America's Day At The Races - May 16, 2024 - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

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May 16, 2024

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[Music] welcome to America’s day at their races on our Fox Sports 2 coverage good to have you with us on this Thursday afternoon it’s brought to you in part by America’s best racing For the Love of the race visit America’s best today Greg wolf alongside New York Racing Association handicapper Andy earling as we kick off another week of action here big weekend to come we’ll preview the pness and big news obviously with who is out yeah with MTH getting scratched yesterday with a fever uh it changes the complexion of the pness quite a bit he was going to be a heavy favorite in there and depends how you feel about him if you felt he was way the horse to beat you’re going to have to find somebody else and if you felt he was a vulnerable favorite in all likelihood You’ be getting a shorter price on whom ever you may like we’re about five minutes away from this opener coming up muddy sealed conditions to kick off this card we’re going to look ahead to later today Race Six Maiden special weight six Fong Sprints and there’s some buzz in this race let’s start though with treaty obligation making career start number six for trainer Chad Brown yeah and this hor the lukew 7 to2 favored I believe on the line um it is a Chad Brown horse that’s had about five chances to break his maid in fact exactly five chance and failed he’s only been a short price once though in that sequence and he ran well to be second back at Saratoga behind abidan who’s not a bad runner for three diamonds Farms he’s been gelded since then he’s probably the worst to beat Chad Brown’s numbers off 6 to 12 month layoffs with dirt sprinters in Maiden races he’s 10 for 26 a positive Roi though this may be a race where firsttime starters are very much the story particularly the nine donle momentum who’s going out for donle racing and trainer Tom Morley shows a 45 and2 breezing from the gate workout and there have been stories for a little while this one’s a runner expect this one to be a little lower than that 9 to2 morning line yeah you had told me offir a backstretch story about someone comparing this horse to a great we will see that’s it was it was very high praise uh we’ll wait and see we’ve heard those stories before and you never want to you know count your chickens until they’re hatched and horse racing but I think it add some Intrigue to that race obviously with that kind of workout this horse is going to get a lot of Buzz that is coming up Race Six in our Thursday coverage Belmont at the big a we look forward to that spark the late pick five pick six as well let’s kick off the card with this race Maiden special weight as well scheduled for the grass we’re off the turf today obviously so M track now five and a half fongs in Wesley Ward with a horse who was three to five first time out and did not show up in that debut and I’ll tell you it’s very hard to watch races at GF Stream Park especially at odd distances it’s sort of like the Jackson Pollock of horse racing videos so I don’t know if his head was turned or not I don’t know if anyone can really know he is a half to a firster that Drew the the rail in the sixth race for whatever that’s worth and Dam was actually third in the Breeders Cup juvenile Phillies short price in the debut not quite as short but a short price again for start number two public not scared away let’s check in with Maggie wolfendale for more as we get set to kick off this Thursday card yeah taking a look at number one delightful flame and what I could tell guys from that beginning it was just sloppy it was just unprepared and tardy getting out of there and then you know she was towards the back early on and not ever really persevered with not asked for anything either because a lot of times in those four and a half sprint races when you get away like that and you can’t even sniff the lead your chances are over uh but looking at her here I would have been much more intrigued with her being on the turf um to be fair but she because she definitely has a Turf of and uh very slack PS but whatever that’s neither here nor now and she is one that should be okay of the surface it is sealed tight I mean considering we got most of the rain yesterday and we hadn’t R run on this track so they had a tight seil on it it’s been squeegeed out if you will AKA floated uh for today’s races so it’s going to be tight and it’s going to mimic a Turf cor so I’m okay and that’s probably why we have a fairly intact field here six of the seven staying in uh she should be quicker I think you know hopefully she behaves well she’s now drawn towards the rail but she looks like a horse that should have speed as she does get John Velasquez aboard this time around moving on to number five who will be my selection and a lot of people zoning in on Moonlight promises too I daughter of promises fulfilled he was a very accomplished Sprinter and he won his first two starts as a two-year-old now there is a bit more well I I shouldn’t say more actually the dam was a Turf horse but this one is a half too Copper Town an accomplish you know kind of Sprint to a mile type of distance horse uh who went six for 19 in his life she has a size maturity which I really appreciate when it comes to this time of year with these 2-year-old she comes in here fit and professional for Mark Cassie who we’ve seen be fairly competitive in these types of races earlier on so I’m gonna land on her I always you know respect a Wesley Ward horse but again I just like the way Moonlight promises appears now here’s a long shot wasn’t expecting to like this horse because she has absolutely no pedigree but number three lucky for you she is the most physically mature she’s big brwy she’s really welldeveloped she’s been so professional she came in nicely on the bridal she’s done everything right out on the racetrack I don’t know if she can run it all Greg but at a price she’s one that really caught my eye is so well conditioned heading in here dappled head to do just a picture of health and at least physicality so we’ll see if she can do any running today yeah will get rewarded uh if she can 12 to one right now second biggest price on the board thank you Maggie as we get set for this opener coming up favoritism now to the five horse in here a lot of people like Moonlight promises and you know Maggie mentioned a half to Copper Town who won the second third fourth starts of his career with 98 106 and 101 buyers on dirt and he’s not the only runner from the dam there were three runners from that Dam that were pretty good two were just fair one was bad so most of her production has been very strong as far as delightful flame I understand what Maggie is saying and obviously I deeply respect her opinion I thought Paco tried at certain points with this horse and I just thought the horse had nothing now that’s not to say that she was just not ready but the thing is one of the reasons that Wesley war is such a short price in his debuts is they’re ready to go first time that’s where he makes his money so right that’s that’s that’s what Wesley does and so for him to start a first T that was so unprofessional yes maybe the horse could be more professional second time I think it’s a big black mark I picked the five obviously the favorite right now so the same things and uh I don’t know um neily how the track’s going to play in Maggie’s comments about a Turf course but if you think it’s turfy the two the sugars has a huge Turf pedigree I’m looking forward to that one getting on the grass somewhere down the road yeah dam was a Grade Three winner in Italy won a Turf start in the US at Saratoga only full to race a two-time Turf winner as well 80 buyer 83 buyer here’s pedigree let see if it mimics a Turf course or not muddy sealed to begin our card as we’re set let’s go upstairs Chris griffi a kick things off on this Thursday afternoon in South Ozone Park New York is in all set one rearing up there Katarina ristova Madison ol standing up behind the gate horse did rear up standby ladies and gentlemen your attention please in this first race scratch the six Katarina ristova at the gate on advice of the track veterinarian scratch the six in one Runners are being backed out scratch the six at the gate for another day and they are going to back everyone out and bring that one back to the barn well good to see obviously protecting the horses not sure why they’re unloading them because it was the six SSE so that won’t affect the load process and it was in fact a long shot firsttime starter and you’ll end up with the pro Mor line favorite uh in your in your pick fives which right now is the number one delightful flame you have a couple of seconds here to change your bets if you’d like as they are unloading them which a little surprising but so going to reset Katarina ristova will go back to the barn of Mira shash shakley scratch from this debut with that favoritism back to the Wesley W Runner delightful flame for start number two yeah I’m going to look at not sure they’re going to Lo them pretty shortly I’m not sure what happened there took the six off the board I guess they wanted to do their due diligence but they don’t have to yeah right okay right okay um I’m looking to see how heavily that horse is favored because wasn’t right now wow there is32 more dollars to win on the one and that may have just changed um yeah I’m going to see I’ll I’ll try to let people know after the race cuz obviously it does affect things um right now has $24 more dollars after that than the number than the number five so it’s a toss up delightful Flame the one Moonlight promises the first time starter for Mar Cassie the five all the money going to these two there’s the sugars with that interesting Turf pedigree but remaining in the race for John teranova four to one yeah and they’re going to load the number one delightful Flame last which they did in their initial load trying to look to see if those those numbers change there’s the one Maggie was like the appearance of not with a ton of pedigree though luck for you 10 to one on the board the three horse and now the five has gone to favoritism I don’t have the new numbers let’s see if I can get them no they have not shown up on my feed four horse acting up a little bit here triple again so and this one going to attract the attention of nearly the entire starting gate crew and now cooperates and moves in line let’s go back up to Chris Griffin for the opener Moonlight Promises to the outside delightful Flame is in all set and they’re off delightful flame broke beautifully from the inside draw goes right out to the front is up by a half length Here Comes pressure towards the outside from Moonlight promises in the front to getaway they hook up on the front end and they are three and a half lengths in front already of the sugars who’s alone in third further back comes triple sweet second to last and far back early will be luck for you as the two favorites are up top to the inside it’s delightful Flame Off The Rail and just towards the outside as Moonlight promises in Pursuit is still about a half length back as delightful flame is doing it nicely for John Velasquez 22.44% trying to get away and delightful flame now opens up her stride it’s delightful flame approaching a final furong now 2 and 1 half three in front and pouring it on late it’s far back to the rest delightful flame it’s going to draw away and win this one well in the center of the racetrack and will caner home inside the final 16th it’s all delightful flame to win the opener delightful flame will win the opener Moonlight promises second triple sweet up for third the sugars and luck for you in one minute 5.3 1 seconds delightful flame much better break much more professional here in start number two and easily gets the win yes absolutely the break told the story this one broke like a shot the number five Moonlight promises just a step slow really change the complection of the race and when you’re chasing in those situations this kind of track I think you’re going to see the winner drift a little bit here I don’t know if the five took a weird step or the one sort of got in her way or a little spooked probably some combination of just being a firsttime starter but the winner was much the best in you’re able to control from the front guess her first race was meaningless it would been nice if you could have really seen it 3 to2 but not the favorite the Wesley Ward Philly making the second career start delightful flame with John Velasquez aboard and well in hand at that point race was over easy easy time of things 154 finish to kick things off on our Thursday card here Belmont at the Big A and the favorite was the five by the way um I think the favor by a couple hundred dollars so by much more than that by about $680 they rarely don’t break well from this barn and Wesley whatever did go wrong first time out sorted it out here for start number two absolutely much much much different horse much much more professional John Velasquez aboard for Wesley Ward and familiar silks that have a Kentucky Derby John Oxley of monaros Fame we’re going to take a timeout speaking of the Triple Crown will the dream remain alive for the Kentucky Derby winner Mystic Dan as we move to the middle Jewel of the Triple Crown in Baltimore and the pness will’ll talk about his chances on Saturday when we come back [Music] he’s so impressive today the others didn’t even have a [Music] prayer Catholic boy rolls in the Run happy [Music] [Music] Travers Catholic boy standing at clayber far e e e back with you on America’s day at the races on our Thursday coverage here on Fox Sports 2 Wesley Ward ww Johnny V for John Oxley delightful flame things went a lot better especially from the start here in this second time out yeah this was the worst that people that took a short price PR in this horse first time out expected that day and it went all ay but a very different horse today un able to control and a track that perhaps will be speed favoring but a little early to make that determination well if you’re patient you got a better price was beat at 3 to five first time out this time second choice at 3 to2 let’s go downstairs to Maggie yeah here with John Velasquez and and Johnny talk a little bit about this fi you didn’t ride her first time out but we had the kind of mishap at the gate but she’s the one even though she’s in the one hole she had to go in last what was the think behind that well talking to Wesley actually he he texted me last week when when uh the nominations came out actually overnight came out and he told me that you know make sure you tell the G uh the gay guys in there that maybe uh loaded last she gets really nervous in there so I don’t want her to be there too long and then she she’ll do something bad I got I got to talk to Hector Before the Race and qu had talk talk to him um the loaded last but she was perfect there though and then the other one reacted in the outside and she she was really fine there so she was really good then we backed out of there we back into the into the gate she behaves really well so I know Wesley cooled plenty time so she was ready today yeah she really was and she looked like a Philly that should be quick she didn’t prove it first time but she definitely did today how important is it you’ve written countless um two-year-olds in your day um to just get a good break and be the one in front especially babies though you know even even if you break well with not much dirt hit him in the face you know so that way they don’t get disg right away um it’s very important for the babies it’s very rare that the baby breaks really bad and get all the dirt and come running though you know uh you have to be really good to do that though um but now she she broke really well you know just let her do whatever she wanted to do and around the turn kind of kind keep her her mind in business she bring green even though she run the first time um today she kind of looking around around the 10 and I had to remind her hey stay stay focused do you use your voice do you use your voice yeah I do I give a little hey um and a little touch you know in the shoulders just to get her him I running I and that the L she’s kind of kind of cruised along Prett pretty pretty good so I was pretty happy about that I know when their ears are going back and forth like hers were toward the line they’re doing it easy well congratulations here Johnny glad everything went well at the gate and resulted in a big win with her delightful flame yeah thank you very much always a pleasure to catch up with the Hall of Famer John Velasquez great insights there on what the the gate situation was Greg one of the best ever to it in the sport and one of the most respected in this sport as well got this Philly out of the gate pretty quickly and this race was over at the start it was at a short price Wesley Ward John Oxley and Johnny V kick things off on this Thursday card let’s take a look at what else is ahead as we’re just getting underway here on our Thursday coverage on America’s day at the races lot still to come on freakness weekend sloppy sorry muddy and sealed we’re muddy and sealed and off the turf today so we’ll correct that for you uh race two kicks off the early pick four got a pick six and a late pick five uh to come as well Play it All by getting sign up started with n bets bet any track anytime anywhere $200 deposit match new customer bonus that is the offer with that code right there punch that in it’s yours match 200 at signup again right there at nairab we touched on it briefly top of the show pness middle Jewel this triple crown with a big change really changes this race with the horse who would have been the favorite for Bob bafford who’s won a record eight freakness victories with MTH coming out yeah it’s a shame obviously being pointed here not able to run for the obvious reasons in the Kentucky Derby a race he would have been one of the favorites though the way the race was run probably would have been run a favorable manner for him being he is a forwardly placed horse now he doesn’t have the speed of his stable mate who’s still running imaginary but uh fortunately mu won’t play and hopefully his fever comes down quickly and we’ll see him in the Belmont Stakes 103° temperature bford said he I got a call from his assistant Jimmy Barnes 500 a.m. on Wednesday says when he gets a call that early it’s never good and that was the case we’ll talk about the other batford horse own them in in our ABR race of the week it is the pness middle Jewel the Triple Crown Mystic Dan will try and keep things going look even connections of Mystic Dan Kenny MC PE disappointed MTH coming out everybody wants the best to be in there I don’t believe that I don’t believe that that that’s a lie they’re not annoyed that MTH is out they’re happy that is out you know what I don’t blame him that’s just being diplomatic and a lot of people have talked about this incredible trip and it was it was an incredible ride from Brian Hernandez Jr uh Forever Young Zer Leon they were so much wider they covered more ground but he ran very good didn’t he he did and Sierra Leon saved ground the first turn I think actually Forever Young lost a lot more ground than either one of them 39 more feet but but but what I think that is being missed is that this was a race with a pace completely and totally incinerated including the favorite fierceness and Mystic Dan was far closer the pace than either Forever Young or Sierra Leon so he ran against race Dynamics not severely but enough to say that to just say this is a fortunate win because of a great ride and trip is not to give him his due but I do think that that that Mystic Dan is a horse that does his best running when he’s able to get an inside trip now he has enough speed to clear the inside the three horses now inside of him with M coming out so Brian haran gets this guy the rail on the first turn he’s going to be tough and I think he has a very big chance to be heading to Saratoga to win the Triple Crown I just also think he’s going to be a very very short price so for that reason I’m playing against him yeah no question with mu coming out and just so much more attention is going to be on this horse now but you can count on one thing that this Rider is going to have this horse in the right position to try and win this race no and I I think that a lot of people in the game are happy to see Brian Hernandez getting his just due he’s somebody we’ve talked about him quite a bit in this show he doesn’t ride the big horses and the way a lot of other people do so he’s not really getting the opportunities necessarily to get the attention to top Riders but he consistently rides extremely well and as evidenced by his Ride On Mystic Dan he’s not afraid to take a chance if he has to to get his horse home and it’s nice to see a guy who rides consistently well on the fringes getting attention in the Main Street and just quickly the other bafford horse that’s imagination outside Post in this spot bafford had said he’s an improving horse he needs to be an improving horse but he’d been working very well against mu in the morning sounds like trainers speak to me he’s going to have to improve as you said I know he looks pretty good if you just look by his speed figures his buyer figures but in my opinion if you look at a lot of the horses he’s run against the competition doesn’t really hold up now he’s the speed but you have to think that CES the gray who ran the race of his life when he upset the Pat Day mile being right on top from extremely fast pace going a mile knowing Wayne Lucas and his uh his his lack of fear of being a speed horse he’s going to go as well and imagination’s a speed so I think the two of them will be forward in here I didn’t like imagination and also without moth isn’t he going to take all of that baord money it it would appear so and I know M comes out but you still have another bafford horse and all these bigname barns are showing up bafford here Brad Cox Kenny MC PE uh D Wayne Lucas the only trainer that’s absent is Todd Pletcher who has this horrendous career record in the pness he fires his bullets in the Kentucky Derby but has very free very rarely does he have anything left over for the pness looking forward to we’re going to have a lot more discussion on the pness in the next couple of days as we get set for a big afternoon in Baltimore on Saturday we’re going to take a timeout we’re going to look ahead to the Saturday card grade three vagrancy we’ll get to in a moment race two though kicks off this early pick four and six forong New York Fred entry a level allowance Bose huge performance last time out career best can she back it up this 5-year-old mayor we’ll talk more about it when we return vagrancy hot fudge for L Rice eight for 14 record 6 for eight on this surface but trying to turn around from a fifth place effort last time out we’ll have a preview when we come [Music] back spun to run His Brilliant speed Figures were among the fastest of any three-year-old at a mile or more Eddie hailes from the legendary danzic sire line now this multiple CR Stakes Winner millionaire and Breeders Cup champion is passing his remarkable Talent along to his progy 95 5 200 back Patrick 200,000 thank you Spong a run standing at gainesway experience the adrenaline pumping system dispense filled action of the sport of Kings no matter where you are with nirra bats it’s fast easy and secure download the app today and start winning with our lucrative weekly promotions thrilling handicapping contest and a one-of aind VIP Rewards program don’t just watch horse racing be a part of the action with nir [Applause] reets number one is Mo Dono by Uncle Mo and they’re off in the rsen as they come on for the finish and it’s going to be tight here in the rsen Modo moo bearing down on the outside it’s Modo and early voting and it is modle to win the Wood Memorial and it will be modle to win the test of the champion the Belmont [Music] Stakes for centuries the bond between horse and human has been forged in trust and Hands-On care thorough breed racing is combining that tradition with cuttingedge technology to raise our standards even higher new investments in wearable Biometrics Advanced Imaging and AI help optimize our safety programs that opening quarter mile was a quick one every day a commitment to improving their care so win or lose it’s safety that runs first to learn more visit safety runs [Music] but Sky beauty is coming on off the turn and into the stretch alli’s Conquest a Stern test here from Sky Beauty and Sky Beauty goes right on by Ellie’s Conquest offered only mild resistance and Sky Beauty rolls once again here at Belmont Park absolutely unbeatable a Flawless performance to keep her Flawless Belmont record intact Sky Beauty does it again repeat winner of the vagrancy of 1995 nine time grade one winner had a tenth taken away via DQ just been away what a performer for Alan Jerkins I think she won by 10 I could be wrong I think she won by 10 and got taken down she was tremendous she was absolutely tremendous and an incredible favorite here in uh oh sorry it was only a mile length and 3/4 an incredible favorite here in New York I’m going to look at her uh there was a race I think it was her next race after this in the Sho V where I idiotically singled her at 1 to five in the Sho V and didn’t use inside information inside information and the pick six paid $115,000 not that I still remember it and I’m still bitter about incredible stupidity I didn’t even put that much money into it so doubling wouldn’t even cost that much [ __ ] I’m still bitter she was she was a great in this sport there’s nothing like it uh this year’s edition of the vagrancy talk to about one of the runners going a break hot fudge who is going to be lining up against Pig Pond right next door for Bill Mt big pond couple starts back out on the west coast had a Stak swing in the spring fever yeah and you know big pond had lost by a nose and was not a particularly strong running of the LA this year um last time out she did have some trouble running against the big girls and Alva star and vava in the Madison the great one at Keeneland I’m not sold I think She’s Dangerous she switches Barnes to Bill M of course her owner George Koran who owns just FYI is making the switch not