Game of the Week Coverage Kicks off Friday, September 23 on The U (2024)

September 21, 2022 9:00AMBy CW26 Staff

'); $videoEl.append('' + '' + ''); setTimeout(function() { $('.mute-overlay').on('touchstart click', function(e) { if (e.handled === false) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.handled = true; player.muted(false); //console.log("volumee " + WVM.activePlayer.volume()); $(this).hide(); $(this).css('display', 'none'); var currentTime = player.currentTime(); if (currentTime < 3) { player.currentTime(0); } var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); adsManager.setVolume(player.volume()); }); $('.video-close-floating').on('click', function() { WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); player.pause(); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); if (adsManager) { adsManager.pause(); } }); if (hideClose) { setTimeout(function() { $('.video-close-floating').css('display', 'none'); $('.video-close-floating').remove(); }, 500); } }, 500); } else { //wait 500 sec call again setTimeout(function() { WVM.addMuteButton(videoId, player, hideClose); }, 500); } }; WVM.addFloatingAbility = function(videoId, player) { var deviceName = 'desktop'; if ($('#media-container-' + videoId).length > 0) { if (deviceName == 'desktop') { WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; } else { WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top - $('.next-dropdown-accordion') .height(); } if (deviceName == 'desktop') { WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } else { WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); //console.log("container height: " + WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); $(window).on("resize", function() { if (deviceName == 'desktop') { WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; } else { WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top - $( '.next-dropdown-accordion').height(); } if (deviceName == 'desktop') { WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } else { WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); console.log("container height: " + WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); }); //console.log("VIDEOTOP: " + WVM.VIDEO_TOP); //console.log("VIDEOHEIGHT: " + WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT); $(window).on("scroll", function() { if (!WVM.IS_FLOATING) { if (deviceName == 'desktop') { WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); } else { WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId + " .hlsvideo-wrapper") .height() + $('#media-container-' + videoId + " .now-playing-container").height(); } } //var top = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; var offset = WVM.VIDEO_TOP + (WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT / 2); var offsetBack = WVM.VIDEO_TOP; var changed = false; //console.log("VIDEOTOP: " + WVM.VIDEO_TOP); //console.log("VIDEOHEIGHT: " + WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT); //console.log("scrolltop " + $(window).scrollTop()); //only float if playing var isPlaying = WVM['player_state' + videoId]['IS_PLAYING'] || WVM['player_state' + videoId] ['AD_IS_PLAYING']; if (isPlaying) { $('.vjs-loading-spinner').hide(); } var offsetFloatAd = 99999999; if (deviceName == 'desktop' && $('#float_anchor').length > 0) { offsetFloatAd = $('#float_anchor').offset().top - WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT; //console.log("float anchor offset top " + offsetFloatAd); } if ($(window).scrollTop() > offset && isPlaying && !WVM['player_state' + videoId][ 'CANCEL_FLOATING' ]) { $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).height(WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'block'); if (!WVM.IS_FLOATING) { changed = true; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventStart); } WVM.IS_FLOATING = true; $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('floating-video'); //set right var sWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var sHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; if (sWidth > 700 && WADS.IS_STICKING) { $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); } else if (!WADS.IS_STICKING) { $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); } if (sWidth <= 700 && WADS.IS_STICKING) { $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); } else if (sWidth <= 700 && !WADS.IS_STICKING) { $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); } if (deviceName == 'desktop' || sWidth > 900) { var leftPos2 = $('aside').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left; var leftPos = $('aside').offset().left - 50; $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('left', leftPos + "px"); var newWidth = Math.floor(sWidth / 3.5); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', newWidth + "px"); } else { $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100% !important"); if (!WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']) { $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'block'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .next-dropdown-accordion').css('display', 'block'); } } if (sWidth < 900 && sWidth > 500 && WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']) { $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('floating-video'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('mobile-container'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('promo-playlist'); } //floating-video $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); setTimeout(function() { var hWrapper = $('.floating-video .hlsvideo-wrapper').height(); var npWidth = $('.floating-video .now-playing-container').height(); var ndWidth = $('.floating-video .next-dropdown-header').height() + 20; var scrollerHeight = sHeight - (hWrapper + npWidth + ndWidth); scrollerHeight = 180; //scrollerHeight = parseInt(scrollerHeight * 0.5); if (WVM.device_name == 'desktop') { $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + " .mobile-list-videos").height( scrollerHeight); } }, 100); } if ($(window).scrollTop() < offsetBack || $(window).scrollTop() > offsetFloatAd) { if (WVM.IS_FLOATING) { changed = true; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); } WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'block'); if (WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']) { $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'none'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .next-dropdown-accordion').css('display', 'none'); } } if ($('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) { if (deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + videoId).hasClass( 'floating-video')) { $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').show(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); //console.log("showing desktop"); if(!WVM.player_state196099['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(videoId); } } else { if (changed) { //default closed for mobile/floating player $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').removeClass( 'fa-chevron-up'); $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').addClass( 'fa-chevron-down'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + videoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if (currVideoId == '9999999999') { currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(videoId, currVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + videoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + videoId).html(myTitle); } else { $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').show(); } } } else { $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); } }); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .video-close').on('click', function() { //set back to paused and stop floating WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); player.pause(); player.ima.getAdsManager().pause(); }); } }; WVM.setupCarousel = function(fullVideoId, player) { // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded //alert("setting up carousel"); console.log("setting up carousel on desktop"); $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'block'); WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['CAROUSEL_INIT'] = true; if ($('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).length > 0) { var container = document.querySelector('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId); imagesLoaded(container, function() { var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (screenWidth > 850) { //alert("setting up carousel3"); WVM.IS_DESKTOP = true; $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId + ' .page-carousel-lg-slides').css('display', 'block'); WVM['player_settings' + fullVideoId].slider = $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId) .owlCarousel({ loop: false, center: false, nav: false, dots: false, autoplay: false, autoplayHoverPause: true, margin: 25, responsiveClass: true, animateOut: 'slideOutDown', animateIn: 'flipInX', navText: ["", "" ], responsive: { 0: { items: 3 } } }); } else { WVM.IS_DESKTOP = false; $('.page-carousel-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); } }); } }; WVM.setupToggleButton = function(fullVideoId, player) { if ($('.nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId).length > 0) { new DG.OnOffSwitchAuto({ cls: '.nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId, height: 24, trackColorOn: '#F9F9F9', trackColorOff: '#222', textColorOn: '#222', textColorOff: '#222', textOn: 'On', textOff: 'Off', listener: function(name, checked) { var theVal = 1; if (!checked) { theVal = 0; } $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/update_autoplay_video/', data: { autoplay_on: theVal }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { WVM['player_settings' + fullVideoId]['autoplay'] = checked; }, error: function() { console.log("Error loading video"); } }); } }); } }; WVM.setupAccordionButton = function(fullVideoId) { var deviceName = 'desktop'; $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + fullVideoId).on('click', function() { if ($(this).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) { //hide $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-down'); if (deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass( 'floating-video')) { $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); } else { $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); } var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if (currVideoId == '9999999999') { currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); //playerId, mediaId, fieldName var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); //alert("Getting title " + myTitle); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).html(myTitle); } else { //expand $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); if (deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass( 'floating-video')) { $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideDown(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); if(!WVM.player_state196099['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(fullVideoId); } } else { $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideDown(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); if (!$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')) { if(!WVM.player_state196099['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(fullVideoId); } } } $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'none'); } }); var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if (currVideoId == '9999999999') { currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } //console.log("current Video " + currVideoId); var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); //console.log("setting title " + myTitle); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).html(myTitle); }; WVM.sendbeacon = function(action, nonInteraction, value, eventLabel) { if (WCS.ONLY_CONTENT || WEBVIEW.is_webview) { WEBVIEW.log_stats("video-" + action, value, WCS.THREAD_URL); var eventCategory = 'AppVideo'; if ( { //console.log("sending action: " + action + " val: " + value + " label " + eventLabel); ga('send', 'event', { 'eventCategory': eventCategory, 'eventAction': action, 'eventLabel': eventLabel, 'eventValue': value, 'nonInteraction': nonInteraction }); } } else { var eventCategory = 'Video'; if ( { //console.log("sending action: " + action + " val: " + value + " label " + eventLabel); ga('send', 'event', { 'eventCategory': eventCategory, 'eventAction': action, 'eventLabel': eventLabel, 'eventValue': value, 'nonInteraction': nonInteraction }); } } }; WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex = function(mediaId, returnArrayIndex) { var currId = null; if (mediaId == null) { return null; } var found = false; for (var x = 0; x < WVM.playlist_ids.length; x++) { var myMediaId = WVM.playlist_ids[x]; if (myMediaId == mediaId) { found = true; currId = myMediaId; break; } } var nextId = x + 1; if (nextId < WVM.playlist_ids.length && currId !== null) { if (!returnArrayIndex) { return WVM.playlist_ids[nextId]; } else { return nextId; } } return null; }; WVM.getPlaylistArrayId = function(mediaId) { for (var x = 0; x < WVM.playlist_ids.length; x++) { var myMediaId = WVM.playlist_ids[x]; if (myMediaId == mediaId) { return x; } } return null; }; //unimportant stuff like tracking... don't put anything platform specific here WVM.finishPlayer = function(player, playerState, playerSettings) { var percentsPlayedInterval = 25; //'ready'); player.on('ready', function() { playerState.PLAYER_READY = true; }); //['waiting', 'pause']); player.on(['waiting', 'pause'], function() { playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; $('.vjs-loading-spinner').removeClass('badspinner'); }); //'playing'); player.on('playing', function() { console.log('playing'); }); player.on('loadedmetadata', function() { if (playerState.PLAYER_META) { return; } playerState.PLAYER_META = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if (currId == '9999999999') { currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if (!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER) { WVM.sendbeacon("loadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else { WVM.sendbeacon("promoloadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //'adstart'); player.on('adstart', function() { console.log("starting ads"); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = true; playerState.PLAYED_AD = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID if (currId == '9999999999') { currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if (!