broke out in a flu. So The MedHut was jammed full. Jorge was sent to the mainland to try round up some pain medication.

After a double shift Alex finally trudged home, stripped off her dirty scrubs and flopped into bed with a groan.

"Tough day?" Minho asked.

"Remind me why I'm a nurse? I was puked on three times today. And that doesn't include Oliver's!" She whined. "And I'm not feeling good. That flu is nasty! It hit the school and spread like wild fire! I should probably sleep on the couch, your a baby when your sick!"

"How about you shower and I'll make you a snack?" Minho suggested as he kissed her nose.

"See, this is why I love you. You bring me snacks."

"The only reason..?" He raised an eyebrow at her, giving her a sly sexy smirk.

" have other benefits too!" She smirked back at him.

He pulled her off the bed and sent her to the bathroom.

Once she was cleaned and scrubbed Minho brought her a snack and they snuggled into bed, she got half way through her food when she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She lay her head on Minho's chest and was asleep in minutes.

Minho woke up to the pounding on the front door, and frantic yelling. He sprung out of bed, and threw the door open. Gally was standing there huffing.

"Gally? Know what tine it is shank?" He yelled.

"Ya! But...hang on." He bent over and gasped a few times, "one working lung is klunk." He took another deep breath and stood up, "Fry sent me. Sonya is in labor. She's screaming for Alex."

"What? It's too early!" Alex had sat up rubbing her eyes.

"I know. She's freaking out, Fry's freaking out. Kenzie went to get Newt. Come on!" Gally explained, trying not to panic.

"Okay, hang on. Let me change."

Minho closed the door, Alex sprung out of bed and changed quickly. She had to stop, and lean on the bed for a second. Minho came over and rubbed her back, "you okay, babe? You have been running yourself ragged. Or did you finally catch that flu?"

"No idea. I'm tiered, and dizzy." She straightened up and put on a smile. "Come on, I think Fry and me are gonna need you're support." Minho grabbed her medical bag and they raced out the door with Gally behind them.

Alex got there just before Dr Prior and Teresa. Alex had just assessed Sonya, and gave the run down to Dr Prior.

"Yes, Sonya is definitely in labor, four weeks early, she is 7cm dilated."

They tried to keep her calm and relaxed, trying to slow her labor down, but when her water broke there was no stopping this peanut. Baby wanted out and out now.

Sonya was squatting, leaning into Fry, his shirt clenched in her fists, she was breathing hard.

"Okay, come on Sonya, next contraction, push with everything you got. Baby's got tones of blond hair!" Alex encouraged, "there you go! Come on sis! You got this, go, go...keep going!"

There was a loud shrill cry. Sonya collapsed into Fry's arms with a cry. Dr Prior checked baby, she was tiny, but vitals were stable, and that cry was loud and healthy. Alex brought her niece over to Sonya with tears in her eyes she placed baby girl on her chest.

"I'm proud of you! She's beautiful!" She kissed her sisters head. Teresa finished up while Alex excused herself for a moment. She needed to find Minho. She left their little cottage and on the steps was everyone else, waiting anxiously.

"What happened?"

"Is she okay?"

"Alex, you look pale!"

"Is baby okay?"

She was bombarded with questions.

"SLIM IT GUYS!" She yelled. The questions stopped. "Yes Sonya is doing great. Baby is teeny tiny, but healthy. They had a girl."

There was an explosion of cheers. Alex forced a smile for the group. Inside though her heart felt like it was breaking. She had helped bring many babies earth side in the last few years. And she was waiting anxiously for her turn, but it didn't look like they were going to get to experience it. And it didn't help that people kept asking when they were going to have kids. She would brush the question off quickly changing the subject. Only a few people knew they had been trying for over a year.

Minho slipped over to her and pulled her aside. "You did good babe. I'm proud of you." He whispered.

Alex's emotional damn broke and she cried into his chest. He held her close rubbing her back as she cried over the heart ache. She cried, and then when all the tears were gone, she pulled away, wiped her tears, and put on a smile.

"I gotta go check on her. Want to come meet your niece?" Alex asked, praying he would say yes, so she didn't have to go alone.

"Yes, yes I do."

Together with Newt and Grace, his now Fiancée they went to meet their niece.