a private purchase and I’m glad to see her here in the east coast and I think she may in some ways be the horse to beat but I’m not totally sold on her I thought this was a very tricky race and I’m a little worried that hot fudge and this is two back might have run her better races earlier and maybe she’s on the other side of her best form she’d won five in a row and and then she gets beat in the grade three dis staff where she had a little Bobble at the beginning of that race still was able to make the front that day but then wound up fifth as the beaten favorite this obviously when things were going good yeah but from the rail she’s going to be forced to sort of make some decisions because while I think be has speed on the outside I also think leave no Trace is going to be aggressive because she was able to come back to her good form where she won the grade one spinway and was second in the Breeders Cup juvenile Phillies a couple years ago she finally refound that good form last time and did it being aggressive so I think you’ll see her leave as well and well I think bee is dangerous and always been a fan one thing I noticed about the six bee she’s never won a race rating Greg got to think they have to be aggressive they have to be how aggressive is leave no Trace going to be that is coming up on our Saturday coverage let’s get back to today’s action post parade in progress race number two we’re just three minutes away here’s a look at the four at 7-2 Foxy Cara who just missed well was just behind I should say newsle who now favored like the double wow going to go back and forth here valo we talked about going to break was four to five even money favorite now so if you watch if you watch the first race do you start to worry that speed’s going to be very tough or was it just firsttime starters the best horse W here’s valo Romero Mirage Rudy Rodriguez can she back it up Romero is not only the best looking Mirage he’s also an aggressive Rider but this horse just doesn’t have the speed feed with Perpetual praise but probably not as quick as the favorite that’s the thing we don’t think she’s fast enough to keep up with the number six nudes Lee but she’s the only one that could get in her way can you make a case at all for big Hazel yes if she runs the race she ran on June 25th she can she’ll win this race she runs any of her other races she has no chance she must really annoy Dave dunk foxy Cara third beat less than a length and she was just behind newsle last out she is improving but she may not get the pace to close into like last time and newsle looks to control and she got beat by her her more talented stable mate last time out not by much in my opinion it’s insane that she’s not favored though she’s favored in doubles because she’s supposed to be the controlling speed and has taken a couple of very tough beats and she just doesn’t rate to face the kind of pace pressure she’s faced in her last two starts minute to post here in the start of this pick four let’s go down to Maggie yeah and let’s kind of talk about the possibility that that this track is favoring horses that are going to be on the lead because there’s two things going on here one is the fact that we have a wet track and it’s on its way to drying out and that’s often when we’ll see you know the rail or or just track track carrying horses other thing is the wind it is windy I mean we are seeing I would say 30 m per hour gusts here and the horses for the most part are running into that headwind down the backside and so they have a Tailwind um when coming home here so uh we’ll see how things play out but let’s discuss the two horses that are likely speeds one of them is 8 to one on number two Perpetual praise now I I don’t particularly like her I mean I think when she’s won her races the track has been in her favor so maybe again it’ll be this but I’ll also say this this the one of the more relaxed best time she’s moved moving very freely out there on the track really well conditioned here for Ray handle and now she’s kind of led a more comprehensive campaign I know those races the four that she’s had since coming back here in 2024 I’ve been on the slower side but I just really thought she was doing better than what I’ve seen from her in the past now the other speed horse is nley um and I’ve never seen her before but uh as she’s kind of seconding off that bit of a layoff very nervous I mean I’m sure she’s usually like this because they knew to saddle her outside and on the walk she’s washed out it’s not warm she doesn’t make the greatest impression at of short price but I even though I haven’t seen her I’m tempted to say Greg that this is how she normally is and all of that has just pushed me towards number one Volo who I know she’s not no world beater but this is by far the best she has ever appeared before a race and I feel like Rudy Rodriguez is striking when the iron’s hot when he has her in good field in good form and she’s not facing a particularly tough field even money I’m surprised by this um probably going to change maybe when the gates open but to get 8 to five on newsle here it’s it’s in my opinion a little bit wacky to be honest now there’s CAW money in the double pools it doesn’t exist in the wind pools they’re very separate pools now um I think the smart money has made the source the favorite and I believe she’s the horse to beat in here maybe I’ll be proven wrong and maybe they’re stting to be S for what Maggie saying maybe she doesn’t always look that way and maybe that has something to do with the money but this is very strange newsle in in both of our opinion is the horse to catch and the horse to beat speed of the speed Jose Gomez on board last in line pick four starts here let’s go to Chris Griffin and they’re off hopping in the air at the start was foxy Cara the early trailer newsle got speed so does perpetual praise there’re a onew and hard sent was newsle from the outside draw wants to cross over and now having to steady that’s Perpetual praise who’s back there in second who moves right towards the outside into the two pack the leader is nley it’s Newley who’s in front is up by a length Perpetual praise towards the outside now stalks this paac set as they move into the far turn 22 and three for the opening quarter mile four lengths back in third comes valo who’s alone in that third position trying to keep up his big Hazel is losing some ground the trailer after the start foxy Kira eight length last the leader is news Lee 7 to5 on newsle is only a neck in front here comes the run from Perpetual praise is looming up on the outside and Baloo at even money is right in behind the duo and tips towards the outside as they reach the top of the stretch 46.3 three the half mile time Perpetual praise comes to challenge Newley for the lead valo is up on the grand stand side with all the momentum and here comes the run from off the pace for valo and valo is now pushed on by newsle and Perpetual praise they battle on inside the final 16th it’s valo who’s in front and drawing away late valo Romero Mirage they’ll get the score Belo wins it newsle battles back for second Perpetual praise then came foxy Cara and big Hazel in 1 minute 11.57 seconds Volo 5-year-old mayor backs up a career best performance back on April 7th now with a back-to-back Victory got a perfect trip and able to get it done and this was not the nudely we’ve seen from the last two starts and whether it was the the muddy sealed track or maybe it has a lot to do with Maggie said about how she actually looked today because she wasn’t bet like she was supposed to be she was supposed to be favored in this race I don’t think it’s reasonable to even possibly believe the one could be favored in here it’s almost like they knew because even though she got second uh this is not the newsle we saw in the last two races but it was a good effort by valo who clearly is improving for Rudy Rodriguez Romero Mirage for Rudy Rodriguez Lamarcus stable Rudy owns part of this 5-year-old Mir as well fourth career Victory but the last couple of starts she’s she’s been different than the prior 16 starts of her career yeah this was that this is an improved horse a horse that basically ran the turf early in her career but she’s turning into an acceptable dirt horse though she got a good trip in here and you know the fact that Perpetual praise was not only able to stalk and I thought it was misleading um to say that she steadied the rider was obviously taking her back and didn’t want to engage newsle on the inside and he was letting that one go to be honest with you as far as newsle just not as good a race in my opinion she ran her last two starts one six 24 even money favorite starts off this early pick four we’ll have the prices when we come back stick with us plenty more to talk about this weekend eight pness wins but he won’t have two chances on Saturday down to one with MTH coming out it’s up to imagination for bafford now have Frankie to Tori on board [Music] [Music] but Elite power does it again in the Breeders Cup Sprint tic has taking the lead but it’s going to be idiomatic Cody Swit takes the lead Cody’s Swit National Treasure coming down to the line thank you Cody and thank you Cody’s wish e e e e back with you on America’s day at the races on Fox Sports 2 it’s brought to you in part where you can play it all including the freakness rest of the Triple Crown and Beyond at nerbs go to get signed up started race two in the books with the even money favorite Volo Rudy Rodriguez Romero Mirage back to back wins now for this 5-year-old mer yeah she’s obviously in new form here and ran another good race here no problem with the wet track and no problem rating and actually got very good position one thing Romero is extremely good at is getting position he is not a rider that is afraid to be aggressive and that is really paying off for him and hopefully it’s going to pay off in some better amounts let’s go downstairs to Maggie here with the man of the hour Romero Mirage and Romero this race you know you could kind of play it out on paper there were two speeds did it kind of play out exactly like you were hoping and wanting yes it did um the two speeds went at it and I got to just get out of there I didn’t have to over rush her I didn’t have to take her back we just found our position naturally and she was just cruising I just waited till you know um we straightened up to tip out and switch leads and let her roll you’ve gone back to back with her finding yourself to The Winner Circle talk a little bit about because I thought that she looked better than ever today is she really thriving at the moment yes um the final kick that she gave me was actually phenomenal the race prior to when I won on her when she ran she kind of hung a bit but the last two races she really kicked on and today even more she kicked on and galloped out great so that’s a great sign that she’s really improving Rudy has done a really great job with her R talk to us about the conditions it’s really windy with some gust out there what’s it like riding in these races um to be honest when you’re out on the track the the best thing that you try to do is just protect yourself every everyone around you but it doesn’t really change too much because when you’re riding on a regular basis there’s always a lot of wind you know you always have to keep your balance so I feel like it’s almost the same thing just go out there and try to ride the race to the best of your um ability and if the track condition changes that um you change your your strategy or whatever it may be to that um nature but riding wise I think it’s just just play it the same you know you just go out there and have fun now we joke a lot about uh your cousin uh rajie that you were coming to take his job do you think not having the Jamaican accent is an advantage or disadvantage for you I’m actually I have both I have a Jamaican accent and I was raised in Florida so that’s fine I mean and I am far better looking in fact um his wife Angie had a crush on me since I was four years old so that’s fine she ever since I was four she said I was always cute so uh Raj can say whatever he wants she already said that I’m better looking than him Raj watch out coming for your job coming for your wife we can but Romero well done congratulations thank you Meg I appreciate it oh always fun to catch up with Romero guys he’s better looking he’s way funnier as we see now he’s smarter and you know what he doesn’t fake the accent like Raj and now that I think about it did we properly audition rajie should we the difference is that one of them has a job actually currently the other one we did it actually as a favor to Angie so he wouldn’t be around annoying her all the time uh we love them both um great addition to the team Romero’s we’re starting to say his name a lot more on the show too yeah he’s been riding well all year he just has to get opportunities and he’s a lot of fun which I like which which Rajiv is as well and now I’m going to text him and make sure he knows how much his cousin is abusing him on the air um can we please yeah get that clip send it to uh reie immediately have our research Department get on that you know maybe the first thing poll we should have for ask Biv is we should have a poll who people think is the better looking Mirage I don’t think he wants to post that one I know he doesn’t third Belmont of the big a kicks off the Pick Six coming up on this muddy sealed track off the turf today one mile New York Freds made in special weight and Linda rice will try and stretch out Mama’s Got a Gun start number two uh yeah I picked this one and you know she was the morning line favorite so I should have been warned I did not think she’d be that short of price she is a pretty strong favorite in the doubles we’ll see if that holds up all right more on this third race in a moment middle juel coming up Saturday from Baltimore that have you been to that infield right oh I’ve been on the I’ve never gone to the concert area you survived it though no no well I no no where I was put a couple times with some friends we were we were it was hard they they put the owners of the horse and the pness in a tent in the infield for lunch oh so you didn’t go with the main literally the base was booming so loud nobody in the tent could hear the average age of the tent was not young I’ve been in the backyard once after the races on Friday it is chaos you’re not my well you you were involved in the run of the toilets I saw you in one of the videos I honestly I went into that INF I didn’t know if I’d make it out it is the wildest party I’ve ever seen in my life AB race of the week second Jewel of this Triple Crown in the Preakness the big news moth coming out obviously Mystic Dan trying to keep this Triple Crown dream alive and with no moo for bafford he still has imagination who is an improving horse and needs to be with what he’s done so far but this is a horse who’s put up some big performances if you like him you’re just betting any bafford horse being run in my opinion and listen I didn’t like the winter last year National Treasure and arguably improved in the Preakness now he’s improved substantially as a race horse since then um but this is a bit of a tougher Preakness than National Treasure was in last year and I know a lot of people thought stronghold ran well in the derby I’m not one of them he ran better than a lot of horses did in there but he was a bad six he didn’t really run very well and he didn’t he ran a much lower buyer figure looking up the worst his imagination is run against I don’t think he fits with this field he’s the speed we’ll see how aggressive CES the gray is and I think CES the gray is going to have a lot to do with a lot of things about the result of this race but imagination in my opinion is for bafford fans now listen bafford fans have cashed a lot in races so who am I to tell them they’re dumb he’s done okay in the freakness eight time winner that is a record in the pness for Bob bafford yeah had National Treasure just last year went to the front that was a brilliant ride too from John Velasquez justify Aman frell part of those Triple Crown runs not to mention some other pretty big names in there I think the name on that list you look at how did he not win the Triple Crown Point given who lost in the Kentucky Derby but it shows how difficult the Triple Crown is you’ve got to show up in all three races and it’s particularly tough in the Kentucky Derby but it also shows how well Bob Baer has done with horses that have run Kentucky Derby coming back in their subsequent starts looking at lucky disappointing the Derby he ran a better race Bob baffer knows how to win big races and big route races on the dirt better than any trainer in this country and if you doubt his skill as a dirt trainer you’re making a very big mistake can we go from The Big Easy to Baltimore and that’s the plan for tusen gold one of two coming out of the great 2 Louisiana Derby including the winner of that race catching Freedom what you think of his Derby catching Freedom yeah um I thought he ran okay he he he You could argue he Shuff a little early if you think he was I think it helped him by being farther back he got a great trip from Flavia Pratt after that I don’t think he ran better than Tusk and gold in this race Victory because he saved ground and made the last move in a race that fell apart now he and Anor Marie may have been two of the best horses so maybe that’s why they ran one two and he waited while honor Marie made that first move and the last move was the right move uh as far as tusken gold it’s like he wasn’t keeping up around the turn antiquarian winner Peter Pan went by him and he rallied and it suggests to me that maybe he didn’t want to be quite as forward as he was as It ultimately played out and he was also three and four wide the entire way around the racetrack losing a lot of ground while the first two finishers saved ground almost the entire running of the race so he covered a lot more territory with them and was closer to a pace that was falling apart a little bit and he’s making his fourth start and we saw what Chad Brown did with early voting and cloud computing making their fourth start in this race oh off that win for catching Freedom fourth beat less than two lengths in the Kentucky Derby now going to contest this second leg of the Triple Crown for Brad Cox son of constitution Pratt will be back aboard and listen he’s apparently doing well down there and Brad Cox running him is certainly a boat of confidence uh how much it was his decision or connections I’m sure Brad has to check in he’s not afraid to tell his connections we’re not running in here he’s a nice horse I don’t want to knock him will he get enough Pace to run into now the horse he beat in the Big Easy that we just showed you that race he’s I guess he’s the upside horse of this race isn’t he yeah I I I like this horse’s chances quite a bit in here um as I said before I like his last race and while I respect hatching freedom and he has more accom lishments than Tusk and gold I think Tusk and gold has significantly more upside as I said he’s the kind of worse I want to bet out of Louisiana Derby more than I want to bet catch and freedom his second timeout his three-year-old debut that’s when he broke his Maiden did that a golf stream and then that third place finish in his debut in grated Stakes company and Chad Brown’s had pretty good success passing on the Derby and waiting for this race yeah no he he’s had incred success doing it and um he’s been able to be patient and in the cases of early voting and cloud computing unlike Tusk and gold he had the points to run the Derby and he and the connections decided they would wait for the pness and it paid off good magic arguably was unlucky against justifi he’ run a decent second to him though not he was clearly second best in the derby I believe if good magic had drawn outside of justify that day he wouldn’t have had to force the pace from the inside I think he would have won that pness clearly the least impressive justifies six wins so Chad Brown has had horses running this Preakness and run very well and of course he narrowly missed last year with blazing sevens and this is a better horse than blazing sevens thanks to a incredible ride that really compromised blazing sevens out of the gate too from John Velasquez with National Treasure yep no question Dwayne Lucas will get to he has a couple of very interesting long shots in the race sees the gray just steel you can play it all freakness today’s card here Belmont at the big a all meet long Saratoga at the Belmont Belmont at Saratoga excuse me I had that backwards by getting signed up at n bets match 200 promo code you use for new members at sign up go to nareb and bet any track anywhere anytime third race kicks off to pick six on our Thursday card New York Freds in this Maiden special weight one turn Mile and the five to2 favorite Linda rice second time out Mama’s Got a Gun Gunrunner Philly who will stretch out for start number two let’s go downstairs to Maggie and Greg let’s begin here in the padic with a first time starter and that is number three in here Devil’s Arrow a daughter of arrowgate Who Sold um just for the 70,000 she didn’t work work particularly fast you know over a year ago but I I watched it and I like the way that she traveled obviously debuting here at a mile can be tough but this is exactly what she needs to do she needs this if not more distance U moving forward she’s your typical arog not to mention the color that steel gray but also just tall long lanky got has a lot of leg to her um and she comes in here looking incredibly fit well prepared and professional she is wearing front wraps though for this debut is quite settled so again with that kind of disposition coupled with her physical makeup I’m not sure exactly how much speed we’ll get from her but I think she’s a very intriguing option as we’ll move on to the inside favored Runner number one Mama’s got a run she was she broke fine and then she just wasn’t as quick into stride as some of the others and then she got fairly green when being confronted with the kickback uh early on in that race she did close a little bit late and Lake abanaki um has come back to win but a little bit on the slower side uh though she did defeat one to four Maly that day um stretching out in distance she is a daughter of Gunrunner she looks as though she should be a okay with the added ground I just wish at a short price she looked a bit more fit than what she does I wasn’t in the padic for her debut uh so I don’t have a reference point but again just wishing she was a little bit more tucked up as we’ll move on to some other stretch outs in here number four Focus Pocus returned to the races and I thought she ran fairly well I I understand what Kendrick was trying to do that day she broke a touch loow then she kind of went up to track the pace and then there was an opening on the rail about at the 516 pole and he P pushed her through there and unfortunately coming off of a layoff she just didn’t have enough stamina to sustain it but I’ve always thought that this Philly is one that should appreciate more ground very fit in here she’s always very laidback I think she is incredibly dangerous in this spot at 7 to2 number seven is better be smart um she I like the addition of the blinkers because watching her last race she kind of looked to be watching the other horses if you watch the head on she kind of when the horses come to her she kind of moves away from them and she’s a little bit all over the track one in a bit so I like the addition of the equipment and obviously she could play out to be the speed in here stretching out but I don’t particularly like her stretching out I know there’s pedigree to say that she can but looking at her physically she’s very compact she’s got that Sprinter frame through and through we’ll see how she performs here getting out to a mile in her third star Greg Maggie thank you back to the favorite 5 to2 you’re Smith fan I take it not really why is that oh is that a maros Smith song Mama’s Got a Gun it’s not quite Mama’s Got a Gun okay um but it’s close five to two I was kidding I got nothing against Aros Smith I had a good friend in college that was a was a stalker of Joe Perry Okay prob been arrested for it by now pretty good at this maneuver stretching out yeah as you can see seven for 28 stretching horses out in the dirt maidens in their second starts 267 Roi suggesting they’re paying over $10 getting it done a quar of the time overall stretching out in the dirt with maidens she’s winning at 24% with a positive Roi she does this and does it well on the other hand 5 to2 is a little short for me I was hoping for a slightly better price get at the post bra in a moment it’s Janie’s Got a Gun the AOS Smith song oh okay not Mama start number two six furlongs to a mile and we’ll see if Mama’s Got a Gun is up to the task here and we’ll see if she has more speed today now obviously the speed has got to be Focus Pocus in this race who we’ll see if she can get the mile and was a very disappointing Loser last time she looked like a blue by the horse that beat her was a firster for clont that came back and got her and I think stamina is a significant question for her there’s happy smile Dylan Davis one of two in the race for Charlie Baker he’s got the seven as well um who’s much more highly regarded on the board at 5 to one yeah yes I I agree I know you like uh better be smart we’ll see I I I didn’t love the H’s efforts but I won’t be surprised by a lot of horses in this race um I think the first time star Devil’s Arrow has to be respected Jonathan Thomas comes here with live horses on the other hand when they’re live they’re bet and right now this s a little lukewarm at four to one dam was a sister to a grade one winner awesome humor for Devil’s Z the three as they come onto the track so here’s Jose Lano for Linda rice lady Sheila stable sils Mama’s Got a Gun yeah we’ll have to run better obviously than first timeout and just a lot of time Linda horses just need that first race happy smile went by for Charlie Baker moving to his barn here’s the first timer Devil’s Arrow you met mentioned the pedigree with this one um worked a two-year-old sale of very unimpressive work a year ago 21 and four for two furlongs you talk about the speed of focus Pocus here’s Kendrick Kendrick’s going to try to wire the field can this horse handle