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER) { WVM.sendbeacon("adstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else { WVM.sendbeacon("promoadstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //'adend'); player.on('adend', function() { var playPromise = null; console.log("ad end"); playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!playerState.IS_PLAYING || player.paused()) { console.log("restarting after ad"); playPromise =; WVM.printPromise(playPromise, "adend"); } }, 500); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if (currId == '9999999999') { currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if (!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER) { WVM.sendbeacon("adend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else { WVM.sendbeacon("promoadend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //'timeupdate'); player.on('timeupdate', function() { playerState.IS_PLAYING = true; var fullDuration = this.duration() * 1000; var fullCurrent = this.currentTime() * 1000; var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * 100); //console.log("timeupdate " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if (rand > 20) { if (fullDuration > 1 && ((fullDuration - fullCurrent) > 1) && !$('.vjs-loading-spinner') .hasClass('badspinner')) { console.log("hiding spinner"); $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner'); } } var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration()); //this is a hack because the end video event is not firing... var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime()); if (current_time > 0 && (fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 10))) { var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if (currId == '9999999999') { currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if (newMediaId) { if('desktop' == "iphone" && playerState.AD_ERROR){ console.log("skipped timeupdate end"); } else { WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } } if (!playerState.START_SENT) { if (!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER) { WVM.sendbeacon('start', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else { WVM.sendbeacon('promostart', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } playerState.START_SENT = true; } var currentTime, duration, percent, percentPlayed, _i; currentTime = Math.round(this .currentTime()); duration = Math.round(this.duration()); percentPlayed = Math.round(currentTime / duration * 100); for (percent = _i = 0; _i <= 99; percent = _i += percentsPlayedInterval) { if (percentPlayed >= percent &&['PERCENTS_TRACKED'], percent) < 0) { if (percentPlayed !== 0) { if (!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER) { WVM.sendbeacon('percent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else { WVM.sendbeacon('promopercent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } } if (percentPlayed > 0) { playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'].push(percent); } } } }); //'ended'); player.on('ended', function() { console.log("ended"); playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if (currId == '9999999999') { currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if (!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER) { WVM.sendbeacon("complete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else { WVM.sendbeacon("promocomplete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } console.log("current id " + currId); console.log("playlist ids"); console.log(WVM.playlist_ids); var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if (newMediaId) { WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } else { var videoId = playerState.ORIGINAL_ID; WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); console.log("Playlist complete (no more videos)"); } }); //'adserror'); player.on('adserror', function(e) { //$('#ima-ad-container').remove(); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.log(e); console.log("ads error"); var errMessage = e['data']['AdError']['l']; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; // && errMessage == 'The VAST response document is empty.' if (!playerState.AD_ERROR) { var dTime = new Date().getTime(); WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl(); //console.log("not calling backup ad tag url: " + WVM.adTagUrl); /* WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag(WVM.adTagUrl + "?" + dTime); WVM.activePlayer.ima.requestAds(); //reload src WVM.activePlayer.src({ src: masterSrc, type: 'video/mp4' }); //firefox *really* hates this load event WVM.activePlayer.load(); */ } playerState.AD_ERROR = true; }); //'error'); player.on('error', function(event) { if (player.error().code === 4) { player.error(null); // clear out the old error player.options().sources.shift(); // drop the highest precedence source console.log("now doing src"); console.log(player.options().sources[0]); player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry return; } }); //'volumechange'); player.on('volumechange', function(event) { console.log(event); var theHeight = $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .vjs-volume-level').css('height'); var cssVolume = 0; if (theHeight) { cssVolume = parseInt(theHeight.replace('%', '')); } var theVolume = player.volume(); if (theVolume > 0.0 || cssVolume > 0) { $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'block'); } }); //WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //setInterval(function(){ // WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //}, 2000); WVM.allPlayers.push(player); } if (!WVM.rawCompleteEvent) { WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e) { var playerState = WVM['player_state196099']; }; } if (!WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent) { WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e) { var playerState = WVM['player_state196099']; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + playerState['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000; var fullDuration = rawVideoElem.duration * 1000; var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime); console.log("raw timeupdate: " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if (current_time > 0 && (fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 50))) { var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if (currId == '9999999999') { currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); if (newMediaId) { console.log("loading new video from rawtimeupdate"); WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } if (!$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')) { $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner') } }; } WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId) { var playerState = WVM['player_state' + playerId]; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + WVM['player_state' + playerId]['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); //COMPLETE EENT if (WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT) { rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); //TIME UPDATE EVENT if (WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT) { rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true; WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true; }; function addPlayerMuteButton(videoId, player, hideClose){ if(true){ var $videoEl = $('#html5-video-' + videoId); //Video element $videoEl.append('