Sonya was sitting in bed with Fry beside her. Baby girl snuggled up in a blanket. Teresa and Dr Prior were just leaving. Alex gave Tes a quick hug and left.

"Hey, Auntie Alex, get your butt over here. Come meet your niece." Sonya called, she sounded tiered, but happy. Alex made her way over and gingerly sat down, Sonya passed her the tiny little bundle.

"Auntie Alex, meet Lexi." Sonya smiled. Alex looked back down at the sleeping squishy. And smiled, a happy tear slid down her cheek.

"Her full name is Alexandria, but Lexie for short. She's named after the bravest, kindest, person we know. The person who saved my life and Sonya's." Fry nodded with a huge smile.

Alex looked up shocked. "We know you will make an amazing Auntie. And I'm sorry if this is hard on you, you too Minho." Alex had to blink really fast to keep the tears back. She snuggled her niece a little tighter.

"She's beautiful, just like her mama. Glad she doesn't look like Fry." Alex teased, but her voice was hoarse.

Alex stood up and passed Lexie gently to Minho, who stood and gaped at the tiny little person, in his arms. A smile graced his face, as her tiny hand reached out, and latched onto his finger. He looked up and they both could see the joy and sadness in each other.

They spent a little more time as a family together, Newt and Grace getting a turn holding Lexi. Alex had one more quick snuggle with baby girl and then passed her back to Sonya and said good bye. She kissed her sister and promised to be back later. Together, hand in hand Alex and Minho made their way back to their cottage on the beach.

Halfway home Alex had to stop, she could feel bile rise in her throat. She took a few deep breaths, her body felt weak.

"Oh shuck!" She whispered.

"What? What's wrong?" Minho asked concerned, rubbing her back.

"Min. I worked with the kids who have had the flu for the last 2 weeks, and I just snuggled a new born baby!" Alex cried, panicking. " What if I got her sick! Or Sonya sick!"

Minho grabbed her shoulders, and gently squeezed them, "hey, it's okay. Your carful and you showered when you got home. Your tired, this month has been crazy for you med staff! I'm sure your fine!"

Alex felt the bile rise again, she wasn't so sure she was okay. She turned to the side and threw up. All over the path.

"I stand corrected. Let's get you home and into bed." Minho sighed. He picked her up and carried her home. He helped change her out of her scrubs and then tucked her into bed.

"Good night my Queen." He kissed her temple. She was already falling asleep.

The next morning she felt awful. She hardly got her coffee down. She was shivery, and shaky, and so nauseous.

"Why don't you have a shower and then crawl back into bed. I'll check on Sonya and Fry for you, and swing by Tommy and Bren?"

"Good that!"

She felt miserable the rest of the week. But she managed to drag herself out of bed, and made her rounds, putting on a smile for Brenda and Sonya. Oliver was doing better now that his lip tie was fixed. And Lexi was an eating machine. Alex managed to drag herself to the MedHut, to start her shift.

"Man, Alex, you look awful!" Amy pointed out.

"Thanx Amy." Alex huffed. Amy threw her hands up in difference, with a small laugh.

"You really do, Alex. Have you been feeling okay?" Teresa asked, walking into the room holding freshly cleaned towels.

"Honestly? No. It's been a long couple weeks. And I got hit by that flu the kids had. It was bound to happen when I was puked in a few times." Alex shrugged.

"Hmmm." Teresa muttered, her eyebrows knit together, looking her up and down.

"Well I'm off. I need a nap." Amy yawned, "see you ladies tomorrow."

The rest of their shift was pretty straightforward. Nothing dramatic happened, which Alex was very thankful for.

"Hey Tes, Imma grab some coffee and snack, want anything from Fry's?" Alex called, Tes poked her head into the room, "nope, I'm good. Take your time, today seems to be kinda slow."

"Good that."

Alex made her way over to the open community Kitchen, she grabbed some coffee and a muffin and apple and then slowly walked down to the beach and sat down, taking her shoes off. It was quiet watching the water lap against her toes.

Someone came over and plunked down beside her with a moan.

"Careful, there old man, don't throw your back out!" Alex teased, as Jorge gave her a little shove. "HEY!" She yelled, "watch the coffee!"

"So. How are you doing Mi Hija? Haven't talked to you in a while." Jorge's asked glancing at her, with a creased forehead.