the distance four to one next door top of the table just missed at a mile at this level last start and I think you want to see how this one does because the worst to beat her in a photo M will take some money call her Bluff off the turf in the seventh race today Turf back to dirt troubled luck taking absolutely no money and with good reason just looks a little too slow the other Charlie Baker horse two sprints and now stretching out to a mile better be smart uh yeah you you like her more than I do I thought she’d have to improve but she’s a square price if you like her blinkers go on today career start number three and then pinstripe piso rashio to Ramone Vasquez 3 two to one yeah seems to be more of a Turf horse the dirt races are a disaster why is this horse by the way a bigger price a shorter price than the six I know it’s close but at least the six has picked up her feet on the dirt this one hasn’t picked up her feet but they like to miss bat off based on different surfaces four minutes of post here in the third it kicks off the pick six on our Thursday card here on America’s day at the races this one Remains the favorite Mama’s Got a Gun stretching out to a mile for start number two trainer Linda rice coming up every sire hopes to have a son to follow in his footsteps an impressive debut for monings that son is Jack Christopher Jack Christopher to win the champagne unbeaten grade one winner at two dual grade 1 winner at three and he is pouring it on here it is Jack Christopher winning the grade one H Allen jerkens Memorial Jack Christopher standing at kmore America the cross country Pig five combines the best racing from New York with top races from around the country in one bet find it in your track menu and play every race Day races are posted weekly at CrossCountry race lens is the most indepth product in horse racing with unique features found nowhere else true odds predictive analysis and Pace projection race lens it will change the way you follow horse racing and take your game to the next level War dancer New York’s leading Turf sire again in 2023 with standouts like Barrage at Saratoga here’s barrage with a final surge barrage got him more saichi dominant on the dirt at Finger Lakes War saichi has scampered well clear War saichi all the way with the top spot and Danzig Queen on the tap of the surface at Woodbine and Dan Quinn will come away and win by a length consistently producing winners on dirt Turf and synthetic War dancer proud to stand in New York breeding in New York state just got a whole lot Greener starting in 2026 with 2-year-olds and expanding in 2027 to include three-year-olds and up New York RADS on the N circuit will be offer pures matching the Race’s open company counterpart that’s a nearly 20% increase per race compared to 2023 bowling season is in full swing there’s still time to take advantage of New York’s better than ever State bread incentives nbrs for more info back with you on our Fox Sports 2 coverage America’s day at the races Thursday card from Belmont at the big a it’s brought to you in part by legendary Clayburn Farm 100 Years of doing the usual unusually well 2 minutes to post in a race that’s going to kick off this Thursday pick six and here is the one to catch on the front end Focus Pocus three career starts and now we’ll stretch out to a mile and everyone’s going to be looking at this horse in front yeah for sure but it’s hard to be confident I mean this horse had a huge lead at Saratoga last year and gave it up in the late stages last time out made this seeming winning move around the turn coming up a rail that was good and just falling apart in the late stages now you’re asking her to go a mile now Rosy dep’s thought process partly might be this is the race that came up for her but maybe feels at a mile she’ll be able to get away with a much more moderate pace well it wasn’t particularly strong Pace last time out so I’m not really sure what her excuse was in there and if she gets a mile especially at a short price she’s going to do it without my money did have the layoff excuse I guess I guess last time out let’s go down to Maggie for more yeah Andy and I have different different opinions when it comes to focus Pocus I haven’t been her biggest fan throughout her career because I felt like she’s going too short maybe I’m way off Bas here but it is sometimes easier for these horses to get out there and not be rushed off their feet find their Rhythm and I think there was a layoff excuse last time plus I know it wasn’t a fast pace but sometimes when you make that early move and try to blow a race apart off of a layoff you’re going to come up short so I think she looks better than ever her coat’s gone the right way where I didn’t think it looked great last time and I just think she looks the most fit that harasu has been able to get her I could be wrong she’s a short price so I understand not taking her number five top of the table I like what I’m seeing from this uh Philly first time I’m laying eyes on her now on her third career start she’s one that given the pedig surprised they haven’t thought about Turf but whatever um here we are on a sloppy sealed racetrack again and one that I I think is probably needing to race into fitness she’s a big bulky uh type of Philly came in here very sharp makes a great impression overall just you know really nice put together horse that is well conditioned here for Mark henig wishing them the best of luck with gunong in the blackeyed Susan coming up this weekend but uh I I think she’s one Greg that is not to be forgotten either at least she has the experience of going long last time where I thought it was a fairly game perform performance she’s a major player in here thanks Maggie top of the tail four to one right now Katie Davis back aboard start number three coming up and yeah just missed by a neck at 4 to one last start uh yeah you know once again I’m saying how call her Bluff you can take a look at the horse that beat her last time because she’s the number 14 I believe in the allo eligibles the mto’s in the off the turf seventh race now she’ had a lot of chances getting there so I’m wondering how good that race was but stamina shouldn’t be an issue for her Linda ricebar not a surprise getting a lot of attention here start number two debut with six furlongs non-threatening fourth and now stretches out to a mile and the one to beat on the board let’s go upstairs start of the pick six Chris Griffin the call Focus Pocus pinstrip pitso and The Rail Runner mama got a gun and the off Mama’s got a gun breaks well from the inside now he going to take back as in between horses moving forward there is top of the table on the far outside here comes better be smart and better be smart is in front is up by a length and a half call it two getting off the rail there Focus Pocus is now in the clear is going to be in about the three path here as they hook up with the backstretch out wider is top of the table from the far outside there’s pin strive pit so tightly bunched now as happy smile has four progress is now a challenging fourth in behind that leading group is going to be Devil’s Arrow it’s another length and a half second to last is troubled luck and the trailer is now mam got a gun 23 and four for the opening quarter mile better be smart as doing out the fractions as a half length in front and better be smart at 5 to one has got the lead as approaching four furong left to go towards the outside there is Kender Carmo and focus Pocus within range just tracking this pacet as they move into the turn 47 and three the half mile time down at the rail it’s happy smile Dylan Davis in third all in now as Devil’s Arrow as under pressure as in between horses three wide and that second group is top of the table Mama’s Got a Gun starts to commence the rally from the back and the two at the back pin stri Pito with troubled luck on the front end it’s now Focus Pocus and focus Pocus has taken the lead Focus Pocus out in the center of the racetrack is well off the rail and focus Pocus Kendra Carmo has not asked yet happy smile is in full Pursuit and Mama’s Got a Gun is diving down towards the inside that’s the leading Trio now with a furong left to go can focus Pocus hang on Mama’s Got a Gun is at the rail has got all the momentum and here towards the outside it’s happy smile down to these two Mama’s Got a Gun happy smile Mama’s Got a Gun Jose Lano they get the win at 5 to2 happy smile second Focus Pocus and troubled luck in 1 minute 40 seconds flat Mama’s Got a Gun sitting way back and was moving pretty nice throughout gets the win to start off the pick six she really started picking it up right after I told Greg that I said you know was knocking win here the horse is like Mom’s Got a Gun true story but then uh you could see around the half mile pole that the firster was under a full drive and Jose was so confident and the funny thing with Focus Pocus is maybe it just doesn’t matter the distance there’s always going to be at least somebody that passes her in the last eighth of a mile not getting the lead may not have helped her chances but I don’t know she doesn’t finish at a mile she doesn’t finish at six fur lugs it’s not distance she doesn’t finish here but mama’s got a gun did second out for Linda rice and like so many improveed in her second start 1 2 4 six not the the cleanest break in the world for the four but it didn’t matter yeah she’s just she doesn’t want to finish you know and I think a lot of us would have reasonably expected her to be in front front yeah and when she didn’t get the front not that she had a bad trip cuz she didn’t but I think if you’re trying to get Focus Pocus to win you’re probably trying to wire the field but that would have mattered surprise though went off the favorite yes was yes totally different than the doubles again 1246 these silks had some good ones including Champion female Sprinter laod yeah yeah nice to see them back of the Winter Circle in a horse to clearly need the first start and frankly at 180,000 that’s like a bargain for a Gunrunner it really is it’s a giveaway for a Gunrunner five to two as your second choice on the board Mama’s Got a Gun and win prices when we come back we’ll get into the late pick five and you win that Kentucky Derby it’s a thrill of a lifetime but then the pressure ramps up to incredible levels we’ll tell you how it ramped up for Smarty Jones and his crew as they headed to Baltimore when we come [Music] back he’s a running son of a gun po out cap now has the advantage a graded Stakes winning 2-year-old grade one Breeders Cup juvenile runner up at two multiple grade one places at three finished in the top four in 11 out of 12 starts and from here on in it’s just a matter of how far Papa Cap an easy winner of the best pal Papa Cap standing at wac he’s a run son of a gun Papa Cap now has the advantage a graded Stakes winning 2-year-old grade one breed e e e [Music] back with you on America’s day of the races brought you in part by nare bet spit any track anywhere anytime Mama’s Got a Gun stretching out to a mile career start number two Linda rice numbers get now even better with that move now she’s eight for 29 now uh now second time starters stretching out uh on the dirt off in their in their second start maidens someone who knows these connections well standing by downstairs that’s right lady Sheila stable Sheila Rosen Bloom and Linda rice joining me now and Sheila Mama’s gotta run I got gun but she’s gotta run I knew I was gonna mess it up no talk a little bit about we were just discussing the name and Linda kind of putting it up to you Linda came up with it she’s a Gunrunner um and we just had a feeling that she was going to run and uh being here I wondered how she was going to like the mud yeah it was it’s been a little wet and Linda said we’re going to find I come today I said yes come today and should I bring my son who’s here from La his sister who’s also here from La couldn’t make it but I have a feeling by now he’s already told her that uh she won and I wasn’t so sure for qu quite a while there man yeah we don’t I mean talk about making up so much ground Linda she was covered for a Philly and only her second start that was pretty impressive yes it was and you know I mean this Philly was in on Wood Memorial Day on the last race lost a rider in the post bra ran loose she’s been a little green all around and then of course she gets the one hole today but I thought with the the last race under belt the added distance and everything I told Sheila no you guys better come today yeah and you said it a few times you’re coming I said I’m I’m definitely coming and Eric Eric you named a horse after too Eric the Red and Carl for tennis his sister car’s match point they both had oh and you got them when I came to New York and I said you’re going to see the most talented horses so she gave me her honest trainer eye and attitude and said um I’m not sure but but we’ll keep him going as long as we could but they they were meaningful that was the beginning of my racing life well that’s usually how it goes and now it’s onwards and upwards I feel like fiction yeah I mean lav do the list goes on Linda congratulations here you thank you Maggie hot City girl um she just had her F yeah she’s she’s doing well they’re all doing well holiday disguise and I love the New York breads that you should it pays it pays to have a New York bread Greg and Sheila and her crew definitely taking advantage of that state bed program it’s great to be back they’ve been a really good team together and had a lot of success including a champion as we’ve mentioned and now Mama’s Got a Gun onto bigger and better things potentially yeah I mean you know she she improved a lot in her second start obviously and you know it’s hard to know with maidens where they’re going to go and you see how fast the races come up but uh one you don’t win as many races Linda without the ability to improve horses pick six underway with the second choice on the board couple of horses surprisingly have not been favorites in here this was one of them or that maybe more so that just focus focus was the favorite fourth race to start the late pick five six furong Sprint $20,000 claiming race and we might uh hear from Linda again after this race she’s awesome clearly the one to beat in this race she she can rate but she’s a better horse in the front end and if she has nil’s heel in here it’s the fact that she doesn’t figure to be the speed and with the rail Jose Lano has to work out a trip much more on the fourth coming up as we get set for the late Pig five the pressure of the Triple Crown can be crushing whoever wins the Kentucky Derby is instantly thrown to the Lions Den with an onslaught of media attention Ready or Not team Smarty Jones takes us inside what pressures they were facing as their star Pennsylvania Brad moved on to Baltimore [Music] and here is the first undefeated winner of the Kentucky Derby since Seattle slow in 1977 Smarty Jones has done it I remember we left Churchill the next day cuz we had drove out you know I still had 40 horses at parks the next morning I go to the barn there’s like 50 people from the media at my barn and they’re grabbing me and talking to me on the rail and stuff that’s when my wife stepped in she goes you know what you train your horses I I I’ll set this stuff up for you I think that’s why we won the uh sport Turf award through the media because everybody was so pleased the way everything went we were very naive you know everybody’s like you know were you going to go to pre look I I don’t know I got to see how my horse comes out of the race how he’s acting I had never particularly wanted to go on that triple crown Trail because I know the pressure uh my husband that was a dream of his I told Mr Mrs Chapman I said look yeah we let him tell us if he’s training like he’s been training then we’re definitely going to go for the preas and uh and he did I tell you this horse has come a long long way he really he didn’t he didn’t used to be I mean he was a freaking handful you know he was a little strong I didn’t train him a whole lot Bob newow G me why didn’t breezing and I told him I said look my wife just ran a mile and a quarter two weeks ago uh the way he trains he doesn’t need to Breeze hey chat super buddy very good very good no I just I just wanted to let you know we had a real good morning and uh everything’s looking good B and I felt strong about that I felt that he was going into the race really really good you know he’s fit I just want him mentally to think he can go bear hunting with a switch that’s what I want and that’s the way he went in the race and they’re off Smarty Jones gets off to a good beginning Smarty Jones comes away with the narrowly lead I mean going to the first turn I could tell right away Michael Smith was trying to control the race smarty broke sharp and he put himself in a good position but there goes lionart with his typical early Tech and Mike Smith is angling him out as they head for the clubhouse turn you know Mike Mike had to use his horse a little bit to get to the lead to control the race and I think more than anything he wanted to try to park Stewart out in the middle of the racetrack and around the far turn Mike Smith is giving Smarty Jones The Rail and then when St duck to the inside you know I knew he had some horse I didn’t know he had that much horse he just exploded and as they hit the top of the stretch Smarty Jones has taken the lead it is Smarty Jones in front and then to watching draw off like that I remember telling myself you know backing downst we got one more to go let’s not use it up I don’t want to leave it in the gym you know Smarty Jones he’s putting away he’s putting away to win impressively here he’s going to win by a colossal margin here is Smarty Jones he wins the pness by a dozen links when that horse took off and kept running the way he did and won by the record margin we were full of gratitude but we were full of excitement that you just can’t describe all I can say is wow oh my guy from West Virginia and a guy from German about it this Philadelphia Story continues its magical way to The elusive Triple Crown I first of all I remember my father at the half mile pole screaming no not yet you know the country they sure wanted the triple crown and they sure wanted Smarty Jones to be that triple crown winner I know there’s probably more parts coming I don’t want to spoil it but he did not win the Triple Crown but W better I’m glad you did that that freakness win that was Sensational wasn’t it yeah I could be accused of not being up on the Smarty Jones hype but his pness win was a devastatingly good performance I think he got a 118 buyer that day and that was the race that made me particularly sad that he didn’t run later in the year even as a four-year-old because that’s the kind of effort that says a horse that has a horse has ability that could be one of the real greats in the game and it’s a shame I don’t blame Stewie Elliott the same way everyone else does for the Belmont Stakes to be honest I understand the complaint but it’s not as though Birdstone was some lucky horse he was only about four lengths behind the pace and he was unlucky that it rained before the B of the Derby because he couldn’t handle a sealed trap and when you think about his Travers performance he was a worthy foe of smarty Jones’s and I think it degrades burstone a little bit but Smarty Jones he was a very exciting horse he he had an enormous fan base he was like an East Coast version of California Chrome yeah you know they they had great Calia Chrome had one of the great fan bases of my entire lifetime at the racetrack chromies they loved him and I think that’s great and he and he and you know what he rewarded him because he another horse you think about if he had retired after his three-year-old year you would never known how good he was and you think of the kind of race he ran against arate when arate was the real arate smart California Chrome eventually turned into a monstrous lot of big moments yeah beyond that triple crown we’re going to take a timeout we’re going to have the fourth when we come back it kicks off this late pck five on our Thursday card Linda rice looking to go back to back she’s awesome 5-year-old mayor that she’ll send out here in the fourth who is the one to beat four to five favorite now looking for the fifth win of her career re coming up xanden poet motion big horse but light on his feet and he’s always showed up and been consistent and been right there with some of the top horses in training in the Bluegrass Stakes he showed his determination and his raw ability it’s over xand wins the toyot of blueg grass I feel breeders will be really Blown Away by what a striking out standing looking horse he [Music] is experience the adrenaline pumping suspense filled action of the sport of Kings no matter where you are with nirra bets it’s fast easy and secure download the app today and start winning with our lucrative weekly promotions thrilling handicapping contest and a one-of aind VIP Rewards program don’t just watch horse racing be a part of the action with n [Applause] bet tonalist a four time grade one winner with 11 triple digigit buyers including the Belmont Stakes and the cigar mile he’s already living up to his potential as a sire with multiple graded Stakes winners including grade one winner Country Grammar and grade two winner toneless shape plus multiple six figure yearling and 2-year-old sales Pro proven on the track proven in the sales ring tonalist standing at Lane’s end Racetrack Television Network brings you every race from every track on every screen every day with monthly packages starting as low as $5 rtn gives you great value and access to more Live HD streaming and race replays than anyone visit today to sign up and watch on almost any device including Roku and Amazon Fire RT and has packages that start at $5 per [Music] month Serena song rare opportunity on the inside trying to respond and fight back but Serena song gets a neck on rare opportunity conquistadoras is third last eighth of a mile Serena song now opens up and Serena song Under Gary Stevens going on to a willing win I don’t even think he tapped her with a whip Serena get the blanket of blackeyed Susan’s ready for Serena song Serena song just barely able to eek that one out by nine lengths what a horse she was 113 buy her in that blackeyed Susan win but what a horse and as you can see and Greg has her PPS in front of him um which is like 18 for 33 or 18 for 35 like 18 for 38 lifetime 29 of 3812 uh caught in the wire and the and the Whitney winning winning the hasal I would I may have been there when she in the H now I think about actually I don’t think I was but she was a she was absolutely remarkable I mean remarkable how good she was you know she lost that that incredible photo to to Flanders in the 1994 briers cup juvenile Phillies flers could have been an all-time great if she hadn’t gotten hurt in there and she was a particularly good producer as well but Serena song man she was some race horse and you saw there and she danced all the dances well D Wayne going to be present to try and win another one with lemon muffin Rider change is going to flavy and Pratt on Philly Who provided that big performance in the great three honeybee on the road to the Kentucky Oaks yeah I was just uh texting with the morning line maker at there Brian Nido a good friend of mine um and I disagree with his morning lines I disagree with everything anyway in life now lemon muffin it’ll be interesting to see how much money she takes because at a certain point you’re kind of wondering if her wind down at at oaklan was a bit of an aberration because she hasn’t really run to it in any of her races and her performance has been poor coming back 2 weeks from the Kentucky Oaks which didn’t run well not running a step in the fantasy her honey bee was a good effort but she needs to run this effort otherwise she’s not good enough this was her big moment and it was the first ever greated Stakes win for Keith asmos but again he will not be present on Friday it’ll be flavi and Pratt this was at 28 to one a huge surprise it feels like a period of time in Oakland where Wayne lucas’ horses were running particularly well and she surprised that day as you said at almost 30 to1 I haven’t seen her other races I I I like to see wayne do well and you never know getting flavian Pratt is certainly a good thing he’s a great great Rider but uh I think they’re all going to be facing gun song in this race for our friend Mark henck yeah gunung we have John Velasquez aboard going to be forward on the engine looks like the one to beat big figure from this Source he was able to win first time out we saw here Belmont and Aqueduct on a sloppy track but then that Gulf Stream wi at a mile this is the performance back on February 9th yeah she was second by a length to Lesley’s Rose who had that impressive win in the AL in the uh in the Ashland the grade one then she had a blowout one with a big figure over Katherine wheel a solid enough runner for trainer Chad Brown and last time out she got caught up in a pace that just fell apart so I can give her an excuse for that and she still ran a very respectable 79 buyer in my opinion if she runs her race she’s better than these horses fun weekend coming up blacke Susan Friday pness on Saturday we’re going to have plenty more analysis coming up over the next couple of days let’s get back to our Thursday action near Belmont at the big a and that is the mayor to beat see if Linda rice can get back toback wins here on this Thursday card she’s awesome it was dropping down last time out was a very short price favorite and won pretty handily and now trying to win again for an even lower level you you need need her to win here Greg you need to pick up that win from your talking horses up here it’s been a struggle it’s a struggle every day she’s way the horse to beat she is she she is way the horse to beat and and consistently has better races than horses here my concern is drawing the rail with the speed of willful desire and the speed of Everly’s girl that she’s going to have to work out a trip and you also have to think the beautiful Karen potentially can go from the outside so how much Pace there will be and what kind of trip can Jose lcon work out from the rail now Jose’s a great Rider if she Drew outside of them though I would be more confident even money here she is and