' + '' + '' + 'UNMUTE

'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.mute-overlay').on('touchstart click', function(e){ if(e.handled === false) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.handled = true; var playerAgain = videojs('html5-video-' + videoId); playerAgain.muted(false); IS_MUTED = false; //console.log("volumee " + WVM.activePlayer.volume()); $(this).hide(); $(this).css('display', 'none'); var currentTime = playerAgain.currentTime(); if(currentTime < 3){ playerAgain.currentTime(0); } //var adsManager = playerAgain.ima.getAdsManager(); //adsManager.setVolume(playerAgain.volume()); }); if(hideClose){ setTimeout(function(){ $('.video-close-floating').css('display', 'none'); $('.video-close-floating').remove(); }, 500); } }, 1500); } else{ //wait 500 sec call again setTimeout(function(){ addPlayerMuteButton(videoId, player, hideClose); }, 500); } };

Local, live high school football and soccer featuring ranked teams and classic rivalries can be seen Friday nights onGame of the Week only on The U! This Friday, September 23, our Game of the Week 2022 football coverage tips off with the the Naperville Central Redhawks vs. theNeuqua Valley Wildcats, who are currently ranked 15 in Week 4 of Michael O'Brien's Chicago Sun-Times Super 25 Football Rankings list.

These Naperville neighbors went head-to-head last September in a close game that ultimately concluded with a win for the Wildcats, 20-17.

Watch how this 2022 rivalry plays out, Friday, September 23 at 7P on The U.

The U can be seen on Channel 48.1 and WCIU, Channel 26.2, XFINITY 230|360, RCN 610, WOW 170, Dish 48, Spectrum Charter 191 and U-Verse.

The U is going to be your home for local high school sports and the IHSA finals. Click here to see our upcoming Game of the Week schedule featuring both football and boys soccer.

Not only that, but if you're coming out to the game, stop by our booth and say hi, get some merch, and enter a raffle for a chance to win a KaramoComfort Kit! We hope to see you there.

Sponsored by: Huntington Learning Center, Illinois Student Assistant Commission,Southern Illinois Universityand Volo Auto Museum

Game of the Week Coverage Kicks off Friday, September 23 on The U (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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