"It's been a crazy few weeks. Two births, Oliver had a rough 2 weeks, that flu from the kids, Sonya and Lexie... I'm exhausted." Alex forced a smile, "but I'm good. I'm an auntie now."

"Alex. I can read you like a book." Jorge said gently, patting her knee. "It's been a hard month emotionally too."

Alex looked down into her coffee cup, clutching it with both hands now. She could feel her throat getting tight, and tears pricked her eyes.

"It sounds selfish." She whispered.

"Nah. No judgement from Papi. Lay it on me kiddo." Jorge gently said. He waited patiently for her to continue.

"Minho and I have been trying for over a year to get pregnant. And nothing. Brenda and Thomas said they weren't even trying and had Oliver. Sonya said the first time and they got Lexi, I mean she struggled with her miscarriage a few months ago, but then as soon as they were ready to try, boom she's pregnant. It''s just not fair!" She said bitterly. "Dr Prior said when Janson shot me, it damaged some our chances are pretty slim."

She had hot bitter tears running down her face, she swatted at them angerly. "I'm extremely happy for Brenda and Sonya! I really am! And all the other mamas and their babies I've helped deliver into Savehaven... But...Jorge... it hurts. It hurts so bad! The one thing I'm supposed to do, the one thing I want I can't do! The thing I want to give Min I can't! I have super human strength, some kind of shucked up electric power, I can heal quicker than anyone...I can even save a cranked out person. But I can't become a mom! Another thing to add to the shucked up life list. Where's my crown and trophy?"

All her anger and hurt and bitterness came out and she cried. She cried with Minho but she never voiced it to anyone else. She was clenching her coffee so tight it shattered. Causing Alex to gasp as hot coffee exploded on her. Jorge didn't say anything, just pulled her into a hug. She spilt her feeling out and onto his shoulder. She was hiccupping when he talked again.

"Want another coffee?" He asked.

"No. It was making me sick." Alex shook her head, as she straightened and wiped her eyes.

"Hmmm." Was all he said.

"Thanx for listening, and sorry, about the coffee...haven't done that in a while. I gotta get back to work." Alex stood up, but teetered a little, feeling dizzy. Jorge held her arm, as she caught her balance. She smiled at him for a second. Then her eyes went wide, she turned away and threw up.

"I think you need to see Dr Prior." Jorge stated.

"I'm fine. It's just that flu that's going around." Alex brushed it off. She made her way back to work. It was another long afternoon. There was a second outbreak of the flu, because one round wasn't enough.

Alex worked late into the evening, Minho came and knocked on the door of the MedHut.

"Hey. Almost done?"

"Ya, just let me clean up, and I'm outta here."

"I'll help. How was your day?"

They tidied up the room, and chatted about their days; the ridiculous things that Vince said or suggested, Gally was suggesting building a bigger school and how they are going to have to expand the living area, which means clearing space into the woods. Alex told him about her chat with Jorge and the second round of flu kids that afternoon.

Alex sank into a chair, her eyes dropping. She felt like a hot mess.

"Come on there wifey let's get you home. You look like you could use a good sleep are you working again tomorrow?" He asked pulling her from the chair and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She wrapped her around his waist.

"One. Yes, hubby let's go home. Two. Definitely need a long sleep! But also ouch. I happen to rock the hot mess express look, thank you." She flipped her hair dramatically over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at him. "And three. Nope, it's my day off. After a long sleep and coffee I was going to visit Brenda and Sonya."

"Hmmm. I see you more as my personal spicy disaster." Minho chuckled as Alex gasped and pushed him away.

"Shuck face." She swatted him again, "come on. My bed is calling me." She laced her fingers with his and they left. He leaned down and whispered, "our bed is also calling me too..." his voice dropped and took on a deep huskines to it. Alex's stomach back flipped. Though she wasn't sure if it was his insinuation or the flu.

"Well shuck me, that's quite the insinuation." Alex smirked up at him, as they walked down the path to their cottage.

"Gladly." He growled. He swung her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. He walked towards their porch, up the stairs, he kicked the door open and closed behind him, never breaking their kiss. He gently tossed her onto their bed, his eyes dark and hungry. She battered her eyelashes at him.