again a slight drop from last time out off that win I think we’ve covered her the E even money favorite 12 times 17 start she’s been first or second here’s willful desire she is quick she’s fast she’s unlikely to win but she could have an effect on how this race is run every once in a while Everly’s girl produces a big win yeah every other recently maybe every other will she run as well though for new connections 5 to one right now and Romero Mirage looking for his second win on the card happy Sophia big price 24 to1 it’s been a while since she’s run well there was a time though an Marie Peter Walder with John Velasquez I picked her as the new face she’s the second choice and I thought her recent races were good enough to give her a chance been down at South Florida at G stream exclusively beautiful Karen on the outside 6 to1 she’s another one of these Jackal and hide types when she’s the good one she runs well but too often she’s the bad one I can never is it is Dr Jackal Theo and Mr Hyde the bad one I’m not good with this one see you aren’t either sorry I think Dr jackal’s the good one Mr Hyde is the bad one yeah I’m not sure it’s always been a big homework for tonight awesome and Marie Maggie knows five to two Johnny V and two back a very good one from this seven-year-old mayor yeah I mean the question is how good were the fields she been running against they they weren’t great um you can make a case though the 75 buyer holds up and it’s a figure that she’ll probably need to run if if if the favorite in here AA Marie runs her race and I I just worried with AA Marie that her position in this race would be a hindrance so I wanted to pick somebody else and to me she was the most reliable Peter Walder Hit or Miss shipping up here obviously not having a good year so far but she does draw well the outside and should get some Pace to run into if she can get back to that performance she went backwards a little bit next time out although arguably with a a much wider trip that day even money on the rail Linda rice she’s awesome looking for career win number five here in 18 starts be part of History we are getting awfully close aren’t we Belmont Stakes at Saratoga first time ever held at that historic Racetrack and you can be part of it June 6th through 9th we’re going to have live coverage all week long but we would love to see you there yeah I know it’s going to be an amazing weekend of racing great racing throughout the week the New York Red’s running on Sunday and a special day a lot of grade ones Friday is going to be a huge day and uh we to say we’re looking forward to it would be an understatement look at the lineup begins with the big one Thursday that Belmont Gold Cup going to see a lot of maybe Future Stars two-year-olds on that Thursday card as well my friend einsidler is very he has a 2-year-old he wants to run and he may have to run as a firsttime star in the stake He’s very mad that we don’t have a 2-year-old race for him he can run I don’t know it’s a cold or Philly oh Philly I don’t know if it is I don’t know which but what a lineup on Saturday yes three grade ones on Friday but I think six on Saturday as well and obviously culminating with the Belmont Stakes and uh we’re going to draw the Met Mile in the Belmont Stakes on Monday in the Canfield Casino I believe in Congress Park that many are familiar with we will draw the whole card or the other races on Sunday uh for people interested we will draw the Thursday card on Friday before it the the Satur the Friday card the Saturday and then Sunday Saturday and Sunday on on that Sunday but going to be a fun week and a lot of things planned a concert downtown on Wednesday Blues Traveler I believe really you big John popper fan yeah potentially too Kenny MC PE could deny himself a triple crown with a Philly yeah I believe this one when I see it thorpedo Anna impressive winner that kicked off a feat we’d not seen since 1952 trainer pulling off an Oaks Derby double thorpedo Anna with Brian Hernandez Jr began that with his Friday victory in the Run for the lies and now being talked about going to the Bellmont against the boys and while there can be some debate whether or not Mystic Dan was the best horse in the derby there ain’t no debate about this one she was terrific dueling with the very talented Ways and Means putting that one away the very very talented and Champion just FYI sitting in weight came to her top of the stretch and has absolutely no match for her this a very good horse she tipped her hand with a a devastatingly easy win the fantasy with a wide trip and this is a very good horse I’ll be interested to see I if Mystic Dan wins Saturday I wonder if she does end up in the acorn Kenny says he’s running there I’ll believe it when I see it um I think it’ll be a mistake personally I do think she’s very good I think she’ll lose to the boys though we will see if that winds up being the spot he is said she was working in the morning too with Mystic Dan he’s not scared of her running against the boys at all after seeing that and she was Sensational that day she’s she’s terrific I I’m not knocking her in any way I I’m a fan she’s good I I felt she was the worst to beat going to the Kentucky Oaks and and I feel she’s absolutely the worst to beat to be three-year-old Champion I’m not sure what the hurry is run against the boys I don’t understand the acorn is an important race and I think if Mystic Dan won Saturday Kenny might be under a little pressure I mean imagine if you’re the owners of the other one listen different owners maybe the owners of torpedo Anna really want to run in the Belmont and they have a right to go there and you know you can’t have trainer horses with trainers that have many horses for different owners and complain about running against different owners their trainer has a right to do that having said that if he’s going for a Triple Crown I wonder if it will change keep our eyes on it first things first you got to get there Mystic Dan’s got to show up on Saturday in Baltimore as we get back to the start of the late Pig $20,000 claiming six furong Sprint three to four now and she’s awesome for Linda rice and Jose Lano odds on favorite and the one who I never really has needed the lead to win but that inside post position can be tricky okay let’s look I mean okay she didn’t have the lead but she was right on the pace last time no she was a length off two back that’s fair on a sloppy sealed track I don’t love that the claim was voided last time that bothers me a little bit I mean has to have been voided for some reason it would be nice if they would tell us why they were voided if they’re going to have them in the program because people do like to bet these races and she is ultra consistent I mean she has a consistency that nobody in this race has I mean she just keeps running well every single time I’m not against her but I think at three to five I’d prefer to bet the seven at 3 to one that’s all it comes down to and the Seven at 3 to one that again is awesome anarie lot of Awesomes see if she can seven-year-old mayor who spent pretty much her career at Gulf Stream right now she’s won seven of 32 starts run more sparingly at her older age but she’s awesome with the with the 17 starts to 5-year-old I’m just hoping she gets the right trip on the outside and perhaps it gets a little bit hot up front for uh for the the number one it makes the pace a little difficult for her late pick five begins here let’s go upstairs Chris Griffin the call horses are at the gate it’s post time post time for today’s fourth started the late pick five favorite towards the inside and she’s awesome field loading Everly’s girl happy sopia two out awesome and Marie beautiful Karen last to load and in backs out one more time now in all set and they’re off breaking a tangle there was awesome and Marie all kinds of trouble at the start awesome an Marie already 12 length the trailer tightly bunched on the front end and the speed is with willful desire as a neck in in front here in the two path is Everly’s girl is in Pursuit is right there after this leader their head and head just off of them is Happy Sophia is in the four path there is drifting out of touch with beautiful Karen four wide in that grouping she’s awesome is alone in fifth and trying to make up the ground now more collected is awesome and Marie with a tall task as eight lengths the trailer into the far turn three wide is Everly’s girl under full drive not cutting the margin beautiful Karen the two at the back happy Sophia and awesome anarie they reach the top of the stretch she’s awesome trying to put it away it’s she’s awesome now two and a half lengths clear still chasing there his willful desire battling on as Everly’s girl grandstand side the rest with a lot to do as she’s awesome indeed is just opening up here with a 16th left to go it’s going to be Linda rice Jose Lano she’s awesome we’ll win this one easily as the favorite she’s awesome gets it done over Everly’s girl wful desire late run awesome and Marie in 1 minute 10 and four she’s awesome easy win as the heavy favorite to start the late pick five brutal beginning for the seven awesome man Mar we’ll get back to that yeah I mean her job was obviously done much gotten a lot easier when the seven broke the way she did but you know it wasn’t hard for Rose Las Conor to work out the trip because four went and four went aggressively and she was able to just sort of sit back and fifth behind four horses battling towards the front end and no problem raing and no problem disposing of the competition to start this late pick five out at three to four this kind of performance I’m not sure it would have mattered I don’t think the seven was going to beat her but obviously what happened the start gave the seven absolutely no chance to do that but I agree with you on on favorite 1 4 27 let’s go back to that beginning here and to see how bad it was race over from the outset here keep your eyes on the seven and John Velasquez yes we’ll see uh just she just did it to herself I mean she just didn’t want to go she broke slow but something’s like bothering her right weird reminded me of thunder snow in the derby yeah yeah it’s not a bad uh bad analogy actually that was weird you don’t see that a lot I mean it’s one thing to get caught una aware you throw your head at the wrong second when they open the gate she had a lot of issues there so Jose Lano Linda rice winning move stable and the consistency of this mayor continues we’ll see if I gotta think taken for 20,000 well don’t forget she was there there was voided claim last time probably right that this horse was claimed but I wondered if the void will will scare some people but you’re probably right onon favor to start this late pick five PR is when we come back we’re going to take a time out what a year for this man right here again led the nirish circuit in victories third time in his career and still continuing to make a big Mark in the toughest jockey Colony there is in the sport stay with us we’ll be back with more after this [Music] down to the wire be stoen here’s the Finish ancient roll W bomber W bommer is won the King [Music] Edward Shield team has won the Twilight Derby warfront standing at clayon Farm e e e e back on America’s day at the races on our Fox Sports 2 coverage this Thursday afternoon here in South Ozone Park New York final segment for Andy and I before the Dream Team takes over Casa clont Paula Dua in the house coming back after a triumphant performance at Oakland this winter where he did a an incredible job down there he really did he really did I mean his opinion was Sensational and it is not easy to have a good opinion down there she’s awesome kicks off the late pick five here at Belmont at the big a is the onton favorite with a victory Linda rice winning move stable Jose Lano sat behind two horses battling up front and then just scoot it away yep SCE was much the best perhaps eight a little bit with the seven blowing the break so badly or just misbehaving at the break I should say I don’t think she blew it as much as misbehaving but as you said Greg it didn’t matter she was much the best in here and she won like a three to five shot should 13 of 18 Starts Now first or second in her career that’s pretty good consistency and Linda rice a big favor to win three in a row did we find out if this marot claimed nobody told me and apparently nobody’s telling us now I’m going to wait a few more seconds no getting nothing 110 and four final time $3.50 for the win let’s move on to the Pick Four off the turf scheduled for the grass mile the 16th now one mile main track and we’ve been reduced to four competitors yes and uh in all likelihood by post time the one will be a heavy favorite in near wow she’s like two to five looking at doubles we’ll see if that comes down or goes up all right this starts the late pick four good luck off the turf still muddy and sealed and the Belmont at the big a debut for 2024 pauka coming up an exciting moment everybody I can feel it there’s electricity in the air we’re going to take a time out they’re going to talk more preus as well along with the rest of this card here on this Thursday afternoon so stick around Fox Sports 2 coverage continues right after this we’ll be Dan uh going on we’ll be going on to Saratoga with a triple crowd on the line we’re going to find out on Saturday Derby winner trying to keep things going in the Preakness preview with aan Paulie right after a [Music] timeout charlatan is back and he turns it on with an eigh of a mile to go Express train moves into second Nashville dropping out of it and then collusion illusion what a spectacular return for charlatan who will R in the Run happppy Malibu Stakes by 4 and a half in LS charlan Ultra [Applause] impressive it’s America’s original Sport and no one covers it better than america’sbest racing. net from the sport to the lifestyle the best races horses and destination venues co*cktails gambling fashion and more america’sbest net is a sport for you [Music] the cross country Pig five combines the best racing from New York with top races from around the country in one bet find it in your track menu and play every race Day races are posted weekly at slcr country general admission tickets are on sale now for the Belmont Stakes racing festival at Saratoga June 6 through 9th admission is just $10 on Thursday as well as on Sunday for this historic event visit Belmont stakes. tickets today nestled behind the Gates of Hillandale farm at ala you can find a cabin likee 5,000 ft home called The Treehouse it’s a new one-of-a-kind getaway destination located in the heart of horse country the home offers Hune beams flooring made from Lumber harvested from makers Mark’s original Rick house a room with vintage horse saddles the collection includes one that belonged to the king of rock and roll himself Elvis Presley you can enjoy a drink or a meal on the back screened porch or one of four decks that Overlook the Tranquil Stoner Creek upon request reservations can be purchase to experience an inside look of a working thoroughbread farm with a tour of hillindale the Treehouse now offers a unique place to stay on the grounds that house the famed Kentucky stallion station and Thoroughbred Nursery of Hillandale at Alpa at the races is presented in part by hillindale at alapa where the Obscure becomes obvious thanks for joining us AA K and paulaa stop in in to take you the rest of the way Paulie we don’t get to share the desk very often together so nice to have you here up from the Jersey shores you’ve been doing a great job with the sard of mon withth Park yeah thank you I appreciate it yeah I got to the Jersey Shore last week and I’ve seen the sun one day but hopefully this weekend will be a beautiful day coming down here in aqueduck and see some familiar friends and we got four races left here on the card as well and I’ll be back at the Jersey Shore for a good little you know Stakes little weekend out there on Saturday and Sunday yeah we look forward to look forward to hearing from you but of course a lot of eyes this weekend will be on what takes place in the middle Jewel of the Triple Crown the pness sakes we all head over to Baltimore and big news coming out this week Paul with moth one of two for Bob baffer being scratched due to fever spiked a 103 degree fever after shipping not uncommon for horses to get a temperature when shipping to a new place especially California to Baltimore not the easiest of trips and unfortunately uh M will not be running in the briak this Saturday yeah it’s an unfortunate situation he was your favorite going in so it takes a lot of sting out of the race but you know it helps his stable mate and a a lot and Imagination and you wonder if he’s good enough I think a lot of people were wondering if imagination was just there to run now he might be there to win to be honest with you because he could be the horse to catch like most of Bob’s horses it is our America’s best racing race of the week in the grade one pness the middle Jew of the Triple Crown imagination as you mentioned could be the main Pace but your Kentucky Derby winner Mystic Dan who at that morning line will be a different given the significant scratch of Mo you expect Mystic Dan to be a heavy favorite he was one who early in his career Paul he was able to be right on top of the pace in that ground saving trip in the derby where he kind of made that early move to get into contention and be right up there he should not be too Pace compromised no that’s the one thing about Mystic Dan I think everybody has not given him the credit for having the tack ability which I mean staying up close to the PACE be able to main that cruising speed and keep it going so he’s a type of horse that’s always going to get the jump on you first even when you look at the pness field whoever he’s chasing which I would would think it would be imagination he’s going to get the first jump now whether he’s ready to go um and repeat this effort two weeks later which is not a move that Kenny mCP uh does a lot with a lot of his horses but I’ll tell you one thing if it does rain I think it will help him a little bit more because he does love a little wet surface his biggest buer speed figure in his career a 101 in the grade three Southwest which was contended over a muddy track Mystic Dan and there has been as you could see with him training a fair amount of rain this week at pimo I believe they’re off the turf today uh as well and uh it’s just uh it is unfortunate as far as overall and for the grass races but I’m sure Mystic Dan’s connections would not be be upset if there was Mo in the ground I mean you can just tell look at the way he is with his ears pricked forward he’s just loving the Rain even after he came out of the Kentucky Derby his assistant trainer Ray BR I did an interview with him at Oakland he said listen Mystic Dan was dead tired well he just ran a mile and a quarter he didn’t really eat up that night but then the next day things started to turn around and then his first Gallop was at Churchill Downs over a wet surface and he looked just phenomenal and I was telling myself I mean this horse was born for the rain and he keeps on Galloping over sloppy surfaces and you know there’s like an 80% chance of rain on Saturday so he might be tough yeah it certainly could bode well for the Derby winner who’s already shown an affinity for that wet surface will be a question for the horse that as Paul mentioned will be the pace Setter in the pre that’s imagination to the outside with Frankie Dori second in the Sanita Derby behind stronghold who ran okay in the Kentucky Derby but imagination now the lone Bob baffer runner in the preist and he’s a confusing horse because you know he got run down a couple times in his career imagination but you know stronghold just wore him down I I I give him a lot of credit for a lot of fight that he’s battling back there on the inside his stronghold just always had his measure all the way to the wire now that day they did go pretty fast 110 and change we’ve seen a lot of things happen when they go to pimo um we’ve seen California speed translate and that goes to all the races we can go back to Straight No Chaser but he was a different horse back then but it seems like there the California speed translates when it comes especially to the to the pness and it does to a lot of the other races as well and it seems like that a lot of Chad brown horses run well at pimo so you know you got to look at some of the trends here here and there as you see a B for pness wins it’s just I mean when a Gra trffic is almost off the screen it’s pretty good soon they’re going to need a second page if he continues but National Treasure a perfect example last year in the Press of you talking about that California speed and him being able to dictate things on the front end Mage running well just nobody was able to catch him once he got comfortable in the lead yeah you’re right and I just think that you know that California speed is just so dangerous you know a lot of people will say you know when Mose ran at AR in the Arkansas Derby well he went legitimate fractions in 45 Bob works his horses in the morning that quick and he’s got a couple other that are in the barn that are just as quick so the competition in the morning leads to success in the afternoon Wayne Lucas running too he’s certainly no stranger to winning the pness either um with just steel and uh sees the gray do you think either of them might be forward pressing the likes of imagination I think I think one of them has to if when you look at it you know Joel Rosario’s on just steel now Joel’s ridden the horse a couple times now two of his best effs now one was Sprint in have been with Joel aboard but Joel is pushed forward now I’ve always said that that that J just steel might be a better horse when he relaxes a little bit now he got hung in that speed duel a little bit maybe he’ll relax a little bit in the pness he’s an In-N-Out type of horse I don’t know which one’s going to run better I have a feeling one of the Lucas horses is going to run and just steel you’re right he could be the other tactical horse in the race could be and Cesar gray who was forward last time as well winning the Pat Day mile we’ll be interesting to see what the coach does as far as the pace play out back over to today Belmont at the big a we have race number five coming up next we’re off the turf today in New York so unfortunately this race very much impacted by the scratches but the number five addressable Market is still in dropping back down in class and Katie Davis going to be back aboard this horse and Katie always doing it with a smile on her face and she’s winning races as well having a great spring me and it’s off to a good start we’ll learn a little bit more about her story after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e e we are just a couple couple weeks away from the final Jewel of the Triple Crown the 156th running of the Belmont Stakes Saturday June 8th you can watch it from Saratoga race course live on Fox and be part of History this year as we get a chance to see something pretty special for the next couple years I mean listen every other sport we’ve had changed so quit whing and let’s have some fun we’re gonna have a lot of fun for bont at Saratoga taking a quick pause to welcome in our regional Network stay with us on America’s day of the races watching America’s day at the races if you’re just joining us thanks for tuning in AAA K on alongside Paul aduka we’re getting ready to kick off another live race kicking off the late pick four here balmont at the big unfortunately we’re off the turf today Paul significant amount of rain yesterday uh here in the Tri State area and off the turf today but hopefully it looks like throughout the rest of the weekend we should be okay with some good Turf races coming up tomorrow and and Saturday yeah there’s good Turf racing here there’s good Turf racing at Mammoth I’ll be back at Mammoth on Saturday as well and there’s the rain’s supposed to stop hopefully it seems like the last week the sun has not come out we’ve been a little bit unfortunate but I think we’ll be back on the turf here long as M and you’re right there’s some good Turf racing to go around like it’s it seems like we’ve been waiting for Turf Racing for the last 5 months love it love to bet it love getting a chance to see all these back uh some of them will have to wait for another uh day to get on the grass this fifth race off the turf it’s a um M and claiming off the off the turf as mentioned we are on a muddy and sealed main track meeting the field starting things off with a main track only Runner golden degree so wor that Linda rice claimed off Brett Calhoun at Keenan and the main track only draws in and getting a lot of attention at six to5 here is the number five addressable Market Katy Davis in the the saddle oh for nine in lifetime only three starts on dirt 7 to2 right now does get back to a maen claiming level there is that’s the fact Jack second last out yeah blinkers last time out off a long layoff first time going seven F that was a pretty good race and the Seven could cause the one some problems because those two horses even though the a forest field like to go toward at least forward and a first time starter to the outside sisy debuting for Rudy Rodriguez we’ve seen this Philly this a Philly by a performance Oscar performance was a very very good Turf forse but it seems like his horses you know they like a little bit of everything and when you look at a race like this doesn’t a firsttime starter seem like he could at least or she could play in here or at least be very effective we’ll see what she does on debut that’s the field for the fifth golden degree even money those we welcome in Maggie wolfendale here with us and Maggie Linda rice very sharp with those main track only Runners and those claims she has picked up from Kentucky as she does look to win her third race in a row here on this Thursday card and golden degree AAA I was not in love with the effort that she comes in here with given the fact that she was forward and maybe the pace came apart and she was outside when you wanted to be more inside but ultimately uh the horse that was she was battling with came back and beat her um she really stopped the last eighth of a mile and now she’s going to have to stretch things out to a St um and I’m not sure about that with her she’s very compact um not necessarily built for the distance but she looks fantastic I can’t falter physically because she’s dappled head to toe she’s the best turned out from the overall sense I’m just not sold on the distance uh denominator as number seven in here coming second off of a layoff that’s the fact Jack you know it was an okay effort last time um coming back off the layout she’s really hustled for the lead she kind of won the battle but lost the War I like that tuneup for her she comes in here really really fit and for me I think her physical frame lends itself well to the mile distance now the first time starter in here that’s number 11 Syne um I it’s more of a Turf pedigree to be fair um and what a lot of equipment for a firsttime starter extension blinker over her right eye ring bit Rubber figure8 and on top of all that she just looks really kind of weak over her Top Line so I’m not really sure and you can see she just doesn’t look as comfortable as you would like to see a horse moving over this surface Acacia so for me she’s definitely in the wait and see approach category all right Maggie thank you uh we’ll see what she does and there’s a a pretty good look there of the extension blinker where the right eye is fully covered and typically Paul that’s for horses that have the tendency to lug out I guess she must have been showing a lot of that in the morning for Rudy Rodriguez to put that equipment on a first- Time starter yeah it’s never really good sign when you go out there I’m not a big fan of blinker first time out um but when you have an extension blinker like that that’s obviously been something going on in the morning and obviously Maggie’s in your opinion too as well is is is invaluable and you know I actually just I actually like this horse a little bit just by default because I really don’t really love any of the other Phillies in here to be honest with you so like I do think the one will be very very tough uh in here for Linda and looking for three wins but you know I thought the 11 just by default maybe she can just run up into a pace um and we’ll see what happens but extension blinker will help her out I guess when she’s breaking from the far outside in for field yeah I can’t see any of the open space to her outside at least as far as the number one golden degree does go she is stretching out in distance for the first time as Maggie touched on um that a little bit of a question for her but she does have the ability to forwardly placed and especially given the speed that we saw her show last time at Keeneland and now uh trying to use that speed to extend it when going a distance of ground yeah she got the lead in this event now she got beat by her stat mate she’s always Rosie who’s actually scratched out of this race but you go all the way back to Gold degrees first start at Fairground she lost the impel I want to say impel was um two to five at that day and Tipsy Tammy is an actually a really nice hor so she’s running into some nice Phillies now she’s a three-year-old facing older horses I don’t know how people uh view that I think we’re at a time of year now where it’s completely fine because he at you know even early in the year at oaklan the three-year-olds were hanging tough with the older four-year-olds but listen like I said I chose the 11 by default it’s you know and I put my picks in early but I what Maggie said I’m not it’s not a ringing endorsem*nt I do think the one though just who she’s faced is going to be really tough but again the seven can put the screws through her early and we’ll see if the five can run I’m surprised the five is a lesser price than the 11 to be honest with you yeah the number five addressable Market let’s talk about her for a moment she too uh stretching out in distance a little bit she does have some Foundation going longer but on the turf and seems like overall her better races have been on the grass even though in her last two starts it’s been against much tougher yeah it has been you know Katy Davis gets in the irons she hadn’t raced since January she ran a oh can’t even say an okay race she didn’t run that well but every time you know when she dropped for 40 on the turf it was good just her three dirt races have not been much and so you you wonder to yourself okay is she truly a Turf horse and that does look like that because if they were on the turf she might have been the favorite in this race to be honest with you I mean not the favorite but she been she would have been one of the ones on the dirt it’s just hard to do endorser it is tough given those last couple of starts we touched on Katie Davis before the break and um you can even see her there as she has a big smile on her face just the positivity and you feel like horses feed off of that as well and she’s been a really fun story I know for all of us to follow too riding with her siblings coming back to riding after becoming a mom and and she’s doing really well this spring well I think you hit the nail in the head I think that infectious smile of her her personality it it bleeds all the way to the racehorse and you know it’s just like every other animal you come home your dog and you’re crying you’re sad they’re going to come up and snuggle to you when you’re happy with them they’re going to do things that you want to do and she gets horses to respond to her um she gets them to settle she doesn’t let them you know get in her way she just lets them do their thing and I think that’s her one talent and like you said that smile is just it’s going to win every time and it’s really cool to see a lot of kids coming up to her in Saratoga being really excited about seeing her ride and the success that she’s had as well she’ll be aboard a dressable market has ridden this vill a couple times before but on the turf we’ll see if she can bring some of that grass form to the main track today Maggie going with the seventh that’s the fact Jack who um will try to build off of that second place finish last time out and she’s also second off the layoff and first time starter being a little bit green behind the gate there syy hopefully she can keep things together yeah I’m hoping that in a four horse field she doesn’t dwelt uh which means that she would break dead last I’m just hoping she gets out of the gate and we’ll see what happens happens from there the one and seven are going to go at it early I think that’s going to be the key who can get the advantage the seven I understand where Maggie’s going gets that stalking position you know does Romero Mora he’s been aggressive of late so maybe he doesn’t take any prisoners and tries to out quick to one early see how it plays out race five off the turf coming up Belmont at the big a here’s Chris Griffin with the call Golden degree Jose lascano goes in also and they’re off breaking outward was that’s the fact Jack is now straightening up but the leader is golden degree golden degree right out towards the front and an easy lead it is golden degree the favorite who’s quickly up by two that’s the fact Jack wants to get out is now got some clear Running Room is drifting out with cyy and they’re going to be tracking from second and third far back early addressable Market is the trailer this is an easy lead for Golden degree golden degree in Jose lcan 23 and3 for the opening quarter mile and they are opening up the margin all on their own golden degree trying to get away is already six lengths in front shoved along as that’s the fact Jack who’s trying to keep up with the favorite who’s in hand cisy is losing ground quickly and far back still addressable Market they’re going to have to run down golden degree golden degree has now a seven length cushion going into the far turn and doing it very easily the margin starts to get even bigger that’s the fact Jack is trying to keep up here in second they are very strung out addressable market and tailing off sisney it is all golden degree golden degree is already up by gotta be 15 lengths now here as they approach the top of the stretch a quarter mile left to go and golden degree is way out in front that’s the fact Jack is battling on addressable Market Red Cap down towards the inside but is going to be coasting along golden degree Linda rice Jose esano just Galloping home opening up by a very wide margin inside the final 16th golden degree will kick off the late pick four it’s another one on the afternoon and the favorite kicks off that late pick four golden degree wins it the battle on for the place here give it to the inside addressable Market that’s the fact Jack and sisney final running time 1 minute 38 and three golden degree uh wins by as much as she wants just an easy Victory here three victories in a row on the card for Linda rice which seems to be just a normal Thursday afternoon for that Barn yeah you’re right I mean Jose lonell just on for the ride and the in the race change I don’t think they were ever going to beat after this margin were ever going to beat the seven but the seven that’s the fact Jack out of the gate just took a right-and turn we were talking about the 11 out the extenstion blinker well the seven completely and the crazy part is he was right outside excuse me inside the one and he didn’t make any contact I wonder if he buckled or not we’ll get you the head on here in a little bit but it was very strange beginning for the seven and he was the race was over when you’re able to get 47 and change with a horse that that’s just cruising cruising you could see just so relaxed so the one golden degree your winner is on the outside it’s the seven the horse um in the middle there the pink colors that’s going to take a right turn at the break does end up bumping your favorite but Jose lascano kind of takes a quick peek behind him for the 11 the first time starter sisy and he’s just intent Paul getting out to the lead and once he was able to secure that that was the key and there is an inquiry uh as I would assume as to the start Chris just announced that the art track announcer here Chris griin just announced there is an inquiry at the start and like it’s more of the seven coming out I can understand the one coming in but listen at the end of the day did the 11 really break right on on the bubble you got to see it again um from the pans shot but you know it’s so hard I mean you got a thlb animal just took a right turn on Romero Mirage I mean this is almost impossible the 11 just got squeezed the break and it’s more the Seven’s fault you could see you know that Jose did look back to make sure that you know the rider of the 11 Jose Gomez was okay but you know I see the 11 kind of came out a tiny bit too out of the G she broke a little slowly the 11 Cy but then she was really squeezed back significantly um by the the veering of the number seven that’s the fact Jack now I would guess that the one golden G is clear in this situation because she was the one that was impeded really at the start and as you said you could see Jose lascano looking behind him making sure that he wasn’t going to be running into anyone and he broke slowly it seemed from his or broke straight from his Lane while Jose Gomez and sisy a little bit slowly and sometimes when you break slow especially the first starter it invites you into trouble when you break slowly it almost allows you to get caught because you’re you don’t have that forward momentum right there uh to be able to go forward at that critical juncture yeah and you could tell I mean the bump caused the 11 to go right outside of the one pretty crazy almost like a Formula 1 race yeah a little bit and there you already got the one in the winner circle so I would think the one is going to stay up here I think they’re just looking cuz see here’s the thing the five pass to seven for second um so are they going to look just to move the seven behind the 11 I think that’s the only thing they’re looking at here to be honest with you so if you have a one five Exacta and you singled your one and your pick fours and your pick fives I think you’re home should be okay in that situation so the one golden degree the winner not affected by what was going on with that inquiry in race number five bring your prices when we come back we’ll also talk a little bit more press this trainer Chad Brown looks for his third pness Victory lightly raced tuskin gold opting to go go to the pness instead of the Peter Pan and we’ll see if that decision pays [Music] off the rumbling started early and only intensified with performances that sent shock waves Across the Nation at the center of it all epicenter is at the top of the three-year-old class in the Run happy Travers epicenter three-year-old Champion by not this time coolm America home of Champions experience the adrenaline pumping suspense filled action of the sport of Kings no matter where you are with nirra bats it’s fast easy and secure download the app today and start winning with our lucrative weekly promotions thrilling handicapping contest and a one-of aind VIP Rewards program don’t just watch horse racing be a part of the action with [Music] Nets Monmouth Park’s 50cent win early pick five is one of the country’s earliest pick fives making it the perfect way to get your wagering day started with a 1250 post on weekends and 2 p.m. start on Fridays the win early pick five is home to a low 15% takeout and 6 figure pools start your day winning early play Monmouth Parks win early pick five win early win often Racetrack Television Network brings you every race from every track on every screen every day with monthly packages starting as low as $5 rtn gives you great value and access to more Live HD streaming and race replays than anyone visit today to sign up and watch on almost any device including Roku and Amazon Fire rtn has packages that start at $5 per month welcome back to America’s day at the race is brought to you by America’s best racing For the Love of the race visit america’sbest today golden degree into the winner circle third win in a row on this card for trainer Linda rice and no change to the order of finish after that inquiry Paul one 5 seven four to five shot wins think a four to five shot should that was an all one pick four wow 111111111 $49.50 golden degree is a Philly by Golden sense the same sire of Mr Mystic Dan that’s right about that sire of a Derby winner no crazy which is wild too cuz he was such a good Miler it just shows you those MERS make great D practical joke good magicly dick you know what I mean perfect example on to race number six made in special weight we’re going six furlongs here and this is a pretty interesting race coming up as right now the first time starter donle momentum 7 to5 a horse that has been working very sharply in the mornings and taking a lot of attention now taking attention at the windows too well whenever you see 45 and change in the morning you you you kind of pay attention this is a a cult by Uncle Mo Uncle Mo’s usually like uh sloppy Racetrack and they paid 375,000 um for this son of Uncle Mo who was a very very good precocious 2-year-old too so he’s you know thrown out some very very good Runners this horse like I said’s got some very quick works for a barn and Mr morle doesn’t really work him that fast that in the morning yeah yeah you be excited to see what he can do on the track for his debut but first back over to the pr Stakes coming up this Saturday we touched on it a little bit earlier about trainer D Wayne Lucas who is a a trainer that certainly knows how to win the pness I I was surprised looking at this uh paully that his last pness win was 11 years ago with Oxo which is crazy but I know Wayne loves coming to the pness he loves uh the experience of being there and running to and two with big shots yeah listen he’s not afraid of any kind of competition um but yeah Oxo seems like it’s yesterday while we’re getting old um but you know CES the gray is a horse that has gotten I think better and better with each start you know you know his race at oaklan was very good he went into the Jeff Ruby Stakes I thought he ran a decent third now there was a lot of confusion at the end of that race they were mixed up he went to the Bluegrass he did not have a good beginning then he came back to the Pat Day Mile and I love this win he s of grind it away Nash was heavily favored that day he grinded in between horses with Jamie Torres and he’s a this is the kind of horse that I think Wayne always thought he was going to be a horse that wanted to go to the distance I think that’s why he stretched him out and the Jeff Ruby now he gets the mile in 316 and that will be the question coming off that mile victory in the Pate mile last time out he ran a huge effort that day but um we’ll see what he can do stretching back out and hopefully getting a good break to use that tactical speed to his Advantage Wayne’s other uh entrance though and just steal he he’s not missed any Dam Paul he has always been right there and is there a better shot than Wayne on the pony in the morning no there is not there is not he still gets on his ponies in the morning and you know I think of all the horses that can stand the rigers of this you know we talk about what’s going on in the NBA with the New York Nicks how they’re playing all these guys all these minutes and they’re still succeeding just steal is about a, 1300 lb animal so if anybody can take it this big old tank can and you know he’s kind of horse that runs his races in and out and and right now is his race to run and he’s tactically could be dangerous in this field trainer Chad Brown could be standing in their way though with the lightly raced Tusk and gold kind of the opposite side of the coin of the two more experienced Wayne Lucas Runners and this is Chad’s recent pness uh results and finishing second last year with blazing sevens he was right there chasing National Treasure and winning with a couple of lightly raced horses in a similar type of look to a Tuscan gold with the likes of early voting and cloud computing both skipping the derby um and coming to races like this you just can’t ignore that at all I mean his horses run they run well there and tuskin goal right now is the hot horse you know he was third to catching freedom on Marie I thought ran better than looked um Kentucky Derby catching Freedom a lot of people would say well he sucked up the rail well he lost the Derby by a length um you know I know there was some trouble but he still lost Kentucky Derby by only a length so he was only in length in the three quars behind catching Freedom was Tusk and gold and like you said his only his third career SL uh start and to be honest with you one of the last crops of madoro they do like madoro was a heck of a racehorse and they do like a wet surface as you can see on the complete outside there is catching Freedom about eight wide so you know tusken gold was trying to move with him catching Freedom just had a little bit more punch um than he did late and more season at that at that stage as well Tuscan go was entered in the Peter Pan scratching to run in the pness instead and there he is arriving at pimo again still lightly race you would feel like if there’s any horse that maybe has some upside something we haven’t seen quite yet it could be this horse and as far as the scratch of moose goes affecting some of the others catching Freedom unfortunately could be one of the most effective because he is a deep closer yeah and tuskin Gold’s not SL if you look at like his his first race he was up on the pace and he lost to crer Leon in his first start um but his other races he’s just off the pace so he’s not a kind of horse that needs to be Pace compromised at all so I can understand like he he is the hot horse Tyler Gaff Leon gets aboard for Chad Brown obviously was aboard Sierra Leon in the Kentucky Derby and now he will take on Tusk and gold and I think you’re going to now with a scratch of Mo that 8 to one’s going to be around three or four to one and a lot of people will be on Chad’s horse and for good reason his horses run well there and you can argue this is one of his better ones compared to cloud computing early voting and blazing sevens yeah I I would certainly uh guess that this horse definitely a step forward of what we saw last year when blazing sens nearly won the pness so we’ll see how it plays out it’ll be a fun handicapping puzzle when we get to Saturday there is Chad Brown’s Runner today though treating obl obligation coming up in this sixth race Belmont at the big a coming back as a new gelding uh this sun of McLean’s music who has not run since July he’ll be piloted by Manny Franco who we saw have a breakout year a couple years ago winning the Belmont Stakes and the Travers and a lot of big races for a lot of big barns he’s heating up at just the right time [Music] but Elite power does it again in the Breeders Cup Sprint tic has taking the lead but it’s going to be idiomatic Cody’s W takes the lead Cody’s W National Treasure coming down to the line thank you Cody and thank you Cody’s wish e e e e jockey Manny Franco has been no stranger to the Winter Circle in his career even with over 2,000 wins including multiple grade ones he continues to stay motivated to be the very best in the game I’m hungry I want to win races that’s what I’m here for family has always been a driving force for Franco from his first trip to the track to jockey school and coming to the United States Manny’s bond with his father has been a key component to his success I was about like 14 years old um my dad uh took me to the he took me to the track every Sunday in Puerto Rico saw those animals running and I just fall in love with the sport throughout his career Franco has found support from fellow Puerto Rican writers rat and Jose Ortiz as well as Hall of Famer John Velasquez coming from Puerto Rico coming from the same school you have to be very proud though you know and uh although we compete with one another but you have to be proud to uh to what they’ve done and to have the talent there’s no doubt that money uh has a talent to be a top writer in the whole country it is going to be a photo finish and I think it was discreet lover sharing takes the lead late Mo from D back to third of sweet Melania sharing and Manny Franco have won and he’s going to do it Manny Franco in the grade one Joe HST tur classic but it is Tiz the law and the New York bread is going to win New York’s Belmont Stakes the first leg of the 2020 Triple Crown here he is saratoga’s Hometown hero T the law with all his accolades anny is still missing that one win all jockeys want the most and I want to win the Kentucky there be so bad man that’s the the dream for any jocky that Kentucky Derby well I think anybody that’s followed Manny Franco’s career can say with confidence it’s not a matter of if but when he will win the Kentucky Derby and we really got a chance to see him over the last couple of years take a huge setep forward Paul and especially with a horse like Tiz the law with those big victories putting him in the spotlight yeah it really elevated his career as you could see now um after he won that he’s really taken off and he can ride so many different ways I think he’s improved uh immensely on the turf where he’s always been very good and and his finishing too as well and I think Manny gets caught up in the mix with everybody else here and he’s pretty darn good and I’m with you he’s going to get on the right horse sooner or later in one of these Derby Fields yeah can’t wait to see it for him he’ll be aboard the Chad Brown Runner treaty obligation in this upcoming sixth race but that’s a look at the first time starter Donal momentum that’s taking all that money after those quick morning workouts for more on this group of Maidens let’s check in in the padic with m Beck yeah we’ll begin with number nine donle momentum here atasia and look he’s a horse that does have those quick workouts so I understand why uh Tom Morley is entering him going the six furong sprinting um first time out on the dirt but his pedigree is actually a little bit more distance on the turf and that’s exactly what he looks like at least physically now a wet sealed track isn’t I I think going to be too much of a problem for him and when a horse Works 45 and change um on out of the gate you’re supposed to go six Fong’s first time out and that’s just kind of Tom’s building process as well so look he’s very fit more fit than what is typically brought over from Tom’s Barn um very classy acting uh really presents himself with an air of you know kind of assurance self assurance so I like everything about him I just don’t know if this is really what he wants to do because there are several in here that look like your true out andout dirt sprinters and that is another firsttime starter in here in number nine diver uh for Todd ples by the just ageless sire spites toown who still hits with his three-year-old first-time starters at 18% I mean how many crops has he had now um the dam she won her first start as a two she didn’t do much after that and she’s actually a have to drill um he’s very relaxed very fit in here I I wish there was a little bit more pep in his step he kind of looks bored to be honest I’ll watch how he worms out up out there but it’s Todd Pletcher you always I think have to show uh some respect to whatever he brings over and this guy definitely makes good Impressions physically then there’s a horse with experience and treaty obligation he’s one of those horses for uh Chad Brown that you think they should have broken through but he has only to be fair been the beaten favorite once in his career but I think he’s a poster child for becoming a geling he was always heavy it was always tough to kind of shed that um excess conditioning that he seemed to carry last time out he wanted to Lug in and I just think that coming back as a gelding now is going to help him in a horse that looks as though he’s strengthened up a bit behind and I think ACAA as we often talk about the geling will allow a horse to uh get out of the gate just a little bit more cleanly so look for treaty obligation I think now to be a bit more forward in his races uh with the six furlongs and that could bode well for him Maggie thank you a treaty obligation who we haven’t seen since last July Paul and as she was talking about with the gelding and I mentioned to you off screen too sometimes when they’re they’re gelded too it’s not only for you think of it as behavior issues but it’s also for the way that they move especially behind it can free them up a