Smirking she asked seductively, "Min, my dear husband, is there something I can help you with?"

"Why yes Sunshine." He crawled into the bed, and she pulled him close and kissed him hard. "yes there is."

Alex woke up with a jolt, she sat up quickly, breathing hard, she had to run to the bathroom, and threw up. She moaned, and felt a hand pull her hair away, and rub her back.

"Still not feeling so great hey?"

"No. And your gonna get it and your a shuck baby when your sick!" Alex moaned. She turned back and threw up again.

She showered and ate some breakfast, which helped. She kissed Minho good bye at the end of the path and he went for his morning run and she went to visit the girls.

Brenda had walked over with Oliver to Sonya's. The 3 of them sat on the porch, Kenzie, Teresa, Harriet, and Grace joined them a little later. Alex was snuggling with Lexie, when she was hit by another wave of nausea. She hastily handed her over, and rushed to the bathroom.

Alex came back and plopped down.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your pregnant." Kenzie said eyeing her suspiciously. Brenda and Sonya nodded.

"Couldn't be." Alex shook her head.

"Ya...ya I think you could be." Brenda insisted, "this ain't the first time I've seen ya rush off to throw up, or seen it."

"I work at the MedHut...and we had a thing of the stomach flu go through." Alex shook her head, "twice! Your luck your on Matt leave!"

She took a deep breath, "and besides Dr Prior said my chances are slim, with that bullet I took, it messed stuff up...we have...we have been trying for over a year."

Alex looked away, frustrated, tears already in her eyes. A few of the girls knew, but the others didn't and Alex could hear the quiet gasps.

"I don't know said it was SLIM. Not zero. And your symptoms match." Teresa said quite matter of factly. Sonya stood up, holding Lexie and went inside for a moment. When she came back out she was holding a small box, and gave it to Alex.

"Dr Prior gave me a few, but I only used one. Take them." Alex looked down, she was holding a box of pregnancy tests. Her stomach knotted up.

After lunch Alex and the others said good bye, letting the new moms have some quiet.

Alex sat on her bed staring at the box, sitting on the bedside table. She narrowed her eyes at it. She got up to get a glass of water, came back and glared at it again.

"If I take you and it's negative its just another stab to the heart."

"You think you would make a good mom? You? Really? Think of your past, how does that make a good mother?" A quiet voice cackled. She hadn't heard that voice in a very long time. Alex gasped, dropping the water and it smashed all over the ground. Alex grabbed her head, she needed someone, she needed them fast. She knew Minho, Newt, Thomas and Gally were in a meeting, the girls were all busy with work, Jorge and Captain Ronin were off to the mainland again. Everyone she trusted was busy...

The quiet cackling was getting louder, stronger...

Alex got up, pushed the box over and ran to their little kitchen area, she grabbed a knife, and sat down on the bed again. Her hands shaking, her heart pounding so loud it hurt her chest, which didn't help her breathing. She brought the knife up, her hands trembling, she had hot tears running down her face. She felt the cold bit of the metal against her skin. Her trembling hands dropped the knife and scrambled to the bathroom, having to throw up.

She sat against the bathroom wall and cried. The door banged opened.


Minho crouched down in front of her, his hands holding her face, worry in his eyes, and his mouth pressed into a frown.

"Tell me." He was gentle but firm, his thumb wiping away the tears.

"I heard it again ..I heard the voice! It said I could never good because of...of my past!" She cried, her words choked with despair. "And she's right! Its-"

"No." Minho interrupted.

"No." He repeated, "absolutely not. It's NOT right. It's destructive, and tormenting. Alex, we all have done klunk. We had to. Who we were before was who we needed to be to survive. Who we are now..we are different people, we are living! Living and surviving are completely different. And you are a beautiful person inside and out. If you're going to listen to any voice, listen to mine."

She sniffed, and hiccupped a few times. She rested her head on his chest. Taking a few deep breaths.

"Min?" She whispered.

"Yes Sunshine?" He whispered back, running his hands through her hair.

"Move. Please."

"Excuse me?" He asked offended

"Move. Or Imma throw up on you!" She sat up as Minho went "oh" and got out of the way, she scrambled to the toilet and threw up, again. Minho rubbed her back, waiting for her to finish.

"You going to be okay? I really think you need to see Prior, this flu won't let you go."

"...I...I don't think it's the flu Min." Alex's voice was barely above a whisper. Her hands were shaking again, her breathing was coming in short shallow gasps, "on the bedside table....Min...can go go get it?"

With a curious look at her, he got up and came back a minute later, staring wide eyed at the box, his eyes slowly traveled to his beautiful wife on the floor leaning on the toilet. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, then ran his hand through his hair.

"Are you serious?" He breathed, "do ya think so?"

"I guess we'll find out." She said shakily, Alex reached a hand out and he handed her the box.

Minho knocked on the door again, "how's it going?" He ask anxiously for the fourth time in a minute.

"Minho, I gotta pee on a shucken stick, slim it man!" Alex called back exasperated. She set the little stick on the sink and then opened the door, and fell into his arms, shaking, she couldn't look, she couldn't bring herself to be disappointed.

They sat against the wall, waiting. "This is the longest 2 shucken minutes of my life!" Minho complained, running a hand through his hair, as his eyes never left his wrist watch.

"Okay. You want to look?" He finally took his eyes off the watch and searched Alex's face, which was drawn tight into anxious terror. She shook her head. Minho got up and slowly picked up the little stick that could change their lives forever. His eyes flicked down to Alex for a second, and then back to the stick, and turned it over.

Alex waited, watching his face for any sigh of what the answer would be. His face didn't show anything, but he was frozen.

"Min?" She whispered, "what is it?"

He didn't move, he didn't say anything.

"Min, are you broken...?"

His eyes finally flicked down to Alex who had got up to her knees. He slowly handed the stick to Alex who took it with shacking hands, her stomach twisting into knots. She slowly opened her hand, closed her eyes and took a big deep breath, then looked down. There staring back at her were two bright pink lines.

Two lines... that could only mean...

"Min..." she gasped, Minho crouched back down and slowly lifted her chin holding her face in his warm hands, a huge smile on his face, his eyes forming crescent moons. A tear slid down his beautiful face.

"Congratulations Mama." He whispered. Alex choked a sob and flung herself into his arms and they both cried, filled with happiness, relief and exhaustion.

Nine long strenuous months later, Alex yelled, "MINHO!"

He came barging into the bathroom, shirtless and half asleep "WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?"

"Ya." She smiled. "My water broke. You need to go get Brenda, Tes and Sonya."


Alex nodded, as she felt another contraction, she had to lean on the counter for a moment.

"Yes, now."

"Like babies are coming now? Right now?"

"Minho, I swear! I may be about to push out human watermelons, but I will still kill you. GO!"

Minho spun on his heel and was out the door, not bothering to put a shirt or shoes on. Alex waddled over to the bed, leaning against it again, breathing through another contraction.

"Jeepers you two! You're just like your father! Always have to do everything right this second, no waiting!" She moaned, rubbing her swollen stomach.

It was a shock when they found out Alex was expecting twins. It was no wonder she was so sick early on, she had twice the hormones. Minho just about fainted, he went white as a ghost while Alex laughed at him, but shut up really fast when she realized she would have to deliver two at once. The twins were quite active early on, Minho would brage he was training runners right from the womb, runners and fighters, just like their mama. At night when they were snuggled in bed, he would prop his head on his hand and tell stories or sign quietly to her stomach, when he talked it was the only time the wiggling would settle down, they loved hearing their daddy's voice. She smiled at the memories.

She moaned again as another contraction hit, harder this time. "Shuck it Min, where are you?!" she growled as another one hit, spreading into her back. She had to crouch down, leaning on the bed, her legs were shaking. Five minutes later the front door banged open and Minho and the girls along with Tommy, Newt, Grace, Frypan, Gally, Kenzie, Felix, Tess, and Jorge came storming in.

"This is quite the welcome party!" She hissed through clenched teeth as another contraction hit, even stronger, "These two have no patience!" she cried as another one hit.

Jorge ushered everyone outside to wait, while Brenda, Tes, Sonya and Minho stayed. Minho crouched down beside her, rubbing her back. "What can I do to help?"

"I don't know...I don't know!" She panted, starting to panic as the pain was non-stop now, one contracting into the next.

"Start by never touching me again! SHUCK IT!" She yelled as another contraction hit.