lot and as Magie said help them to get out of the gate a little bit better and that could really help a horse like this and see if all of that uh those changes can help him break through here yeah you know the thing about treaty obligation is that he’s just been in such a good Barn right with Chad Brown and you go back and you look at his races and they’re kind of the same right and you put blinkers on this horse last time now they’re going to try gelding but I do agree that this horse has never gotten to the front end and I’m wondering if this horse ever gets his nose in front and goes oh my gosh I’ve gotten there that he might just keep on going because he does seem even paac now I don’t think he’s a great bet at two to one because of that but it you know maybe he can get to the front end of this group plenty of intriguing firsttime starters in this field including this one here is Deputy Mischief so it’s got a good pedigree for Bill Mott and Jose lascano looking for another one on the card 8 to one damn was third in the Breeders Cup juvenal Philly’s original idea went by there’s Etta and here is Tre obligation going quick in this post parade yeah first time guilding looks tremendous on the racetrack two to one whether you want to take it or not there is the number five first same starter diver who we heard Maggie talk about I like this Philly or I mean Colt a little bit and Kendrick usually when he gets employed the horse should have some speed here’s light the way a horse who’s shown speed but has had quite a few chances yeah and that probably will help the first time start of the nine I would think Tom’s been working the nine maybe with a Target but I don’t know this horse Donal momentum outworked 180 seven horses in the morning so maybe he hasn’t been using a Target or maybe doesn’t need one pretty impressive for that and there’s another first time starter drunk on saki I don’t know if you can get drunk on saki to be honest with you but Ramone Vasquez got to see Ramone ride fulltime at Oakland and then he had told me he was coming to New York he gotten off to a slower start but I will say this about raon if you are handicapping his horses he likes to be forward um with most of his horses so if you’re looking for a horse with some speed He he’ll give you a ride with with intention well we’ll see how it does play out with the 37 to1 shot on the outside there was the first time starter taking all the money though Javier castalano going to be aboard Macky touched on the Pedigree with this one the dam uh was more Turf the the only sibling to race though not a winner ran on the grass as well and Uncle Mo can get pretty much anything to be fair but sometimes horses that maybe do prefer a Turf course get over a seal track well yeah I just think you could just tell the way he looks on the RAC trck he has got a nice big long stride so I can understand how Maggie was describing me this horse might obviously progress on on the turf but man he looks tremendous and if you go all the way back to some of his Works he’s got to work on March 16th that’s 47 and4 he he’s tipped his hand along the way many times in here and so if he get out of the gate in one piece he he might be a handful in this race the number eight light the way has had six chances already but does have speed nearly got the job done last time out of gelding who actually had a huge pedigree by justify and have to buy the moon multiple grade one winner has not really been able to kind of live up to those expectations yet with the family this horse was game last time too it was you know he fought as much as he could he had everybody coming in from inside now the claric course was going in and out weaving in and out he’s trying to battle little bit very green yeah yeah yeah what I do like is watch him dig in and battle for second it was kind of crazy kind of reated when he saw that other horse now I know the the rider on the winter kind of pulled up but I kind of liked how he battled back I wonder if like he’s never been taken behind horses but he’s so quick out of the gate and that’s why I think it might help the nine because then then the nine can have a Target or see the eight break and maybe that will help him break as well and usually Romero pretty aggressive out of the gate as well using natural speed getting his horses forward and his horse is sharp today not wanting to link back up with the lead Pony no no I want to go by myself Romero’s done a good job of really a couple races that he stolen on the front end and just being just a little bit more aggressive than the other Riders horses finishing up their warm up for more let’s go back to Maggie and guys let’s take a look at some uh more first time starters down on the rail is number one Deputy Mischief a son of into Mischief now now he sold for 475,000 which you know relatively speaking when you’re dealing with that OBS open sale which T takes place in June is a a lot for that sale um he did work 21 flat going back and watching that uh workout video he looks big he looked very big and powerful he really wasn’t asked for much there um so he comes in really fit really defined he’s spent all winter basically um at Pac and park and and training up to it uh he up to this race there um he’s a little bit as we see Jose lascano giving him kind of quite a vigorous warmup if you will he’s a little bit awkwardly put together and I don’t know where that puts him you know whether he wants a bit more ground than this the horse that honestly has caught my eye as a first time stter that’s a huge price is number two original idea another son of Uncle Mo the dam was Louisiana bread Stakes Winner she did win her first two starts as a 2-year-old this is her first full and the dam um who is half to multiple graded or excuse me graded Stakes Winner Mo green obviously by Uncle Mo so across that has worked um and this guy’s just done everything right great coat to him yeah he might need a raise for Fitness but he’s just the long shot OFA that I thought was quite interesting and you could certainly do worse than a shik m first time starter magy Thank You original idea um yeah he’s a generous price on the board but that’s a beauty Paul first time starters there’s a lot of unknowns and even if they don’t necessarily win today you can watch how they progress and maybe learn something about them for when you see them show up next time and this is why we come to the races right it’s a Thursday at Aqueduct but you never know you could be seeing a superstar in the making and you got some very nice pedigrees in here some nice prize tags on a lot of these cols Colts and geldings in here and these are you you know three-year-olds some of them starting their career some of them trying to progress that you know later on the year and going into their four- season could be a factor we’ll see what the future does hold for these Runners here um I know both you and Maggie having some interest in that horse the gray right there the five diver debuting for Todd Pletcher um is by spit toown so you’ve got plenty of good Sprint influence there but you could definitely see the tap it influence coming through on the bottom side with the gray coat yeah tap it is uh was tremendous actually obviously a tremendous sire but he always is the type of sire that threw out horses that have a tiny bit of a temperament but spice towns they usually like the the the mud and I’m hoping that Maggie has good things to say about the five yeah Maggie sometimes the gr happenss you want to be careful with their demeanor what are you seeing from this one I’m seeing spit down despite the color but I did want to say you know I I said he was kind of like asleep in the padic Kendrick really woke him up I Kendrick does that but he really kind of fired him up he felt a couple Taps off the crop so that’s exactly what did I I want wanted to see him do with this horse and I think it’s done the trick good news for that first time starter Magie thank you uh the mle barn though with the heavy favorit still even money on the number nine donle momentum we’ll see what this one does for that first start after turning a lot of heads in the morning this is one of the beauties of it and this is a maiden special we ignore that graphic on the on the bottom this one a made in special way uh for the boys and could have some good implications moving forward Chris Griffin stand standing by for the call treaty obligation is in one more here is the outside Runner moving in drunk on sake all set and they’re off donle momentum’s got early speed also there is Etta and in between horses Here Comes light the way light the way will lead the way is up by three4 of a length drunk on sake is four wide and now progressing in between them as Donal momentum and these three across the racetrack treaty obligation Manny Franco tucked right in behind the leading Trio is sitting in fourth has a hand fold there approaching four fongs left to go is right in behind those leaders who went 23 seconds flat for the opening quarter mile being shoved along towards the inside was artetta who did break on top is back to fifth it’s another three back to diver far far back early there is Deputy Mischief with the trailer original idea two up top is Don momentum is towards the outside of light the way who battles on towards the inside is still a nose in front it’s light the way who hugs the rail Romero Mirage trying to pick up another one but donle momentum now straightens up and bursts to the lead dagal momentum at 7 to5 treaty obligation is trying to get within range but the leader is just gliding away now inside that final furong dle momentum striding away easily is up by five geared down dagle momentum by Uncle Mo will win this one impressively treaty obligation second light the way and artetta hold on for fourth in 1 minute 10.30 seconds Donal momentum first time starter lives up to the billing Paul pulling away from his competition yeah very professional out of the gate just like we thought they took the lead and just Javier Casto had a handful and this is a beautiful call by Uncle Mo beautiful stride down the lane and he was just abl to dispatch everybody and he cruised home in 110.3 you can see right here he’s just taking control right now and you can see everybody else the a kind of G gives him a little bit of a push there but then hobby just asked him one time and the race is over and the four looked like he had momentum but then if you end up looking at it the nine ends up creating so much more space this donle momentum and like I said now you’re in just for a hand ride and 110 and change this is why you come to the racetrack this course finished up in almost 12 in a hand ride and for a horse that takes that much buzz from the morning sometimes we call the morning morning glories you don’t often see it or you don’t always see it translate to the afternoon so seeing him do that after the heads that he turned in the morning very impressive from your 7 to five first time starting favorite congratulations to the mle team uh Donal momentum getting the victory 9483 jaier castalano in the saddle and wondering what’ll be next for this guy definitely big things in his future yeah you got to love right at the end of the race too he pricked his ears right up saying do you want me to do anything more and you know jav kind of just kind of stopped on him a little bit and said hey buddy your job is over with and he still like he wanted to keep on going man his Source could have a very very bright future bright future indeed and pretty fun an exciting debut here pulling away and winning much the best as the favorite on debut prices and more when we come back we’ll also take a little bit of a look at some brotherly love the Rodriguez Brothers You’ve seen them around the racetrack Rudy Rodriguez and Gustavo Rodriguez both training both winning [Music] [Music] the son of run happppy natala fella has won the [Music] hopeful Eclipse Champion run happy price for value and standing strong at Clon Farm cyber knife was a very talented horse from day one a very gifted fast horse a lot of speed able to carry it around two turns looks a tremendous amount light Gunrunner same ability and talent beautiful physical outworked every horse in the board holds the track record in the has he won it in impressive fashion beating a very good group of horses and cyber Knight has won the has over T Jack Christopher finished third the Arkansas Derby was one of his best showed how much talent he really does have and stamped himself as one of the best three Ys in the country his name is cyber Knight cyber ey ranks up there as one of the most talented horses I’ve ever had in training multiple grade one winner brought it every time you let him over there excited about him passing on his durability his soundness and his talent and if he does he could definitely be a brief shaping stallion midlantic made two-year-olds in training with a catalog of top juven by the nation’s top sers this sale has consistently produced graded Stakes winners from around the world and on all surfaces including Kentucky Derby winner Mage plus 2024 graded Stakes winners kinza Linda’s gift melson Bay and Olivia darling the phasing Tipton midlantic May 2-year-olds in training sale May 20th and 21st in Tonia Maryland where will you be we’re back on America’s day at the races thanks for joining us at Kon Paul aduka and Mackie wolfendale here with you on this Thursday afternoon as we just thought impressive debut from dagle momentum but plenty of momentum living up to his name for trainer Tom Morley is the Marley family is in the winner circle let’s go down to Maggie yeah the little boss is here so uh Daddy and I are getting bossed around but Tom congratulations I here with Donal momentum a horse that uh you identified when he came into you at the fairgrounds that there could be some Talent there yeah first thing I want to say thank you to John atfield who my my assistant who’s not very well at the moment and he had this horse down at the fairground so John this one was for you mate um and ever since he started doing his fast work this hor has shown an abundance of talent and um you know I was a little dubious about the six furlongs today because that’s not what he’s bread to do at all but um he’s just basically had a sixfo on G gate Breeze he’s very classy acting um is that one of obviously he’s talented but is that how much do you weigh that against physical ability the mind as well oh it’s hugely important um he was standing on the backside in his ice boots sound asleep this horse he you know not and and very often first time out they are very relaxed because they don’t know what’s going to happen but around the barn he’s got a ton of class as Horses um he he could be a good one so next 10 fongs on the turf according to you yeah I joke I joke but uh massive congratulations and um is it now time to play Daddy yeah we’re off of daddy pizza and pajama night at pre now hopefully she gets a nap in ACAA because this poor girl’s been hanging with me and now she’s tired but that’s the performance first time out by Dono momentum Willow is obviously the good luck at charm uh congratulations Morley family of Dono momentum with the victory at first asking and I had a nice little visit in my office from Willow today which was a lot of fun and she said Maggie’s a little assistant for the day good luck charm too yeah she’s absolutely gorgeous bonal momentum congrat congratulations this is a Colt that could be something special I’m happy for Maggie and Tom we’ll see what the future holds for Donal momentum moving forward taking a look at race number seven coming up next this one off the turf non-winners of two in life for the Phillies and Mayors um and as we mentioned before the break it’s always a pleasure to have the opportunity to see the Rodriguez Brothers in action as we’ll see Rudy represented by a couple in here and while they may be competitors on the racetrack Rudy Rodriguez and Gustavo Rodriguez are family first and foremost and always looking out for each other trainers Rudy and Gustavo Rodriguez come from a family of 10 Brothers five of which have worked in the thorough bread industry but training wasn’t their first job I was I was a yucky for almost close to 17 years and here’s the wire and fr giant a huge upset I broke a lot of Bones so um that was easy for me to to change I guess you know when you riding B horses and um falling down a lot and being in the hospital a lot you know it’s tough I had two jobs I was working for uh uh Rick Doo as an exercise R and uh I used to park cars yeah for NRA over here in the back he was in the prefer parking yeah over over here I did it for like few years maybe maybe more than 10 years SP still still close yeah parking cars aside the brothers decided to work together Rudy would get his trainer’s license and Gustavo would come work for him but that took some encouragement he didn’t really want to do it but I I kind of like was pushing him you know to do it because he knew a lot of a lot of owners and I thought maybe through him we wanted like to do our own but he didn’t really want to do it and I was like I want to keep pulling out in the horse still I want to keep riding and little by little he he made it V Jack to win the Kelo handicap dad’s caps has won the Carter condo Commando was splashtastic everything seemed to be going well well most of the time was okay couple days like everything El you know suay good suay bad but no for like we keep moving alone for like most of the time good you know we we used to argue and this and that two minutes go by we we everything good this continued until a partnership with Andrew giron developed with Gustavo and he decided to go out on his own that would Pit Brother against brother on the track my wife she uh she don’t like it when when we run against him she don’t like it no no because uh Rudy be a lot right now if I need anything I I ask him and he’s he’s he’s there for us and if he needs something I’m there for him we try to put it together you know even we fight sometimes but we we we right there we you got to fight sometimes to make it worth no well Brothers will be brothers but through it all there is still a lot of respect between them he’s very unique and uh it’s tough to be like him he’s more laid back BR is like u i just go with the Flor he don’t stop he don’t stop Bry just keep going I’m I’m good I got to go take a shower and come [Music] back they’re always laughing there’re always a a lot of entertainment the Rodriguez Brothers and you love getting a chance to hear those stories that they’re making fun of each other and typical kind of brother attitude and there’s Rudy in The Paddock and he’s cracking himself up as usual if you ever want to smile at the race just go talk to Rudy Rodriguez he’ll have something funny to say to you he’s always joking around he’s just always got a smile on his face his son too as well I joke around to him all the time I said Your son’s way better looking than you and he goes I I know it already so uh yeah they are a fun family to hang around they really are Rudy didn’t have any of the airpods in today usually he’s always got one airpod in maybe he lost it again yeah maybe that airpod like maybe Dutra was paying for his airpods and now you know D’s back training and he can’t have him anymore I don’t know what’s going on there Rudy um well there he was he was there promise standing in that General vicinity coming up next he will have a couple of runners in this upcoming race including call her buff call her Bluff a main track only drawing in to this off the turf race in race number seven when we come back we’ll talk about Stak action this week weekend in the vagrancy grade one winner leave no Trac is back in to stak’s action and see if she can get back to the winner [Music] circle is in full flight flight line turns it on at the top of the stretch and he’s in cruise control and flight line takes off take a good look at this cuz you’re not going to see this too often maybe never again flight line 20 lengths Clear World Class racehorse world class performance at a world championship [Music] event e e e e x-ray to half length the gallery is second to half and 45 seconds flat down toward the inside gold mover is now back running third shine again and Cat K they’re at the top of the stretch leg Gallerie took a run at extra heat and she couldn’t stay with her gold movers trying to come to her again shine again on the outside third extra heat fully extended here trying to hold off the resilient gold mover extra heat gold mover coming closer to her it’s going to be close extra heat gold mover extra heat does it extra heat in the 2002 vagrancy what a game finish that was yeah she was a Philly they didn’t pay a lot for and man she was a win machine if you go over go back to one she ran in the Breeders Cup Sprint from the one hole and had the lead at the top of the lane I want to say she ran third at like 27 to one and they didn’t pay a lot for this Philly and it took a lot a while for her to get into the Hall of Fame and she deserved every bit of it yeah she was just Hickory as they come 26 for 35 lifetime $2.3 million in for 35 my God so durable there’s a look at the field for this year’s vagrancy we’ll take a look at big pond now coming to the east coast and making her first start with Bill M she comes out of a try in the grade Madison behind the likes of Alva star and Bava um definitely some class relief as far as what she’s facing this is her two starts back um or I should say three starts back just beating a nose in the LaBrea grade one yeah she was behind or she Daddy’s Ruby’s the one that’s going to basically outd her now she was in front of clearly unhinged you worry a little bit about the Madison because her race is outside of California Bread Company the one good race was this one in laa and and but it was a low number y you know and you always worry about that but California speed usually does pay off Tim yaktin very good conditioner now the bill MB bar for Mr Goran well we’ll see what she does switching over to the east coast here but a horse that we’ll see back on the track is the now 5-year-old bee we bring Maggie in for this conversation Maggie got got you’ve gotten to see her here uh in New York a few times and wondering what she’ll do for this 5-year-old season well I think she draws very well here ATA and I’m a big fan of Ned allard’s work as you well may know as his horses do tend to ship over here to New York really looking the best that they possibly can and I think Andy Sterling earlier on the show made a great point that she has never won when she’s not on the lead now yeah she’s lost when she’s had the lead too but I think drawing outside it just make er makes Eric canel’s job that much easier as here she is taking the North down at Laurel to start to go she tried her hand in the Gallant Bloom and now we haven’t seen her since October so she is one that can run well fresh which is always a good feather to have in one’s cap and I’m a big fan of her um I just I like her as a horse when I’ve seen her ACAA and I’m just hoping that Eric canel who we’ve seen be aggressive with horses who have speed just fire away from the outside one job from the gate Maggie thank you we’ll see what be does for her 5-year-old debut Maggie brings up the point about running fresh I mean you look at that layoff uh from December of 2022 into May of last year and she wins right off the bench with a 92 buyer so she’s shown that she can run well off the layoff no you make a good point listen her four-year-old debut she crushed now it’s going to be her 5-year-old debut and I think Andy and Maggie both make very good points when she has the lead at the top of the lane by herself she will beat this field there’s just nobody in in here that’s as talented as her but the issue with her is she’s kind of lost that little bit of fight and maybe at age five are these Phillies now up and coming a little bit coming at her and she is coming off the layoff but I I’m kind of with Maggie if she’s able to clear this field could be lights out early yeah you’ve got a couple more lightly raced ones big pond a new new face to this group and then asset purchase stepping in to Stakes company for the first time since uh her try in the busher last year where she was second as the heavy f that’s the vagrancy coming up on Saturday back to today horses in the padic for this seventh race off the turf for more let’s head back down to Maggie for a padic report sorry uh Rudy and his crew telling jokes over here I finally got to the bottom of the bams t-shirt um our good friend Robert he’s the one who has the bams and he jokingly said I was a billionaire before but Rudy made me a millionaire I move on I move on to their horse and number seven laita Sophia first time in for a tag and look this really does have the dirt credentials to be a major player in here and she looks better than ever coming in off of that extended layoff yes we haven’t seen her in and now nearly uh 10 months but I think her weight and her conditioning is better her coat’s very good and she just looks ready um for this comeback performance I know going away she she did not run particularly well well but I I think she’s a against this field she’s a real legitimate player as we’ll move on to number five from hello I know she won on the dirt and it was only her first start so of course she could just be a better horse now but I really think she’s a Turf horse now Bruce Brown has her looking very fit coming back here she’s dappled head to toe and she’s very fit from the lean perspective you know there isn’t an ounce of extra weight or conditioning on her which is good but again you wonder do does she need to strengthen up uh just a little bit here um so I just think that Bruce as we’ve seen with him throughout this brief uh Turf season he likes to get a race into his horses to kind of set them up well for when they do actually get on the turf AA could be a good stepping stone race here Maggie thank you from hello who did win sprinting on the dirt in her debut but could be a building block races even though she won that day her races have been faster on the turf no they have you know but you just don’t know um it’s very astute by Maggie the horse did win first time out I I don’t really care like especially when you’re that young and the horse got taken up at the start so the buyer figure might have been a little bit better so you know she actually won very nice on debut over the dirt now this is a muddy racetrack but you’re right I mean going around two turns she’s done well and we’ll see what happens today let’s meet the field starting things off with a main track only will break all the way to the outside Karen’s honor yeah for Jose jimnez and Eric canel good third place finish last time out this one has the rail we just talked about from hello yeah maybe one of the players here Philly by carp DM and one the horse that uh I want to say had his Shining Moment at Kean there is next on stage a little bit of a layoff for this Philly could this horse be the speed of the speed maybe does have them some early foot and dropping in class after trying tougher here here’s the seven lavid Sophia one of two for Ry Rodriguez yeah this is a a one for 10 Philly that you know has done some running on some you know dry and muddy racetracks I think not without a chance at all there’s keep it sexy stepping up we’re all trying to keep it sexy around here one for 15 lifetime big price on the board there is the number 12 baroness Bourbon and also eligible that draws in you know this is another Philly that’s maybe not out of trying some state compy now drops in for 40 she did win for 20 yeah did have to face much tougher in the last couple there’s the other Rudy Runner Joel Rosario board call her Bluff she got her win finally in her 10th career start last time out with Manny Franco aboard now Joel Rosario gets aboard now I like her cuz they kept her in mid special we for a long time and I just think that this wi last time she was wide most of the way she could probably could have broke her made a couple other times back she’s just had some bad trips now I I get it she draws a 14 but there’s what six horses in here and to be honest she doesn’t even draw to the complete outside the 1A does so I liked actually this grinding win and I think she can come right back and sometimes it really is just as simple as looking at the horses that are entered to run on the dirt look what we saw with the Linda rice horse in the fifth yeah it’s true I mean this horse was entered for dirt only you get Joel Rosario now you got Manny before I I get it she doesn’t want to really Roll by her competition but I think she gets a good draw against some horses in here that maybe you know that are suspect on the dirt I do think the six and the seven seven now at seven to two is about reasonable you know that’s where she should be the favorite now this horse the six next on stage who as you said could be the controlling speed she had a tough start last time out and against so much tougher after breaking her maiden which we look look at here for 40,000 yeah and she’s The X Factor for me she really is you know her race for 40 was very good and she came back and franked that with a pretty good effort after like you saying not having a good beginning um she’s had two races on wet servfaces now they kind of called this wet but her other race was good too so ever since she’s been in the Rio depaz Barn she’s done nothing wrong and I can understand why she’s the favorite I thought the 14 might it because of drawn but you know sometimes a lot of people don’t want to play winners for the first time um against winners you know in the 14 just broke her maiden and the six probably is the horse to beat on paper see what she can do with that early speed for more let’s head back to Mikey track side yeah guys and she definitely got the right kind of warmup for a horse that has that early speed and uh Manny Franco trying to make sure that she’s one that’s going to pay attention unlike last time as we just watched in that replay as she just kind of veered out and threw her head up in the air overall I wish she looked a bit better at a short price um in the attic she certainly underwhelmed me but watching her warm up over this surface she has the right kind of action to be successful over this uh wet sealed uh going that we have today as we’ll move on to a long shot and that’s number nine keep it sexy uh she broke her maiden going a mile three back on the main track I’ve always thought she is a little bit more of a Turf horse as she is getting back to it for the or was trying to get back to it for the first time in a long time but I’ve never seen her weight coat anything look as good as what it does today and I don’t know if that’s necessarily going to have any bearing on her performance but at least you know she can at the very least stand up on a dirt track and maybe getting back out to this distance um proves successful or at least successful in the fact of getting a piece of it AA today see what she does at 16 to1 Maggie thank you has been knocking on the door and yes it is a Bree day so you’re saying that keeping sexy is looking sexy she is looking sexy today apparently she’s living up to her name 16 to one yeah 17 to one you got to love all that for sure I mean look she’s been knocking on the door it’s been against lesser recently but you know how much can you really put into the level of competition when you’re off the turf and you have some horses in here that are more Turf horses and maybe a little bit suspect at this level anyway yeah a lot of these races are grab bags right I mean who’s going to really love this wet surface we talk about this all the time at America’s day at the races not every you know not every surface is the same when it comes to a wet surface you know some are dry and they get Den notated as good some are sloppy like we’ve we’ve had today so you just really don’t know as you can see Maggie goes with the seven and I go with the 14 I I thought the race was 67 and 14 to be honest going for Rudy Rodriguez yeah hopefully we can see that big smile and know he’s popping jokes somewhere it’s the the feature angle too usually when we play a feature uh the subject of that feature gets into the Winter Circle so uh we’ll see what happens there is Lavita Sophia the one that is taking a drop in class for Rudy Rodriguez and she procr made in an off the turf race and that’s been her lone win but on the main track last year during her three-year-old season she was just facing way better horses Paul yeah she was I mean she was in the demoiselle attempting I know she was a big price in short Fields but she was still facing a lot better and you look at the race two B back at Laurel if she runs that race over a sloppy racetrack I don’t see many of horses kind of beating her in here to be honest with you you know I went with the other Rudy Rodriguez to 14 but you can go to the seven and look at a she’s got three or four races that will win this race see if one of the two for Rudy Rodriguez can get the job done in this spot that is the number 12 baroness bourbon she’s been kind of ignored on the board because she broke her maiden for 20,000 yes and then they went right into the deep end that New York bread one other than uh allowance race where she finished well she was second and then into New York red stakes company where she was just weighing over her head yeah you know when she broke her maiden her next start out you know James beg the trainer put her in a an optional claimer a nice race and she ran absolutely Giant and in her next start she didn’t break well now it says lost footing a start I try to look at it it’s like like she kind of wasn’t prepared then she’s drawn the one hole the last two starts and maybe been compromised not wanting to be inside cuz so you might be getting a little bit of value now she’s got the 14 and the 1A on the outside of her so she kind of draws in the middle of this but maybe getting out of that one hole will help her a little bit I I thought she was kind of the other Price play in here besides the 67 and the 14 um the five to me at 5 to one from hello you know Bruce Brown’s horse you kind of guessing right is this horse going to get back to that race where she won first time out she’s off a layoff too and Bruce does a good job but um I just think that might she might be on the outside I might be wrong we’ll see what she does if she can run back to that debut effort two to one favorite now on the number 14 call her Bluff Joel Rosario going to be aboard this one who just broke her maiden last time out for Ry Rodriguez and yeah there there always are some question marks in these off thear races as to who is going to be able to handle the surface and then you also have as we even saw in a compact field in the fifth race there can sometimes be trips as well and sometimes the horse that is just forward not having to deal with the kick back is a huge benefit 100% we’ve seen him I think multiple times today if you got the lead at the top of Lane it’s been tough to go by now we’ve seen one horse go by there was a little bit of a speed toel but you’re seeing a lot of horses with from their head all the way down their neck jockey too as well just completely full of mud if you get copy on the aall so it’s definitely always a good day to be forward especially on rainy days and there’s a good look as they loaded at the gate all those goggles that they have in preparation for the wet track today as Richie migori always gives the goggle demonstration of how the jockeys go through them throughout the running of the race loading in for race seven off the turf here mile on the main track Chris Griffin has the call call her Bluff last to load Karen’s honor to the outside Karen’s honor hesitates briefly goes in all set and they’re off good speed from keep it sexy and keep it sexy towards the front but here comes next on stage and next on stage is the new leader next on stage is in front with Lavita Sophia towards the outside stalking its moderate pressure early keep it sexy is now going to be three wide as they get set to hook up with the backstretch on the far outside Karen’s honor is traveling there with call her Bluff that’s the leading five they are now four lengths clear from from Hello and the trailer is now baroness bourbon they’re chasing towards the inside next on stage and Manny Franco they’re in front 24 seconds flat easy opening quarter mile right to the outside is laita Sophia is within a neck of the leader trying to keep up there as keep it sexy from third out wider four wide as Karen’s honor and Eric Kel they’re progressing and getting over to the rail call her Bluff is being encouraged by Rosario to move forward is tucked in towards the inside saving ground as they went 48 seconds flat for the half mile time baroness bourbon starts to pick up some momentum from the back end of the field to second to last and the trailer from hello it’s still next on stage who’s in front next on stage and laita Sophia’s back from more towards the outside these two back to within the neck of one another baroness bourbon Red Cap is the one with the momentum from the back of the field all in right now is call her Bluff as baroness bourbon’s going to ride the rail and trying to catch the leader next on stage is trying to kick away and next on stage is still clear baroness bourbon still making up some ground Lavita Sophia is trying to battle on and now call her Bluff got towards the grandstand side got some clear Running Room and now here comes the big run from call her Bluff next on stage call her Bluff down towards the inside baroness bourbon four across the racetrack call her Bluff baroness bourbon Ling towards the inside it’s a photo finish call her Bluff to the outside baroness bourbon towards the inside it’s a photo finishing third that was next on stage with Lavita Sophia in 1 minute 39 and one photo finish number 14 call her Bluff getting there in time nice call Paul but about of the effort from the runner up keep your eyes on the 12 baroness B who does get bumped around a bit and squeezed back at the start she came running late she really did and this is a bad beat too because you know what I’m looking at it right now wow the 14 did get up in the shadow of the wire um but the 12 just ran giant it was a great ride actually by Dylan Davis sometimes when you break slow like that you want to settle he sucked up he saw a lot of the speed trying to back up a little bit and you know I don’t know if the 14 won this race cuz everybody else was he that the she was rolling where everybody else was kind of just stopping a little bit you can see him dive down to the rail and he just yeah the six was drifting he took advantage he put an unbelievable ride we can see now the 14th sees the horses to the inside and this was kind of the same win she had last time that gritty little win towards the end and Joelle kind of looking over at Dylan saying I got you which is kind of mean a little bit mean but but this is classic dwell rosardo isn’t it just that hand ride down to the wire and he he so much strength when you need it in moments like this and it seemed like the six and the Seven all the way down the lane how we’re having a conversation yes they were like hey what’s going on hey I mean they just didn’t want to pass each other the seven and the six were just going at it you could see that you know Manny was going left-handed to get his horse on the outside and the six and seven were like oh here we are and here comes the 12 in the 14 and it like I said it was a tremendous ride especially after that bad beginning for Dylan Davis it’s a shame if you bet the 12 listen I I understand I had the 14 but that’s a bad beat if you had the 12 and it’s 7even to one on the 12 who we talked about is getting ignored at the windows Baron a bourbon on that droing Clash bran of good effort just caught in the shadow of The Wire by that man there Joelle rosarium call her Bluff and the feature angle still alive we played the Rodriguez Brothers feature and Rudy gets in the winter cirle it’s unbelievable isn’t it yeah we run the Chasey pomier one and that Philly just keeps on running second and grade ones it’s amazing we’re good good luck that’s what we’re saying we’re good luck 14 12 67 in race number seven Belmont at the big a when we come back the Hall of Famer John Velasquez keeps adding to his resume already has a win on today’s card in the first race of the day we’ll talk a little bit more about his story after [Music] this it’s a domineering display by the ultra talented McKenzie McKenzie in dominant performance right there mil2 200,000 550 Mitchell 550,000 and now 500 500,000 thank you 450 475,000 [Music] experience the adrenaline pumping suspense filled action of the sport of Kings no matter where you are with nirra bats it’s fast easy and secure download the app today and start winning with our lucrative weekly promotions thrilling handicapping contest and a one-of aind VIP Rewards program don’t just watch horse racing be a part of the action with n reats [Music] W hit surging to win the Coaching Club American Oaths 4K to win the Breeders Cup [Music] doal Eclipse Champion blame standing at clayon Farm there’s a big bold beautiful world waiting to be explored by you and your friends of course but not just any friends the best of friends the kind of friends who let you do you cuz in this world it’s positive vibes only and when you get in the zone here you stay a while these aren’t just good times they’re the best of times and your time is now so come explore Resorts World welcome back to America’s day at the RAC is brought to you by Nira bets you can bet any track anywhere anytime get started at or download the app today call her BL oh she gets the number 12 Baron is bourbon right at the wire she’s not even in the picture yet Paul the outside and the blue blinkers and to get her right in the shadow of the wire it just always amazes me how unbelievably these jockies are like Joelle just looked to his left and kind of knew he he had it it’s like how do you know when it’s that close but when you ride that many races and you’re that talented you kind of know 12 146 here 12 a little unlucky but caller Bluff two in a row now s like the light bulbs kind of went on that’s it and that’s it and Ry Rodriguez in The Winner Circle he’s standing by with Maggie cracking jokes I’m sure I mean you didn’t even have to tell him okaya it’s it’s always a given like he’s gonna say something funny at least funny enough to him um let’s talk a little bit about call your bluff she’s one of three that you did have entered in here it’s always good to have a a Savor in these MTO races when you look at the weather forecast you know I almost scratch it because the last time I the horrible so but you know Michael told me she should like this lap so we live him on I talk to him early this morning so it’s all his fault Michael you can count on imperio who who’s off screen right now this and this you should run him in this laptop you can count on him doing his his handicapping homework is the best Michael I’m gonna start calling you now to help me do my work um no he is but uh talk a little bit about you know how much you obviously have to be a good Horseman but how much of a good weatherman do you have to be when training horses I don’t know we just got to put the phone on right now no weather we just got to listen to the phone and see if he’s right or wrong how many apps do you have for weather uh I only got one really that’s it I’m disappointed in you um I’m lucky I have one probably already put it on do you even know how to work that iPhone I don’t know I don’t work it I just open it I just open it well Rudy uh great day obviously having multiple winners here uh talk a little bit about you know what you get to do to celebrate I hope Ben pay dinner tonight that’s Robert right B oh there he is wait can we hold on hold on come on this is fam this okay here this is who we’ve been talking to off screen but want to know he gets a Roy does he get a royalty fee for wearing that t-shirt on the feature absolutely got the biggest royalty between Robin fixes our cars for free can I get mine fixed for free absolutely no problem that 13-year-old car well I mean I think uh Robert’s definitely gotten enough business from Rudy in that feature and also you’re welcome we played the future before this race so give you a winner good thank you so much guys really appreciate that anybody wants to come to dinner P pay and we’re not going somewhere cheap you know it AA well I know what my dinner plans are tonight now uh great to see in such a great obviously fun group of people talking with Maggie there the imperious Robert um there’s the photo with call her Bluff getting the wind and we learned something else about Rudy Rodriguez even though he always has the airpods in that he doesn’t actually know how to use it iPhone so they’re all for show Rudy he’s one of a kind he truly is yes he is one of a kind and by the way I I have to admit Joel Rosario oh my God he rode that Philly for the whole race a lot of credit to him she was not really liking the kickback and then when he got back inside and outside he won the race uh but this little information from Michael and Rudy thata and I already made reservations there so you’re buying our dinner too well that’s perfect we’re all set to go yeah and will say um now that you have the kind of like the Apple weather app my husband was really upset because he had that that dark sky app I think that’s what it was called was like so accurate and apple weather bought it so they like condensed all the weather apps so a lot of trainers just go into the one weather app nowadays I don’t know you got to be a good weather man when looking at the main track only you got to understand I was five months in Oakland so there’s there’s no such thing as a Weatherman in oaklan it’s just always RS it is always raining yeah I’m glad you survived we’ve we’ve effectively dried out Paul but of course now it’s been raining at Monmouth so we’ve got to get this man some sunshine taking a look at race taking a look at race Eight coming up next made and claiming here Belmont at the big a New York breads going six furong as we’ll get a chance to as mentioned before the G the break learn a little bit more about Hall of Fame jockey John Velasquez who completed his own personal triple CL Crown last year when winning the pris with National Treasure he’s won some of the biggest races in the world and in the country here riding at a high level for such a long time but more importantly he’s always been somebody that gives back to the sport and is a great role model for younger Riders John Velasquez is in the Hall of Fame and has captured two additions of the Belmont Stakes he has two Eclipse Awards as Champion jockey has earned more money than any of his colleagues and has won three Kentucky Derby however his legacy continues to grow not for what he accomplishes on the track but for his actions when off the track honored as the 2009 George wolf Memorial winner by his peers Velasquez never fails to lend a helping hand words of wisdom financial support or a smile to anyone he encounters John Bas is a is a role model for art industry hor czy and he not only himself he always Tred to share for somebody else is the person we look up to when I was in The Joy school but uh when I get here I get to know him he play a big role for my career he teach me a lot on the track but he teach me a lot off the track everybody know how good he is in the track uh doing his job he’s a great YY he win all kind of races but beside of being a YY he’s he’s a great person Velasquez who is second in Breeders Cup victories with 18 also tirelessly promotes safety for jockeys he has been the chairman of the Jockey Guild since 2006 and has been on the board of directors for the permanently disabled jockey fund since its Inception that same year he not only he off he always look out for somebody else Safety First and always looking for make it progress helping the industry help whole racing he’s har on me and about the way I was riding you know a little too aggressive so he start telling me try to don’t don’t do that because you’re going to lose more in the long way so he tried to teach me good things so thanks him I think you know he’s going to have multiple legacies one of them is going down as one of the greatest writers of all time but also someone who gave a lot back to the game you know and especially with the jockey Guild contributes so much to his to his fellow Riders the first jockey to win more than 2,000 races at Belmont Park Velasquez continues to ride High his impact on the industry however transcends his performance in the saddle and will do so for decades to come it’s a lot of sacrific and a lot of disciplines you know to stay you know year after year the first of all you have to be healthy and be blessed you know to be here though you know and also I’m being blessed with the people that I work with and the people who give me opportunity to stay be here to still here um so I think that’s all it takes [Music] jocky John Velasquez here are some of his big victories inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2012 Champion jockey in 2004 and 2005 he won plenty of Triple Crown Races including finally getting that elusive freakness last year yeah what a career Johnny’s had and like you like everybody was saying in that feature just this unbelievable person on and off and I think a lot lot of people even the younger writers now looked up to Johnny V and I think they still do I mean it’s he a frame of reference you know what I mean like when you go into a clubhouse or major league Clubhouse or any kind of professional Clubhouse you’re looking for that one leader to answer some questions just silly questions sometimes just hey how do I get home hey what’s a good place to eat just little comforting questions like that and I think Johnny’s been that calming Force for a lot of guys in the room and you’re competing against him too as well and in addition to the work that he does with the permanently disabled jockey fund uh as you said just being somebody that a lot of the younger Riders really turned to and look to emulate as well and he will have a big chance in the blacke Susan PR this weekend coming up on Friday with gun song who’s 9 to2 on the morning line a Philly who has plenty of early speed for Mark henck coming out of a fourth place finish in the Gulf Stream Oaks and she went impressively two back yeah she really did she smashed him two back and you know that feel was not that great of a feel but you know she showed her Talent now she came back in CL ring Park Oaks and she was 5 and 1 half to one she didn’t run awful that day and I think she’ll run a little bit better race now she is a Philly by Gunrunner and you know if it we don’t expect any rain there really tomorrow it might come Saturday but it has been raining but she looks like she’s going in the right direction and I couldn’t see her without a chance and it seems like you know that’s the one thing about Johnny he really streng strengthened his like career resume when he started to get on Bob’s work and went out to California and ventured a little bit I think a lot of the jockeys that were out here in in New York you know it was big move for him to go out there and ride some of those California horses besides FLV and Pratt who was doing both of them as well but Johnny you know got on a lot of Bob bafford horses National Treasure to be one of them and he kept on going out there and going out there and was able to keep his connections kind of here you know what I mean and I think the ultimate part about that too is he’s not getting on as many Todd pletcher’s horses as he used to so he’s got to supplement here and there because the young boys are coming up at the end of the day it’s just like anything else ages it happens when he came to the Breeders cop last year though he was on the right one with fierceness um for Todd Pletcher but will be aboard the Maric Philly gun song in the black gu Susan Philly who as you mentioned seems to be trending in the right direction and uh he’s been aboard for her last three starts the night cap coming up from New York New York Breads in the spotlight Belmont at the Big A there is storman Heist the current two to1 favorite more on her and the rest of the field after [Music] this charlatan is back and he turns it on with an eigh of a mile to go Express train moves into second Nashville dropping out of it and then collusion illusion what a spectacular return for charlatan who will R in the Run happppy Malibu Stakes by 4 and a half emphatic lengths charlatan Ultra [Applause] impressive e e e [Music] I think I was just wired for horses somehow and nobody really knows