He sat down on the bed, and shifted her, so she was crouched in front of him, resting her arms and forehead on his lap, he held her as she cried again.

Ten minutes later Brenda was yelling at her to push. "I AM!" She screamed, "Minho!" she whimpered.

"I'm right here Sunshine. You're doing great! You can take out a Griever...and take down WICKED you can do this! This is a walk in the park!"

"Sure..shucken Jurassic Park!" She yelled.

"Push, come on I can see their hair!" Teresa encouraged.

Alex threw her head and with a loud yelled, baby one made their way into the world, with a loud shrill cry. Alex slumped forward into Minho. Sonya and Brenda helped her stand up and onto the bed, Teresa gently plunked their tiny little squishy on Alex's chest.

"Good job Babe, we have a daughter." Minho murmured into her hair, and kissed her forehead. Alex was still breathing heavily, and her body was shaking from the effort, but she looked down at their baby, a shock of dark red hair, and dark little eyes, with long dark eyelashes blinked up at her parents.

"Hello Princess." Minho whispered, "Welcome to the world. You have the toughest badass mommy ever!"

"Come here dad, come cut the cord." Tes smiled at him, "And then you'll have to either hold babe or pass her to Sonya, Baby two is on their way."

Alex felt another contraction, her body tensing again.

Sonya took their first and wrapped her up, while Minho held Alex as she started pushing again. Alex closed her eyes, trying to dig out the energy to keep going, her body was exhausted, she just wanted to lay down and sleep. She tried pushing, but her body didn't have the energy.

"Come on Alex! PUSH!" Brenda yelled.

"I...I'm trying..." Her voice was strained. "Min...Min..I can't I can't anymore..." She panted, she had tears running down her face.

He looked at her tired and despite eyes, suddenly scared for her, "Come on! You can't give up. One more! If you can get through Janson's torture you can do this!"

She closed her eyes, laying her head back. "NO! DON"T YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES ALEX. WAKE THE SHUCK UP!" Minho screamed, terrified as he jumped up, grabbing her shoulders..

"Slim it shank...I'm just trying... to get energy." Alex peeked an eye at him, he was pale and his eyes were wide, he was also shaking.

"I'm not gotta around...for a while..." She panted through clenched teeth. Minho chuckled nervously, "That was a terrible pun!", he sat back down on the bed, holding her hand.

" said first!"

"Here comes another one." Tes warned, her hand on Alex's stomach, Sonya was on her other side, holding their first daughter. Alex tucked her chin, closed her eyes and with what remaining strength she pushed, squeezing Minho's hand, while he supported her back. Their second daughter entered the world with a little squeak. With a huge sigh of relief Alex flopped back, she was drenched in sweat, her body shaking with the excess adrenaline running through her body.

"You will be sleeping on the floor from now on! I will not be doing that again." Alex muttered.

Everyone laughed. Brenda placed their second daughter on Alex's chest, Sonya unwrapped their first and placed her on Alex's chest too. Instantly the girls grabbed each other, and snuggled into Alex's chest. Minho scootched closer, Alex rested her head on his arm, and they both just marveled at the two little miracles for a while.

Brenda pulled a blanket up over Alex, and opened the door, everyone tumbled in and crowded around the bed. Minho and Alex beamed up at everyone.

"Everyone, meet Charlie and Allie." Minho announced.

"For Chuck and Alby." Alex added with a small smile.

Everyone awwed and there were a few tears. Newt came and kissed his sister. "That is beautiful sis. They would have loved it."

Jorge made his way to the bed and gingerly sat down.

"Looks like you're an abuelo again Jorge!" Alex smiled at him, Minho handed him both girls. His kind eyes teared up looking at the two sleeping girls in his arms. "They look like their mama, but have dad's eyes. They are beautiful mi hija."

Everyone left, leaving Minho and Alex to rest and enjoy their new family.

Minho sat with Alex leaning into him, as they each held a daughter.

"Welcome to the world My Princesses." He smiled down at his sleeping daughters.

"I love you Sunshine." Minho whispered, his warm coffee eyes twinkling with love, as he leaned down to kiss his wife.

"I love you too Shuck face." Alex murmured contently against her husband's lips.

The Official End

The Vendetta- The Death Cure- Book 3 - MEllenH - The Maze Runner Series (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.