about how people are wired for something when I was very very young whenever somebody said beauty or beautiful in my mind I would see a horse running across a field into Meadows I had this passion and I thought all this knowledge all this love of horses I can’t let it go what can I do with it and I thought you know what I’ll breed because I bred five wonderful children maybe I can breed one horse and I didn’t know anything about Bloodlines or anything but I started finding out have a little business going and I have clients so we had 29 mirrors and Fs of that five are mine being a New York breeder of the year is a tremendous honor there’s some great breeders that I admire tremendously I’m glad I wanton it twice because the first time you say oh that’s a fluke she just she was a fluke that she got it so I said please God let me win it again there is nothing in the world like watching a horse you bred come down the stretch and win a race there’s nothing because you’ve been there from the beginning everybody should be a breeder you’ll never get this when you buy a horse never it makes me feel like God because I really have created something because I you know I picked the mother I picked the father and I mean as close as you can get to Creation that’s it it’s a very powerful feeling and it’s very responsible feeling never get old never I mean I to me it’s a blankety blank Miracle every single one because when it goes all right it’s beautiful and Vivien Malloy was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s New York bread awards ceremony uh Linda rice was New York bread trainer of the Year having won so many New York bread races Manny Franco third year in a row for a New York bread jockey uh and even though he’s not red in New York but you get the point and Stonewall Farm the breeder but Vivian boy had such a good time getting it to chat with her Paul there’s so many wonderful breeders here in the state of New York putting so much in to uh the game the economy all of it yeah 100% and congratulations to everybody as well and again the year the woman continues and Mrs Malloy uh thank you for all you’ve done and obviously Linda all the Accolade she’s gotten but yeah that’s a great piece yeah really really special to get a chance to see that as well Vivian malloy’s Edition Farm has been a Mainstay here in the New York circuit for many years as well uh even uh she had a SSE a shin forward who was a New York bread ran in Japan she brought him back he stood here in New York for a little while covered a couple of Mayors and then they ended up retiring him and he’s at Old Friends at Cavin Creek now well I mean he’s had a good place at Old Friends at C Creek whenever you’re there you’re getting good taken care of and I know you’re you’re well in the throw bread after care and that’s one of the better places you can go to an old friends absolutely and such a wonderful wonderful care that they do do uh but as far as those New York beds competing on the Open Stage Maggie we saw the wine stward taking on tough competition in the Peter Pan this past weekend and just another example of a New York bread that can hang exactly and him being awarded Champion 2-year-old uh at the New York bread Awards and AAA I I think they have a pivotal decision to make for his next start I was discussing this with Andy Sterling uh last week when he came up just a bit uh short going back to that Peter Pan I have consistently questioned how far he really wants to go so you know given the fact that he has that speed tactical speed it would make sense to turn him back a bit but where do they go do they go to the seven furong Woody stevens or do they get a walk in the park and take on New York Bread Company in the seven furong Mike Lee the day after the Belmont Stakes uh but I I do think a turnback is warranted for this horse he might prove to be a really really lethal Miler um because he’s run so well against open company as you mention I just don’t think he’s quite as good at those classic distances that’ll be the question and wonder where we will get a chance to see him next Maggie thank you uh Mike maker successfully turning back a horse like my main squeeze who won the eight bells on Derby weekends yeah and a horse that you know my main squeeze a lot of people didn’t realize when when she had run at oaklan she was in heat I mean and she was did not react well some don’t react as well as others and then she came out and she beat that field pretty convincingly too at um at um Churchill down so another New York bread shining yeah yeah absolutely well uh there’s no um the likes of L wine Stewart or my main squeeze in this race but we have to find a spot for everybody New York bread made in claiming and will get a chance to meet the field everybody looking for the first win of their career there’s dramatic effect cutting back in distance and here’s Teresa yeah horse ran pretty well last time out I think she could run one again cutting back a little bit more to 6 for Teresa 8 to one right now as we’ll get a chance to see if she can build off of that last race big price on this number three Bobby Dreams yeah abno Bach chica for Antonio Ariaga big long shot 603 off the layoff yeah this gets blinkers on La is a little bit of everything for John teranova looking to turn things around in a big way there’s storming High second last time out it’s affiliate by bank I we see a lot of these in in Pennsylvania as well and usually they have speed this Philly does have speed Till There Was You first time starter yeah first time starter uh that’s really bred maybe to go a little bit longer but in this type of race Anything Could Happen have to Stakes Winner Timeless Journey there’s the seven book of wisdom cutting back yeah and a horse that’s finally dropping in class she’s had eight starts in Maiden special weight which is a higher level New York sallan series now she’s dropping for 30 so I can understand why she’s favorite second time starter Houdini’s bride she makes some sense she did she does she did not break well last time out and she pursued late in the race she was the favorite that day too and there is Sonia’s flame dropping class yeah horse that’s putting blinkers on now she’s run into two really good Fields as she drops in class so we’ll see how good she is today that’s the field for the night cap let’s go back to Maggie for more his horses hit the track and looking at the favorite she looks much the horse to beat and that’s book of wisdom here you know as I often talk about it’s not necessarily who you are as an individual sometimes it’s just who you’re facing and against this field book of wisdom is finally looking the parts as she does turn back in distance which I think is ideal for her but here I am I’m going to try to beat her um and I’m going to take a look at number eight Houdini’s bride now it’s not a great sign I’m hearing late scratch here of number one that is dramatic effect who actually two times prior to this trying to get to the races was a scratch too so take out number one dramatic effect upon Ace of the attending veterinarians she will be out but getting back to number eight Houdini’s Bride As I was awkwardly trying to listen to Chris Griffin with that announcement um it’s not a great sign when you have a stallion fee for 125,000 but yet a horse s sells for only 27,000 as a yearling but on the flip side of that coin it sometimes is a good sign when they show up and are bet first time out and they run sneaky okay as Paul pointed out some greenness kind of you know mildly picking up the pieces late uh in the game so as we like to say when there’s smoke hopefully there’s fire and I’m going to land on Houdini’s bride is she just looks best of any of these horses in here big uh muscular girl and I tend to like those types we’ll see how she deals though with the wet track now one that I think should like the wet track is one that’s going to have to do a lot more running than what she has she didn’t like it first time out but I’m hoping that was just day problems that’s number four 603 she looks great coming back here for trainer John tanova she’s a massive price of 25 to1 as Romero Mirage looks for another win on the card she now gets lasic she gets blinkers on she looks like a Philly that should be quick she definitely was not quick in her first two starts so hopefully she doesn’t get any slower but I think she shows a little bit more speed she’s sharp coming in here too I think she’s a little intriguing at a massive price and then the first time starter isn’t really taking making much money I always feel like in these races we kind of at least need to look at the firsttime starers because the ones who have run kind of shown their face already and what they’re capable of um tier was you yes half the Timeless Journey who is better going longer and on the turf but the dam she was a multiple New York bread steaks winner um and she won her first three starts I believe including two New York bread steaks as a 2-year-old so there’s a bit of precocity um in the pedigree she’s really laidback though um she didn’t show much intention like she was that sharp first time out here for Ray handle she’s well conditioned heading into this effort well turned out still kind of want to take the weight and see approach and Cas for these connections I would have thought she would taken a little bit more money too yeah a bit of a surprise that she’s 17 to one Maggie thank you and sometimes with firsttime starters especially in races like this as Maggie pointed out usually a bit of a question a wait and see give you a little trepidation if they’re not taking any en yeah you’re right because this race does look like a firsttime starter can win the race right and I’m in agreement with Maggie that like you could take a shot at at 17 to one on a horse like this I mean it’s just hard to take you know Maggie admitted you know the seven is the horse the beat and looks the best in the race I’m taking a little bit of shot of the two don’t love now that she’s got the rail but the seven is she’s the fili beat here there is the number eight Houdini’s bride giving the starting gate crew just still a little bit of trouble she goes in again oh there’s the nine Sonia’s flame uh if I remember correctly she is one that typically is very bad about the Starting Gate so she is getting blinkers on for the first time loads without Rider Lane lesi and she goes in night capab coming up Belmont at the big a Chris Griffin has the call Lane lzy climbing aboard all set and they’re off good speed from storm and heist in between horses and the purple cap here comes the run from Houdini’s bride far outside is Sonia’s flame trying to be in the early mix as well Till There Was You Katy Davis in between horses there in fourth at the rail Teresa trying to hold that rail position and will the gray progressing at the rail is now a challenging fourth it’s another 2 and a half back to baby dreams the two at the back 603 and shoved along book of wisdom at the back end of the field 2333 for the opening quarter mile they’re chasing storman Heist and Manny Franco in front is up by three quars of a length Houdini’s bride is in Pursuit is now cutting into that margin Theresa is under a drive here at the rail from third re-engaging to the outside as Till There Was You has got some clear running space and tightly at the rail saving ground baby dreams and Bach chica moving through as storman Heist has got the lead at the top of the stretch rail run there for baby dreams towards the inside who de’s bride is they’re ready to pounce on this leader and who de’s bride in an instant has taken the lead book of wisdom from far out of it here comes the favorite Till There Was You is still in the fight as well Houdini’s bride Teresa is re-engaging needed to get towards the outside Till There Was You and ktie Davis ready to challenge Houdini’s bride comes right back towards the inside nose to nose here in the finale it’s going to be a photo finish Till There Was You to the outside who de’s bride finishing third came till there there was book of wisdom there for third Teresa and storman Heist finish in the night cap macki toop pick Houdini’s bride right there but first time starter Till There Was You running a huge race Paul you’re the photo finish expert who got the Bop here I think the six did this is a great call by Maggie she basically gave you the Exacta I mean the two had a weird race colors kind of reallied but it looked like right here the eight is home the Seven’s on the wrong lead now the six and the eight are going to go down to the wire in these are the two horses you know Maggie picked the eight she liked the six and you know when I was watching it in fast motion it looked like the six got the Bobs to me over the favorite in here well actually wasn’t your favorite 7 to two but you’re either 17 to one or 7 to two eight yeah the six gets the Bob I never lose you are amazing W 17 to one on the six still there with you um so much for watching the board and how the First Time start takes attention uh Till There Was You Katie Davis she actually gets bobbled around a bit at the start as well and I had remark to you I said wow she didn’t show any speed but now seeing the head on makes sense as to why she was kind of off of it and Katie had to work hard to get her into contention which was a smart move to make sure that this first start was not too far back no it’s a great move because sometimes you want to settle but with the first time starter you don’t want to have the kickback that you’re going to get right and if you look at the six look deep in the lane she’s kind of dry if you look at it Katie was able to keep her out of the slop a little bit was able to chase down Houdini’s bride here uh just a great call here by Maggie and Katy Davis gets the job done they didn’t come home great but 17 to1 you’ll take that all day long that’s right Katie Davis there she is with the victory here 17 to one Till There Was You first time starter gets the job done 6872 there’s that tight photo finish Paul aduka is undefeated calling photos Till There is you and Katie Davis with the victory she picks up another one uh as far as my past performances go now four for eight at the meat prices and more when we come back breeding in New York state just got a whole lot Greener starting in 2026 with two-year-olds and expanding in 2027 to include three-year-olds enough New York Reds on the na circuit will be offered purses matching the Race’s open company counterpart that’s a nearly 20% increase per race compared to 2023 folling season is in full swing there’s still time to take advantage of New York’s better than ever State bread incentives visit nbrs for more info [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Racetrack Television Network brings you every race from every track on every screen every day with monthly packages starting as low as $5 rtn gives you great value and access to more Live HD streaming and race replays than anyone visit today to sign up and watch on almost any device including Roku and Amazon Fire rtn has packages that start at $5 per month we’re back on America’s day at the races thanks for sticking with us here on this Thursday afternoon as we saw a thriller maybe it was just a New York bread mating claiming race in the night cap but it was exciting and this one first time starter at 17 to one with Katie Davis getting the victory Katie standing by with mcky here with Katie Davis the as you pointed out on fire for this spring summer meet um at Belmont at the big a I always got to you know think about that but but riding really well in the zone Katie and you know what I’ve watched with you is you’re not afraid to go up on the inside it feels like anywhere your horse is comfortable you’re riding them yeah so you know you learned to just be a passenger and you kind of let them tell you and you read them and uh if you if you really listen they tell you what they want she was a little green boxed in but I found a clear path and uh kept the dirt on her chest when I got up in there I saw a clear path I jumped heels and just waited a little longer because I knew Kendrick was the horse to follow on that end at that point so it was it was a nice ride it was a lot of fun uh talk a little bit about what you meant when you just said you know I I I had to kind of jump heels there’s there’s a certain distance where it’s safe to do so and it’s almost when you’re closer than when you’re further away it’s like that that weird distance so horses they run in packs normal so you know if you’re kind of letting them be they will jump but in racing you want to gather your rigns and keep them together and you don’t want to be too close but when you see the the hoofs go back you see them go forward so that’s when you pick them up and throw not throw them but like you learn you look down and you just learn you lift them over and softly so you know at that point that’s exactly what I did and she was her ears went up she’s she’s some moue she kind of scares you cuz she her she’s all ears so you know her radar her antennas yeah like a reindeer that’s so great well ktie obviously you’re very familiar with her but you’ll also be on ringy dingy coming up going back to Maryland where you kind of got your whole career started talk a little bit about you riding back on the Maryland circuit on such a big day you know what it’s a it’s a true blessing to have the support from Danny gargan and the owner as well I’ve ridden her three times already and I kind of know I know her in the back of my hand kind of like a daddy nose you know so it’s I’m really blessed to go back to Pyle I’ve won a lot of races there and you know it’s it’s going to be a lot of fun so I’m going to go ear early and see some people and and enjoy it for so it’s your husband’s birthday today it is yeah happy birthday chub any plans um well his mother’s coming tonight so we’re going to have a small thing just like dinner and a birthday cake then you’re like peace out I’m I’m going to Maryland very true in the morning so yep that’ll be great you know well congratulations what a lovely way to cap it off and and hit the road best of luck tomorrow a thank you so much have a good night I mean I couldn’t have said it better have a good night AA we all be rooting for Katie Davis in the blacke Susan there’s the photo finish with that first time starter Till There Was You getting the ball but yeah ringy dingy in the black ey Susan tomorrow a big opportunity for Katie who has just been riding so well she already won a stake on this Philly to starts back at Delaware and uh like she said I know her so well at this point and that’s a huge benefit going into these big Stakes I’m so happy for for her that that smile like every time she smiles you to smile I mean it’s the most infectious thing I’ve ever seen in my life I mean been doing TV it seems like uh for the last 15 years in my life and I haven’t seen anybody when she smiles the whole world smiles Maggie Smiles everybody smiles and happy birthday to Trevor McCarthy as well and listen she’s just a breath of fresh air and she can flat out rght and here’s the one thing that you know everybody always says the crop is overrated she hand rides more horses home than a lot of people think you go back and you watched the end of that race she hand rode the six all the way home and got the Bob on the seven so you know sometimes the crop is overrated and I want think about Katie she’s stronger than you think in the lane very strong and she did a great job explaining about putting her filly in the right spot and talking about what Riders do in the way that they use their Reigns and use their body weight at those pivotal moments throughout the running of a Race So uh congratulations Katie and as I said we’ll all be rooting for her in the blacke Susan tomorrow at Pemco prus weekend but plenty of stakes action coming up this weekend you’ll be back at the Jersey Shore for M’s Spruce fur handicap on Saturday Paul for the New Jersey Breads in the spotlight and Mia’s Crusade she has been winning on Turf dirt doesn’t matter she has been very consistent recently yeah she’s a really nice New York bread may excuse me New Jersey bread May for Chuck’s uh Spa now Chuck out a firsttime starter on opening day win by um many so he can get a horse ready and like you said she’s 5 for 12 at mama she can run on really anything now it looks like there’s going to be no rain now it’s rained a lot in New Jersey but there looks like there’s going to be no rain on Friday Saturday so hopefully that racetrack will clear up we’ll get Turf and some dur races but she’s the one to beat she’s a jersey bread that’s got a 350,000 in her bank and she’s a tough customer yeah she is she won this Spruce fur last year over a wet track looks like she’ll be getting a fast track as you mentioned hopefully at least this year on the 11 North on a fast track two starts back this will be the first race of her 5-year-old season looking forward to seeing her in the spotlight along with all of those New Jersey breads on Saturday at Monmouth taking a look at the field for the Preakness Stakes though all eyes going on to Baltimore on Saturday and Mystic Dan the Kentucky durby winner who will now surely be the favorite with the scratch this week of moose due to spiking a temperature after tripping to Baltimore and Mystic Dan a horse Paul who has shown that he’s not necessarily Pace compromised he can lay a little bit closer if needed yeah I think there’s a couple things if you look at Mystic Dan I think that his Arkansas Derby got overlooked he got beat by MTH and he got beat by just steel but if you go look look at that race he had a lot of trouble on the first turn so he comes back he wins the Kentucky Derby he’s just got tactical speed and he loves loves the wet surface I haven’t seen a horse float over a wet surface uh since mind that bird to be honest with you like it was unbelievable the way he ran up the rail in the southwest and he’s versatile he’s one from 5 and a half fongs to a mile and a quarter not many horses can say that yeah absolutely he definitely has been able to handle a lot of what has been thrown at him and now the quick turnaround will be a bit of a question Kenny mCP after the Kentucky Derby said previously I ran him back off quick rest it didn’t necessarily pan out talking about about from that Ma and win into that allowance tribe back in November of last year but he said I’m going to wait as long as possible to make a decision which as he pointed out every Horseman does before entering your horse you want to make sure that your horse is acting well eating well good weight everything that you want to see in training before going into a big race and he’s shown those signs yeah he yes I mean like I said when I was able to talk to Ray Brer the day after the Kentucky Derby I had asked you know Ray basically the assistant trainer Ken PE how to torpeda Anna and Ms Dan come out of the race and he had said misss Dan had not eaten up and he was tired and he looked dead tired but then he bruised up within three days so you know Kenny’s always been great by the horse so for him to run this horse I would think Mr Dan’s going to be ready to run you can’t blame him for being tired off that effort exactly what a huge game performance in the Kentucky Derby he will be one step closer should he win this weekend to potentially adding his name to the history books and how exciting that be if we have a triple crown on the line going into Saratoga for the Belmont Stakes this year those Gates when they open it be it be Usain Bolt people be running so fast in we can’t wait for it but we appreciate you joining us today we’ve seen some great performances a lot of fun exciting action on the card this afternoon and Linda rice what an afternoon for her that was Mama’s got a run winning the third race and what an impressive debut today for Maiden Donal moment momentum winning at first asking we’ll see you tomorrow our show starts at 1 p.m. good night everyone thanks for joining us [Music] and e e e

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How to watch the 2024 Preakness Stakes. Catch all the horse racing action from Pimlico through multiple viewing platforms including CNBC, FanDuel TV, HTV, NBC, NBC Sports app (Apple Store/Google Play),, Peaco*ck, Telemundo and Universo.

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Airing nationwide on the networks of FOX and produced by NYRA, America's Day at the Races provides coverage and analysis of live racing at the Big A and other prominent racing venues around the country.

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Schedule: Next live racing on ITV.

Can you watch at the races on TV? ›

Horse racing gained a new home on 1 January 2019 with the launch of Sky Sports Racing. The new channel will replace At The Races as channel 415 on Sky, 535 on Virgin and 418 on Virgin Ireland, will be available in HD and be produced from Sky's state-of-the-art studios in West London.

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Acacia Courtney Clement - Host/Reporter - America's Day at the Races - The New York Racing Association | LinkedIn.

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Mexican celebration

12) is celebrated as the Día de la Raza (“Race Day”) in recognition of the mixed indigenous and European heritage of Mexico—the mestizo character of its population—and because many Mexicans object to paying homage to the controversial explorer and conqueror Christopher Columbus.

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TV coverage begins at 1:30 p.m. ET on CNBC and Peaco*ck, then shifts to NBC (while staying on Peaco*ck) at 4:30 p.m ET. Post time is set for approximately 6:57 p.m. ET (3:57 p.m. PT), which is 11:57 p.m. BST on Saturday night in the UK and 8:57 a.m. AEST on Sunday morning for those watching live in Australia.

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HORSETV HD is the one and only international reference channel for the equestrian world, connected to millions of horse lovers, bringing the adrenaline, power and elegance of the sport straight onto their screens, guaranteeing the highest standards, 24/7.

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What time does Preakness 2024 start? The post time is at 6:50 p.m. ET but you can catch the coverage on NBC starting at 4:30 p.m. ET, or stream on Peaco*ck.


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